HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-11-08Job #8402-D-l Tex. #51-tT5-Lo3L BUII,DING & SIGN PERMIT SUBMITTAT for the ACE-LIFT' & SIGN REPLACEMENT WORK at the EXISTING TE ACO SERVICE CENTER at L376 Mohawk Highway & "M" Street, Springfield, 0R Subnitted byr Richard, L. Webb, Archi.tect LO32O S.l{. Washington St. Portland, Oregon 9?225 Novenber 8, 19811 I INDEX of DOCU[IEN!S GEI{ERAI A. COVER LETTER TN REGARDS EO PURPOSE & INTENT B. PROJECT SUMMARY S}TEETS C. EXISTTNG FACILITIES PHOTOS D. VARIANCE IETTER & APPLICATTON FORMS }. "FRONT.YARD" VARIANCE 2. FREE-STANDING SIGN . HT. VARIANCE I,EGA], A. LEGAT DESCRIPTION B. PLAT MAP .CoDES & oRDTNANCES_ A. ZoNrNc oRDTNANCE (nXCenprS) B. SrcN oRDTNANCE (nXCnnprS) DRAWTNGS & MISCELTANEOUS A. TEXACO DRAWING #1 . SITE PLAN & ELEVATTONS B. TE](ACO STANDARD SIGN DETAILS . CANOPY & MISCI. C. FREE STANDING SIGN DRAWING D. BUILDING FACE.LTFT & CANOPY METAIWORK DRAWINGS & CALCUIATIONS (SY MAOTSON, INC.) E. TYPICAL COLORS a fL - rII. IV RICHABD L. WEBB ABCH ITECT ro3PO B.l^,. WA6H. AT.,/ PGIF|TLANC!. CTF|EGION 97pC5 (6ct3) ?ee,-s43e october 24, 1984 Rer "Face-Lift" & Sign Replacement Submittalsfor Design Review,Building & Sign pernits Job #8402-o City of Springfield Planning & Building Dept. 225 N. 5th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 9?4?? Dear Sirsr 0n behalf of rexaco rnc., r am submitting the requireddocuments and drawings for your Design Rdview, ariira:.ngPermit and sign permit apprbvals. Ai a consuitantfor Texaco, Inc., IrRich-ara fr. Webb, Architect havebeen retained to obtain the Building and sign peimits Irgcessary to implement rexaco's arei-wide uuitaing"faee-lift" and- sign replacement program. Thg building "face-lift" and canopy d.rawings andcalculations have been prepared f-oi fexaco-Inc. ,!V Madison fnc., of Los-Angeles California. Th;schematic site Plan and si[n Drawings rrere preparedfor Texaco inc., to reflect the totIl resigilin'g p"ogr"nin regards to.gisn design, location and coforsl'slEcific lisn construction shop drawings are avaj.rabre fromTexaco Inc., upon request. Progam f ntent r Both the building and sign d.rawings refrect a newarea-wide attempt by Texaco Inc., to ,'up-date,' and,modernize their existing buirding facilities andinitiate an overa'r r "werI-planned" Jigrr-p"ograrn.As shown on the drawings, Lignage is-inciuaEa as partof the total design concept in lieu of the exisii-ng"non-planned', di-organiz-ea """"y or-"ii"" that exist?! the-present service center. eolors ilsed for boththe.building and signage programs reflect d""i*--' -- continuity and good-color- coSrdination uv "iiiiri"gcontrasti-ng colors of sirnilar hues. { 1 P. 2 Code Compatabilltvr The proposed bullding "face-1lft" lE essentlally anon-structural rehabilltation to the exlstlng facad.Since the canopy facia has been increased ln-depth,structural calculations are submitted to subetantlatethe structural integrlty of the new canopy shape.Signs are proposed as shown on the drawings and reflectthe lntent of the governing Eign codes and/or requlrements. Proposed Signaee r Following 1s a list of proposed new signs to replace what now exists at the Senrlce Center. Each is shown lndetail on the drawings and is enumerated e:rplicitlyin regards to design, locatlon, size, square footage and related colorsr ( 1)Free Standine Sienr A twin-pole, illuminatedsign with the Texaco Logo and compar\y name and designation at the top is shown on the drawings with an illuminated message board i(price sign).F"19*. A1+_giglage will be installedin accord with the specific height limitations as per the respective Ordinance requirements. (2) Canopv Siensr 28-inch high illurninated plasticj€tte-rs Tr'Exaco") and refated round 28"'diarroeter Comparly Logo are proposed on two sides of thecanopy. The front side (facing the street)utilizes only the logo for ident5.ty. (3) WaIl Mounted Siensr Non-lighted, plastic lettersidentifying the building use (ier "Servj.ce Center") a.re proposed at the locations shown on theSite Plan and Building Elevations. (4) Product Sienaeer New prod.uct signage will bepainted letters on a netal background as Ehownon the drawings. Existing product signage willbe coordinated with governing restrictions andeither removed or upgraded to meet local restricti.ons. Summarv r The proposed "Face-Li.ft" and Sign Replacement program was lntroduced to governing authorities ln a pie-aesignmeetlng that was obtained to review in detail- thecompatability of the program in regards to local codes,Ordinances and sumounding properi{es. As erplained ln the pre-deslgn meeting, the basicconcept of the Texaco program ls to upgrade thelrexlstlng Service Center lnto a facility that will becompatable with and enhance the surrounding area.To achleve th1s, your approval of the proposed rehabll-ltation program as submitted will be appreclated. ( ( P. 1 ( If you have arry .guestlona In regarde to the wrltten d,ocumentary and,/or the drawlnga aB aubmlttedr pleaae Iet me know. s1 Ln$L- Rlchard L. Webb' Architect ( ( RICHARD L. WEBB ARCHITECT I O 3eO B.W. WA6H. eT. / PGIFTTLANEIT c,F|EGIclN D7tt5 (6cl3) ?g,e _ 9.r3e October 24, 1984 Rer "Face-Lj.ft" & Sign Replacement Submittalsfor Design Review,Building & Sign Permits Job #8402-D City of Springfield Planning & Building Dept. 225 N. 5th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 9747? Dear Sirsr 0n behalf of rexaco rnc., r am submitting the requireddocuments and'd.rawings for your Design R6view, ariitaingPermit and Sign Permit approvals. Ai a Consultantfor Texaco, fnc., IrRichard L. Webb, Architect havebeen retained to obtain the Buirding and Sign permits necessary !o implement Texaco's area-wide building"face-lift" and sign replacement program. Thg building "face-1ift" and canopy drawings andcalcuLations have been prepared for Texaco Inc.,by Madison fnc., of Los Angeles California. TheSchematic Site Plan and Sign Drawings were preparedfor Texaco inc., to reflect the total resigning programin regards to gign design, location and colorsl - Specific !ign construction shop drawings are available from-Texaco Inc., upon request. Progam Intent r Both the building and sign drawings reflect a newarea-wide attempt by Texaco fnc., to ,'up-date" andmodernize their existing building facil-ities andlnitiate an overall "we11-planned" sign program.As shown on the drawings, signage is incluaea as partof the total design concept in lieu of the existing"non-planned", disorganized array of signs that exlstat the present Servi-ce Center. Colors used for boththe building and signage programs reflect designcontinuity and good color coordination by utilizingcontrasting colors of similar hues. 1 P, 2 @, The proposed building "face-Iift" ls essentially a non-structural rehabilltation to the existing facad.Sinee the canopy facia has been increased in depth,structural calculations are submitted to substantiatethe structural integrlty of the new canopySigns are proposed as shown on the drawingsthe intent of the governing sign codes and/ Proposed Si-gnase r ehap and €.reflector requirementg. Following is a list of proposed new signs to replace what now exists at the Serrrice Center. Each is shown indetail on the drawings and is enumerated e:rplicitlyin regards to design, location, sj.ze, square footage and related colorsr (1) Free Standine Sisnr A twin-poIe, illuminated sign with the Texaco Logo and company name and designation at the top j-s shown on the drawings with an illuminated message board(price sign) . F"19*. A1+ _gigpge will be installedin accord with the specific height limitations as per the respective 0rdinance requ5.rements. (2) Canopv Siens: 28-inch high illurninated plasticffrErcxaco") and. refated round 28"- diameter Comparly Logo are proposed on two sides of thecanopy. The front s-ide (facing the street)utilizes onJ.y the logo for identity. (3) Wa1l Mounted Siensr Non-lighted, plastic lettersilaentifvins tne luilding use (ier t'service Center") a.re proposed at the locations shown on theSite Plan and Building Elevati.ons. (l+) Product Signase r New product sigrrage will be painted letters on a metal background as shown on the d.rawings. Existing product sigrrage will be coordinated with governing restrictions andeither removed or upgraded to neet local restrictions. Eumrnarvt The proposed "Face-Lift" and Sign Replacement program was lntroduced to governing authorities ln a pre-design meeting that was obtained to review in detail the compatability of the program in regards to locaL Codes, Ordinances and surrounding properites. As e:rplained ln the pre-design meeting' the basic concept of the Texaco program ls to upgrade their existlng Service Center into a facillty that w111 be compatable with and enhance the surrounding area. To Lchleve thls' your approval of the proposed rehabll- ltation program as submitted will be appreclated. P. I If you have ar\y .questlons ln regards to the wrltten documentary and,/or the drawlngs as aubnltted, pleaselet ne know. nc ichard L. Webb, Architect Job #840 z-D-t Tex. #6j-L? 5-103r PRoJECT STTMMARY SITEET (Lt/8/}Lt) Texaco Service Center #53-L75-1031 L)76 Mohawk Highway and 'M' StreetSpringfield, Oregon 9?477 Pro iect r - Building "Face-lift" and Sign Replacement Project A. Buil (By ding "Face-Lift" and Canopy Facia Madison, Inc. - General Cbntractors) Canopy Fascia Signs Building WalI Signs Product Signage (Spreader Panels) City of Springfield, Oregon L982 Uniform Building Code and Cityof Springfield Zoning and Sign Ord.inances. B. c. D. Jurisdiction: - -Tax Lot r TL # LOOO3r- q&y Mapi ct[ # t? .0325 Iegal Description and PIat Map: picked up copies. City Sign Ordi4qnce;Sect 9-?-7 (Commercial District) (Auitaing and Sign Permits)City Requirementsr A. Devel-opment Coordinatipn Approval: Submi t- [3IEe t s-lilO o n c e p tlo ha]f-Dr aw ings and B Details and Narrative as required for Design Approval ( see Articte #t8 - "DevelopmentCoordination Requirements"), (Submitted ontt/tt/84) Variance Requests as needed will have to be appl ied for after Development Review results )are known. (See Board of Appeals requirenents C. Buildine and Sign Permit Sublurttalsi W of the- final Site PIan andBuilding Elevations showing the "Face-Lift" work and sign locations. Submit details of signs andrelated colors. Structural calculati-ons arerequired in regards to the canopy work. (WiJ-I take 10-14 days to revi-ew and approve the project after submittaL, assuming all goes well.) 1 City Zonez Commercial - "Major Retail" - { Building permit drawings may be submitted ineonjuetion with Board of Appeals Varianee Requestto e:rpedite the project pl_an revi_ew process. Job #8402-D-1 Tex. #63-t?5-ro3r 80 sf/face (r) 20 ft. I ft. (1) 4pp. for Deve]opment Coordirration Approval.(Subnitted /re[. Drawings and. Docuirints - LT/44/BU) (2) Board of Appeals - Hearings Request Forms. (:) Building and Sign perait Forms, ' _9ourments r There should be_ "no-problem" with existing zoning inregards t9 _tlre Building Permit since we are proposinga "Face-Lift" only. A Yariance wiII be requ-ire-d toallow the new island to be installed within 10 ftof the property line (Code a1lowable dist. is lB ft).'Signs must stay within the aIlowable limits of the 9ity EfSr, 0rd,irrance in regards. to area and height.(See "Sign Restrictions" below). Sign Restrictionsr (AbUreviated from Ordinance) A. !'ree Standing Identity Sigr 1. Maximum allowable arear i o r r r r . . . Applicati ons ! 2. Number of free standing signs allowed.... 3, Maxi-mum height... .. ,. ... ............ 4. Minimum height within the 25' cornerttvision trianglett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. WaIl mounted and other si gns: 1. Maximum al1owabIe area. (Not incl. F.S. Sign).. BO sf 2, fncidental signs such as "Service Center',,etc. must be within the 80' sf max. allowabIearea. 3. Reader Board Signs are allowed and are partof the total sign area......... r........... r... 4o sf face Pre -Constructi on Conference w/ C,.ty of Springfield. !0/?4(8t! met w/Loren-pleger (planning and BuitdingDept.) to review project requirementi in detail an-d pick up al.l related data and application forms.Submitted Drawings and Documents a-s- required. for"Development Review" process. (Hearirg i" set fortt/t/84) . The project looks good to all concerned. and thevariance request for the Fuel Is1and setback is the onJ.y obstical that will hold up the approval process. ( 2- Job #8402-D-1 frex. #51-tz s-1031 "Resul-ts" of Development Review Heari Loren Pleger calIed (Ll/t/84) with the results from the D.R. Hearing. An "affirmitive" response was granted to proceed /the project subject to thefollowing conditionsr 1. Arrarianee- is needed. to allow a 10 ft island setback in lieu of the Code required 18 ft. Due to the exi-sting situation and site. locat.ion,the variance request is within the intent and context of the governirrg codes. 2. A variance is neede.d for any sign situation that standard.s. (ie: freebannot meet the required standing sign height limit of 20 ft.) 3.Aff }andscapingwithin the front-yard setback 4. @t to 30" maximun height. Driveways. traffic. circulati-on. etc. receivedstaff approval. Building and Sign Pernit Applications may be applied for sinutaneously w/tne Variance Request to e:gredite the Plans Review process. Assuming "a11 goes weIl", permits could be issued on December /th. Documents and Fees for Variances nust be 984 to be on the December 5 meeting agenda. Drawings on filewill suffice for the Variance Hearings, only the Application Forms and Revisi-ons are needed for submission. 5 (- cc I 3 , RICHARD L. WEB ANGH ITECT (EO3) eCC -349a November 10, 198& Re: Variance Submittals for the - Texaco Service Centerat 1376 Mohawk Highway(Tex. Sc #63-1?5-to3L) Mr. Lorne Plegerc/o City of Springfield Planning Department ?25 N. 5th StreetSpringfield, Oregon 9?4?7 proposed but a Variance is requested to a1]ow anoveralL height increase to 22'- 2" totaI. The 2'- 2"deviation above the maximum height limitation allowsfor an B-ft. minj-mum height clearance and the use of"standard-size" Texaco signsr &s shown on the attached Drawing #SD-1. Readerboard Sien:ffi 6'- 1" (24,?4 sf "net" area) and isthe standard size of the Readerboard. Dear Lorne z Enclosed are copies of the Variance Request Forms and Checks #ttog & #t110 for $3o.oo each, to initiate our request in regards to Section #4.O6-C of the Springfield Zoning Ord.inance and Articl.e #9-?-? of the Sign 0rdinance,pertaining to the proposed. "Face-Lift" and Sign fmprovementproject for the Texaco Service Center at t3?6 Mohawk Highwayand'M' Street, Springfield, Oregon. After an "exact" area calculation of signs for the project, the following outline is listed for your reference(please refei to the Drawtng #7 on file and attached Diawing #so-r): A. Free-Standine IjentiWlprice Sigrr: to remain as B included asIdentityr/Pri an integral part of the Free-Standing ce Sign. C. Qanppy Sisns:to remain as submitted with two "Texaeo"letter signs and three "Star-Iogos". The "Texaco" is composed of 30" Irigtr separate letters w/7" metal framesaround. This leaves a "net size" of 28" high x 1J-footlong total sign area (lS sf) . The logos ar6 z'- g" dia.and as per our telephone conversation will not be inclucledin the total area count. 7 ( Page 2. Variance Submittals D BuiLdine Si-gns (Wa:-f mounted ) r Plastic, non-illuminatedffie Center" are proposed to be wa1l mounted on the building fascia. The letters are "Helvetica-Bold.", white , \3" caps and 8" Iower case fetters (Z-sf total/sign).Since only 80 sf of total sigr area is a11owed, signson the North Elevation of the building will be eliminated. 0n1y the front elevation (East) sign will be installedunder this Contract and Permit. 8.. Incidental & Required Fueling Island Sig-:rsr As perour teleth ding the "spreader panels" are in conformance with the governingSpringfield Sign 0rdinance. I assume aIl items mentioned in our telephone conversation have been addressed in the enclosed submittals. If something,has been omitted or overlooked, or there are ar\y questionsin regards to the preject- or submittals thus far, pleaselet me know. Please confirm the meeting tine and placefor the December 6th Variance Hearing. Sincerely, Richard L. Webb, Architect Encl: Variance Requests (two-total). Free Standing SiSn Drug. #SO-1. cc! Texaco, fnc. { Ldr G rl rl I I bL\r At(r$5 htlf l\.l.UlltilA\ED '!n*Ott DIE- rugs ELsltrE - F.CE mrlpstE , 3r rrrr rebc FaIhlEslN €t$lfih(t af.$;-. 38il F0CE e fi\,nq }lta BArtf - 4,*t? -rcn{ A. Salr FAc: t\,?2r7 ifrl, F^rfc l.** o, 3 .}$ sD-t a ( 318 a D fD pc'r'.- S+Ltc'r $r**ba" kS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS REQUEST FOR HEARING SPrtINGFIELD L0CATI0N 0F PR0PERTY: L375 lvlo]ravyk itlqf .r Springfield, 0regon(Corner of Moliawk Hwy., & "M" Stieet) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AEOVE PROPERTY: Lot #Block #Tract OR Tax Lot # 10003 Reference i Map t7 .0i25, jj OI.,NER }IAME: Texaco, Ine. 38Oq N.W. St. Helens Road, Portland, Oregon 972t0ADDRESS: PHONE:226-3575 (Portland 0R) PETITIONER NAI'IE:Richard L. Webb. Architect ADDRESS:lA)2O S.W. Washingt on St., Portland, Oregon 9?225 PHONE:2g2-g432 (Portland, OR)ArchitecturaL Consultant Status of Job: Not Started -[ Under Construction Completed- spEclFrc 0RDINANCE ' 0R C0DE SECTI0N IN QUESTION:#4.o6 rtem 'c' Nature of Request (state fully)z Zoting Ordinance requires an 18 foot setback for a Service Station Punp fsland. Our request is to trtIOw a IO foot 'Front-Yard, Setback" in lieu o -TEe a4 Foot exists is to a1low for two islands and a minimal sDace between for vehicular access. The 2nd island is needed to facili tate customerg & "speed,- (APPLICANT MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE AT PRESENT) Initial Appl ication: $30.00 l',lodification of Initial uest:$l 2.00 APPLI CAIIT' S SIGIIATURE up' fueling operations BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING O w/4 t R HAVE Date Paid: nature of the requestINOTE: Six copies of a aru"ing6frt'i. rnrst accompany this application. pamphlet #1. For further information see information thaL preeertliF erieter lfhe I feet reqr*eet beyend what prcsentllr st ct h/ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS REQUEST FOR HEARING SPRTNGFIETI' LOCATIoN 0F PROPERTY: 13?6 lUlohawk Hwy., Springfield, oregon LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ABOVE PROPERTY: Lot # Block # (Corner of llohawk IIwy., & "Mrr Street) Tract OR Tax Lot # 10003 Reference I llap 77 .0325.33 3800 N.W. St. Helens Road, Portland, Oregon 972tOADDRESS: PHONT:226-35? 5 (Portrand, OR) PETITIoNER NAME; Richard L. Webb, Architect ADDRESS:tO32O S.W. Washi Street, Portland, Oregon 97225 PHONE:292-94)2 (Port1anal,0R) Archite ctural Consultant Petitioner is:Contractor -resTg[er _-T Status of rlob: ilot Started x. ' Under Constructlon - Conrplet.i-- SPECIFIC oRDINANCE # 0R CODE *rron IN QUESTI0I{: {ign Ord. #g-z-z 'rtem #tb. The Si Ord.inance limits Free-Stand.iNature of Request (state fullv):Identity signs to z0-ft.Iallow an ase to 22'-2" to ide fsr a cohb ined '" '' : melimitation within the 2 'x 25' corner "vision-trj-alt si owerto 5'- 10 in hei t at the bottom.The total area e ngs gn S wn on a ng (APPLICANT MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE AT BOARD OF APPEALS I'IEETING OR HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT) Initial Appl ication: $30.00 Date paid: I'hdi fication of Ini tial Reques $l z.,} h..APPLICAI{T' S S IGNATURE t{0TE: Six copies of a drawing must accompany this app pamphlet #.l. to s o(sti '*...bF.-) sufficient the request ee informationcation. For further information s OtrNER iIAME: Texaco , f nc . I rdt 6t-tll la"tIITT A. -ril**- gEtl F03E - !1,Pry }ltI tlrlllE- 4,*t? Lr,\- BtANb AtE ltIUiltHA\ED en*9tt DlE- t1lE6 ELalga . -I,l vI? q -cI tI W, FgotrrE AEJ\D STE CITNTED r}l SNNL **) ,Ol , 3r xfr a^&r P1aNhlEs1; ptArs?r?*b eRs.. EElr W, Z\f23F rm, Frr,* l,*4 o, =$Is SD-1 Effi, O'F a - - I ( €4 :SKIE \lroe-fr CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION APPROVAL The undersigned hereby request that the following real property more particularly described below be considered for Development Coordination Approval in accordance with Article lB of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. The applicant must furnish the fol'lowing information:1) Legal description(s)2) Proof of ownership3) Proof of authority for applicants acting as the owner's agent Total Land Area:Zoni ng District; Commercial- "Major Retai.l" Property Location:t)76 Mohawk Hwy., Springfiel-d, Oregon (Corner of Mohawk Hwy. & 'rMrr Street) Map and Tax Lot #: Map !?,0)25.)3 Tax Lot #LOOO) PIans Prepared By : Texaco, Inc. & Madison, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona(Rlchard ],. Webb, Architectural Consultant) 0vuner(s ): Texaco, fnc., 3800 N.W. St. Hele 70)20 S.W. Washington St., Portland, 0R,Telephone # 292-9432 (Portland 0R) 97225ns Road, Portland, Oregon 97270 (Mr. Ray Curtis)Tel ep hone # 226-Portland,0R) C ( Texaco Inc. has a Io term lease on the er from the Telephone # Builder: Madison, Inc., ZLOO South 11th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (Mr. Mike Sentell)Telephone # sent "Use" (6027 252-ioyj Descriotion of Intended Use:' facitity. The ttr t No change in pre as a "Service Station" Canopy enl-ar gement and new re p1 acement signage of the free-standinl FEES: Ido set APPL Development Coordination fees are based on Please check one of the fol'lowing: $'100,000.00 or less valuation $loo,ooo.00 - $25o,ooo.oo. . $250,000.00 - $500,000.00. . . $5oo,0oo.o0 or more. r the value $ 30.00 $ oo.oo -$ go.oo - $r s0.00 - of the project to be reviewed. Received by Date _hereby declare that all plans submitted fulfill and comply with a1l provisions Iqfl! by Section 18.0.l through 18.07 of the Springfield Coirprehensive Zoning Code. ICANT: Richard L. Webb, Architect (for Texaco , Inc. )NAME (please print): SIGNATURE: (TITLE:Architectura] Consultant ( repre senting Texaco,Inc. ) ADDRESS:70320 S.W. Washi n Street, Portland, 0R 9?ZZ5 TELEPHONE:292-9t+3? (portland, Oregon) actual recorded. "land-owners". ) rr,I,EGAL B. IEGAI DESCRTPTTON PLAT MAP A. &I t2t $t2'tu CD (,(,oo - o 1'), N. -tt a { 7l FI rft { jl-rJt(rloo I uro 8i,..t (, {I rn m { Nor {7' rft rn { .sD.tl:5r_a STREET to I Go NIoN I Hd at r, f\) oo tll' , N @ I og'la'[ ooo(, l Iap '{ oao //'V _o iL !2."-'z- -\- , aO. // 'U \ooIto l*It to ot s (o 8(.rl @ o)oo { (o (,l 8 f\)(osoo @()ot! t!J .,,t (o (ooo ,ti ao 6\ h qCARTER LAN Eql { too.oyE. @iir.i.ri:;t .i tor. -- S o)ooa 0 /o a 5 Moptt Ot2Ss SWI/4 SeG25 T.l7,S. R,pW.W.M. .I ,. LANE COUNTY ,,.,l' l"=lOOl llr 4 I o t\q !v wS / l'7 03 ?5'3 3 (:!$ll,r lil $ to' @ -loo CD CDoo at.a(, a (o otooo o @ ruoo @ @soo (rl ,\) -f +f- @ {o ,Scr llop t? 03 25.1 z o PRINGFIELI) 1:' ^l 1r N(, (,r N t, olq,o,o ctr(, 8 ,1.' I^ 6a a I 6 N'oo (rl A. (, @(oI i L. : A I rrr.ORDTNANCES zoNrNc oRDTNANCE (sXCsnprS) srcN oRDTNANCE (nxCnnprs) A B. {P P P P s P P P P p x x x x x (rp. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. Tby shops Ttading stamp redenption center transportat ion terminals Trave1 agencies Ifltrolesaling, war€hou-sing as an accessorx/ use O{ tr CMR s/c s/c Additional uses' sirnilar in nature,' sizer' tnrlk, parking coverage and traffic genbr- ation to those uses pernttted in each" particuiar d.istrict S/C ( 4.G5 YARD RQUTREMENIS In all csrrercial districts each lot sha1l have yards of not less than the following sizes unless otheruise provided for irr this Article. A. hont yard 1O feet B. Side yard None requitd, e*cept for the following eireumstances: L Wen abutti,ng res'LdentiaLly zoned property BuiUing setbaek 10 feet Parking setback 5 feet 2 Wen sil.e yatd.s are pnooiled they shall not be Less tltmt 3 feet in uvtdth to allou maintenance access. C. Bear yard I{one requird, ereept for the follouing circunsturces uhen abutting residenti.a.Lly zoned property : Buildirq setbaek Parki.ng setbaek ALLey setbaek 70 feet 5 feet, 3 feet 23 D. Accessory buildi:rgs sha11 be subject to the setback reguire- nrents of the rmin building. E. Ilor the purpose of providing solar a@ess pnotectlon, the north side setback shall be sufficient to ensure that the proposed stnrcture shall not shade the southfaciag walIs and rooftops of structures on the adjacent north lots, b+ tween the hours-of 9:3O a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Deceder 2I. Ttre north side setback shall be determined through an analy- sis of shading patterns. lhe DLreetor of Pthlie Works may grant eaentptiarts to this setback allouing the shoding of aLL or a portton of the southfaeing ualLs artd rooftops after ,L finding tlnt substanttal difficulties erist uith respect to topogr.aphU, northfaetng slopes, unusunl Lot configur'- attons and orLentation, and practical building design. F. Ilhere easenents are larger than the requir.ed yard setback, no building or structure shall be built upon the easerent or within the required yard setback. Additional fnont, side or rear yard setbacks nay be re- quired for vision clearance, safety vehicle access, building safety, etc. C G +-l .4.06 ADDITIOML YARD nWTIREMENTIS This section addresses those uses wtrich tlpically :require a Ourditional Use Permit or $pecial Use Permit because of their potentially greater irrpact on str:rounding pemdtted uses: A. Churches: Ftont yard Side and rear yard 15 feet 20 feet Hospitals: r)ont yard Side and rear yard Service station punp island 18 feet Tlelephone booths, bus stop strelter and other special public convenience stmctur€s: Idone if approved for vi-sion clear- ance by the Director of Public Works. 4.O7 LC,I Srru RTJrREIIEIiS Ttre mininnun tot size in all colnrercial districts is 6,000 square feet with a minimrm 45' of street frcntage. Ereeptions to these requirements may be alloued for the follouing: A. Lots ereated prior to adoption of this OrdinanceB. Pareels ereated thtough tlte putition proeessC. Panhattdle Lots may haue a redtced stneet frontage of 40 feet 4.O8 I.oT @IERAGE AND DmETTY RWTIREMB{TS There are no 1ot coverage and density requirenents eceept as prouided in the yatl setbaek otd offstreet parking requirements. 4.O9 BUrrDIrre m, STBTnUnAL rmlGrr AEQUTREMED{TS A. In the CN disJrict the ra,xtunnn building height strall be 20 feet as nea.sured frun the highest point on the rrof to the average fiaished grade. Ttrere are no building height limit- ations in the @ or QvIR districts unless abutting an RL or RM district. In this case-the building height limitation in the OC and Gt{R districts sha1l be no greater than that B feet feet 30 50 C D ( 24 ( ( t,t ( penrdtted in the RL or RM districts for a distance of 50 feet. Flor the puryose of pr.oviding solar access protection, the north side setback stratl be sufficient to ensure that the proposedstnrctureshallnotshadethesouthfacingwalls'ana roottops of stnrctures on the adjacent norlh lots, be- tween the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 2:3O p'm' on Decenbet 2]-' Ttre north side setback sha1l be determined through an analysis of shading patterns. The Direetot of Publte Wot'ks nay grott eaeeptioiti to tt i" setbaek allouin.g the sluding of itt or a portion of the southfacing -ualls and t'ooftops ittZi irrai.ig ttut su'bstantiat itfftculties ectst ttith oZ"pnit tu tbpographg'. north faeing- slopes, unusual Lot ;ift **"ti ons Lrra otrl. n"t ati. on' and pr ac t i e aL bui'L ding desi,gn. Accessory buildings in all connercial districts sha11 be limited to the height of the nain building'B ( 25 (. n (b) Inc'idental signs indicating services, trading stamps, prices, credit cards or other information, not including product advert'ising, may be attached to the building structure, or may be listed on one permanently installed sign struc- ture, not over ten (10) feet total height above grade, and set back at least fifteen (15) feet from the property line. Signs announcing special features may a'lso be displayed on this structure. (c) The total surface area of all signs associated with one business, except the identity sign, as pr6vided in subsection (4)a. above, sha'll not exceed eighty (80) square feet. 9-7 -7 Cormercial Dis trict. These sho pping areas include concentrated commercial1- developments a'long arterials or collectors, which are approached primarily by car at designated speeds. The businesses are not under one management, have no relationship to one another, and therefore, all the regu'lations applied to the inte- grated shopping center cannot be used here. No signs are as large as the single f identity sign for an integrated shopping center. The brightness, intensity and rL Iocation standards in these areas are intended to protect the surrounding areas and to preserve their values. The following graphic representation shows some of the general signage regu)ations for this district, and is not intended to substitute for specific regulations in this section. 2 ci'- Mor:e. V)slNZit:Z5 T ^AAx, 0Ae aJ3,$e,g /v'AXt/,'.jrli. tu*lrrcetucdlaia- 2no+-A(E lTff L AAXIM'J/v\oLrTW. IAEP414.1.1Pl5lNq d)+1r{o5ffi T la' 30' /'14(. I 20t ,r AX'tIt I i 11' AIN.trAN( t(*E l,#1g4Yrg lN plA ILr-ugTRA-iloN A The following signs shall be permitted on properties located within areas designated} as "Commercial District" on the Sign District Map, part one: (1) General. All signs shall be subject to the following provisions: 15 ,r /qAX//,\U/r\ l@91€ftL FT,G, (a) All signs shall be located completely within the property line in a a manner that prohibits vehicles from coming within two (2) feet of any portion of the si( (b) One identity sign for each se parate business occupan cy is permitted, whether roof or pole mounted for indoor bus'inesses, and roof, po'le or wall-mounted for outdoor merchandising businesses. Wall signs for indoor busfnesses are covered in Section (2) (a) 1. This'identity sign shall be not over twen 20 feet total hei ht above grade. Such signs shall not have over eiqhtv (80 ) square feet of surface area for one face, or one hundred and six ty (160) square feet of total surface area for two a or more faces. (c) Where two or more businesses elect to use a single identity sign or located their separate identity signs at a single location, one identity sign, pole-mounted or roof-mounted, not over thiity (30) feet in height from grade shalI'be allowed in addition to the signs permitted in Section 9-7-7(2) except that only one pole-mounted sign per street frontage is allowed. Such signs shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet in surface area for one face and four hundred (400) square feet for two or more faces for a single overall identity sign for al1 businesses served; or forty (40) square feet in surface area for one face.and eighty (80)square feet for two or more faces for each business if separate identity signs are used at a single location. (d) No projecting sign shall be erected within twenty (20) feet of an adjacent wall or projecting sign measuring from center to center of adjacent projecting signs or from the center of a projecting sign to the edge of an adjacent wall sign, if such signs are in the same horizontal plane. (21 Indoor businesses. The following signs shall be permitted: (a) One of the following identity signs on each separate business occupancy, as allowed below: 1. One wall sign, the surface area of which shall be limited to not more than three (3) square feet for each Iineal foot of building wall for thd ground floor occupancies; occupants of the second and subse- 16 o L quent fioors may -ve one identity wa11 sign with - maximum surface area of two (2) square feet, in the form of a building directory. Each wall of a building adjacent to a public street shall be considered separately. Each separate business establishment shall be permitted a minimum of fifty (50) square feet of sign surface area with a maximum of three hundred fifty (350) square feet of surface area on any one sign face. 2. One projecting or pole-mounted sign, not over twenty (20) feet total height above grade. Such signs shall not have over eighty (80) square feet of surface area for one face, or one hundred and sixty (160) squre feet of total surface area for two or more faces. (3)0utdoor merchandi sing. (a) One identity sign for each separate occupancy, roof, wall or pole- mounted, not over twenty (20) feet total height above grade. Such signs shall not have over eighty (80) square feet of surface area for one face, or one hundred and sixty (t001 square feet of total surfaces for two or more faces. - (b) Incidental signs indicating services, trading stamps, prices, credit cards or other information, not including product advertising, may be attached to the building structure, or may be listed on one separate, permanently installed sign structure, not over ten (10) feet total height above grade and set back at least fifteen (15) feet from the front property Iine. Signs announcing special features may also be disp'layed on this structure. (c) The total surface area of all signs, except the identity sign, as provided in subsection (c)(1) above, shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet. (4) Readerboard Signs. Readerboard signs, not over forty (40) square feet in C, surface area for one face, or eighty (80) square feet in surface area for two or more faces, shall be allowed for all businesses except entertainment businesses' as defined- Entertainment businesses are permitted readerboard signs which are no larger than eighty (80) square feet in surface area for one face, or one hundred and sixty (160) square feet j in surface area for two or more faces g-7-8 Modified Freeway District. t'lodified freeway district signs are related to automobiles approaching at higher speeds. Higher signs are allowed here than'in l7 PAGE 1. MINUTES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION BOARD PROJECT: Texaco Inc.Island & Buildin F f DATE: November 1, 1984 Meeting Information A. Staff Members: D. c. /l 84-22 Traffic Div'ision: Greo Mott. Plannino Deoartmen t: Mi kp Hudman - Fi re Dpnart-ment- B I Applicants flXhHdvYt: Owner(s): 2. Agent (s ) :Ri chard Webb, Arch i tect 3. Others Present: D. c. it aq-zz is C)(x) Approved Approved with conditions (see Section 18.02, Springfield Zon.Lng Code). Denied - you may appeal this decision to the Planning Commis s ion . Reason for Denial () Continued until - more tn formation is necessary.Referred to the Planning Commission Reason: APPEALS A decision by the Board may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed in writing with the Planning Department within ten days of the Board's decision. The decision of the Planning Commission shall be final. REVOCAT]ON Development Coordination approval or approval with conditions shall be auto-matically revoked if any development and/or construction is not commencedwithin 2 years from the date of approval. Conditions of Development Coordination Board Approval: 1. The City Zoning Code Section 4.06 C requires an 18' front yard setback from the frontproperty line to the face of a fuel island. Since the proposed fue'l island is only setback10', a variance request shall be made to the City Building Board of Appeals. The staff is supportive of such a request since the'intent of the Code is satisfied by the unusually wide right-of-way for Mohawk Blvd. along the frontage of this parcel. ?. The area of the proposed signage to be installed on the face of the buildjng walls and canopy is in excess of the area allowed by the City Sign Ordinance. The area of all wall signs shall be reduced so not to exceed B0 sq. ft., or a varjance request for sign area shall also be made. No unusual criteria exist to allow staff support for such a request. 3. Coordinate specific plan submittal and permit requirements for the proposed remodel with the City Building Safety Division. () () I ornp Pl eoer- Bui I di no fatv Divicinn: I cs Craiomile- Fnoineerino llivi c i nn : f): rra Rrnwn DATE: FROM: TO: SUBJECT: Springfield Development Coordination Board The springfield Development coordination Board will consider the attached site plan at their meeting T'-o. / a4, a;a ' . 1243-ZS-?2 -2. ? PETITIONER: MAP NO. LOCATIOI{: INSTRUCTIONS: aF Please check the attached material and submit any comments or information deemed necessary for the pub'lic benefit to Lorne Pleger, Bqilding Division representative, no later than4r <.7rt-- -/z>-, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR COMMENTS :ra //l^efc , J d- | fly-t o Jrr r?t-d fie. 0L),/-- T€Ya co = Zx3S "?= y4 6grrr.e G.vza:z { 6!1/ ?7o.gz Springfield Bui lding Division 2,26 f >ao4b O,7 4 o EICHARD L. WEEB AECH ITECT r o 3co B.w. wAsH. eL/ poFt?LANE,r EIF|EGCTN 37ee5 (503) 2ge,-9492 December 28, 7984 Re: Texaeo I'ace Lift at 13?6 Mohawk HighwaySpringfield, Oregon Mr. Lorne Plegerc/o Clty of Springfield Department of Public Works 225 N" 5rh StreetSpringfie1d, Oregon 9?477 Dear Lorne: Enclose Permit As per d is a check for $128.95 to cover the Building Fee on the Texaco "Face Lift" Application #840892,our telephone conversation, I am al-so enclosing of the letter sent to the General Contractoraco ( maa P ]-son, Industries, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona), in regards Richard L. Webb, Architect encl r Copy of letter to Madison, Inc. v to clarifications and City of Springfield requirements. Thank you again for.your assistance and let me know if there are arry questions and./or problems concerning the Texaco project. Have a "Happy New Year"! Wff:e(,fllo- r",8,.94 FFEu\f re *8IOB1Zr:la1000tt]f:oqL oD l5t0 Sil' *lz4l PORTLAND, OREGON 97225zqZ-ct43:g-" , DollarsI Bank Order of Pay to 10320 S.W. WASHINGTON STREET GRAPHICS, Flrr! lntorrtrl! Srnk ot Or.gon, N.A. N.W. 19th .nd Ralclgh B?rnch P.O. Box 101C4 Porllend, OrcAon E7210 Fral hGrstala fu,mt,ril9- *tut,,t' $ilh*t RItrHARD L. WEEB AHGH ITECT I O 3eO B.W. WAsH. ET. / t E,FITLANOT ElFTEBclN E7et5 (5cl3) 2se,-94Ae' December 28, 1984 Re: Texaco "Face & New CanopySpringfield, Job #B4ozD-7 ft o Li at 0r .r ngo Following is a list of "ftems" concerning the Texaco "Face lift" project at Springfield, Oregon, that must be addressed and/or incorporated into the project,prior to commencing any nehr work: A. Building Permit must be picked up by your Representativeat the Springfield Building Department prior to commencing any new work. (A11 fees have been "prepaid"). B. A separate Electrieal Permit is requilpd. This must Mr. Mike Sentellc/o Madtson Tndustries 2700 South 11th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona B5OO7 Dear Mike: be applied and paid for by the Electrical Subcontractorincluding all required drawings and. submittals, priorto commenci-ng any sueh Electrical Work. C. Connect the new canopy drainage system into the existingsite storm drain ( sasre as existing) . D. fnstall the canopy drain system in PVC #&O piping complete from the roof d.rain to the sto::rn drain,in lieu of a uoiribilraliurr r:f'gaivanizeri & PYC as shr,rwnon the drawi-ngs. E. Ca11 the City for inspections as per Building Permit requirements. If y.ou have any qr-lestions in regards to the "ftems" notedand/or the project i-n general, please let me know. Untilthen, "Have a Happy New Year" and I am looking forwardto continuing our Texaco working relationship in 1985,ffi{Richard L. Webb, ArchitectI ."q..r\;' ! 9{ *f { . ,, r'Abtflyr t rtlt ' a. r. .i. ,l{t 1 n".", NO. .tlsE: t.l l"l ill /DATE 2',.Y :' l' r ii", .:l,, .. 1, !6t, L'L = P ?sr Au : 5 Psr' loL =-25 BF ,3, '.t '. ":' .. tlt-. {.r tt I at],a3lz o tl a, 0 614 $ I $ J{ OREGON 18, tJr .I.'.1., .t I tl Llvt: Lo^D, 3Q-f"{ DEAD l-aqo, ,,,' 5 p,{ lfiirrD lotl .; :25 - f tt otrwr HeGHr: -l$'' 9't fEEt h*AfffrH:3 I fEET (F) (H) , ' ,tO: ,rJcrtrs (x) , -T-r.r-r.cD ,. ld',v'Muho,^PL N CLfLC o 3 ';t vrttoiVb $ '( . F,. -.... -. tl'i ;:EIa v)l at'l-b s,\( d ; cf f' r.414 ) o-l- o3iertn ta ,i N il a tN ., 1o -- I CpLUTAN OEFU]: aNoH 1l tll]E .-r\.. CoutmNs: t. t - -+.. a. .ii',i f l3' {t. 3{OrXlCt JOHN S. fRHf B.IIEiPRISEIS uao t^tr oAot AvL, tot Axoalt ml 'llol[ trlt, ,a]rrtt COTFUTER,PRqPArt AxurEit TAT r o N : Lo Dffi€ N 6 c LI : LZ". taI bve l*to (xsr1 aEAD Til,D QC'T) N|ND l.mo (tSr1 a a r{. r ,cD NO. rH, I ,, l+ a/azDATE te*Dei. ry1E;Yt|cO ipc ( aol+a )FOI CHXD. !YcANoPl t CIueDISCilmON a a3 D1 D€cx a Por -----------lmlEFa- JOHN S. fRIiY E}IIENNEES taao t Jr o ot AYe, ro8lr{oa! ml ttlol.l lrlt, tat-tttl ,5EAM. OI cottottto N I: (Futt DL+ tLl uotiLL E R Itlorvt'T -Mt - M (ua*lz E R o COND tTlotl Il : (ot oau oN CANT) {lL P, o L rtornT uroL R, o $z 2 +M R (uer, = $",,+(c+z?)r M (nai.;s"r+*(e') l-l-,2,o,) ue*t: (D") z MAT,IMUM DEFLECTDNS Cor,totttor,, f :Co NotT tO N Il : Es914.atr tL 9ct lr3 gt tL uDt D E E o OEHECTION C EXAS DEFIECT toN ta CeNr€Q rb 6 7 E OL D rl 4. lffil- y",#*"t ste+s!) o,,lff el- rW#? @l F5 = 22]OOO pct (rtntt ADEy)ITE cOnpee,sstoN FLANiE Sueeoat) NO. $fi o; l+? a/azDATC f,EslDa3. tYror ftV*a ixt -( so'r4l') CHXD. fYANoPlDESCilTTON E,. 29rO\ooo psc t , I a,nEt $ t ts fr t,ilbrr!!! 6 L o NXs c\s h cn aw e,t'{ a0s at ta P t I F O C' n bI (F I + o! z9 D ot Ft Fll I 1.,,,lr F ( ( &tla a rt a FF+ !tbr F{ F N I 3 a at F a toF+ F +-R>xiq, 3 P.'l F t\ (l :o..(a o\F b\F F \ /S * lu Blt'slr-lElg I t\!.E olP-hlntls lsrt rNb ,s. t lpolt5lrxln 15+o I olt\slaxl\s*lx* \ +3 Jt u\ Il N!: :[] EIIs \ Po * 6' 3!b uot\ s ;q (^ct BE{ b s\ b T -+ -+i n 0 b -+! -- n oF n !.-+ lx ooTD iot t{ er.t- b,\ + FF !tt' rL F \sto{ ot \ tF -E ). ;Bt l-rq b I o B oa : ?t\ oaF oI.t r.:t +-tt.r [-"\tilr + 3t .8t 1'lrlo-l-sli. l5 I P G. 0zb ot : & a F I- D F ,- ,5\ t_L-L D 1 Ftr Dt F n\ s ib E* *r !iH i# JOHN S. NF/ ENIENPREES raao lAtT q rot Avn, 10E ANoaE lmt 'lrcm {rlll t.t-tltlE'GIXECI vt* co f Pc Jo't4 ,) fol @utvtNs JOf NO. gxt t o' l+ DAII DB. IY CHXD. IY ,5pear tcATloNs STEEL: ASTM- 36 Ff'so-o ksc Cc = l?6.1 K " l-z 6YM60L5 t. Faz (Atrcweae A*tALSrRas-kat) Z. Fst (Auowaou AENDTAE ..Sr&E s- ?/t -o lc&) e. :fo: (acruau A/.tALsTREss 4. 5a , (aqu*t trNpllvo .Srnns r- s, \/ z Axnt Loao G. oTM : OVER1URN,NG M1MENT 7. $: \5EcInoN MoDoLAs A. 4: [?6orw oF 6'lt?ATloN v I * I t- /=ORM ULAS (r l. Fe,o Fy _(gcc .a I l- 5/o 19 z. .$n A V .fa oTM (t2)=-il3 cautmN Nott/,E,NclArURez .( , t}{crxEEr JOHN S. FREY S{IETPRFES laao t !l O lrt AYE. rO3 A),loat3 ml 'ltor itlil llt-lttl Coutnx .$t€twrcE -/ 1- Artffi &rs (r4uBe lUE @unrts) ,ot No. sr{r 5 or l+ DATE DES. ]YT€Y I+CO 7pc (go' 4a')rot CHXD. IYANopl* DtsclrTfloN sYMaOrS oTM: Ov€RTUeNtdq Mome rlt Ft : ALLOy{ttaLe ANCHaq OOLT TeXSpr,t Fg: AuottAa,Llsfa€ssrr{ Csse fr Qz' ttsc) A : ANcHoP, AoLT AR,EA c: ! oofi+xce (ao 7o FAc Cot.) d : COTtAN OEPTH d : $ e rrectue aAsE E secttoN tN bE No tvq t: atsc Q THtcxr,6'5s tL: NutrbER, oF At{HoR blIS A,l tetStON StE t+r A ft(a $ T &( a II rI OTrvl ANCTIOR, BALT AREA FoR,m uta6 !f x .r,F A=n (ota)@1 f,r aAsE fr. THtCtrtess (vz) G) (rt (cl 7 tu(z)({ ) d+ 6" ,ot No. 6 o' l4tlll DATT JOHN S. FNEY ENTENPRFES llao E tll o ot AYE, lOt ANOBIS l@l tlota lrt] tat-rttl DtS. tYT€y*co TDc go't (o ( clrlD. lYQNoP( * DESCiITnON trlorxcll CoLuMN Ar€Ho&t6E -/4 - At€tW tblTs (nrc coutuxs) d+6' \ d+ to' OTM A.{HU, OOLT AP€A 6YMaoLS 22 tt oTtvt' oveRtueNtNc MoM€NT: ' Ft : ALLowABLe ANcHoC 6ot7 Te NS/oN fo ; ALLoNAELC .rl?€s| n AsSC I GZ t'sO A: ANCHOR bCT ACC.I c i I osra*e (ao ro Ecq,E 6oser &) d : CdUrrrN Otrstoe DhroETER, d : Effe cnve anse C ,SEcrloN tN E€Nottq k : WaD Sree xqrn (xns/trcx) ,(: 6u,asr,T E uea fg.ob b cot,rnN ,; $ttsser I Neo Beob to Dr,e t a: NumoeR, 4 ANCtbL DOt-ts oN 7€tJstoN Soe tt &1s6 fr Tnrcarnlss R€a'D o c tJq. 5xb\ t :o\,\ot oq. n o( f FoprauLAs ,'fi#.)-e'1u' , [[H] -e.o,], . tz (ortt)o=67.;t,lz@ra1- 14"t,rt*']* 4kdsn a5' 6 u6oEr fr we to lo Cotuux qoase r I Ne Lo ro o*se &ase lt futc<Ness Y)2cXrc\kt ]' f: a 6 ( rtG) 17?: ftz lornl - 7r !d' s ttt "t'J= ok (d + a\ srx as" \ /-\ \.{, + ,ol No. t+-l SHT oi JOHN S. FRET S{IERPRISES Itao t^tr o^of, AYE,lcr3 aNoalt 'mltflollt ttrt, 5at-rtrt I OATE DES. fY^T1Yw ,^lc (3o'u48') CHXD. !YaN*/ * DESCTlPTION tNorxEEt CotamN AtcttoPAqE n/6 - ANcHoR bLs (rau,ene ToE Cottmxs) +6' OTM+ SYMDOIS : OVERTUEN'N6 MOMENT I ALLOWAPIT ANCIJOR bOLT TENSION : ALLowAOte srf,'eSs tN ElAsr Q Qz k-sc) : ANCUop fuLr APEA z $ ooraxca (aa ro rc &n-.) '- coutmN OEP\H I rrrecr,ve Ease P.sEqtoN tN BENDIN1 wEt-D srcgl€;rH (kns/rt.l 6user P, Wro Reiob ro Cot , . 6ussEr Q, wtto PzeD ToPAsE e NumoeR OF ANcHoR I3oIJs oN TENSI2N SIDE EA,E fr rUtqUess accb 2 n OTM ANCHOP fuLT APEA 4. E@ru) @tl FoevtuLas U U t{a A Fg Fg A c d J k ) u .(o l\ 3I tn'. ni f:\ &sE P ntr*,*tess a(n/iA)(Fe )K)t ro G)$)ti I:lr.il'l i..il.lli:, ll'li:t[ii:::. iJli::i::rl"i t,;r:llrlftfiY hiil"l"i l;i..]t..jf{ i-'r'}l t1l'llllti r .i-rrl.l{.iFrY 1.. t ii.itl 1 l'Jr.j i: jl-i;.\ 1 j. lrri I . l. 1"111:: 1....i..j(til " i::iitfr I _ .t J I ll ii.il i li i.ii::: i'ri.; l .i.i,;\il i i::j{:il::: j .'ll'i Hl l;-r i" I i::i lil l lili.i l- t.l/'t:ti ( i::ii::if: i {.: ti l'.1 l lF Y I'l i: ii"i [::.|'il : 1... i:i i t.i [:i [:: i,jl'-iii"l l. ::i Ul i iirr l:: l::: l i : li t.., L'Jl-.|*i l' .i. il 1.. i i'::'l;::.[:.-l'.i ',r 4i:l i.ll l;.:1 1 :1. 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Lo A- D AT ?@* pr"- t.,l At-u (ueu,?t / oP6w 5rR,t,4T.uw6s : Q.oor ) ) r3 \r 2l A-G - 10 BO 6O \OO fr P$ t-{ P t+ H Pt+ 01 pl+ Jo. No. srr t! t tOF \ol g*DATI DT.. BY \<2 FoR CHKD. BY\1Az u.B 4 IAIND LOADDEtqFr?froN M?t-+ P5F Uoe\L p " tr (rf,r.l)(t o) uPur er ge a(.r)(r.z)(, o)P5F 1o 6o so loo L1, G al .8 16.l\5.5gtt \-l.o[4.blo,, f,TUTSOfr Iffi3TilDE IUC.N Of ArtrmaZlffi 9'. -lJiLh Aurmrs fhe*nl.x, lrltrns Srft:JT q 10,6q 14 t)rtrpCOREGON 18, qBsrffi{L .lpms"Jsrt re-{Ecrr r ct?rryt ll: aatrs'tall 8ld_rorlir.*rrrhlp rhatl eonforrr to the rs11rrlr1a1yrtc o"f rhoUnlfsr! hrJ-tdl.ng Codc - latrat cdlFi.on. -Q!ryqtqnl Stcrl. 1- Al.J" rtruotnrqr rlcai tr osrfora to A$Tt( r-30-.62? ixr g.B.c. $td," No.. z\*L.?. Ptpe - A5'11( lr, - Gredo trBr. 3. IJSht ge, ttccl - Ondo r:Cn - P'.ZO,OCO pcl A^SII{ l.?45 or ,ALL.&- A]-l lirIdtry te ba rppllcrt bt .{riiiJlrd n}rter.r urlnj aleetr1.c ere Flrogcal ln acsordrncc rlLh U.i:1.0. Standard 27-6. Co$gnrto l"' Itlnlmu ulttuto oflrp'eralva etrrrgth at- 2ii deyr rirell bc ?Offi psf . HrarJ-sed"x 1:2|:3| **. Er.'i.urrn ot I! gf,}l-u nL.r p* crek of cnonr,.2, &*lnforclag ttscl trr br lnLcraodlatr gr.ade drfomd bur ar prrr ltjtlH tj.1*3gad f"3O'i5S. HlnLnrn lap rhrtt bt 30 dlarculrl. -$qrsBrz 1. $oncrctr &esrrnrJr untlp oha1l ba Ofrdc 4Arr - f$!( CffLlrle, hrrinp- l{ n:.ru.nnrbrll. thlcknor.2. Hortar (or,irut) rUf: ooaairt of I prL cr.ilrt'to 3 prrb* lerrcl. ). Reinforolng atoci ea ebovo rcrept nlnLenn lap $ra}l b" 40 dlrst,crr, r"-o'qgPE!94 SoII Tfpc: $I[ty.-*nd. (ttr,O;iur) ] Ibl{n al,lnbb: l(m pf rarfnr at 1 loot drpttr, 20f tncrneo por foot of tIlttonrl drptb rlih ued-ul of l{fiOl pcr tq. ft. Eottc of aI[ fori bcerlas footbqr to bc rt'drr ol l2rr btJ'ot natrd udtr.srd grod rudtoo. Por rert rrtrClng foottagp rllonblo 1nra.l"vr lrtrrnl rot} pmlruro rhel"l bo 250 pt ry foot of ctpth, A3.lm.irlr roll prrllrc nay bc lnonacrrd lh f* fmtln6r roalatlng *:reiLr osuacd bf Yfrd or aclai.c foroo!, J.. 2. 3. I-. NSPECT I ON 26-37 69 COHBi APPL I IT Job Address Legal Description EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t l,Jate r )rOwner Value of 5q. Ftg. Access n Chan gelUse Sq. Ftc . Other l,ler,r scrn ..e., Build SingleAddressPhone / r L-0-lConstructitn L.nJ". -- \ \I ,j \ l,iAddre s s Phone t I\r]i.r, Ip -DI l$ DL5I GN TLAI.T name addre s s ces\JPri ma ry St ruc tura I El ectri cal Hechanical P u&(hftrn IEl ectrical IIf,lec ha n i I ELECTR I CALIPLUI1BI NG MECHANICAL FFF CHr rRGF NN FFF THAAGF lll )FFF Residence of FTsQ furnace/burner to BTLI' s Each single fixture Relocated building (new fix. additional ) New circuits alts. or extensions Floor furnace and vent SERV I CES Recessed wal I Snace heatpr and vpnt S.F. Residence(l bath) Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Construction Apol iance vent seoarate ge in existing dpnce Chan rcq i Stati onar-v evap cool erl,later servi ce Tndrrctrial multifami1y, corrn. or Vent fan with sinole duct-Sewer Storm Sewer 0f s. part from c. Vent systern a heatinq or A. Mechan'ical exhaust hood and ductCOMI.I./IND. FEEDERS I n sta l I /a 1 ter/ rel ocatedistrih- fepdprc l,Jood stove/heater amp$0f ISSUANCE OF PFRI1IT TOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES I.,HERE STATE Lltl REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Con shall not be valil until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and the electrical portion of this permit to the Building Divisionreturned tractor permit, and do hereb.y certify that al] information hereon is true rformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon Dertaining to the work described herein, and that N0 0CCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Buiider's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and ernrr'loyees r.rho are in comcliance with OP,S 701.055 will be used on r,rAr.,rE(prease p"i^tfTlp fl\le-fu5)/n-T ITGNATURE the comp oneap!')cat 'ls ect LLY and correct, and I further certify that any and all work pe Flood Plain Stories 0cc.y Group Sq. Ftg Val ue Val ue Vai ue ToTAL VALUATIoN__ x x 0c . Other Zone Const. Units So. Ftg. t'lai Fire Zone Bedrooms cy Load Sq. Ftg. Acce Plan Ck. Corrn/Ind 65%/81do Per Fee Svsterns Deve charqe (1.5q opmentBUILDING PERNIT Charges anC Surcharges Plan Ck. Res 30%/B1dq Per Fee Fence In;I JO PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges D6mo Sidewal kELECTRICAL PERI,:IT Charges and Surcha rges S c-)3 Total Comb. Permit Curb Cut bs0 I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges TOTAL 1$nr '/5 CHARGF A/C Paving COMEINATION APPLICATION/PERI'IIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Descriptionl. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot l' Block 3, ?nd Addition toS!ffilTietd EstaresC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATION l. examole- heat2, examole- wate E. SquaF6-Ti-otage or /el trica l 'I forced air gas ea er or soJar valuation, 1. example- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage2. example- if new project, check new - if addition, check add, etc.F. Building permit information:1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage2. example- - remodel existing garage into family room3. example - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. OESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job s.itecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except where blank spaces occur in the descr.iptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacentt0 the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be instal'led are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consult thefulI schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF I,JILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theeiectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor is not authorizedto sign the electricai label.Applicant to sign and date I'lhenever possible, the initial application wilI be used asa worksheet only. l.lhere possible, Buiiding Div.i sion Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is issued for hissignature. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY [o\b33 II III. IV \ v Permit Cle PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: Permit applicant exempt from registration w'ith the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name s i gnature date tY. I 7 69 COMB] TY ION APPLTCAiI ;sP INGF ON, -3Job Address 1 Blvd aLegal Description l,later Heater Ranqe TIIERGY Hea t SOURCES Owner Va I ue of llork : llew_Add_A I te I:-IeD . -__; :l::_*,o_c h ai-se/ U s e Ftg FtgSq Sq.. Access. . Other Address Phone :e ng e Construction Lender Addre s s Phone name I Primary St ruc tura I E l pctrj cal llechan i ca I umbi nical PLUIlB I NG ELECTR i CAL MECHAN ICAL Each single fixture Residence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTU' S Relocated buildinq (new fix. additional ) New ci rcui ts al ts.or extensions 1 -6o L5.o ) Fl oor furnace and vent S . F. Res i dence {l Lath)SERV I C ES Recessed wal I SPace heater and vpnt Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath Temporary Construction Apo'l iance vent sepa ra te [^]ater servi ce Change in existing res i dence Stationar3r evap cool er Sewer multifamjly, comm Industrial or Vent fan urith sinole duct Storm Sewer of -amps. Vent system apart from heatinq or A.C. COMI'1./IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Instal I /al ter/rel ocate distrih. fcedprs i'lood stove/heater 0f s. ISSIJAI'JCF OF PFRI1IT TOTAL CHARGES L5.60TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAN REQUIRES that the Electrical r^rork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permitshall not be vajil until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for oermit, and do hereb,y certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certif-v that any and all r^/ork performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the Cityof Soringfield and the Laws of the State of 0regon oerta'ining to the.work described herein, and that NC 0CCUPAI,ICY will be madeof any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my reqistration vrith the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that cnly subcontractors and ernployees who are in comcliance with 0l?S 701.055 rvil'l be used on thi S I GiIATU .TE 2/ ct Scofield ELectrie Co. I,lAl'lE(please print) Robg:t, E. Soofield UFON OFFICE USE OI{LY Ftg Ft! Ftg Zone o s q TOTAL VALUATI NN its lue Load Group Sq a1 nst. Un BedroomsFire Zone Val ue Flood Plain Stories l'1a i n Acces s 0the r terns Deverqe (1.5% Svs Cha opmentPlan Ck. Comm/Ind 65%/B1do Per Fee BUILDING PERI'IIT Charges and Surcha rges P'lan Ck. Res 30%/Bldq Per Fee FencePLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges D6mo S i dewal kELECTRICAL PERIlIT Charges and Surcha rges O d Total Cornb. PermitA/C -Pavi ng Curb Cut 13 6014ECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges TOTAL Jr COMBINATION APPLICATiON/PERMIT ( CAP) I . ApPl i cant to furni sh A. Job Address B. Legal DescriPtion i." e*irptu- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to SFringTield Estates C. Name,'etcl of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources or forced air gas rr sol ar1. exampl e- 2. exampl e- E. Square footag e 1 exampl e- examp I e- check add heat/e1 ectri iti wa ter e or valuat o[, 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot a rage JT new project, check-new - if add tion,s 'i2, etc F. Building Permit information: 1. e*aipie - construct single family house with an attached garage 2. gIgIP-]e --remodel existing garage !ntc fa:ri1y rcon 3. exam'tTe - convert single family residence into restaLrrant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural SPecialtY Code H. DESIGN TEAI'I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays' Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or iob site corrections, etc. II. Abbrev'iated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedu.les A. Except vrhere blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedu'les are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult thefull schedulesC. BUiLDING DIVISION STAFF i,,llLL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted cin the CAP, the labe] must be delivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorizedto sign the e'lectrical label.IIL Appiicant to sign and date Hhenever possibie, the initia,'application wjII be used as a worksheet only. l,Jhere possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and return it to theapp)icant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna ture.IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans wili be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is issued. v. FoR oFFICE USE oNLY PERMIT VALIDATION 4l(! Perm'it Cl erk I +.8b LpD PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIiCY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY name dateS'I gna tu re O I -l l''-"' l T,JTffi il fr! 7 t r I h. r---. - -----'rill5- .,-- -r - Y :t L-/ E I I b T fl rt I L ffi l,Ed/.l4...,r..r --T_.4!! !, 3',..-I "^1 --^4 / 1 -a CASHCREOI T ^JP-Y -d J,it IF- -:- , --!E I ]J lr - tr= ' -- _\l 5)*P--* 7 r I ta \ E-Fa1;- q IIF .: :r-:i ti BI,ACK # Canopy Fascia DARK GRAY # Building Fascia(al1 buildings) Canopy Columns RED #37 Accent'Band(aII buildi ngs) Sig-n Letters for "Texaco & Logo" TIGHT GRAY #32 Base color forall buildings tilHITE #tSCHEMATIC EIEVATION All painted letters scaJ-e 3/8" = 1'-0""Star" of l,ogo sign Guard Posts Edge of fslands sDl2000 coLoRSSYSTETf, for TEXACO ,\w at: J