HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-07-19G<,e ?e Lane County Authorization fon I HAVE EXAMINED C0'IPLETED APPLICATIoN !'oR PERMTT, and do hereLy c.ltify that al-I infomatj.on hereon is true and correct, and that t have the following legal j-nterest in the property:[o*nu. of record;contrarjt prrrchaser; Iauthorized agent with evidence of authority attachedI f:rther certify that any ild all work perfomed sha].t be done in accordairr:e with the ordinances of Lane comty and the Laws of the state of ore 90npertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will the Building Division. I fur-ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board j-s in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basj.s foris noted hereon. and that only su.bcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND JT:XCKED THIS THOROUGHLY ):e made of aL] strlrcture without the pemission of 7r'^rf! E'OR OFFICE USE ONLY :-on/Applicat Permit f oa SECTI'ON ^,'L lt ,ION /PARCEL PRCPOSED USE OT PROPERTY n lndustrial I cc,mmercial PubIic Resi.dential I LLL P n -BE STORIES SUP ProposedExisti &L s AND OSR +Z3 --/ Date: Installation Record Issued? tr *"re !,laximum Depth WW PLANS EXA.IIINATION:Use Date: YOUR cL fron d il COI'OIENTS *l-L Q w b s ide1., -1-tg SANITATION: S. I. il B. P. # o..", 1?f*4 Ml+ 't READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. fl plaxurnc,zzoNrNG: col1}lENTS P'.RMITS FOR ALL EtICTRlcAL VJORK 0F oREoCI{, DEPARTMET{I 0FEE RN'ERSE SIDE OF PERMIT TI IREMENTS. ZATION 1{AS BE Parti BASE i-nteriorMinimun CO!41UENTS Lineal Feet of l)rainfield Gallon Tank:". tt ? L- trS Installation Specifications: rear D ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSft:"?Pr @ parcel PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE DeT ORS 6 5 DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,6874061, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION cL4-25 R* cf I T of Trenches TRS# 0 DATE ISSUED:PERMI T# PHONE NUMBER LUMB I N IXT ES SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED RE I REI'IEN L FRONT ,CL SIDE I NTER I OR REAR IO I BY PERMITR E TI NG Approve d proved D N Date irect i on a Correcti on Da te I nspector I nspectorDa te UN DE RS LAB PLBG:EI-FLR PLBG.T PECTI ONApproved Date Correction Date I nsp ec tor OTHER INSPECTION App roved_Da te Correction Date I n s pector ROUGH PLUMB rNG (r0P 0uT) TNSPECTT0N Approved Da te Correct'ion Date I nspector FRAMING I NSPECTIONApproved Da te Correcti on Date Inspe ctor ROUGH ME I CALApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspe cto r I NSULATI / VAPOR BARRIER I PEApproved_Date CTI ON Correc ti on Date Inspe ctor LATH / GY PSUM BOARD INSPECTIONApproved Da te Correcti on Date Inspector FINAL MEC ICAL tr /tJ00D sTo VEfApproved Da te Comecti on Da te Ins pe ctor App rove d Date rove TApproved Date Correcti on Date B te EMENT I Date I nspector Inspecto L T M74-L97 Insp proved Date Insp. tAL I SETBi,CXS AND OTIIER CO:iDITIOIS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;?IoN oF TIIIS ?ER}IIT, CITATIO:J UND9R PROVISIONS OF LAN-E JOU}iTY.3 INFRACTION OF.DI);ANCE, ANO,/OR OTHER RE}IEDIES ALLOI.'ED BY LAVI. IiHEN RE.\OY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 587-{055. A }lINI}IU}1 OF AT LEAST 24 IIOURS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- ffisx-.I-av;--Ehe-fo11oUinginfornationready:Permitnuhber,jobaddress.t'ype oi inspicrio^, when i.t uill be ready, your name and phone nunber, and any special directions to site- BUILDING DIVISION: REOUIRED ISSPECTIONS: I. Foundatj.on Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and uhen aIl ruTe;T;fs io;-=E--tNndation are deL j.vered on the job. lrhere concrete f rom a central mix j'nq plant (com6ly termed "transit nixed") is to be used, materiaLs need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-aloor lnsDectioni To be made after aLl i.n-slab or under-fIoor building *:i." ";i--.p.mt,@p-rprt.J=aEAssorres, and other aicillary equipments items are-in place but beiore any concreLL is poured or floor sheathing insta.Lled, including the subfloor. 3. praming & InsulaLion Inspections: To be made after the roof, aIl framing, fire blocking, and b-*f;; ire-Tn-Ffrce anE=IT-t pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents ale complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. A11 waII insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4. Lath and/or cvpsum Board Inspection: To be made after all Lathing and qypsum boald, i.nterior i-nE-eit-eri6ritE-inlTre-5[E-6eTue any plastering is applied and beiore gypsu board joints and fasteners are LaPed and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made afLer the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVA! REeUIRED. No uork shall be done on any parL of the building or Structure beyond the point indicated in each successive j.nspection uithout first obtaining the apProval of the buiLding official. Such approval shall be gi-ven cnly after an inspection shall have been nade of each successive steP in the tonstruction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTEr AII building permits requlre inspections for Lhe work author!zed, such as but not linited to: A. Block WaLl: To be made after reinforcing is j.n place, but before any grout is poured. This ii-s-pecIlo-fr is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and apProved. B. l.rood Stovei To be made after completion of masonry (if applicabLe) and uhen instsallation is mFf.etr Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, national-ty recognized testing agency and the manufacturerrs install-ation insLructlons- C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobiLe hone is connected to an approved EEiEi-oi-Feptic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plwbing connections. 1. pootings and pj.ers to comply with State foundation requirenents for mobiLe homes or as recomended by the manufacture!. 2. MobiIe hone minj-mum finish floor elevation shall be certj.fied when requj.led by a flood- plain managenenL letter. 3. Mobile hone tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tj-on within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skir!j-ng shall be installed per enclosure. D swimina when pool PooI: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade -fiinstalled. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURIN-G WORKING BOURS. TIIIS PERHTT wrLL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES U'OT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF !'ORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR I'IORE THAN I8O DAYS' SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I,IAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT 14AS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPIETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT Of REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISN. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMST l. Pernits shall be effecti.ve for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon compleling the construction for which a pernit has been issued, the permit holder shall nicity t-ne Lani County DepartrenL of Planning and Comunity Development by submitti'ng the. j.nstalLation record form. The Departhent shall j.nspecl the construction to determine if it complies with the rules cantained in this division. 1f the construction does conply with such rul;s, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to.che permiti holder- If the constr;ction does not comp.Ly with such rul,es, Che Depa!trent shall notify the pernit hotder and shall requlre satisflclory completion before issuing the certj'ficate. Failure to meet the requiremenis for satisfactory completj.on within a reasonable time const.iLutes a vio- lation of oRS 454.605 to 454-745 and this rule. setbacks ry l1ijI9:9]g="air aun* Drainfield Interior property lines Edge ot road rrqht-of-way Buildinq foundation vleIIs, other uater sources From:L0' 10' 50 ' 10' r0 | 10' r00 | r-\A)eaL t H'l ,'rlt:r:;t:?' I caPY RD, ?)Ll?r i,'torO I --l 7a i3Ar[, tlo (-evn e{qrl R}' FII.e, Lc ^o-t ar Y 'l' N o lA Aq It:t l.r.lul,I I ,01Itl Ijl i? |io I,a',t l u {i rl ITi I ? l-{' aJ rJlri\, r) ; 0 A'r nlo\, lb'l 3ai' t: frat- n /;D7 ?arce'L No.7- t,7l tlc. 1r rnrl lo r te ,.| vol ,i t fs?,,r ,\F Fe T''lt" j,t-C.- I I c,a \- : -l I r,x It l?Ro 5 3e.r, st?q Pt n nr> Tl lVeeL {' !l'l aSf rn*' t)eruor) f1.,^1['c ld' , bl- g t'L, I oo'5C,9t< 7q)g ---------*-{ r, i I I ---l lane countY EB@H.M SE.TP APPLr cATr oN * I9b -B5 LOCATI ON e5 bru-b NAME 37t23 Wurr-r pz Zo^ADDRESS ZIP CO The above application js being held for the foriowing reasons: 3uantr rwo captES oF Tlt€ PLcrr pLq^l tocAnNq r{E HoB nE lIe,tilE ASgFDtatN 6AohI: i4lNIlluM PLAN REQUIREMENTS ITwo sets of pians are requ.ired to show the follor,ring:] All Plans shall include: l. Name and address o2. Name and address o3. The scale on all d*4. An accurate descri Plot Plan to inc'lude:T. XoftF point, prope2. Existing structure3. Proposed structure4. Location of septic5. Location of water6. Location and dinren7. Location and dimen f property ou/nerf tne pur'ron ,ho'prupured the p1 ans . rawl ncls / :,;',.,,,. :. " :,,', 1,..,, .,?-h#us and dimensions, distances from boundaries and other structures.s size, location and distance to boundaries and other structures.tank, drainfl'ield and replacement area or sewaqe system hookuo. supply. sion of ut'ility easernents (if applicable). s'ions of vehicle access to the site; *and off street parking. lt DA AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY This application will be held unti t hJ4,9,t*5. If the jnformation requiredabove has not been furnished uy tnaE-daE-ftffapplication will ue cancelleJ. RETURN THIS SLIP WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUiLDING PROGRAM / LAND MANAGEMENT DIV. /PUBLIC I.IORKS DEPT. 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Bujlding / Eugene,Oregon 97401 / (503)6g7-4061 bre ccrrty ACTIV^ fY INFORMATION S' IEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS I^JILL BE REJECTEDI ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** TONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE:TIME IN:- OUT: NUMBER DATE -{I,(A fi r// 7a o ileot T / 23 LL)t LI ea /zrrv C ITY 5TATE ZIP CODE 7 % 5;r?ffi 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 3{y 3792wwr BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE ilT ( rF DrFFERenr rno 3 rvrae 6i PAFTeEL NUMBEFT (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement)( REQU r REp r NF0RT4AT r 0N )t{ MilIEEIP.1_Z 6v RANGE SECTION 15d3 TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONTNG MINSMP MNGE SEET-ION ffi ZONING MMSHTP R-AN'GE SMTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OT,IINERSHIP: ffi ZONING ACRES O ,rrr^ON ( if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (s;tate exactly what you plan to do)f d<' 7 Fe dI6a6 DiRECTIONS TO SiTE: LAND MNAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687.4061 I / Y/v2r^'a June 2l , 799 ., App l'ication No. PA 1311-85 (Appl i cant)Rob Linahan (Address )205 N. "A" St., spf d. oR 97477 lane county tr'","1ffH*') (Map & Tax Lot)1B-02-04 / 1s03 The above referenced appl jcation to al1ow an 8.30 * acre parcel where 20 acres is normal required in* an AGT Zone has been: approved with the stipulatjons and cond'itions stated below An appeal nray be filed by you, your representatjve, or any other cted by the dec'is i on 'in accordance w j th the provi s j ons of Lane* The appeal is to be fjled with this office and must state how den'i ed . The decjsion was based on the fr'ndings of thjs office (copy enclosed) in accordancewith the provis'ions of Lane Code 10.330-20 The decisjon will become final on7/r/85 unless a ppea 1 ed to the Hearings Official, via the Planning Divjsion on or before that date. property owner impa Code 14.500 the dEtlJJon-r-JJn error. If an appeal r's f i1ed, you and the adjacent property owners will be advised of the date, t'ime and place of the hearjng before the Hearings Off ic'ial . George Cur , Associ-ate Planner *Your appeal must be accompanied by a $ rgs.oo filing fee. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I Partition PA 1310-85 shal1 be completed by July 1, LgBl otherwise th1sapproval shall expire. LANE couNTY PLANI'Jlr'JG Dlvlsl(lN / cc)ull lrioust Pt,tilt(i stRvtcL tturtt)n'JG I t25L Srl nvr.Nut / EuGENE, on 9i4ol / 6g7-406L Administrative , ,proval Robert Linahan: PA 1311-85 Mt. Vernon Cemetery Road Merro Map No.: ts_oz_04/r503, 1so8 To a1low the creation of a 2.19 acre parcel where 20 is required by Lane Code. The parcel has been sold and has an existing substation in p1ace. MT. V RD. Applicant: Location: PIot No.: Proposal: A E?5 ?300 2600 r) VICINITY MAP o' ?oo' 4co' ?5oo I 5C^2 3300 srTE or RE9uesr IJ240tIA {llllltltlllllltt'l'l!!ttrttttltrrlrllrtttltllaattrlfrafflatrtlttrllrtttatllttrtrtttrtttttrattrttttrrttlttfttlrlarrttttttatttttarrttrrrrt, ) 'N0TICE^T0 MORTGAGEE, LIEN HoLDER, vEND0R 0R sELLER: oRS o{AprER 215 REQUIRES THAT ^/7 IF YoLJ REcEIVE THIS N0rICE, IT MUST pR0MpTLy BE F0RT,IARDED T0 THE puRcHASrn.; \/llllllllltllltlllllltr!!llltlrtlrlrlllrlttrttattttrrraararrrrrrrrrr.rarrarrr.rrrrrrriirrrraarrrarr.rarrrrrrrrtrrrrtrtttrrrrrrtratrrrlrtl FOR ANY INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSAL, CONTACT LAND I'IANAGEMENT DIVISION / COURTHOUSE. PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / T25 E. BTH AVENUE / EUGTNE, OREGON 97401 / PHONE (503 687-1061) SPQ.tNGFtEl-D {i N sr, I I-l I ._t 'TE -tt- n I 50b t501 l5or ztoo I I LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR STAFF REPORT Report Date: June 21, 1985 File No: PA 1311-85 I. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION A Applicant: Robert Linahan (Sprlngfield Utility Board) 205 North 'rA" Street Spfld oR 97477 B. Proposal Variance to allow an 8.30 + acre parce'l where 20 acres is normally required in an AGT Zone. I!. APPROVAL ACTION Approved with the condition that partition PA 1310-85 be completed by July 1, 7987 . III. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Location and Site Description: Map 18-02-04, tax lot 1503 Zoning: AGT B. Surrounding Area and Zoning The subject property i s I ocated wi thi n the southern edge of theSpringfield urban growth boundary and outside the city f im'its. The land on the north, east and south are zoned AGT and the property is bounded by the Southern Pac'if i c Rai I road on the west. C. Services Fi re: None Pol'ice: State Police & County SheriffElectricity: Emerald PUD Sewer: 0n-site subsurface di sposal Access: Mt. Vernon Cemetery Road South IV. APPROVAL CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS A. Plan Conformity Metro Plan - Low Density Residential B. Lane Code, Chapter 10.330 (Variances) LC 10.330-20 Criteria. 1. Variances to a requirement of this Chapter with respect to lot areaand dimensions, setbacks, yard area, lot coverage, he'ight of a b c structures, vi si on cl earance , fences and wal I s , and other quantitative requirements may be granted only if, on the bas'is of the application, invest'igation, and evidence submitted, the following expressly written findings are made. That a strict or l'iteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified requ'irement would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and would be 'inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter; or That there are except'iona1 or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zoning districts; or That streict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the speci fi ed regul at'i on woul d depri ve the appl i cant of pri vi 1 eges legally enjoyed by the owners of other properties classified in the same zoning district; and d That the granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or material'ly injurious to properties or improvements in the near vicinity. V. FINDINGS The property contains 11.5 acres. The property is already below the 20 acre requirement. Lane Code 10.110-42(2)(c)('ii) allows substation parcels to be less than 20 acres. The d'ivision of the 2.2 acre I eave 8.3 acres. substation parcel from the 11.5 acres would Status of property will not change, only one dwell'ing will result on taxlot 1503. All other code requirements will be met. VI. FINAL COMMENTS A. Summary and Conclusions The property is being further reduced below the 20 acre minimum by the creation of a 2.2 acre parcel for a substation. The property is locatedwithin the Springfield urban growth boundary where it ultimately will be devel oped f or resi dent'ial use. B. Materials to be Part of the Record Lane Code, Chapter 10 Metro Pl an Fi 'l e No. PA 1130-85 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 il!'-r- "4 - /3 tt -tr{ ^--5e{ n General Land Use Applicati on NEo kPPLn *rto4-sit* fftrzrtrt ota) E-l nr Aean *.tu f zs*LL /O,lto't?- (z -t^ uC lff t,lo rrLE N0 . /3 //'8{ I. PROPERTY LOCATION I sect i *%T ax Lotlffizoni ns A€IIL! 1 ot #_Townsh i /8 Ran o> Site Address nT VERn/oN cEA€Tql1.Y PoAD Size lo.zlc Tax Code II. IDENTIFICATION &OWNERSHIP Applisel!:0wner: Nane SPETIO FIL-LD O7/,1 . Nane fo7gz 7 c. t ut rlHaP //7Y BoAfZo Address e$o ponrH A' STFflET Address JS.r, Nor-/r/ "4" s71€e7 Ci SPRING FEI,D 7i p_e7'7v77 Ci 9f/2/rr'6F/€Lo zi q7y 77 Phone 7q6 -8 .l5l -E*/ Uoo Phone 'z /6- tl S r 2. Lega I Interest Title Holder A Conti act Purchaser Lessee 0ther REQUEST/PROPOSAL e.l q Present Use 4€c7Erc se,Bs/Aatq!'t Exi sti ng StructureS FLe:C lEtc S r i)S/rtAtoe,) Abutting Prope rty owned tu€rlc H11L 8. z?s 18-oz<7 Tax Lot (s)/sa 3 Road Status State Coun ty Publi c_Easement_ Fi re Di st Water Supply: Pub li c 0n-s i te !/e'l l_Communi ty System Sewage: nam Power Compa School Dist. Pub'lic 0n-site Septic Community Sys nare Telephone co.- I (we) have completed all rhe attached applicat best of my (our) knowledge and belief. I (we) of the owner below. ion requirements and cerEtfy that all statenents are Erue an also authorlzed to submit this appllcation as evidenced narand accurate to the by the sl.gnature 3. Sig res z#* Agen Agen t Address 71 P-.Phone 4. Comments PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LAND MANAGEMENT DT\/ISION COURTHOUSE-PSB 125 E 8TH AVE. EUGENE, OREGON g74OI c- 98-239 I ( d.b F/r-=cLe^--PI ,*;t! l*a fr^- Ge, (o,33o- zo ,)*,** ft--t-.o, pa.vt"*; Z,LL a*<,tts *,(; llTl .^-Q UJ-N ,<--"'4Q ,'Cr ffi /r*v^ry; /?oz({* -(*+/ s@B A"^-,, C-A! l o. n o -,{ z- (-) {.) 0 ) all"---* n^r-|$*(*Ai s ,/- -(- Ir* tr",* ?e A-t/q ,/lj-t/.\. Va.Alr-^q -<A -gr*. Z,o >J4 S.cl ,b- A-<-\-a.-S 1l^r*-,r- t{- ^--0-(.*t try /,-+ /a)3 ./Le-* *I +-w ( d) A.l-1 c4-4.a-/'a-< MEMORANDUM lane county 18.'oL-t.:4TGov FROM SU BJ ECT Parce I was mv -tF cons complaint DATE ed 1503, 1508 applicant Bill Boyd for ovr'ner Neil1 Hi11.by the realtor who sold the parcel - Buck Jones.ApParently SUB previously purchased 1508 and divided the parcel roconstruct a subsEation there is now some problem in finding that 1503is a separaEe parcel. can you get me info on this - is this a doughnutproblem? 18 2 .IUEST FOR S ITE FEAS IB IL ITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIHINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERHIT. PLANS OR EXPEND]TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OI./N RISK. : PTEASE PRII{T lf Subdiv!sion - N ame:Lot #Block # -l se 0nly Yes Numbe r \ 6'A;--C A rce No\\ -)>\r R dvece b S ecial Permit Area n zrn \.'i' Townsh ip Range I (F\ Sect ibn r L- 1l Tax Lot No. I Yes ra---...-No Owner of Property Owne.rrs Consent No. of Sites \ $ No. of Acres $ _ Total-- $": ' \)', -- Cas h D L \\i' .()id -l { resS I rf'(\,L\t-\t*{ Tel ephone Proposed Use of Property: \ri rlr \, \\',\):u--'rr\ App I i cantrs"-ln in Property: 0 T,zC heck.. Owne rrJ *-rt: \--)':-lL) te res t Buypr ther (Specify): \ Sel ler t'.(. \r :'r(: t..i \_J Property S i ze ist tructures on roperty Froperty Locat ion (D i rect ions)South off McKenzie Highway on 57th Street about l/2 rnile across south side from Mt. Vernon Cemetary just around the corner where road turns west around the cemetary s ES o ithin 0ne. Mile of City?ty What C i ty ?' 'rope r)^Proposed lJater Publ ic 0ther v UPP v Drtno District: Y"11 t.,{.' When t{il I Tes't Holes Be Ready? },IAFK "IqST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS Location of Test Holes on Property: >-'F, ,- I ).\,' \\ i. \. '":. i i-.\\LDraw diagram of property showing location of any landmarks and relationship of test holes to these landmarks: ,, -- -d'1a<CS--\-.L-I HAKE CHECK PAYTSLE TO: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEHENT l'{AlL T0: LAHE cOuNTY DEPARTMENT oF ENVTRONMENTAL MANAGEHENT, 135 E c 55-55 <-G-\ Phcn e : 587-4065 5th Ave., Eugene. Ore t,.uF\b:- 5q-1,-- L- r, n9 \ .\. Real tor ,1. , , t.'. '. '--* -t.\r ..,.+--Lega.l\Access - Road Narr:e ng I /\ 't NOT .\PPRCVED - (/.'-{ -/-- i^da/&t-. ;l"lddl., e-'"r"* ^r^If "/,t-. ate : il APPROVED V I D TO: _Land Di v'is'ion Section _Regional Pi anni ng _Pl ann i ng Research ___-Zon i ng Enforcentent ___Env'i ronmental Heal th Zwut", Pol I uti on Control _So'i I s Data _Fl ood Management ---Transportation P1 anni ng lssessment & Taxation _Parks Div'ision _Lane Real Estate Di v. __Lane Public SafetY _Lane Public Lands _ Lane Legal Counsel _ - _llous i ng & Comm. Dev. Lane Extension Service Lane Transi t Di str.ict tAane Reg. Ai r Pol . Auth Water District y'School Djstrj ct* /-1__ r'- F'ire District Boundary Commission Port of Siuslaw Date -f,-Z/-4{ y'State Forestry_ __State Hi ghway Di v'i s'ion ____State Environ. Quality ___-_State Dept. of Lands State F'ish & Game State Geol. & Mineral Indus tau,u Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area Siuslaw Nat'l ForestPlan Dept 4ity of S PEil4FzE/.Z _--t'Ji I I amette Nat' I Forest t/@ €P42 -Bureau of Land Mgmt' _-N.t,J. Natural Gas Soil Conservat'ion Service tzAacif i c N.lnl. Bel I _Corps of Engi neers _Paci f i c N. W. Power -Fed. Aviati on Authori ty __Tri-Agency Dog Control --Fed. Communicat'ions Comn. -LCDC lz-Other filrzl ??y'-frrl4 0ther___ Neig hborhood Group From: LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION.l25 East Bth Avenue, Eugene, 0regon 97401 Phone: 6€7+tfi O8?- 37A+/6A7-1t/6 A request for land use action,as descrjbed on Data Summary and attached schematjc has been rece"ived by the Plann vi s ion. If s'ignificant impact is evident, please send commentsi.ng. Di to Land Management Di vrsl0n by Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addit'ion to adverse impacts on general ljvability of the area and its future development Fo r additional jnformation, contact DATA SUMIv'IARY: Journal No Zone District Appl i cant 3A^m7 f,/ t ', -property Address Mf y'F4l/at/ /l4fZ€fy'?2, Lot s'i ze Map //. +Q | ,--c I ax LoL-+, tS;a 3 L /s-d3 pRoposAl : PA R T i 7/o,U / O, 4 ? /AzEtS ///Za--Z4Za€Zl-4F- --2. /-2-*-uZ-'a/ 2/ Z4SS Reverse Side MaY BeCOMMENTS _5: sed 2rd ).Q.A2-,"4 CERTIFICATION OF MA]LING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I,Jana served notice of the administrative decision made in the matter of a Lot Size Variance initiated by Robert : PA 1311-85 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to each of the persons listed in the attached sheet, who appear as record owners of real property that are within 300 feet of the subject property in the said letter, by placing in sealed envelopes addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letEer, and delivering said envelopes to the United States Post Office, Eugene Main, Lane County, Oregon on the day of June21st , 19 85. Broom LINAHAN PA 1310-85 1311-85 Ji.m Martin Box 7774 Eugene OR 97401 Gerald & Marjory French 1090 Linda Lane Spfld oR 97477 Gordon Tripp 36676 Brand S. Road Spfld oR 97478 Charles & M.V. Witham 1088 Linda Lane Spfld OR 97477 Paul & Glenna Gates 1070 Mt. Vernon Road Spfld oR 97478 Lloyd & Ireta Whiteaker 5065 Jasper Road Spfld oR 97478 H. & Debra Spies 36082 Jasper Road Spfld oR 97478 James & Julie Grant 36077 Jasper Road Spfld oR 97478 Clay Bracy Box 141 Oakridge OR 97463 Springfield Uriliry Board 250 No. ,'A" StreetSpfld oR 97477 ,ry' llI IN RE MATTER OF: 4 l5o boz bo to 3 boo 5 Zboo JouRNAL No. PR r*to - Rop=er Lrxre Raaq tb . Oz . 04 + too3r tsog PA re tt- &5 Plor * Melzo Assessor's Ma and Tax Lot Numbers o 2 I Dtor \ \\ -\ ^\il)i,i \ N kur to,,orr.r \\]1r-')*tu \q\ \0Gk <;IC\:\\\K,i .,u\<f)n.B,i[E 'Al a,-+, -\\\\-l b_"/--- Mt 4-01 ) VICINITY MAP Permit No 6tuD nf ,qb u 3t&+-r,r* /,C Twnshp Standard System tr(s Type) Job Location (Street Address)r Subdivision / Partition #Parce 2 Lot- Block- I'ETAIL SYSIEM PLOT PLAN ASCONSTRU TED Scate / ":-1b' L5 Section 04 rax Lot ,"#43'-'' fosea,finl rA d,?yy,n 5') 0 t1 lc €rL;tIY ? Tank Measured Distance from Well to Tan COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUM I (installer's nao"r"-l:?335 and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No Signatu Date-FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: Trench Manufacturer I - have been installed wi, € rt \!X USE BLACK INK ONLY pth Below Ti p From Drainfield-Total Length of Lines_ P WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATION (Model No.)-Pump ith this sewage installation. certify that a (Mfg) t ,-rJ"Instal -:lephone t-icense No Bon lf lnstalled By owner- nt's Name on FOR INSTALLER'U System Approved E System Disapproved n Needs Correction COMMENTS: : 'Ap / Public Service Building, 125 E Bth Avenue, Eugene 97401 vrronme anagemen System Corrected S ystem Ca pacity-4f,O-ga l.lday Signat INSTALLATION RECORD &CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location Date-DateTJ6*E_ 7 evidence as per ORS 454.665 of satisfactory n rn IS rm rng a an on q M-,th lr--17 7 Lane County thori za,t fort FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY Application,/. Permit * SECTION BLOCK Bnesidential l-l commercial ! nlruri" I ndus tr 1al PROPERTYPROPOSED USE ozEZTPc TZnd €:S T OSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC -/'ZL -fezrz-, -\rsz=zz DECLA,RED S VALUE WATER Existing ed TELEPHONE NUMBER OSR D I HAVE CAREFULLY EXN{INED THE COIiPLETED APPLICATIoN FoR PERMIT, arrd do hereL_v certify that a]l informat.ion hereon ls true and correct, and that I have the fo!.ltring lega1 interest ln the property,f]owner of record; Ic<r,tra.,t p,rr.h.ser;ftuthorized agent. wlth ovidence of authority attached.I f:rther certify that any and al} work perfomed shall be done in accordanqe with the ordrnEnces of Lane couty and the Laws of the state of oregonpertaining to the work described herein, and Ehat No oCcUPANcY will be made of an: st-ructure without the pemission of the Building Division. I fu-ther certify that registration uith the Builderrs Board is in fuU force and effect- as required by oRs 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemptiis noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ma employees who are in conpliance with ORS 7Ol-.055 will be used on this project. I fnvE READ AND CHECKED T'llIS APPI.ICATION THOROT.,GITLY.. /' 'irru( o-Z;t{oc- o,Date: Yes f] InstaLlation Specifications: //Date: PLANS EXAMINATION:Use CO}&IENTS: Date rear zz o k P * ruea COMI'IENTS & front Pfr I o^ of Drai fie ld tal Lation Record Issued? *l SANITATION: s. I. * -$e ,LO,, interi-or COI'L\ENTS izz- LL Lineal Eeetcallon Tank fo' crry-+iae READ THIS SECTION dwzzoNrNG: CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION qAS BEEN BASED ,"^" ff67/LL- partition rI+WZ_F ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Parcel O &- Parcel si Minimum setbacks, "", Maximur Depth of Trenches /r 15 BY BUILDING OFF oRs 455.80s (I) ) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LANE ct4-25 R* D n SEE REVERSE EOR INSPECTTON INI'ORMATION (bmn 6874061, SETBITCKS AND OTIIER CONDITIONS OF APPROI.IAL T,IUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED' VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO' CA?ION OF TIIIS PERMIT, CITATIO:J Ur'DER PROVISIONS Of LAI;E COU):TY'S INFRACTION ORDI:IANCE, AND,/OR OTHER REIIEDIES ALLOT'|ED BY LAw. ViHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 687.{065. A I"lINI}IUil OF AT T,EAST 24 IIOIJRS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @EN:-.Ha'a--EEE-oIlowinginformationre3dy:Fermitnumber,jobadiress,tyPe of inspecij,on, when it wiII be ready, your name aid phone nunber, and any special Cirections to site. BUILDINC DMSION r REQUIRED I\SPECTIONS: To be nade after trenches are excavated and forns erected and when all dacion are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central nixing plant (comonly terned "transit mi.xed") is to be used, materials need not be oo the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Uljll.ilggl Inspection. To be made after all. j,n-slab or under-floor building iEivllfelui-pmst, cmdurt, piping ressories, and other ancillary equipmen! items are in place but betore any concrete ls poured or floor sheathing installed, including lhe subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, aIl framing, fire blocking, and E;Elnq are In plre an-a)-l piopes, firepLaces, chimneys, and vents ale compleLe and all rough elecLrical and plumbing are approved. All ualL insulation and vapor barrj.er are in place. 4. Lath and,/or Gypsum Board Inspection: To be nade ar-ter all lathing and qypsun board. i.nterior and-eiI6rrcrl--iE--In-pTre EuEbefqe any plastering is applied and beiore gypsu board joj.nts and fasteners are taped and finj.sheal. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the buj"lding 1s complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shal1 be done on any part of the buildinq o. structule beyond the Point indicaLed irr each successive lnspection wiLhout first obtaining Lhe approi,al of the buil,ding official. Such approval shall be given cnLy after an inspection shall have been nade of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspecti.ons required. NOTEr AII building permits requi,re inspecLions for the work autholized, such as but. not lj.mited to: A. Block Wa1!: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This llnsprcti6i is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspeccions have been nade and aPproved. B. wood Stovei To be made after compLetion of nasonry (if applicable) and when installation is AofiFIeta Installat.ion shal-I be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufaciure!rs installation instruct.ions. C. ltobile Home: An j.nspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved iEiE?-o?-GEptic sysuem for setback requj.renents, blocking, footing connection, EieCoHns, skirting, and plwbing conneccj..ns. 1. Footj.ngs and piers to comply wj.th State foundatj-on requirements for mobile homes or as recomended by the manufacture!. 2. Mobile home mj,nimun finish floor elevation shall be certified vhen required by a flooal- plain nanagement letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirtj.ng shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tj"edowns and ski.rting shall be installed per enclosure. D. Swiming pool: Belou grade when steel is in place and before concrete is pouted. Above grade wh-ruI Is insla1led. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PER!'IIT ('IILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I{ITHIN l8o DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR t'tORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I,IAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BAS1S OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORM.ATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POITIT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS IIILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. suBsuRFAcE AND ALTERNATTVE SEIrAGE qISPCS4L SYSTEMS: I. Permits sha1l be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completj.ng Lhe construcLj.on for which a pernit haE been issued, the pelmit holder shall natify tle LanA County Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies ui.th.the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply uith. such ruI;s, the Department shall issue a certi.fj.cat'e of saEisfactory completion to the Pernitihol'der. If the construction does not comply uith such rules, the Department shalI notify the permit holder and shall requj-re satj.sfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requi.renenas for 6atisfactory conpletion within a reasonable time constiCutes a vi.o- Iarion of oRs 454.605 to 45'1.?45 and this rule. Setbacks - subsurfacc seuage Di'sposal Septic Tank From: InEerj.or propercy lines L0' Edge oi road right-of-uay 101 Buildi,ng foundation liells, other ualer soulces 50r Drainfield Foundation Inspection : materials for the foun 10, r0l 10, 1.00 | at 0I i\l EA.Sr Zge:,eo' GA-_) _ @/c4zo EASE."€IV 7*e \5 ) b 0 h'\i $t '$il td $ \! I f) N 845 r 325. /3'. groT*nC 14 lJ /24L 4E:- N 88"53'tZ"E zo8.70' li \ ) \, ,/€4.5 r,. PARCEL /yo. / Z.oa rqc. ':l ss t xs PARCEL NO.2a.9/ ac. '01 al N tf' h rrl: $ $ ie 0 Rrl /32.77' gvt \ \$ r No. z: ,63' * a/44sE;c' r a/o.3' //69 € 51442s z \9 1$ ( \\ Qrz.servarvr # /(nrrx ,,/6a * at++sgg) .t s A?- 4 4' :sO, y'</ 589 o 9' il I $*l.r t'L t'oo / HOTII sttP lane county APPLICATION #6t!r-!r LOCAT I ON /,' ,4,{L NAME ADDRESSi? I 2) 7/.) The Lane County Bujldjng and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: l. tr Incomplete application (items defjcient) Address and/or djrections to application site. roposed number of bedrooms in dwe11ing. pprovable p'lot plan (see attachment). Notifjcation of date test holes will be ready. tr tr P 2 3 Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repairof existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4 t] other:J trr*6i$ t ,l /) .L -if, ,/-/ fr) If no response has been the app'lication wi I I be denied. DATE from to PH0NE received in regards to this matter by (-tf ,Ff- BU Cou rthous.e- Pub I ILDING & SANITATION PROGRAM / LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION i.c service Bui.lding / .l25 Eas.t 8th Ave. / Eugene, 0R 97401 / (s03)687-4061 t{; *"1 I \.__.-I /1q 4 #({t? I I I t., 4-i1 ,L< ) ,. /1 /1 {0 L to OFFICE HOURS t I I C 'ti 'i :r!i:r':ii1'L.:. , ::,..: : _.i l!i,- F' ,ti i.. i .i. i.1 ir i-j l::: :J i:: Fi :i i]:' 'i :i: i.l :'i i::.1. . ht'i F: : Hi:.i.li-ifii'l.1. ilrt:i... f'H[i :i "i fi 'I'!::,:1 !J!:iUl'lril:tIi:: lli...fiiri []i-l[::i:]l{: F h.H. i.]i',i i T i::ili:'i U,qi...l.!:1'I :. {li'i t-. I :-. a_i I ril!1. &rr1 I 1.. fti'!'r !-i I t. t i:tiUi'j'1'Y [Ili::'1' Hi\iV i"ii;T it[:{:I I f ]' '$' r:rl-]$l;; i'?i :3 til-lEh-i-.Hii ii{Ii ' , i.:i*Irti:i ;i l.ii{l:'i'jj i.i+i 5.jIil'i{l:ir,:j 'iiir:....iri;.1: t}s'i !}H0l'iE Ifli:ji:i1...:i i:iti.j': :j.iil i.ii , ;:...,ii' i i:iij:iiii'lirtilil i ::i rji.i: ' tli::. iI l.::i... ii il 'i T i::'i::: I ii ii i'i [:: i:i i,i l'i !::: liF i::' 'i' 'r: l' i i i:l :::' ,::: I tl.-i-.i i jl i ::l:: i'! i:! r:i tl I j ,''.: .';l ::'fl i:lil i,ii:ri...i:::.1. j: {-1ti 1}t\.itr. il- i:'l:[ii{.it.I r.l:.i-tl ke courty I ACl IVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS I.IILL BE REJECTED! 't I ,r//TozD PROPERTY OWNER ?/ MAILING ADDRESS tu t ?z ysS CITY STATE ZIP CODE fuol,le 7 // 3/sz HOME T-LEPHONE #ffi FOMTT'LEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT F 3 rvtap B PAFIcTEL NLTMBEFI ( REQUIRED I NFORI.IATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) lf 2-' 4 rgo 7 mmffitr mNm SmTm ffi MEMEIF MNGE MTION ffi let- q' ZONING ZONING TOfifrSHTP R-ANE Sf,ETMN ffi mmlm- ACRESTOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: O ,Urr**ON (if applicable) --.'_._-- LOT_----__BLOCK 5 REQUEST (";tate exactly what you plan to do) gk rt )e rC +6 DIRECTIONS TO \@E SITE:.{J*soan ?l fo l't+f Veru* P. o Neau S z o €( ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY **NUMBER f,vt BY: - DATE:- TIME IN:-OUT:_ /fO 3 u.,-+{ LAN D MANAGEMENT DIVISION E, oxe 5'?-3f (M ,A+11- 87-4061w S. d, r3,t&t ,543 {-' I 25 E. 8th AVE. ,L-UGE iallJv ' ,tt/ffi ZONE/LAND USEi .-% ,\ f ")( +L\< ;c "-,l*:*ri 17-trr'.{",( tqrf'-,;< ^,Pt a- QA,,UA.I.eQS 'l-M-*<-/42 A.*e-* t^-^- *67/o O&A-L)*U W -/1-A f^j, t*rn.- P& t3ro--9s /*^q Za/4 -k*,>"/'fufd4 @ /-z A<v+ -9s- lfi,M y a t tl e ?/rf t/-r*'u lTf -/97/- Jr s1 -$ 6 r-u// t7 bnecourty AC'^,VITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS I,JILL BE REJECTEDI *T.. FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY: _ DATE:_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ NUMBER DATE I PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CI STATE ZIP CODE C ITY STATE ZIP UUUE ffi H-OM-TETEFHTNET BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHOXE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( tF DrFFERErur rnO 3 rvlae a PAFTeEL NIJMBEFT ( REQUTREp rNF0RI4ATr0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) u^u1 Pk pt> ls TOWNSH IP )- MNGE (/ SECTION /'-CI,f, TAX LOT(S) OR PTMEIT q W e X ffiTNSFTP R;AffiE SmTmN ffi\ ZONING t\l N TOilNSETP R.ANGE SEETMN ffi z0NlxG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP:ACRES 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 UEST (state exactl y what you plan to do)d--"r4-1 k,"-/n 6 DI@r:e_/o, LAND }4ANAGEMENT DIVISION /I25 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / HrT L'#/rl'yl 6&/" bl fr'flp' 687-4061 {,(,all ( I I 11" MEN^JRANDUM lane ccunty TO Roy FROM George Currin Gst> SUBJE Complaint on 18-02-04 /1503 DATE May 9, 1985 Complaint Buck Jones, a realtor, has complained that he checked with County Planning to see if a mobile home could be placed on above parcel (see copy of activity information sheet) and was infomred that the property was zoned AGT which permits mobile homes. Mr- Jones then arranged for the sale of the parcel to Neill Hill based on those assurances. Mr. HilI then employed Bill Boyd to install a septic system and obtain the necessary permits. When Mr. Boyd came in for the necessary installation permits it was found that tax lot 1503 and tax lot 1508 had been i11egally divided and that when tax lot L508 was sold to the Springfield Utility Board it left tax lot 1503 without lega1 access. History 6D!r'- L0/LL/7 6: B/L2/82l 4/85: 517 /85 z 5/B/85: 5 /e 185: Evaluation ? Tax lot 1503 approved as parcel 2 of partition l"l 4LL-76. Tax 1ot 1508 divided from tax lot 1503 without the benefit of a partition. Permit L2g5-82 issues to S.U.B. for the construction of a substation control house. Buck Jones checks with Planning. Bill Boyd attempts to obtain septic installation permit. Joe and George talk with Mr. Jones and Boyd. B/CC received complaint from Mr. Jones 1 2 3 The planner on duty pu1led the assessor map, which shows that Eax lot 1503 was parcel 2 of partition M 4Ll-16. The assessors map did not show a tax lot 1508 because our assessor map is a 1978 edition. At the time Bill Boyd came in for a septic installation permit he had a plot plan which showed that tax lot 1508 had been divided out of tax lot 1503 and that tax 1ot 1503 no longer had access to a public road. The planner on duty at the time Mr. Boyd came in made a search of the records for a partition and access variance and finding none determined that a permit could not be issued. Recommendation Make combined application for partition and aecess variance Preliminary partition fee $f30.00 Combined access variance fee 25.00 Sub total 155.00 Final partition fee $108.00 $263.00 1 2 3 Partition and variance application processing be expedited. Updated assessors maps be obtained for counter staff. GMC/J b bi',r: c-crr*-rty /^-TIVITY INF'ORMATI. N SI-{EET COIIPLETE THIS SICTION. iI,iCOiqPLETE FORI{S I,]ILL BE RiJECTEDI i''. (.L P i.IOP T RTY C',^rNtR TJAILII.I,; ACDRESS [liilLii{G RESS CiTY SI,1TE Z]}-TE}E /. l) .1 ! (, L*' T0l*jNSH I P RAI{GE iTC 5rAib Z I P COi]E TTLEPiIONE #ii0-r'iE' iEl-rprieiir i BuSiutSS-TE-lfpHfiE"-7*r;0i45 rILEpHtr;E-l 2 PROPTRTY ADDRESS ( rr DrFi:ERTNT FRomlT[If]lw 3 r*r.Ap 6, F,{\raDEL i'Jurlft{rEF (I'rom tax maps 'in Department of Assessment arid 'iaxation or from tax statemeni)\ liL U I Ri:D i ilF0ilr4AT I CtJ ) kt\ -'-.-/P{a Pr> 1*\I il \ l\) I )r T0,rli,tSTIi-P nnllsr Suf rT0ru TAX LOI{S) OR PEREEI-T'z0il I ilG IoT-li$]T[ R-AITI SEIrIen TEX-IETrcj-nE-FI_n.mfT\ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUCUS PRCPTRTY IN SAI,IE OI,JNERSIIiP: SUBDIVISI0N ( if appl icable) P.[QUEST (s;ta re exactl y r.rhat you plan to do) ACRTS !, 5 LOT i',t,t ','\-Lt '' ,,'-(e ku- Lr\- 'L--',t_ 6 Di ,{ *lo, / ,t* t0R STAi-[ ['SI uiiL.Y r* Z0l'r[/ t-iiliL) Ui [ : 3Y: _-_ Di\T[: IIr.i[ Iit:N: ,T liUi'lB i:il DATI -"{ ttz LAIjD MNAGEMTNT DIVISJn|T / 1zs E. iith ;\vE., EUGENE, 0R 97401 /687-406'l .o*'hi iti;;$ a,l6t 1 1: -t{!,Y tler/ttrsEmTm TEx-T0TGT-0R=-FIRCETT ,N* BLOCK----- oo @ r700 3r5 2702 hnlri r 507 i I L 2roo s, aa. \i I $ hr I lt Cor. {) \l N 301 ti ID I rl ?70t 2600 INI, , i,,cl+'I IJE Eiu. rj .! ,l I ai .J ,i{:_D.L.C. No.47 ESE Comer R. Hixon D.L.C. No 47 5. 2703 It ^\;. t {x)'IOAD ,+. too A.lo I o.o =o(,a ( I I lg*ffr ,l-'t502 l;r' ,i II s l. N 89'26'33 L. 3 t5'ti'52' \!' \ ,'1 ! t+ t $o ui 230 ttr"tt/rt. t,2401 2500 ,89 ,to't!t A{ I o lu) F$ { I \o. II P I /'tt? t' 240 4 I 0 _,ti - I a'.; --\ Li l --)4.t- t , ) -.tt.I ,,lt I a, L ( { + I 506 I Jr :; r 'iAi(i/[j 15 to-tt-7r- Itt"iIi* li:.: rl' ,a", I 1-- , i nt' i, JA "' /.{{. 'd" 1 /t.4" t,a..:. ,*;, IEJ ( c- t i\.t ;l t-:' i]I I i I 5eg:inu tU ,--j ,.',j }t*ab{lx}A$.{Y ( irrlvsoa { ( 1 :errlFili 11 Qtn ta6_o *t I I { t t\ I a q :.i ."j ffr- '.,'i h, l'll5l-- L3 t$ f,fl * ffitt "*lar' 1 t (niil(J.i :t IJ fuld t,ri F' i I $ a .15 .;.$r t t ttt LA rn *t t :ti E t,. t'i jt ?,q :1"t ? -,1 s{&.w&p !.i arr*r f+ P - tt /_i Cr, --t ,.J ;Dm' tJt X.,58 *{ p +i -.J I .h iT ? I .:; '.j., rn --{ 1t () ()- 3r bq {.]! le. tt '. 41.' F I 'l'- \) -1-r t.:t I I I,; r-. :'$ inJ:; !:-1.. a t x :_,:",.$" fi 96$,tStg tr3&3,.3.{9 lfirj$ I $.r 6's's(){;{,,q ot I p I h ?s d rE*' fJ ,i! '""-..} {: ,,]]r i ort ,r.@ {.} ' i t.. ,l t REQUEST FOR S ITE FEAS IB IL ITY STI""+,*\b- sq] 3 /7- lf Subdiv!sion - Name THlS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PER},IIT. PLANS OR EXPEND]TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OI.JN RISK. E ,{, PRI Lot #d PIl of EAS cl m -7 ..l (r, \P^, ga Township Range \H\B Tax Lot No. <rt.,hn L Yes<FNoe-nffs""t s vtS: $ Block # ,,l ( ect on Owner of Property No. of Sites \ No. of Acres at Tota $ L' r+\ c,<( r ng res 5 6C I ---- Telep ne Proposed Use of Property: x 4/r1 11 ature of Appl icant Bas y:0ther (Specify Bu ): Sel ler r Rea I tor 0wne r ((\l App I i cantt ln Propert s (. e,4r a**=\\ Property S ize W Property Locat ion (D i rect ions) : across south s'ide from Mt roPose ter upP v Publ ic Dist Well I Spring t r ecify Sou off McKenzie Hi on 57th Street about I 2 mile .V ernon Cemetary just around the corner where road turns \Yes A rea r n z r.'l)\-r-r r \q"o6ae-\ aRece i ved b r 0 n v Kty it n0 l,Jhat C i ty? eols es o west around the cemetar When Will Test Holes Be Ready? MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS Location of Test Holes on Property: Draw diagram of property showing I these I andmarks : \e*c-l a ion of any landmarks and relationship of test holes to > a es--r--'*/ ^HECK PAYABLE T0: ENVIR0NMENTAL MANAGEMENT phcne: Gg7-4065 : LANE C0UNTY DEPARTMENT 0F ENVIR0NMENTAL MANAGEMENT,135 E.5th Ave., Eugene. Ore. G.T t (\on Nt^*,-\ Exist ing Structures on Property \s q ce APPROVED V NOT APPROVED ,iC,'dn&- { .ana,Zln -d/ on {L, ie,*L(tr#r*ru", ,\ lrlt*J,.** cu\)-.,{..qffit. i *- "n4-e"rdf &edr-.r. zt, .f,DJ',- ,y|g**'{' "il),r" Authori 6 - k /w'^Y /*1)r^^*t ,*r*,/^**Tt re te ,' ' /;'/,',''tt' // 'l ^,'' (i, ,/, ';/ */ 5-a,a ? Llllard?stawart lB Surname lwP. 'l 50 I l)-01 Tax Lot Code r' .Rece pt o r) ft SecITon t02 Hange ens us ract Yes ne rs nsent No THIS IS A PRELIHINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES HADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: REQUEST FOR S ITE FEAS IB IL ITY STUDY 1 No. S i tes 26 No. Acres TOTAL $225, Proposed Use of PropertY res ldence rban z ng Area Yes NoX n One i le o aC ty? - Yes XX No $?2 5.00 Namer' and I 63 Hohawk Blvd.Addre { a Sp rlnqfle ld, 0recton Te ephone No. 47-804rty S zePrope 26 acr I s ropertY W VIhat C i t rl fl ld 0t txi st ng tructures barn Water SuPP v r P ropos Publ i c District Sp rinq Wel I XX Soec i fv Owner Dol nn Date 8-20-75 ppl i cants real tr.tr in PropertYI nterest erm tPec NoYes rea XX Lega 57 h st. Access - Road Name Directions south ff il nz lo 5 re road turng t"Glt t1 acro: Pr rt rout sl Locat i on: rom t. Vernon Cemetory Jutt arou the cornor whe a nd ceme tar APPROVED XXX Nor APPRoVED- Approrod for three septlc dlsporal systenrs ln and aroun north ond of lot. Partltlonlng Roqulredl Sce Plannlng Dlvlr lon d the 15 foot fir stand on' BEFORE C0NSTRUCTIoN lS STARTED brins thi:-l?t* ;;;;;;r""t and make appl ication for a bui ldins iion-o"fy of a tax lot, a metes and hounds des nished. Exact specifications for the sewage d ;;ii;iie permit.' rwo sets of buildins plans a .LANEcoUNTYDEPT.0FENVIRoNMENTALHANAGEMENTijj ensr stxrH nteNue, EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 to the DePartmen permit. lf the cription of the P isposal sYstem wi nd a Plot Plan wi John Shook t of Environmentat i,r'r'': property is a Por- arcel mu st be fur- ll app ear on the I I be requi red. 5ep Date t-g).nature I Earl [. Lll lard,/Stewart Real Ertate I t t';),l.'Jbij{t X MINo ! roR Part it iro-- -_:;:-:-- ,)t VansmtrsrbD EatemAnf .oo \ { N do' .4fr're-bar lF .pls a Fd ft"re-bars +?F: P.rqe;fy o/l/ner., malo.e requzred .(a-par,4ctpa/e tb//Z?_r?//b? lrle .roay' ?-anfrna//7 elr reteec.y't ire praperhb{al -ro:ze Qu/r-e dafe, F//YA L PA RT/ T/ON _fupvEFOR_1qE D2LANsE k - szc. r' _ rtas _rzhz_ /t4/a,bqS-feeheo -H Fu-/ 7nn7ei_/y't//a rn e,/ fe Sir.;; IEUCEME, O,?8. --' ft slaze SCALE: /tl 200'/r/ 'zt FILE No2 t@W: tiltIl t'tlE-e-- l---6\_ I h N, \\\\ ri I h ,\l NI r/ 295, b $ N \ fi oo'- N ( 52 7tu' I h\ 0\N'ri l*IIeG-7kr lLreI Npl-ferc Ut-1o N5 2a8. "-a PROFF'SSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGONJULY lO. lS64 S. KEI'JJR]CI( FORD642 $-/,A/*//1rr,( e ru^f^4 61"c lol "PARCE/- 10, Ll3 5)Z ",e2;6,-5 a\ .N \ P! ANNINC DIVI:;I()N / I NVII't()NMt N IN I MAIIN T;t MI-NT t)t PN NTM llltlA\ t fjllln Vl / l-ttr,1111 ,()lt(tt4Ol / ,,rrrrN, ()}3l $7.41 I bne county 225' /4O,.2 a COf,r7ef LC ryZ \\_\_-_ I .W.i3 I t 14 t/r. !.. r&. la (,2 O /ft'! a Lt#* * a Seclion 4 T18S. R.2W'WM' LANE COUNTY t,,r 4OO, !.. Io, It Oe J! 4 9. uo 18 02 09 9. uo. 15 I rr0! !!.. .- ir?l!.r'r la .?!!!IItl?Ottll!r00 t ill rt ! IIt EI I sE c@ xa 47 I o o 3 I I o T .' ti I , rD: I i I toi Loil.i o rar lg 02 o9 st o oLc 7 Co. rO I t F I t400 r.o. 0Lc sf Cda., OLC ta a9 t7 'n,!it,7. .LL u. 62 xIIo ol.c. h .l+ I /a 9 I 300 { lil il .T .t ol I I I I I 3 t T EII!ttf,{9, r BU I.LO I.NG S ITE EVALUAT ION ( ) 'BUTLDTNG pERlur AppttcATtoN No. V /X R ars 0 / rnx Lor /ga3wT sUdT'r 5'i5'nl- SITE INSPECTION 76 -5{ z- PLANNING DIVISION -Appl i cabl el. Zoning Ordinance Cornpl iance: Zonel@l( )2. Subdivislon Ordinance Compliance 'v ' ( ) 3. Required Access ( )4. Building Site (Area, tridth, Frontage) ( )5. 0ther (iee conments) ( ) LOT :_ BLOCK:_ CKID BY:///4 - /, 02, 7/ - Side Rear Setbacks fiqn c/l oY road{.Front , L//,4Side Exterior_Z_ Setbacks from interior I ines: APPL I CANT DATE Not No Yesr). rr t$8() () () () 6 COI{HENTS:1-?-#r- PLANNING OIV BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soi I Stab i I I ty (foot i ngs ) 9. flood Plain I O. 0ther (see corments) Not Appl i caLLg() () () () No Yesr) rT() () () () () ()CKID BY: DATE COH},IENTS: I'ATER POLUT I ON ROL Not Aool icable No CI tF,I l. l{eets Department of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. 12 . 0ther (see cornments )() ()CKID BY I() DATE COI{HENTS: TO APPL!CANT: Yo Bui ldi n9 / 5 i te I nsPect ion: s Can be approved. ) Cannot be apProved at Questlons and further c ING D IV t 2 contact t e N COUNTY ( ) ttill be held in this ce unti this time as indicated on itom N0. information on items I through 5 conta ON. Questions and further information 1b above. 0 ct the LANE- on items 7 D ING SAN ITAT ION O IV I st0 you can reso ve the pr c55-28 Your bui ldi ems ln cated. ) !s Ueing returned. rmi t a ation fe is bti E t 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon PHoNE z 687'4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 97401 687-4t 85 I PROF]LE PROFILE Inch Inch =113 Ctrl t- sC eqstrictive Layer 3C i" ervious Layer in HOLE l_n 1n 1n SATURATED ZONE l-fl o ttling #2-TEST PREDICTED I,{ATER cted Predicted Observed Date ]-fl o served te 36 -! 72- 24- 48- 60= Rest,rict,ive Layer JO i" Impervious Layer in HOLE 1n 1n #t rEST IN 1n PERCHED WATER SATURATED ZONE Mottling Predicted Observed Date Predicted Observed Date DOES NOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REQUIPA A MINIMIJM DEPTH OF: 36 inches t.o an impermeable layer 30 inches to a restrictive layer 60 inches Eo a permanent water table 24 inches Lo a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL *1 PLOT PI.AN: Stream -r^i-l\,l,b Drainage or pond Road il ---- SITE DOES Test Hole @ \ 7. SloPe Cut Bank 777777- Fence tl- X-X MEET MINIMIIM STANDARDS. ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH I^IAS: inches inches inches inches fl^I f t( l) F(r\e, 01o Sc; ir.q o(d€tfrl,,4?d es abte fdle 72 24 36 48 60 tr tr LocArroN I rwp. 17 RANGE AZ SEcrroN_lL#' rAx Lor # SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET AMOTJNT US$L AREA: /, ZONING: SIZE OF PROPERTY: I^IATER SUPPLY:COMMIJNITY PUBLIG IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Itu 1 ti-fami ly Conrnercial INDIVIDUAL Single Family Indus tria I 3b^cpd gpd 8pd 8pd 8Pd Ins ti tutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS : Length of disposal trench required Distribution Method: Equal Curtain drain required: Yes Other: 2-e /150 gal. m rial No tE SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANGE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNAT]VES: f NAME:DATE OF EVALUATION: l-iD- c7 4-L26 l*l '";"1'. :' '6 .r{ "tpir'- r r'" a \. i) al l'\ ( :, 7L PRoPosED usE: A*;Zu {*rZ / ,Z Zr*^- Surname E R5nsa fecffifr' Tfffi 6-tr-Census Tract .F pt No.Owners Yes on s ent No Name and Address REOUEST FOR S ITE F EAS IB IL ITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELlMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: $ Mt.--STtaa No, Acres TOTAL e e No.Proposed Use Property Property ze U n z ng Area Yes No Ex st ng Structures ls roperty ithin 0ne ile o a City What Cit Yes No Propose Water UPPI Y r Publ ic District Spring Wel I Spec i fy $ 7 t Date Owner n PropertyPPcants tnterest Legal Access - Road Namc Permi t Area No Special Yes Property Locat i on : (D i rect i ons ) APPROVED NOT APPROVED OAR Chapter 340 Divrsion 7 Section 72-020 (6). This report shall remain'in effect until issuance of a permit to construct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit in which case this evaluation report shall be considered null and vojd. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant tothis section. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION lS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building permit. lf the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and a plot plan will be required. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRON}.IENTAL MANAGEI.IENT I35 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 c55-32 B Date D 7*'/"' z/a r/r" + f 2 8/s-24 lq3 la-7 4 .-+-J ,*-{go , ./8'a>-a / t) 7-z- /de3..-?-77 _Va/'7 ..-t-./ S .?-a 3 a /'75 -2q ?4/-)4#> /,:.:--- 'ez-e// ,/*./za ?/s-/za ,4"!26 -Sr, ry,zlarzza / y'/ s'/,/?4 ,'/, ///26 / r-a /log 4* //,/ - ?6 (t - -rz-e-.- ).22z'// /// - >4 (s*-.,*; Zz-o/€7- /.9-a3 ,/ fa<-<-=* g-pz -ot/ ffi/_4-__2, ) )8-az-o Y 7< tSoC /'-- s,J--,",z 3e/- zs'(uot 52,,-e-a* 6fa,/a2-7e. 4-z*-e.4-4r-Z;,- , /- ?/t - za) / €-ez- -e e< 7-t / laa 4:---.<;L €F -=oe-f-22 (f r"-.2 ,- 7/* ,///- 2a t .zaecV e D'5 z;-'ffi/ etrAzaz-2d). Z--& X -_(ag ..?z#. (E *2, oi/* /1/ - 22/t/ ro./z a./>z (n-- Z-f- r. N) //r,t to/z z /q*4-A Z,*V //8 -az -o I rz t.fa1 ,---/dZ 3 aa=s'- 22r iWZ*-".- pa *r., - =27 e "e?* //'?2 / tr -7-z -a- *E> @4/"2) .l.t r'tl nc Ser:lion 4 T l8 S' R'2W'WM LANE COUNTY l"= 400' Se? Moo l7 O? f! 4 200 ffi 33 34 k;See MoP rz6fiTe +5 ESE Comer R Hrxon .C. No 47 "l 4 It t 'l roo - --:-t1-. a, ' @ ool @ 600 o c 2.JI (s SE CorA HAMI0Lc TT T.0. DLC No 49 NE Corner D.LC. Nc 65 on Mop 18 O2 09 ! oo t a)' B3\D E:,+ r 502 traj- / 50'l ' l 5o5' ./"L /4, { P2- t {a/- /5nz' r)o No 6 @ SE Cornrr DL.C. NG 49 26 ol9-tr /,,., z/''4 / ,/ .r)////-/. -'tr///,'1" ,r .' ,,,tr' t'/ // .///''s ,+- tt',// a --Z "''7 - --:" a- //-.,. .. 1 Ii I '42 ,/u 'rr,n'/;L Sf Corn:r'., D. Arlhur '' DLc !d 63 ,tt, ,/?4o 5t Cot oLc No 47 l Cor ELL. Cot 4 i,o.3 .-- _\/ 8w Co( oLc e a7 , !:..( 1'.: t1 4 700 I 400 901 9004 303 301 ltoo 5001 oo @ i tl+I l-ELL. i 300 o INT. oL.c.No. 9 ll +, cu.i 47' ?701 r504 48 I 506 7' ,),h N c J. uLc.-l I 505 l50l 3400 l 50l ll ^o11" 2500 D.L.C. No. €2 ta?8 .D ffi ffi I t: F I t400 tiaS t t -------.-O ?6sg.i't lane county ITIOi'luii: ADDR}ISS: , contrac t ) 4 WATER SUPPLY: rnurt il: SEWAGE DISPOSAL:s.r. //: EIECTRIC SERVICE: ZONING: s lTg INIEREST IN PROPERTY: (Indlcat.e one: ovner optlon holder, other o.tNEr. oF RECORP: PHONE: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: 8fr TAX LOT: FILE NO: /* ''ti: MAP /l z /8-OZ'O4 rzie nity rrra,1r (, gLU€ f,rt,rEe'to tE ,o('o 40 \ IUP PREPARED BY: RONMENTAL , " './ ,1,. AV€, / EUGE/V€, OB 9740 DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: EEE PAID:o 7 -/9- office use onlyHEARING DATE: for appror/4, BY:Conrmlttee \ ) ) LandAc Date, ^{r lTnment PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIc74- tS .l uaruecrutui DEPABTN4ENT / 85 EASr 6rH "'lo,rur,r, /r/4 -<5D5- \ ?- z?** ia a tvtltg - r/8.5-H /14. ftlqrk,ino E.S.€.cor 86. Htxon par titiorr o rocA ' /1//4/;l,t O.I.C lane county t7/.53 brasg mon t\ 22.C. # 47-7/as' EZH'r'r'/u/ ,7. s/6"pt'n /6* rrorz ,arb Z€6€/VD ser' Zb"rioo 2e5' / !{ 0f, a. \ {t @o s/ona 2o ,F/A/AL PAeT-/ 7/O/\/ ,FOEJ//V /L/4,?7//V sE/4 - .Sae. 4 - 7/a5..e2 a/ /4//14 SCAt,ll: /"zZAO'FILE NO:lii- i I 7/- 401 / PHONE (503) 687-4186 Sheet 2 of 2 REGISIERED PROFEI]SIOIJAL LA,I,iD S'.J,i YC,? PAULA LEE NORNESS1034 AUGL,S I t975 E N e08. Nggoa7',tz'E zB I, PAEC€L / 5 Ac- 7'u;\ .N qi N PARC€L Z 7o/ 5/6" rbn pr'n oo &' \, .R -se8053'./e I.LANNII(G DIVISION / ENVIRONI\,IENTAL\4ANAGEN/ENTDEPARTIVENT /'] 35EAST6TI'IAVE' / EUGENE'OR97 rrt.y't/- o I lane county Octobor 22, L976 Jim Martln 5655 Mr. Vernon Rd. Springfield, Oregon 914i7 Dear Mr . Llar t in : Re: Final Approval - PartlEion Appllcation m 411-76 laap 18-02-04 Tax Lor 1503 Final approval is hereby granted to Ehe above-referenced partitlon, inasmuchas all requj-rements and condlElons of approval of the partition have been completed. AEtached is a copy of the recorded partttlon nrap for your records. If we may be of any assistance in Ehe future, feel free to contact thlsofflce. Very truly yours, Joe Hudzikiewicz, Plann Land Use Controls Section cc: Jack Thomas, Transportatlon Dept. Enclosure 1s 'i lr ']i " !'PLANNING DrVlSloN / ENVIRoNMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / t3s EASr 6rH AVE. / EUGENE, OR 97401 / pHoNE (5031 687.4186 rcT r t' # l^.xl I I'rr,rJ,.N: NA-I'IU:- J'in'l tt, l,L1' l- A-DDRESS i t-/., <-q-L1 f" t./ t n^,n ,.n J -7 PHONE: 72/.-4toih INTERXST IN PROPERTY:(Indicate one: owner, option holder, other) OIIINER OF RECORD: NAME: c* (-a, I ,Lo t ,,,WATER ST]PPLY: PERMIT /I: SEWAGE DISPOSAL: S.I. #: ELECTRIC SERVICE: ZONING:/L (-t lf) ADDRESS: PHONE: TA)( LOT:1-S-oJ t"IAp llz /c rac spur DATE SIEMITTED: RECEIVED BY: FEE PAID: HEARING DATE: 7-rr- 7c ///P for office use only appro\7a,1 BY: DateActing Chairman , Land Development Review Conrmiggsg ?,*ecrL ca -9 3z/ - 7-f rzie irritSr rn a,p /e3 t // o"-, 2 ,.//c-1/'>". .*,-},->- $.ett r'_<> 4)( (-nr l ..v^ /ct- /.5'. yt Ac r( t --.4 .- /(7/r'S-C JFILE NO:MAP PREPARED BY: PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, OR 97401 / pHoNE (503) 687.4186C14-15 rltt : Sheer,Lof2 r4fl tuJiv:l,t, l c,Ve /l.r 7 -27-7a -' t tT, L/ zz^/ttt.-.t at .Z pa,rt it iorru rrd.on Van -srD i_rsrb o Earcmcn f o,oo, ) d N N 4o' FC Prop9rly oueers mdlO.e reVzzTed /o-parficteafe ./n/?fr?//n? lhe roay' f-anfina/rz e//- resVec.fl rze praperltbtar tarVe f t4ure da,/e.' FVfr're-bar A /b*re'bars <//VA L PART/ T/ON s'upvE\ FO/? ,/r/ - zt,/-d sfaze SCALE, /"= 2OO'FrLE NO, @r/i it !, I aAffi#*b '''ffrr 5ZZ8A N \ h $ \\) ri h \ \ -nzesy' Zgs, ool. 2.oo s -N \ ri ---1i /5:o 7 rL ;14 \A 52 7a8 N N h\ /s7 / ft 20a, PROFESSIOE{AL I.AND SURVEYOR ortEGoN JULY IO. IgG4 S. KEI.JJRICI( FORD642 '-z I r\ q -/2,/-,-4 /1 .fr "zebars ao 53',/z)a Bt{ ra sa8 l0,Ll 3 o"c t\N o\ \ f ru'n /.fa 3 to4lrft.PA,?.E/ PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIBONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPABTMENT /135 EAST 6rH AVE. / EUGENE, OB 97401 / pHoNE (503) 687-4186 ru I Ihr aI ---el - //t/Esf- LA I I I I EFF f, l l(,_l!f r-r1.r,r -,L,mm t't I B l? 26-- iND pAnrrrroN No. 4tr :26 Appl Lcant Commlftee Aaa'"t"?r, l l ()l;-,Z , bers present:ffdudzIktewlcz. s6.trasek d{.ro.r" Ma CI Rublnl O Shrrrm fJ Boss p & rax tot /t 7-0 _7(3 Appllcant(s) or Agent(s) present I nrrlruo. ACTION ON THIS PARTITION Reason for denial: fl conrruuED oR posrpoNED irNTrL ffi arrnovED wrrrr rHE FoLLowrNG coNDrrroNs:- \ E l,iil'i"'::;*il::.T: i';:ffi':1,:lui"'l::T::":il1i1"' or regls,ered englneer) ffi r"r".t "fr'L.shal1 be approved for subsurface sewage dlsposal. n Parcels + |sha1l be su rveyed and all corners monumented by a llcensedsurveyor or registered engineer. ! Oedtcation of road rlght-of-r^/ay I Descrlptlon for dedicatlon shal1 be prepared by the applicantts surl,eyor orenglneer and submitted to the plannlng Dlvlslon. I Road lmprovements shal1 be provlded as deecribed on the attachecl speclflc;rtions. I A prlvate road as shown on the approved parti.tion map sha11 be created. The' lnstrument creatlng such road shail be submltted to and approved by the Reviewcommittee chairman. The lnstrument sha1l descrlbe the right-of-r,rav, state tlrelntent and purpose of the roa<lway, speclfy tnalntenan"u ruupo.rslbl,lltles of al Iparties and provlde for lnsta1latIon, constructl.on and malntenance of ptrbllcutllltles end faclllties f] A road easement sha11 be establlshed as shown on the approverl partltlon map.Such easement sha11 be an afflrmative easement appurtenant to and contaln aga minimum the names of the Srantor and grantee, descrlption of the domlnantand servient tenements' descrLptlon of Ihe lana covered by the easement,statement of the lntent and purpose of the easement, and speclfy the maln-tenance responsLbillties of all- partles. upon approval of the easement bythe Planntng Divlslon it shall be recorded.' Lane county''Plannlng Divlslon, 135 E. 6th Avenue, Eugene, oregon 974oli phone 6g7-4186 i rlll l/ Pagetor2.--_ CI CI tr LJ 4 o lvate road slgn or prlvate easement 81gn shall be requested from theCounty Department of Transportatlon. Flnal approval of Varlan?" ltZU_16:liZ to t4 AM* g A copy of the sha1l be subml well 1og for the exlsrlng well(s) on parcel(.tted to the Lane County nnvtronmental Health ,t Pt' Lane s) Divis 10n. tr NOTE:Thls approval is valld Fbe satisfled and a finalthe approval to be final ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: or 1 year. A11 conditi-ons checked rrbove must .partltlon map recorded within this tlme for The action of the Land appea.led to the Board oAppeals are to be submidays of the date of theaccompanied by the appr, A copy of this report \^/as: R ltrna delivered to (appllcant or agent): g mailed to (applicant or agent): Dcvelopment Review Conrrlttee on thls partitlon may be,f County Cormnissloners by any lnterested party.tted to the Lane County hfrrr.,frrg Divislon wlthin 10chairmanrs actlon. Appeals sha11 be in ,.iii"g ,raopriaEe fee. T rman,t Conuni ttee 135 E. 6th Avenue,gene , Oregon 97 401; phone 68l _4Ig6 tli / Lane County Planning Division, Page 2 of. 2 tr I Subdivis ion Engineering Construction Permits & Inspection Transportation 4ngineeri"ng Transportation Planni-ng _Eugene ltlater & Electric Board Pacific Power & Light Company P.U.D Light & Power . Soil Conservation Servi-ce Water District 'i Li, o \ene Surveyors Transportation 0perations Real Estate Acquisition & Management Environmental Health Community Development Pacific Northwest Bel1 Northwest Natural Gas Company Oregon State Highway Division Fire District School District _Soil & Water Conservation Distrlct D r?5 '\ w"a", Pol.ilutiop-ConLrol t' tli, Ctvt L lU - City of FFIOM: e: ) TLll: *4 (minor) (m4cr) Date '.s-o -.i Lane County Planning Divi-sion 135 6th Avenue East, Courthouse Annex, Eugene g7t+Ot Subject: Division of property The Land Development Review committee will consider the attached(partition) (su+'+i-rFi€'i-on) f or (preliminary) (ffi.) approval on Name of Plat: Section, 4 / .\' LS5nd written recommendation to the Subdivider andLane County planning Commi.ssion at least two (Z)date noted above. the Secretary of the days prior to the meeting Please check easements, make any changes necessary and return one copy toLane County planning Di_vision. Parcels one and two meet Department of EnviEgnmentalCHiments Stanley E. Petrasek subsurface sewage disposal system.Qualitv standards for - I G Tt TO;,;i,' fr{lw^ru,1 tB -6 > -?t _Ls rs. Trans'ortation 0perations Estate lane county 11u .vts10 Eng ering Co ucti-o Pe ts & Inspection Tr ort.ation Engineering Transportat.ion Planning Eugene Water & Electric Board Pacific Power & Llght Company P.U.D.Light & Power Soil Conservation Service Water District City of ity lopment Pacific Northwest Be1I Northwest Natural Gas Company Oregon State Highway Divisi.on Fire District Soil & Water Conservation Distrlct & Management t th FFIOM:p 6 Lane County Planning Division 135 6th Avenue East, Courthouse Annex, Eugene g74OL (Phone: 687-4f86) Subject: Dlvision of Property The Land Development Review committee will consider the attached (minor) (rrqls++ ( p ar t i t io n ) ( sub&il0-isi-on) f or (p r e I imln ary f*na+) approval on Name of PlaE:Date ) Sect T\trp: ./f Range z ,;{ TLll: ./{03 Send written recommendation to the Subdivider and the Secretary of theLane County Planning Comrnission at leasE two (2) days prior to the meetingdate noted above. Please check easements, make any changes necessary and return one copy toLane County Planning Division. Lots one- two and three t DrE.Q. standardsComments: SEP / et 9/2s/15 School District DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: FEE PAID: HEARING DATE: 9-t,z- 7.f zv zf- A rl eO 7v /a for office use only ? -,? s- 7s' I 3 t /.li /'/oL,.,,, h 81,,t ,5rr,,vr{;r.l,l C' )-t. ,, r.t( c/ lq // (Indicate one: owner, contract purchaser, option holder, other) ADDRESS: /t'l t Rr x llOcl TAX LOT: i.f()'7 UAp i/: PARTITIOI'{ER: Pn, t /,', '/ /,/ ?Iri PHONE: / g 02 t>+- l,llari f L,llc,,J PHoNE: /4-lYtr+l '/72 9 /5' CI^INER OF RECORD: NAME: INTEREST IN PROPERTY: NAME: ADDRESS: Acting Chairman, Land Development Review Corrmittee appro\74, BY: Date ( pY ql uP ?) .\60 1.- \{ rziein ty rrratr, I tor klc 75*7Ll /Ut t-1-:-- (,.)V*non ('ilel"t''Y lfrt? 5u /',c ' t /l''Y <rt FILE NO: - 2,2.!-z{MAP PREPARED BY: lane county WATER SI]PPLY: psRMrr //: SEWAGE DISPOSAL: s. r. //: ELECTRIC SERVICE: ZONING: iat S | /1- t-/..4 Pl','t-L PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPABTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, OR 97401 / PHONE (503) 687.4186 C14-15 Sheet L of 2 .l,rJ,, . r/r.rr, I tt'r' //., ,Tcr' fi. A rul ,.1, t r,, t, e It . i- I R fl D( tJ M I N0It MAJ0R pa,rt:;.t iorr I lane county "'i,,n 76'.7b1 \ I 2500 &"h fra.r d"*, 4.l* 0 eA g,kl$Oit\c E .QIJ\ La'7 2 I ho 8 & A 7y.4 o t. l l 3 a tooo 150 N J. o i6 t-el9.to ner h No. /o Zar 3 /6 tf<rec SCALE, /" = /oa'FILE NO: .-t^ -zz/ - zS PLANNING DIVISION / ENVII]OI'IIVENTALIVANAGEIVENTDEPABTMENT / 135FAST6TI.I AVE. / EI]GENE,OB97401 / PHONF(5O3) 687.4186 APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCE TO I.ANE CODE CHAPTI lane county r5 IqfO.00 ftling fee, unless a _Setback (f ront), 15.070 _Setback (lnterlor), 15. 080 _Setback f ron Type D road, 15.075 Dedlcatlon and Improvement Requirements, 15.105 APPROVAI OF BUILDINC SITE _Propercy abuttlng end of road, Fac111 ty Permlt il ilRoADs" partltioning is involved] Frontage , 15. 11-5 Access Pub1lc Roads, 15.045_ PrlvaEe Roads, 15.050_ Prlvare Access Easements,15.055 15.120 _Existlng lot, or parcel, 13.030(4) Bul1dlng Pormt t il Bul1d1ng Permlt /l I,IODIFICATION OF I.^ANE CODE CHAPTER 13, ''LAND DIVISION" Roads, 13.055(15._) _Dangerous Areas, 13.085 -Utluty & Watercourse Easements, 13.060 Gradlng, Excavation & C1ear1ng, 13.090 Pedestrian & Blcycle Ways, 13.065 _Plan, l"tap & Plat Speciflcatlons, 13.105 Parcels 0 Iots (unzoned areas), 13.070 l'I1nor Partltlon Procedure, 13.125 XZoned area, LC tO./pf (Z-) -l(aJor Parrlrlon procedure, 13.130- -Preparatlon, Survey &' Monumentati5n MaJor Partltlon Map Procedure, 13.T3iof Dlvlslons, 13.100 _Subdlvtslon TentaElve Plan Procedure,13. 1 40 _Sewerage Fac111t es, 13. 075_Water Supply, 13.080 PROPOSAL: The provislon(s) checked ab lf strlctly or 11terally enforced, would cause unique and unnece 'y hards prac al dlfflcultles because of Ihe property, or the lntended use thereof, is subject to exceptional circumstances or condlt.ions not generally appllcable to ot.her properties ln the same vlclnity, namely, ( ) Attached are-copies of a site plan showing dimensions, polnts of lngress and egress,exlsting and proposed buildings and indication of use, and road or easement locatlons.( ) Legal descriptlon of the subject properry. ASSESSORIS MAP AND TAX LOTS TOTAL AREA PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY ZONING PROPOSED USE -- a?C.. t-<- Applicantrs Signat ure /hrt J ;|/*:,r."--Q phorre /',/ / f1,r^, t1 Z Clty'. -F Address:I71,L, B /,r;,, /( l;''l,;I I i( a Legal Interest ln thls Property:-)(/ Ownerrs Name, if different from above: ,):-,'l)r./ r; ot Address:A'l i D,', /ir,'.)C1 t t'-tir 7 RECORD OF ACTION Dare F11ed: Actlon Taken: Recrd.By Appeal Flled: Actlon Taken: Hearl ng Date:-- Effective Date Actlon Taken By: Journal: Cross Reference: Order il Effectlve: Appllcant: Address: PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIFONMFI.JTALMANAGEMFNTNFPARTMFNT / t'l5FAST6THAVF / FI|r'iFTJF,OR q7Arfi / PHOt,iF ICO3) 687 41?,^ WEsT' ,1 \^ \. N \ \$\ \ ri 5;776ut \^ \ -,ttes/ 295, oo:.:: : : 2 oo ) b\ \i N $\' ff , ..'i /h\ $\t\ \ x ft'o 1i c*r0 /Z ,l rl 2t/VBa Ie It -t<N.(I -f t.r{n-N 52zB8' I / I I l"- Ktul ( ran fuJ t*'1 , 208.I Nx PROFF'SSToNAL - I-AND SURVEYOR EGR ottu,GON JULY 10. I06"l S. KEI.IJRICI( FORD642 '-z u/21/-.r/ /,",1 /& "te-bars oo fr2 F )2 6o( lt saa53 2Z r\N $\ \ l r'it. PA,PCE/Qru* )0,43 6c' o,&,' 77an srD issr a n Ea-remen f 3o, \ { l\ N 6o' I\\ $ll! -{ ,.\ A/?G,, Praper*y oh./ners mat be reautTed lo par,/tc/pafe tn tmprirnq lhq'7aa/ l7a.zfinVr'/etr Es,cec,h tze eraecrlrb-{a/ sarzze 4u/ure db/e,' "re-bar ru fr"re-barc F//VAL PART/T/ON -fuRVLFo/?JCE DCLANsE k - SZ.. 4 - 7/as -rza- nt t,b/Sfeehe.l H For-d, /ocZ9! /y't,://arzz e/fe SVreel EU6EA/E) O/?E, /r/ -7r. FILE NO 1 'ffit*{ - 91401 I PHONE (503) 687-4 ltl clr.',.1 ') ....f I - {, $\ /Fd 'rar7e SCAI,T /" = 20O' pLANNING UIVISION / ENVIBONMENTAL l'/ANAGENIENT DEPABTMENT / 135 EAST 6rH AVE / EUGENE' OR t--- -- a rack. /\/ Pomrer 1,',/"-70 -7h t/// 5 ?/' i I I I I I I I I I M I I PAt(.i I t'lONIjR:lane county NA.f il:r/ae Do/an PHoNE: 29 7-za75 AIIDRIISS: A.DDRESS: PHONE: TAX LOT: Oi^INER OF RECORD: NAME: WATER SI]PPLY: PERMIT /I: SEWAGE DISPOSA].:S.I. #: ELECTRIC SERVICE: ZONING: %,//, .IIrTTnSr IN PRopERryz 2zzOef(rno:-caEe one: owner, contract purchaser,option holder, other) ZO e D /503 MAP # z /8'OZ-o4 DATE STEMITTED: RECEIVED BY: FEE PAID: HEARING DATE: ,2?&#.Ts- '/ s-/3 ftaufor off ].Ce use only €. !?* approva,l Acti rman,Review Conmlggga BY Date 2 .-'2<2 /) a\7lG nity rrra,p S --* 04b Co,sr-rE ro FILE NO: M S,-75 MAP ARED BY:LJ .frz PLANNING DlVlSloN / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / r35 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, OB 97401 / PHONE (503) 687-4186c14-15 ':''\4 t sheet L of 2 41, L r'( rr.a, ll a t .t ) " ter: t.) pa,rt it iorr 77ansm i-rsrbn Ea-remenf r! L] l.1tN0 l,lAJo lune county 30, BI 5 41,i U FVfr"re-bar {l N 49tr, ProP3rly o/uner.s ?d/2e reau/red ro ,oarr/c,/zare ,/2lnpra'r,rnV fhq'1oay' ?.a.t/r.tV/rletr riseec lt t'e eraeerltbla/ -rarzze '/u/ure Fd /b"re'bars F/AAL PART/7-/ON s-upvE F-O/?JOE DOLANsE 14 - tEC. 4 - rtas -Fza- A,rt /b/S-feehen -H. Ford, /nc,79! /y't//arn e,#e si?eef EUCEIVE, O/?8, /td ,raze PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIBONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPABTIVENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, OB 97401 / PHONE (503) 687.4186 '- , ,1 -,- r Sheet Z of 2 h N \ $\ \i ri I PlRCEL *h 52288' .c'I -tresl zgs, N i;l k)l / 44PA )' b\ N \n ri #/ 7o' \ N 208. REGISTEREO FROFESs!ONAL I.AND SURVEYOR O[TEGON -ruLY 10. 196.1 s. KEliri-?tcl( t-oRD642 -,oiI]D'-(ts'*ll .6'1L "- z75Ao'- PARCEL saf537z $/&2;r/ /^"1 oa 2/a N 5zzaa \ N i! I h\ /V88'53 7Z I,' "t?bars E 5a9. lri / I SCALII, /"=20D'FILE NO:m 324-7f /ro,/) D L.C, *48t 3 a rack. \ { N N 6o' LL/b <7- I\r. PARTITIONER: NA}lII:l:-,,,1 I l,lla,',1 ccunty I ADDRESS:tt// li' /'|nl,r,u ^ 8t i'tl \ r,r,,1, J; r1 | O,er-u*ilZq-t/-7 PHONE: ,i f i ,Y t, ./. I INTEREST IN PROPERTY:Fer,/ 1",-(Indicate one: or^,ner, contract purchaser, option holder, other) OI+INER OF RECORD: NAME:Jr't' t, ti tJ ,J;, t u,t ti c' li, D r I n ,i A-DDRESS:l,'l.l t)rx ltt.:i' t'(''7'1 .//+i WATER SIJPPLY: PERMIT /I: SEWAGE DISPOSAI:s.r. /l: EI.ECTRIC SERVICE: ZONING: Zr: t/, t- rL,a L [t'r" 11 , L ,/l ,;r 26 PHONE: TAX LOT: 'r'7 /9'/5' . '.t'('t / unr #: I g o2 t.,,t- rzieirritSr rrra,1r I lo's- ft!cl(qnz)e h 11i-- h t4 /*l Ce a'etor'Y iAt V rr^'n st,lja't l?"'"Y"'t FILE NO: z* ?,e4- 2f MAP PREPARED BY: ANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTDEPARTMENT / I35EAST6THAVE. / EUGENE,OR974Ol / PHONE(503}687.4186 -15 .\.),,1 ,s Sheet L of 2 DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: FEE PAID: HEARING DATE: 9-tz^7s- ?v 2v'zl- A rf ae./a - for office use only ? -3 S- zs' Acting Chairmanl Land Development Review Corrmittee appror7a,l Date BY ,i X LJ M I NOt{ I,IAJ0I pa,rt it iorr lane county t, lt' n o.i a \ I 25oo "u' PLANNINJ(I DIVISION / EN]\/IITT)I'JI\,lINTN [. I,IANACENIT:NT DFPABTMFNT / 135 FASI 6TIIAVF., / EI'GEN[, OR 97401 / PI]ONF (5N3) 687.4186--,i,r.- t', ir s,oc. * L.C.\o. oo ) o t N J. D. l9.to' 4 l I R Eauc.r/- 503 i /o, A yp.l o Lar 3 / 6 tf < rec 36 /" = /oo'FILII No 7 =t- -zt/' zfSCALI]: 'c. I I Joe E. Dolan (E F. Lillard) - Map 18-02-04; Tax Lot 1503 - n 324-75 I"lr. Lillard was presenE. for Ehe hearing. Hudzikiewicz presented comments and recommendations received from various agencies. He noE,ed tliat a varianc.e was submitt.ed to reduce parcel sizes as Ehe area is zoned AGT-20 There was discussion about the appropriateness of granting a variance as opposed to rezoning t.he property. Delk said ire would have to consider the matter at a staff meeting and decide which act.ion is needed at a later time. Chairmanrs Action: Condit.ional approval was granEed to the Dolan parLition, subject to the following: 1. Approval of a variance to allow reduced parcel sizes. Dedicacion of 10'additional right-of-way along County Road No. 315 to provide 30' of width from cenEerline. Ttie parcels shall be surveyed and corners monumented. A pin shall be set at the northwest intersection of the povner transmission easement and parcel /i1. The private surveyor shall prepare a legal descripEion of the area to be dedicated as not.ed j,rr'll2 above. A note shall appear on the partition map stating that the owners of property may be required to participate in lmproving the road fronting their respec- Eive properties at -some fut,ure date. ,r/ S. A final partition map shall be submitted in a form suit.able for recording R. Lee Russell - I'Iap 20-03-35; Tax Lor 104 - n 325-75 No one was present to represent ttre applicant. Hudzikiewicz presented comments and recommendations received from various agencies. No problems were revealed. Cl'rairmants Action: Conditional approval was granted to the Russell partition, subject to Ehe following 1. Dedication of five feet additional right-of-way along Row River Road to pro- vide 30r of width from centerline. 2. Parcel /12 sha1l be surveyed and t.he corners monumented. 3. A final parEition map shall be submitted in a form suitable for recording. a )' 1 + T2 3 4 Page 7 XtLDRC llinutes - September 25, 1975 W1l. t t lane county Novernber 24, I975 Joe Dolan RouE.e 1, Box 1109 Florence, 0R 97439 De ar llr .Dolan: Re:Final Approval - Partiti'on Application M 32 i'Iap 18-02-04; Tax Lot 1503 75 Final approval is hereby granEed to the above-referenced par itiorr, irtilsnruch as a1 I requiremenE,s and condiLions of 'approval of the parti on havc been comple Eed . AtEached is a copy of the'recorded partition map for your records. If we may be of any assistance in the future, feel free to confa(:t Liris office. Very truly yours, *Hudzikiewicz, PLa Land Use Controls Section cc: Jack Thomas, Transportation Dept. Enclosure ls PLANN|NG DtVtStON / ENVTRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, Olr tl/401 / PHONE (5031 687-4186 ?7{ --'l a t lane county / s,r.llution:-on o1 tv]-s Io g Eng lneerrng J/ ct Pe ts & InspecEion Tra rtation Engineering Transpor Eatlon Planni.ng _Eugene Water & Electric Board Pacific Power & Light Company P.U.D Light & Power . Soil Conservation Service WaEer District Citv of rs. Tra rtation Operations Real Estate Ir & I'lanagementc Envi ta Eh ommunity D elopmenE Pacific Northwest Bel1 Northwest Natural Gas Company Oregon State Ilighway Division Fire District School District Soil & Water Conservation Distrlct :10n |J _-C FFIOM: Lane County Planning Division 135 6th Avenue East, Courthouse Annex, Subj ect: Dlvision of propert.y Twp: Eugene 97401 (phone:697 - /g o:/- d/,/ {-t jJ/6 e: ,4- TLll:_-Lf o 7 {JJBQ),,.' t,,.1s,. ' vtl ., t,V/i(0 The Land Development Review committee will consider the attached ( p ar E i t ion) ( su*ivi-si-oa.) f or (p relimlnary .Firra+) approval on Name of Plat,:/ ?.. Secti, Date Ra ng Send wriEEen recommendation to the Subdivider and ttre Secretary of theLane County Planning Commission at least two (2) days prior to the meetingdate noted above. Please check easements, make any changes necessary and return one c,opyLane County Planning Division.to Comments: SEP/25 ,c i)q'15 Lots one, two and three nreet D.E.Q. standards t I ../,/r" E I llttr Lt_-/' Y( ((/ iJ l-arj-ZSle;uert --Surnarne u-l"wp.-ufflnth* y'\(,1/ /', ,lZ. Name and Addres s 7.r_ 74 /_.-02_ R.r n ge 0/t Seat i on 35-t 52A Census Tract 0vrners Consent Yes XX No REQUEST F0R S trt FEAS 13 tL tTy STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT I,/HICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR TXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OI./N RISKI Receipt No.DaIe B-20- Earl F^ Li'l lard/Stewart Real Estate 3 $ $ 225.00 c.b. I i661 Mohawk B I vd. No. S i tes 26 , No. Acres TOTAL $ azs-lo_ No Te ephone No Property S ze Exi st i ng Structures Proposed Use P rope r ty U rban z ng Area Yes No ls Propertl, W n One Hi e of a City?t ater UPPIY District Sprinq Well What Cit 0ther xx Spec i fv ?Yes P ropos e Publ i c Owne r a App icants lnterest in Property Road NameLegal Access qTfh Sr- Permi t AreaNo xx Speci al Yes Property Locat i on: (D i rect i ons snrrth nf f McKr.nz ie Hwv on (7th (t ahnrrt I mi le acros 5 south s ide f rom ltl t. Vernon Cemetary just around the corner where road turfls w€st r : r^r r nd .pmp f ^ rv - APPR0VED xxx NOT APPROVED_ Approoed for three septic disposal north end of lot. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENV IRONMENTAI. MANAGEME}IT I35 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I systcnrs in and around the l! l-oot f ir stand on ,',i., ,:Part it ion ing Requ ired: See Plann ing D ivis ion BEFORE CoNSTRUCTI0N lS STARTED bring this fornr to the Dcpartment cf Environmental Management and make application for a building permit. lf the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a mete: and l'otrnds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system wi II aPpear on the building permit. Two sets of buildinq plans and a plot plan will be required. John Shook t,'u' {;i} ,.. ii )',u'r"' ,;''"i., , i j.l r;;' ' 'l;l,r;t ",itlI il',L ;llrli; ,;1.'(', ." "1 ,tr, ttt .'. ,t :.. ";f r, r, ' ,,., 'r r'. ' Authorized Signature September !, 197i. 3?^.\--i .32 Date I ,t/ ,..'i . ri " j l') I lane county To i$'' h{L,,t.er 11ut C IO Eng ering P ts & InspecEion rS Tr ortation Operations Estate tio & Management t rh ommunity lopment Paciflc Northwest Bel1 Northwest Nat,ural Gas Company Oregon State Highway Division Fire District School DistricE Soil & Water Conservation Distrlct Tr rtation Engineering TransporEation Planning Eugene Water & Electric Board Pacific Power & Light CompanY ?.U.D. Llght & Power Soil Conservation Service I{ater District Clty of -[- FFIC}M: Lane County Planning Division 135 6th Avenue East, Courthouse Annex, Eugene 9740L (Phone: Subject: Dlvision of Property The Land Development Review Commlttee wi-l1 conslder the attached (minor) (partition) (srlbd.irri-s,i.on} for (prelimlnary firm+) approval on Date Name of Plat: Sec e:dL- rLllz o -) Send wrltten recommendatlon to the Subdivlder and the Secretary of the Lane County Planning Commlssion at leasE two (2) days prlor to the meeting date noted above Please check easements, make any changes necessary and return one copy to Lane County Planning Divlsion. Lots one ! two and three me et D.E.O. standardsts: SEP /e f 9125 /1s -t,2_zl -1 I, t . ,?' '.- ,/rr hne ccx,;nty--\ Environmental Manageme.^' ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET 6r - COMPLETE THTS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED: (aO o € lrr- {lA^,-) PERSOII REQUEST ----T-PROPERTY ry MAILING MAILING ADDRESS 4 IP CODE CITY ZIP CODE */ts- J2 rtr G rs- // /s +t *t-<--44r-vA.-TUS]ilEsS TEtEPHoNE NUMBER HoME TELEPHoNE NUMBER BUSINEsS TELEPIIoNE NUMBER HOME TELEP}ICNE NUMBER @ faX MAP,/PROPERTY DESCRIPTION NUMBER (from tax maps in Department of Assessment & Taxation or from tax statement): Map & Parcel Number:{O2 O4 raxLot(s): Township Range Section T out of rt * /5O 3 By Partition #_ Tax Map & Parcel Number of Adjoining Property in Same Ownership: Township Range None Section Tax Lot(s): I unknownF @ suaorvrsrOn (if applicabre):BLOCK LOT: @ ngQUfSt (briefly describe information needed): COI\,IPLETE THIS SECTION FOR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS LAND USEI OR PROPOSALS SEE *NOTE BELOW.**FOR S USE ONLY** NU},IBTR: DATE: T]ME INITIATED: CHECKED BY: ATTACHED E f] et-ot Prans (2) ! constr. Plans (2) f sit" r1r' f] copy of Tax Iulap f othu..----.---.-.----..-..--.-- SCREENING VERIT ICAT.iOI.] Date: Time In:Out: I eccept f] neiect Routed to *NOTE: ATTACH A COFY OF faX rqeP; SHOW EXISTING STRUCTURES AND TAX LOTS IN YOUR OWNERSHIP. OB- TAIN TAX MAP IN SELF HELP AREA OF A & 1" By O rorAl, coNTlcuous PRoPERTY rN SAME owNERSIITP: @ NUMEEN OE STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: StANdATd hOMC . Modular home RV in use as residence acres O pnnsrut usc oF PRoPERTY: Private Road Name Road Easement widrh @ rrnu DrsrRrcr: Barn @ eRoernrv ADDRESS: @ or:unn EASEMENTS ovER PRoPERTY: @ errninc PERMrrs oN PRoPERTY @ warrn DrsrRrcr: Garage_ Mobile home Storage #of Users @ accrss ro pRopERTY: pubtic Road Name Shop_ 9,/8:l REV (OVER) a CoMPLETE THIS SECTIoN FoR LAND ['-- oR coNsTRUetIoN APPLICATIoNS.**FOR STAFF USE ONLY** @ enoeosnD usE oF pRopERTy rN DETATL D USE By: Datr:: @ aurlorruG REeUESTs: Contractorrs *(for mobile home setup also) rime rn '(( l2-, xr, [ ( ; 3 > f] accepg , fta21""t aPlunW^#i"ution Iconstruction Permit App. I tnformation only zonins , 44 j'>o-Directions to Site: Comp. Plan Designation: Check the type of permit requested: Dwelling: ! new [--l Replacement ! aaaitional; I eaaition I alteration; I Modular Home ! uoUif" Home - Model Year- n*v Istandard Construction; n Plan Check only Commerci-a1: Use Floor Area @ uuuaen oF BEDRool.rs NUMBER OF STORIES @ saurrarroN REqUESTS: f] sit" evaluation for sDs feasibility I uew system installation ! nePair,/rePlacement ! atteration/relocation !noot to existing ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : [--l aqricultural: Use I otn"r": Use Floor Area l-l chuno. of use - How? SANITATION: By: Date: Time fn:._-- Out:_ ! nccept f] neject ! constr. Permj-t Issue I si-te Evaluation rssue PERMIT TSSUED (SAME DAY ONLY): Permit # By: Date: Time In:_ Out:_ tr ,$" lane ccunty n TCl! \ r"..' r"p)WLW Surveyors Subdtvision Engineering Transportation Operations Construction Permi-ts & Inspection Real Estate Acquisltion & Management Transportation Engineering Environmental Health TransportatLon Plannlng Community Development Eugene Water & Electric Board Pacific Northwest Bel1 Pacific Power & Light Company Northwest Natural Gas Company _P.U.D. Llght & Power Oregon State Highway Divlsion Soil Conservation Service Fl-re District I.Iater Distrl-ct School Distrlct ,i-citY of Soil & Water Conservation Dlstrict / FFIOM: Lane County Planning Divislon 135 6th Avenue East, courthouse Annex, Eugene 97401 (phone: 697-4L86) SubJect: Dlvision of Property The Land Development Review Committee w111 conslder the at (p ar tition) (s*4.i+*cdlen) f or (p rel imlnary) ( fil;d ) app roval Name of Plar: J, ; la\n A,io tached (minor) (mB) ol 1 -.a-q -7 (p (Date)n1 ull-"7b /\ Comments: Section 4 2 TLtl z /.s]3.e Lf,end wrl-tten recommendation to the Subdivlder and the Secretary of the Lane County Planning CommLssion at least two (2) days prior to the meeting date noted above. Please check easements, make any changes necessary and return one copy to Lane County Plannlng Dlvislon. Parcels one and two meet Department of Envirgnmental Ouality standards for subsurface s Stan 1ey E. Petrasek ewage disposal system. /P (. Pr IITTONER:g7 NA*YE: d irn M a-- L ADDRESS z -s.fo-{.d klf. t/t ?t rrrl PHONE: EIAT lane county INTEREST IN PROPERTY: (Indicate one: owner, oprlon holder, other) OT.INER OF RECORD: a* {'-u, I ,Lorrn WATER STIPPLY: PERMIT /i: SEWAGE DISPOSAL: S.I. #: ELECTRIC SERVICE: ZONING: rttJ'ul I u^l t-r.l e t!lS a-C-f2o NAME: PIIONE: TN( LOT: j5'o3 MAP llz 18 oZ o.// PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. / EUGENE, OR 97401 / PHONE (503}687.4186 tll/,-15 DATE SIEMITTED: RECEIVED BY: FEE PAID: HEARING DATE: 7 - >7 -7A 7-rr-7c //'04 for office use only approrTa,l Aeting , Land Development Review Conm136s. BY 1) ?5''r 6/O;Y%2,/-r) P*eczL e3 *9 3z/ - 7-f ,,60s frr*- Z2IJ-T o-1'"!/ ,/aarTlc rril.ty rrra,I, ! /as' </a/t-tt / /*r *f) -a> t). V ttr taT'Uu-rrror- ( (,ata C l,r- / FrLE No: /lt -Zt . /.{. r'} ac.et -?1//- /f0 j },IAP PREPARED BY: Slreet 7 of .2\ ADDRESS: I '7!,i,l98fr5 - a X n L1.., MAJOR Part it ion rack, Paryer Vansm i_rsrbo Ea*mcnf o.oo, lane coung, ftft're-bar a fr*r*bars F//VA L PART/T/ON -f(JpV,FORJOEOLAN E8 sas ///'74 FILE No: #Effif-- I \ d N-s e 60 ! -E: Proper*y otu/?efs r72atffiau,-e ? lo'p i )7 )' ; ;;i' Z/zet!?? lhg ,raay' /la.zrt.nr,//7 e,//- resV-ec fi tze praperltbtar tasz7e! fu/ure da./e,' 5E k - #.. y' - Ttas -r?zh/_ tr',t -rtuphe:% Frd,.{nc,795 /y't//arn e/,*e S?recfc*jfifffitr* ,td 'rar7eSCALE, /"= 2OO' ' ur'Et<---- i!-/4, N N t -*')79g/ h \ : V\f{ B N \ ri ,\/ il 's/zgs Z,oo'- ,i \ 52 7AAI I h\ N\\ N?*t' .( CLcf-rr'"u IeG ItrIevJ-fc,Ut- I I Koqd( nn fut t*1 PROFESSIONAL I.AND SURVEYOR ORE.GONJULY rO. t664 S. KEI.JJRICT( FORD642 --2 )0,1/3 6Pc -42,/;//1 % a7 lol"PA,?CE/.,Z \ N 0o(/ Qru* .; .fr"rlars PLANNING D"/lSlON / tNVIRONMFNtnt MANnCt Mt.NTDtpA.Bll/I!!I / 135[:n tr 6T]tnvr / rilr-rrrr r]no.,r^r / , l ,ll .'fua l : t a 225, /ra,o D. L,C, s3 ESE.aorae/- LC qZ I M i / I Si,,AI,II: 7"too' .I-ANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL A/AN /6'rort ,orb Z€64/D fri#,r:rr#,.* I s/onc n\/A4 e4e7/7/O/\,/ .FAEJ//V /t/A,?f//Vs€/4 - .Sa€. 4 - T/aS.,eeA/ /4/1r' FI]-E NO:d,L%- AGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 135 EAST 6TH AVE. /EUGENE, OR 97401 / pHoNE (so3) 687 4186 Sheer ? of. 2 \ ?o It AUG Ir S1 PAULA LEE 10 :sNoRNESS E N I 975 N qi e 'fv hlw,e-,oupn .R PA ,Jhr, **,v4-pJed 4W/1/" -l /- sa*3z4? 74(?y4,eep/)-d-freaud/ECEL Z /4^" oo' d s/a' rbn Prb t cra- r: 6'' rJ*l'p,b PA&C€/ 'I{ ^<\\ \- qP A (-/ ,fl lane county PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPI .T ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. I OMPLETE FORMS t^lILL BE REJECTED! 6l\r - - I ST PROPERTY OWNER MATTTNG_IDDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE C ITY STATE ZIP CODE ffi HOME TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE * 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS(IF DIFFERENT FRO 3 ruae e PAFIEEL NLTMBEFI (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxat'ion (B UrRED INFORI4ATr0N)orf /A_ 0z TOI^JNSHIP RANGE rom tax tatement) ZON I NG MI^I_NSH-IP EANGE SEeTI0N W ZONING MilNSE.TP MNGE SECTION W ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable) ACRES LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do)/, 6v>? 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE -{nl-r, -{ZONE/LAND USE: BY:DATE:_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ _fiA.IIIIItr-ADDRESS- DATE- 07 /20185TIMf- 9 336134 TAXLOT I 802040001 LAND UANAGEHENT PLANNTNG PEP.I{IT PROCESS ING SYSTEl HISTffiY OF PLANNG ACTIOI'IS . HARDCOPY I 2 3 4 5 6 I ol o2 ENTRY MAPPG MAILG APLPD 3 5178 5 052 185 RLH SL I,I 051785 t52L85 062LA5 071785 C'I qP C,IMP cilqP COlrlP DESCRTPTN - PARTIT 05 05 062185 JLB ob2l85 GUC** TOTAL RECORDS ( STEP-NR R,EFERRAL AREA DA Tf RECVD TAKEN BY DAT T C CHPLD DAYS TAKEN ACT I,:]N T A|( l-{ APPL NUI.IEER PAI.31C85 DESCRI PTN PART I TICN PPLST J52285 JtB u'52?85 il NOTCS T]62T85 JLB b62LB5 FEFRL DECSN 05? r8s 052?85 JL B Or?_2e5GMC 062 185 ( {,, PLANNIl{G PERi,IIT PRSCESSII-lG SYSTEH CF PLANIdG ACTIONS - HARDCOPY LANN .,iANAGEI"tE!\l' i{ISTCIBY DATE- A7 /1 6/8c TIl,fE- 1032I'.41 -f 5TAXLOT I 8 062 18 5 062 18 5** TOT AL JLB 062185 O Rr'tB o7CI185 lf) RECORDS IN THE CAIEGSRY -f p RMT ILG APLPD r{P c lr,4P 24 i. 1 .a,) L ,..1 3 l"VI E"l IlAPPG RSRCH 051785 052185 c52?85 Gr4C SL },! G|i,lC 052185 052185 (16 4 fi c.l {t' Cl i.tP ( ( i: ( ( (. i:, (. (. 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