HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1985-05-09brr courty ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! I (- K PROPERTY OWNER 'I[nll.]ruG' AD.DiiEss ' ' i',lhlLlNG- ho-DnESs' CITY STATE ZIP CODE CITY STATE ZIP CODE ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # ( IF DIFFERENT FRO 3 rvlae c PAFtclrL NUMBEn (fronr tax maps 'i n Department of Assessment and Taxation tenrent )( gEqulBE_q. r NFoRMAT r 0N )/t_ TOWNSH IP or frorn xs0L /?53 MNGE TAx TOTTS) ON- PARTEI #ZON I NG milmmP/r TOWNSH I P MNGE SEETMN W ZONING OZ 2( SECTION 4DS mm WL zo-r'rfNG ACRESTOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FoR STAFF USE oNLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY: _ DATE:_ TIME IN:- 0UT:- NUMBER DATE { >o l,r1 -t LAND T1ANAGEMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, 0R 97401 / 687-4061 MEh.-JRANDUi\4 lane ccxrnty TO Roy FROM George CurrLn G,tc- SUBIEC T Compl DATE May 9, 1985 Coqpleint Buck Jones, a realtor, has complained that he checked with County Planning to see if a moblle home could be placed on above parcel" (see copy of activity information sheet) and was infomred that the property was zoned AGt which permits mobile homes. Mr. Jones then arranged for the sale of the parcel to Nei11 Hill based on those assurances. Mr. Hill then employed 8111 Boyd to install a septic system and obtain the necessary permits. htren Mr, Boyd came in for the necessary lnstal-lation permits it was found that tax lot 1.503 and tax lot 1508 had been illegally dlvided and that when tax lot 1508 was sold ro the Sprlngfleld Utility Board it left tax lot 1503 without lega1 access " History 10 LL/7 6: 9!E!32' 4l85: 517 /85 z LL319st s/2/8s: Evaluation ? Tax lot 1503 approved as pareel 2 of partition M 411-75. Tax lor 1508 divtded from tax lot 1503 without the benefit of a partition. Permlt L295-82 issues to S.U.B. for the construction of a substation control house. Buck Jones checks with Flanning. Bt11 Boyd attempts to obtain septic installation permit. Joe and George talk with Mr. Jones and Boyd. B/CC received complaint from Mr. Jones 1 ) 3 The planner on duty pulled the assessor rnap, which shows that tax lot i503 was parcel 2 of partltion l"I 47L-76. The assessors map did not show a tax 1ot 1508 because our assessor map is a 1978 ediEion, At the time 8111 Boyd came ln for a septic installation permit he had a plot plan which showed that tax lot 1508 had been dtvided out of tax lot 1503 and that tax lot l-503 no longer had access to a public road. The planner on duty at the time Mr. Boyd came in made a search of the records for a partition and access varl-ance and finding none determined that a permit could not be issued. Recommendation Make combined application for partition and access variance Prellminary partition fee $130.00 Comblned access variance fee 25.00 Sub total 155.00 Flnal"partitionf,e .q-Lqgr_0O $263. 00 1 on 18-02-04/L503 2 3 Partitton and varl"ance applicatlon processi.ng be expedited. Updated assessors maps be obtained for counter staff. GMC/Jb l; e courty A=,J.IVITY IN FOR M AI.IT-".TI SI.i EE.T COMPLETE T}iIS SICTION. INCOI'IPLETE FORHS t^JII.L Bt RiJECTEDI I l< r' l;. ,r)t ,---.'r. / Lt - 3 nna,e a PAFTeEL t\luMaEFr (REQUTREp rNF0RI4ATi0N) Pk Pr> ---PnoFEFTI*OIXE (fronr tar nraps in Department tlf Assessment and Taxationor fronr tax state.ment) t ouEsT- MAILING ADNRISS iLiiIG ADDRESS CITY SI ATE---_7TF- e6.ut CITY STATT ZIP EODE ffiT H0IiL TEfrprotur # susiiirsS-TfiEpiiriTr t-HOI,iE TTLEPHONE 7 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( I r D I FFE RENT FR0m'TnfLI-N.Tj-AID-n-ETSr /,J' ;) mFmSR'lP Efirc;r tStl 5 il*-Ir.rt{9-6q-Pms[-F ACP.IS LOI BLOCiI _7__ STCT iON r/1 1-Z-- Q*'oq 7 ]+\ k r\) T0T4L CONTIGUOUS PRCPERTY IN SAME 0uJNERSltip: 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable) 5 p.rQUtST (:;tate J ir -TO[r-NSmp RAnGf sri'irTrl I{[TO'I[S) \ OR PARCEL f ZON I NG TOwtrSitTF 'TANGT SEfTlCru TAX--I0T,(s) 0R PARCEL #20iiIEf-t. exactly wtrat you plan to do) l'L:-"/::l-(-l ( ---/ /l-'/.n*-'(--(_1.- 6 DIEM0ILJtr TIE 71,(.' '),]. I q'Lla Jl*-.J ** [ UR SIAI I' II:,II ONL.Y I* IiUi4B ER NATE -tx,tL z0NI LAI'{O IJSI: BY : _-_ DATE:T Il'lt I l'l:_ _- [)llT :__- LAND I'IANAGEMENT DIVrsrnr{ / 1?s F.. lrt.lr /\vt., EUGENE, Oil 97401 / 6g7-4061 Itt 4 LI f /.t_x/_ 7 I{ I \\, $t t\ N l ;e + t $o ui J T 9 (ra " MA.P rrA:rE-D -l-'13-,?8 tt. tl df|26'3!,1, t rrrt tr,l .(, a 70l , lr:t iIJ3 Li im4 rNT. t[L. cor. D.L.C. No.47 .j i I ESE Comer R. Hixon DL.C. No 47I I :. 2 500It -t I274 5 NI{, l ta' r.t.i .i r It tt5 tt roo (\,o I (].o o rutn iy{ t a)'B!AI) 'r , c..I i I l{ Ns ci6 a t !- I ol9-?r 'tsoa .i \ 4,\!' I I I I I I I I I I I n'4 /"' "30t.rt"rt /ra. t,?"4At o 2500 ,E9 e' Frf q ll. I { i ! n -, cf1' [30t ro00 i 306 ilo0 o I r700 r504 48 @ 1' I 505 NYV 6 J. 0.Lc. t5a7 i ! f_, 2ioo a. aa. tt l.l'r50l R (*,15 l'A lo .:i t : :iitiili 9//aa.i 1 i e703 ./r/ I I F I t400 I 506 I I I I Jri-i i-t'ffI, ELL @ol..c. rb {7 I ,{ tu.* s I €$E Cerw R. l&rc*/.94 /, ! 6 , t ', ei-il .*!,". I I ,'-rr Jrd IuSET l" = IOO' '':-fvO'g+H-" ,*{.ar'! EI t adf B.e >.-'ii .-- In*l "),1 ./ .:),'/ --l (1 fo\r I.t .: rA)*l \r\l '! i I I I t I t II rss8 NAAtr PrilED 4-24 4.+t a tl**l i 9 a \'* \ ItV'tt t- l/. ra F.e ? lSl a t ri i- {D a1 rf - t\t ts 4\. rD* *rt e. I 1,, /'l rlt a Xai:<-'>= C*r{. tor-,t (' :: SE Cor DLC Ho 4? I JlF t ? ) I €6 , J'I I505 alJ.J" lo ^l . / s? 4 t {.r 4? rfr l:.F l h h b i*f- I J