HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-11-05,fr €Bns lN FO R.MATtON . 726-37s3SPFrINGFIEL.E' ;1 INSPECT'oNSr 726-376s SIGN PERMIT APPLICATTON 2 5 city of springfield .5th street aE-?lc/o / A.2b )rO ta D ffb>Sion R< s{ar.raol PHoNE b s 6-aP'/7 TA}t LOT I TYPE OF BUSII:ESS OI.JNER OF SIGT.I CIF OTITER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS LE6AL DEscRrrrrros t4 O LoCATIoN 0r sIcN (ADDRESS NAME OT BUSII.IESS, FIRil, ETC. ADDRESS orrNER oR pRopERTy 1ho tw,rk 6/oJ. . TY?E OF HORK: X enEct ArrER RELOCATE OTHER B {,ilrff.[,];fl;,." ROOF _PROJECTTNG MAROUEE I'NDER I,TAROUEE OTHER c. nc USE AI.ID CPARACTER OF SIGN _INCTDEITTAL DOUBLE FACE\-A SINGLE FACE !{TTLTI.FACE PGADER BOARD BILLEOARD D. X rprmr TY rr 0,-5o'-8{&XP. DA E. p, PHO}IE ?7,-lo 5 nSa 3'-7:SS;VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR CITY LICE}ISE ,oDP.XSS 4rl SIGN I'{ANUFACTURER (IT OTHER TITAN ERECTOR) ADDPJSS DI]'TEIISIONS, UISTALIATION & TOIAT ITEIGHT AEOVE GRADE YEP.IICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTTI Or SIGN DI}IEIISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO!,1 OF SIGN TIIICKTIESS OR DEPTIT IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE !9IE: IF PRoJEcTiotI Is l{oRE r*- 1f - qvER puBt.rc pRopEpsy rt:E srcN ingcior.l'rusr FrLE wrrl{ THE BUTLDTNG orvrirot{'ggl,rEs oF Hrs/lrER LrABrLrry N.ro pioi_ ERTy DAIIAGE rlrsup"A"r\cg got,rc:Ea. ----- ARE TrERE Au' Exrsrrlrc srelrs? ,r, X *o E 1N I _YES I Aroo G. orrrr*c srcNs BEYOND ALL EXISTING SIGIIS FOR. BUSINESS, ETC. t+ /' DCES SIGN PROJECT PROPERTY LINE?IELL srcN riAvE ELEcrp.lcAL r{rRrr.rq l\lo IT YES, WHICE APPLY? -ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLIJyINATED (INDIP*EcTffi LIGIITED) ELECTRICAI, CONTF'ACTOR Lrsc. NutrBER_PI:cliE H ADDRESS . DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIALS SIGN IS oa7r1 . VALUE OF S 2 K 0r 'srTE IIIFOFXATIoN (LAlrD usE) -or Bull.Dtlic oR LAND (oR tAsT INDOOR BLISINESS OUTDOOS. I.,IERC1{ANDISII{G J r . EXISTINC USE usE Ir vAcANT) CF C r ra-1 OR LAi.ID: DATE penniE that aL fy 11oerfcrmed as adoocehe laws'of Spring other ign Codeld and c. Cityeoi '--e.-. Sregon gercaining cense wieh che Ci ngfiewill IIA'I VI.EXA}TINEDCAREFULLY eEh 1 ted aIic E10ncomp for doand rheapp a1that Iriebyrmatinfo1tonEsandruecoandIIurchercerti1lrorksha 1ndonecoaccerdanrhw!the fie 1d dinOr fy Uni rnfo Sanceche todtheignbyandSori.ngf ie 1d ta 1 din0r oances tf cihe ofty inqfiespr the E E Eo vork es ,be llcu eI ln I fur ther r t tha f Contra Eor!fv I.Ilv L1 1f.1INL1dsPr for d ef f,astfu1 e(Iutt ed fJ Co d s1do(\prinIa6(and)9 cy)a (2 I es)11a e 1nsArequ p tion LIisequir by ed,rovedcheonPaPpermi NA}IE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNA - ,-.-- 1) v PLEASE READ . Separate Stm Appli_c4tiqnr A separate application Ls requlred for each seParate slgn.as deflned IA Ehe Sign Code D Elecrrical: Any permlE issued under this application will lnclude wiring 1l ot gn:ig:c sEructure,'-Ene suppry rrr"i ior corrrr"ction ruusE be eovlied on an electrical-p-ernit.- Electrical connecEion Erust be made only by a SEaEe Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (b,oth-internally ina .*ternafly) inrst conform eo Seccions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3) Plans Required: Thts appticaEion Ls Eo be submitted wlth two coorplete sets of plans showing.di- --...--+fmensions "no neighi-ot-'"i.gn; advertisint message,on sign; locatioir.of slgn on.P:oPerty with di- uensions ro p.opErcy linei,'"tr.r.t i"i Eeiails"of sunpSri fraoing, braciig anci-footings; raaEerlals of consgructi.on'ioi'"ier,."a sign structure; electriiit equipmenE and liglicing; size and location of existinc siens-on piop".tv f6r Ehe same busienss, all ds iequired to detersinq conpliance with ;i"=$;iilEiii3""siiii 5;;i;;t"-ie'Il"ri-7-oi-i[;:spii"eir"ia ciiy coae). A1so,._show the ro1low- fi i;i;ffi;;i;n on"ri," plor plai (plan showiog prolerti lines and locatioa of signs): 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) a) Strotr Ehe locaEion of aI1 exlsting sigrr(s) as well as proPosed sign(s). b) Show the lengch of the street frontage taken up by Ehe business or bullding. For wa1l' signs, shor ihe length of the building frontage. c) Show the Locacion of entrances oPen to the public and drlveways. Wtren required, because of design, size, etc., englneered drawings and-calculations unrsE be_pre- pared by a liiensed engineer oi shall confo::o to design sEandards on flle at the Buildi.ng Divi- sion Office. plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be retumed to the applicant with no perrnit being Lssued. Signs must I[eeE corner visioa clearance requireoents as descrlbed in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cornprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sisn oay be erected whleh ls less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically fron overhead Efficrlcal c5nductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction fros overhead electrical lines which are energized aE less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed withia 60 days afEer the date of lssue of this petait, the perniE shall be void. InspecEions l a) Slce Inspection - to be made before the slgn is placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection '#fiE-ppEESIeI may be oade aE Ehe same time as Ehe SiEe Inspectlon. the Fo_ocing Inspec- ii.on ii ro be made-afrer hole(s) ls excavate<i, but prior Eo tire placeoent of concrete. b)Flnal In spection,- Eo be made upon cooplecion of all work. c) Ulectrical - all electrieal signs must be lnspected for eleetrical hook up after the sign ilEEEea an<i belore the sign i-s Eurned on. CAIL FOR IIiE REQUIRTD INSPECTIONS ON Tt{E 24 EOUR INSPECTIoN LINE AT 726'3769 SIGN DISTRICT o ,q ZONE DISlts,ICT /, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ./Dy',.< @, -srlE/LOCATlON jrootruc oR }ETIIOD Ot' ATTACHMEMI -ELECTRTCAT -{t** OTIIER SPECIAT CONDITIONS 1! BE SATISFIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PER}IIT I'IAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY srcN PERMIIF, r, a a ELECTRICAT PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURCI{ARGE: TOTA].: \e-ll - &t{4 377 + + RECEIPT 0z CLERK DATE JOB #0 SECTION:7*IELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE