HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-04-23I city of springfietd| 225 n.5th street SPFtINGFIELD tN FO RMATtoN : 726-37s3 INSPECTtoNS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A .LocATroN OF SrcN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION /7 a1 Z{7,TA.Y LOT .*oc) ',NER oR pRopERry Bzi6A)rr PHONE ADDRESS ZIP . y'ne rn ,L t)aos -s/,* f,OTJNER OF SIGI{ CIT OTEER TIIA}I PROPERTY OWNER)JYv4 72e -o0 NAME oF BusnrEss, FrRM, Erc. ,SF?taf fia/a s&/toaaa.. wev oF .BuSnIEss ots/zic I uPd B . TYPE OF WORK: ERNCT AI.TER X nsrocam OTHI'R c.STP.UCTUBAL TIPE OF SIGN: Y TIALL FREESTANDI}IG --ROOr _PROJECTING MARqUEE UNDER I,!ARqUEE OTHXR D USE AT{D CIIAB.ACTER OF SIGN: V rnunrrrv* INCIDEMAL DOUBLE FACE V stNcr,s recu MTILTI.FACE PJADER BOARD BILLBOARD E.VENDORS, SIGN /t . .I.DDP€SS CITY LI CENSE EXP. DATE srGN UANUFACTURER CIr oTHER THAN ERECTOR)_ ADDP.ESS PIlONE E DII,TEIISIONS, IITSTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIOIT TorAL HETcHT ABovE GRADE / lf / vEP.TrcAL DTMENSToN oF srcN g'4: HORIZoMAL WIDT}I oF SIGN oz, DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN // TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPT}I DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YESIF YES, DII.IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE ,K NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12" 6VEE puelrc pRopEp.ty rpr srcN EREcroR I'ruST FILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF IIIS/}IER LIABILITY AI{D PP.OP- ERTY DAI'TAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. G . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THNRE ANY TXTSTU]G SIG}IS?YES 2r{ IN AIL EXISTING SIGNS FOR NUSINESS, ETC. H ' t[LL srcN HAVE ELEcrF.r,cAL IfrRrtrc? t' <' rF yES, lltlrcu Appt,y? Gr.ectnrclr. sr@ _rLLu{TNATED (rNDrp.EcTF r,rcHrso) ELECTRI,CAT CONTRACTOR ADDRESS LISC. NI,iMBER PECNE l- DES.RTBE TypE oR TTATERTALs srcN rs CONSTRUCTED OP. vrl a5Jti r' ilEJu1 J . SITE INFOF}TATIO}{ (LATID USN) .. EXISTING USE OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) {aH4€72C.?4z-/.Za--4 FINDOOR BUSINESS _OUIDOOR I4ERCHAI{DISING PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I,AND: K' ,or* oF srGN: e/oo.ob . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IINED the completed application for D th ermit and do hereby certi fy thaE all 11 be done ininformation is tlue and correc t, and I further certi .fy Uni at all work oerformed shaaccordance with the Spri ngfield Sign Ordinance,the forr.r S ign Code as adopted by the Ci 1d and the laws of the Scate ty ofofSoringfield and all othe r Ordinances of the City o f Sprifurth.ngfie Cregon pertalning cense with the Ci8-2-5(3) and 9-7- to tlle worli <lescribed hcter-n, I er certJ fy that mv 9ign Contractor -r.1-ty of. Springfield is 20(2). I will reques in fuIl forcet all require, c /2 0 sS and effect as recuire d by Springfield Codes permic. NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT) 4 '/ ?'*SIGNATURE d sign inspections liste d on the aporoved ADDRESS ,,/2 - 1) PLEASE REAb Separate Sisn Aoolication: A separate application is required for each separate sign as definedfi:_n-e EEn-eoZa: Electrical: Anv oermlE issued under thls application will include wiring in or on stgn sEructure, - 1the suppry wires for connection must be covlred on an electrical p-errnii.'Ei";;ri;.l-!o.i""tio.,musE be made onrv by a State Licensed Electrical contractor. Illirminated signs (both inEernallyand externally) irust conform ro SJcrion. g-1-tr-(t>-e-i5l ana 9-7-1g of-rtre Springfield Sign or_dinance. Plans Reouired: Thts application is to be submitted wlth two compleEe sets of pLans showing di-mensCns=A-E'eight or lrLgn;-"a""rti"ing rn """!.-o"-"igr,; location of sign on properry with di-mensions Eo DroDerEy lLnes, -structural details-or supgiii tr"ri"il ui".rig ana'fobtinis; rnarerlalsof construction'for'sign ila-.lgn-"iructure-; erectiilir equipment and lighring; size and locationof existing.siqn:.on pioperty f6r the-saEre 6usien"",-al1 is i"q"ir"a--to d"t"rrirre comoliance withrhe springfleld sign ordinante (Arrtcte 7 of rhe spirniiieia-ciri-c.a;i.--Ai;;,.'Jn.i"'ir,i-fo11ow_Lng inforuatlon on-the plot plari (pran showing pr;;;;$-irn"s-ani ro""iro" oi-iig.j,---- 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) a) show the locarion of all exlsring stgn(s) as well as proposed sign(s).b) Show the. lenglh of the srreet frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show rhe length of the building frontagl. c) Show the locatlon of entrances open to the public and d,rlveways. When required, because of design,-size, etc., engineered drawings and_calculations Erust be pre-pared by a licensed engineer oi shal1 conform to-design standarEs."-fii"-.i-ah;--B"iilir,! oiri-sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beinglssued. Signs must lDeet corner vision clearance requi.rements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldCogrprehensive Zoning Code. N9TE: .No-sign-uray be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheaderectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less tt""-5-f"";-i;'";; direction froo overheadelectrical lLnes which are energized ar less'than 750 ;;il":If a sign is not, installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this perolt, the peruriE shal1be void.. Inspections : a) Slte Insoection - to be oade bef-ore the sign is pLaced. Usually, the Footing Inspection#(if appticeFrel T"y b-e mage-ar rhe same rifie as lhe sire rnspectiontion is to be made'afEer hole(s) is excavaceci, bui p=ior 6-'th;;1;ceuent of concrere.b) Linal rnspecrion,- to be made upon coryletion of all work.c) lllectrical - all erectrical "isnl Tl"t q" inspected for electrical hook up after the signfs erecEd and before tt" Jig"'is turned on. ' s'eeLr&ue' r CAUL FCR TI1E REQUIRTD INSPECTIONS ON TiLE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DISTRICT Cdr4'7 --a- ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS:r.F SrTE/LOCATIOII _FOOTING OR MErOD OF zrlucrntcal /t,frlAl -oIIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAI IMORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: frcata/: -r/r4,/I APPROVED BY:DATE /-zssq ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: /to . oo 47. STATE SURCIIARGE: TOTAI,: r'+ 1RECEIPT oa SIGN PERMIT FEE: JOB #. DAlrE CLERK SECTION:SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE -T SPRING FIELI)STATIONEBY 1350 Mohawk Blvd _l I 1<-;