HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-04-27INFOR'.|,\Tl0N : 7 26 - 37 53 CIE:T OF SPF,I}TG-'-IEI-D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITY OF SPRI.'IGFIELD 516}I CONSTRUCTI O}J fND ELECTRICAL I},ISTALI,ATION CO}IB INATION APPL ICATIO}I/ PE R\IT II-SPECTIO:{ REQUESTS: 7:6- j:o9 LoCATIoN OF SIG}i(AoDRES5) LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}i OIT]{ER OF PROPERfi -2s 3 TAx LOT +/a o o "a\*, c> \> rs -\ PHONE AODRESS orf{ER 0F srcN(IF qn{ER T}IL\ pRopERTy ohNER) ADDRESS t I{A\IE OF BUSISESS.. FIf\T, ETC.-tU- Ut TYPE OF iioRii: ERECi l=tL TYPE OF BUSI}IESS ZTP PHONE IDENTITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE RELOCATE ALTER crntER dL NON- IDE)ITIfi SECONDARY -rI-SINGLE FACE _ IIULTI.FACE L\ FREEST.L\DIN6 PROJECTIN6 READER BOARD BILLBOARD t/tt*ut ROOF I'TARQUEE OTHER YENMRS srcN EREcioR_/v, frQ , Jl)tL09 Sr ADDR.ESS o 20 CIfi LICE\-SE :\u:.lBER & O - 79 p'5 PHONE EXP. DATE 6 G 4pA sIGN ItL\UFACTURER (IF oTIIER T'L{\ ERICToR) ADDRESS PHONE E LE CTR I C.{L COITR,\CTO R PHONE ADORESS NI,}IBER DI}IE\'S IE t.r)l.il-L(i ICI- .uiD CC:;STRUCTI0N INFOR\I{TION : TOTAL HEICiIT AEOVE GRADs //DI:I'IENSION OF SI6N 3 4't HORI]ONTAL WIDTH OF ST6N / 4VERTICALIDIIIENSION FRO}I GR,\D[ TO BOTTO}! OF SIGN Jd THICK)iESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN /) DOES SI6Y PRG'ECT SEYOND PROPER,fi LINE YES T/.NO IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERfi LINE iTSTE: IF PROJECTIO.\" IS:.|ORE TII:"\ I2', OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY T1IE SIGN ERECTOR |.ITJST FILE IVITTI THE BUILDI}IG DIVISIoN coPIEs oFHIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ,!.\D PROPERTY DA}!\68 INSURJ"\CE POLICIES. n{tr,ctat SI6N -ILLU}IINATED (INDIRECTLY LIGHIED)I{ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IVIRING? Z,{ES -I.IO IF DESCP.IBE TYPE OF I'.\TER,I.\LS S16}I IS CO}:STP.UCTED OF YESi, IJHICH APPLY?(*sfie 4. PROVIDE UL MJ}I8ER IF APPLICABLE vALUEoFsTGN ) doO.q SITE INFOR\IATION (L$D IjSE)--EXISTING USE OF EUILDING OR LAT\D (9R I"{ST USE IF YACA.\T);--* I PROPOSED USE OF BUILDII{G OR LA.I{D: CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE DOOR BUSINESS OI.,TIDOOR ISING EXISTING SIO{S (Si6N CODE): ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS?YES tF Es, DEscRTBE nr,l rx[rrxc.sIGNs..FoR grls.l,IEss, FIRV, ETC.:_ _ _ 16 Elv AIL EXISTIilG SIGNS 0N PREUISES(SA.UE TAX LoT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EX,r,\|INEO the conpleted application for peroit and do hereby certify that all inforoation hereon. is true andcorrect, and I further certify that all *ork performed shalt be done in accordance with the Springfield Sigtl Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopced by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws ofthe Scate of oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with theCity of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(J) and 9-7-20(2\; I rill requestalI required sign inspections listed on the approved pernit NA.IulE (PLEASE PRI:.IT)tJ,q/ tul . etLo*SIGNATURE ''rooru !zl-2> 0 SICN DISTRICT CO 14 /7 . INSPECTIoNS REQUIRED: SITE/LoCATI0N ZONE DISTRICT C _A TOTAL SQUARE fOOTACE OF SIGN FOOTING OR I'IETIIOD OF ATT.{C}I\IENT /4:ELECTRICAL {rllAl FEES: TOTAL FEE FOR PERUIT $ ao.4o STATE SURCH.IRCE 4 _OTHER SICN PERTIIT CTHRGES:/ *t.d o ELECTRICAL PER.\IIT CHARCES /to. o o TYPE OF SIGN: PLEASE iE.\O l) SeD3rrte Siqn .locl icltion: A seParate application is required for each separf,tc srgn rs Jefrneo in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any pernit issued under this applicacion will include wir- ing rn or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connecti.on must be made only by a State Licensed Electricrl Contracror. Illurninated signs (both internally and exrernelly) nust conform ro Sec!ions 9-7-.1 (4)&(5) and9-7-lg of the Springt'ield Sign Ordinance. 3) Pllns Reouired: This applicati.on is to be submitted wirh two completesels or plens draun ro scale, showing dinensions and heighf of sign; ad-vertising nessrge on sign; location of sign on propercy with dimensions to properEy lines, structual details of support framing, bracing andfootin3s; nsceriels of construcrion for sign and sign structure; elec- lricrl equipoent rn,J lighting; size and loiation of existing signs onproperly for the sa"ne business, all as required to deternine complianceuith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Articl.e 7 of the Springfietd CiryCode). Also. shos the following infornation on the plot plan (plan shouing propert). lines and location of signs): a) Show the locaci.on of all. existing sign(s) as well. as proposed sign(s). b) Shov the length of the stree! frontage taken up by rhe business or bui ld ing. c) Shov the locarion of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) lihen required, becruse of design, size, etc,, engineered drar+ings and calcul:tions nust be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conr-orm !o desi3n scandards on file at the Building Divi.sion Office. 5) Plans of insufficienc cl,arity or detail, will be lerurned to the ap- PlicfnB vish no pernrE being issued. 6) Signs nust meet corner vision clearance requirenencs as described inFig. 9 of the Springfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. 7) IiOTE: .r"o sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontallyor vertic:lly fron overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction frou overhead electrical lines vhich arc energized at less than 750 volts. ' 8) If e si,;n is noc instel,led r;ithin 60 days after the date of issue ofthis pernit, the per:.rit shall be void. 9) Insoect ions ibo4 5&?SO ,.i &?24.& /o,oo.lo @6 oP a) Sita Insoaction - to be rnade before the sign is placed. Usually,the i:ooi 1i:i: Inspecrion (if applicable) nay be roade at rhe sa.netine as rhe Srle lnspeccion. The Footing Inspection j.s to be uade efter hole(s) is excavated, but plior to the placernent of conc!et e. b) Fin:l Insoection - to be made upon conpletion of all work. c) Electricel - Atl electtical signs nust be inspected for electri-cal hook up efrer the si.gn is erected and before the sign is turncd on. cItL FOR T?rE REQUTRED II{SPECTIoNS 0N THE 24 HoUB TNSPECTTON LrNE AT726-s76s. i SPECIAL CONDITIOIIS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: PEIi}!IT ',,.\ ADDITIONAL INFOR\IATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I'IAY BE ISSI,JED: PLA,YS REVIEi{ED BY DATE cMgr..- \ C I'I'Y OF SPF,I}{GFIEI-D 'PRINGFIELD' oREGoN 97477 rI-spECTIo.\ REQUE'T': 7:6-5:be INFORIIATI0N : 7 26 - 37 53 CITY OF SPRI}:CFIELD S I G:{ CO.\STRUCT I OJ .T1\.I D E LECTR I CAL I)'iSTAL LTT ION CO}IB INATIO}I APPL ICATIO)i/ PE P.\IIT LOCATION OF SI0i(.{oDREsS)0 o\ N s .uJ \ J LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:'I d, 2€TAX LOT f oa PHONE OI{NER OF PROPERTY afo ADDRESS O'ii}-ER OE SIc){(IF ONIER T}L\\ PROPERTY OhNER) ADDRESS }Itr\E OF BUSINESS, FI&\I, ETC.Puh * tJ- t/,a pnoxu 3 6 /- T]'PE OF BUSITESS **t,> FP v ERECT RELOCATE ALTER ONIER _X IDENTIfi _ PROJECTINC INCIDENTAL K DOUBLE FACE NON. I DI".\ITITY SECONDAq,Y SINGLE .:ACE !ruLTI- F,\CE RS SiCN ERECIOR ADDR.ESS C]:TY LICENSE l?t f__ .____ 4x E .3 t'Ztg _2//___2Ze I n- 27 EXP. UATE I'IALL ROOF IVTARQUEE OTHER FREEST,{\DINC PROJECTIIiG READER BOARD BILLBOARD x SICN }I'"\UFACTURER (IF OTIIER TIL\\ERECTOR ADDRESS PHONE E LECTR I C.lL COTTRACTC R LI CENSE N$IBER ADDRESS r* o, t;- Z-TOTAL HEIGi{T ABOVE 6RAD5 /2 YERTICAL DITENSION OF SICN AL l{I DI:iE:{SICN FRO:I CR.\OT TO BO-ITO}I OF SICN 9'THICK.\-ESS 0R DEPTH OF SIGN } DoEs sr6N 'R.JECT BEyosD pRopERTy LINE _1rt z6 IF yEs, DII,ENSI.N BEyoND PR,PERTY LINE- IioTE: IF PRoJECTIo)i Is:.ioR[, TIIA.\ I2'. ovER PUBLIC PROPERTY TT{E SI6N ERECTOR I.ruST FILE I{ITII THE BUILDI}IG DIVISION COP.:ES OF HIS PUSLIC LIABILITY A\D PROPERTY DAIIAGE INSURA,\CE POLICIES. HILL SICN IIAVE ELECTRICAL I{IRI,YG? ,,4TS NO DESC.D.IBE TYPE OF }'ATE*I.\IJ SIIS}I IS 6N'"''-,F'O IF YES. hTIICH APPLY? P/rl ,y'rZ ILLUTTINATED (INDIRECTLY I IGHTED) OF PROVIDE UL MJ}.IBER IF APPLICABLE ,t ZZt Al4 I sITE INFoR\r\TIoN (Lr.\D usE)--ExIsrING usE oF BUILDTNG oh re..ro (gR LAST usE IF vACd\T); zz t 4 Ls- VALUE oF sIGN U a dd.9 PROPOSED USE OF BUILDI}.iG OR L$iD:t4t CHECK oNE Il APPLICABLE: .(jllooon _ourDooR EXISTING 516,15 (sicN CODE): ARE TTIERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES lvO IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EJISTIIiG.SI6NS..I0R !llSl:.)ESs, FIRY, ETC ru I *tt- Al,L EXISTING SIGNS 0N PREUTSES(SA,\IE TAX LoT) I HAVE CAREFULLY EX,$|INED rhe corDplered application for pernit and do hereby certify that all information hereon. is true and correct, and I further certify thar all r.ork performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign- Ordinance, the Uniforrn Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the Citf of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining ro the work described herein. I further certify that roy Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as requlred by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(J) and 9-7'20(2\. I will request all required sign inspecrions listed on the approved perrdt. NAME (PLEASE PR.JI ) ll fll l/t , C P, O t s s n// ru.A-,+ Y SIGN DISTRI CT fl-t i./ ,ZONE DISTRICT 4-S INSPECTIoNS REqUIRED: SITE/LoCATI0N FOOTING OR T{ET}IOD OF ATTACFT\IENT TOTAL SQUARE fOOTACE OF SIGN 4A XErscrnrc,u 2(rrxu FEES TOTAL FEE FOR PERUIT:./ sr'. Yo STATE SURCHARGE ,q OTHER SI6N PER}IIT: CTL{RGES:Fdq. o o ELECTRICAL PEfuTIIT: CTIARGES:S to. oc , vpe oF slcx:Rii: S]GN t. P l) !,.\ L I ,T Iol.lll Sien rrot i.-.rion: A. separate applicarion is required for eachsepar3re 5rgn rs derrneo rn the Sign Code. intern:r I Iy and e_rterna I ly)9-7-lS of rhe Springiield a) Site tqsoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, @ (if applicable) nay be made at the sarnetine as rhe Srre lnspecrj.on. The Footing Inspection is to beaade after hol.e(s) is excavated, but prior to the placenent of concrec e. b) Finel Insoection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electricel - All electrical signs nust be inspected for el.ectri-cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign isturned on. cAr-L FOR .n{E REQUIRfD I}{SPECTIoNS 0N THE 24 HOUB INSPECTION LINE AT726-3i69. :, SPECIAL CONDITI0I"S T0 BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTI0N OF SI6N: 2) Electrice : Any perni! issued under this s pplication will include wir-ng rn oE on sign structure the supply wi res for connection nust becovered on an electrical peonlv by a Srare Licenscd Ll r:nit. Electricel connection must be madeectrical Contractor. Illurninated s igns (bothmust conform to Sections g-7-.1 (a)6(5) andSign Ordinance 3) Plens R u i red: Th is applicarion is to be submitted wi th two completesecs ot p ans draun !o scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad-vertising nessage on si gn; location of sign on properry wich dimensionsto prope rty I ines, st ructual details of supPoTt framing, bracing andfoo r i ngs ; nrterials of construct ion for sign and srgn' sEructure; elec-tric:l equipment rnrl li ghting; si:e and loiation of existing signs onProperty for the sanre b usiness, all as required to deternine compliancerdith the Springficld Si gn Ordi.nance (Article 7 o f the Springfield Ci tyCode). Also, show the ioi lowing informati.on on the plot plan (planshot ing property lines and location of signs): a) shov the locacion of aI1 existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s) b) shou the rength of the streec frontage taken up by the busi.ness orbui ld iag. c) shou liss locarion of entrances open to the public and dri.veways. h'hen required, because of design, size, etc,, engineered drawings andcalculrrions nusr be prepared by a licensed engiieer or shall confor*to desr.gn scandards on file ar the Building Oj.vision Office. Plans of insuffi.cient clarity or detail wil.t be returned !o the ap_plicanr Bich no pernit being issued signs nust ineer corner vision clearance requirements as described inFig. 9 of rhe Spri.ngfield Conprehensive Zoning Code. l(orE: lio sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontallyor verticslly fror:r overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750volts, or less thf,n 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electricarlines nhich are energized at less than 7S0 volts. . If e si;n is no! inst:lled r,'ithi.n 60 days after the date of issue ofthis perair. the per:rit shall be void. fnsDect ions: 4) s) 6) B) e) &*#ro 7)ilw w ,JP lo ?? . rl06,fi CLERK DATE Cl'u-yk- ka.\0 P ADDITIONAL INFOR\IATION NEEDED BEIORE PER},IIT IIAY BE ISSTJED pLA.\s REVTEI{ ,, ,r, {. (/--Lrn--z*,^--nt DATE {*d7_trz- \ 5t 2trt t/tne 5oI C r l/'jl 7 \ 7 E- IGffiFIlPizzalrFF 6i;Br; ,EP*t h - ,,7 rGodlat F- t) 1:,t { I AROS