HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-12(D -CIIPLE TE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. App-Iic.iti Permit i fi rwo Copics of I]-ans Irwo CoPres oi Pior Pia:ts f, t,techanical Checkli st I llumbj-nc cirec]'-list FOR OFFICI] U-S}] ON;Y Plan Checll info Sheet tsarccl !i1 CONSTRUCTION/PL PERMIT MENT 4 /q tr PLANNING ZONING: Cl'lrlrmum Sctbackg : L, Coments :c> irarLitron i Parcel i interior I 'L, st.de re + II' c l-l Rcsiclentia-L flcomme rcial i-l lncustrial ! r ourlc I]D utr Proposc.:l ExlsLingiroF lit (1lleasc Print) ,Y / 10I lc)rhoflrnrthafIdoandhrrPDRMFORITLICATIONAPPCOMPLETEDTIIEEXA}.I I NE DCAI{E I'ULLYIIAVEI oftircalldoLanCoDrrththeaccordancelnbedonefosha I1rmedaIIandpeuorkcerh rdiBuifyanyoftoohehou t hc-pe rmi ssmad<'be of anywtthaandNOOCCUPANCYhere inrhscribedworkde thetotxr:cthat mpto055redORSffectASb)'fu fo requ iandrcerBoardIN1SthButhelderetr at ionatth rhiqit1w1usedbeon pro'7 ()oRs o5rhawhorenandcompJ-ianceracsubconttorsnployeestha tand on 1yreonhc APPLI l] :'. ., rT -,..--.LJ -' --.-- - th,' SLalr,, of lr1.',1 rlr I"f liir ilr', r)g DLvrsrolr' I l'rrlr\": 'r'''Ii basis fo! .xemi'ti('rr i:' tr rt' rl . I tr-A\,E READ AilD CllE('!"Fll) TllIs i:r lr0c aorre.t.3trd I fi'rll) fl ff,OOOpf,af U 3 rn rlood hazard area? fl nunar, ADDRESSTNG' cRlD cooRDrNArt tr SA}iITATTON: n ^" fl v"s, see attactied sheet EN Date: Date: 5. r. tr B. P. #Installatiorl Recorci Issrucd? ! vt'= [ ll" Maximi]nt oepttr of Treri:hesGal Ion '.t anK Line tInsta l1 ation Specifications:of Drairrfield Coments: Date Kry*'EXAMINATION: rype v -Al -z Use 5,u.8.Group Conmen ts #.,",",8/tz/82 J CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Fixed t'ee,/ FloodPlain Fee Description Sq. Ft. Unit Cost Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sgyer,/Storm Drain/Water fuTrtumbins Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge > $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL FEE ) FEES PAID BY:'ck TOTAL VALUATION S By: Date: PERMIT APPROVED BY BU ILDING oTFICIAL/DESIGNflE (;er oRS 456-805 DATE I,ANE COUNTY DEPARTI,IENT OF PLA}INING & COI'1IIUNITY DEVEIOPMP]NT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE' EUGENE' OF€GON 9 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INF'ORMATTON trl lraLg?-__ ui l I SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.MUST BE STRICTLY.OBSERVED' VIOLATION-CAN-RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PETJ{IT' crrArr0N ,NDER pRovrsions or LANE couNTy,s'ir'riniirioi'i-onornAncE,'i"nolon'oiiiin-ilepr'ores ALL0'',ED BY LA!'l' \^IHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GI,EN. Have the forlowing information,^.uly,'"p'.r.ii nuroer, i.u-uii"it.l'liF;i iniptiiion' when it will be readv' your name and phone numbei, and any special-directions to site' BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS t) FouNDATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundati' are-aeTiGFea on the job. where concrete from a central *i;i;; piint-tior*oniy iermea "translt mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the Job.2) CoNCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FL0OR INSPECTI0N: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment,ci1.lary.equip,"ni.it",,areinp1acebutbeforeanyconcrete.ispouredor floor sheathing installed, including ttre su6ttdor: - - 3) FRAMING & INSULATI0N INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and brac.ins are in place and 'ina.veni'_u.i-.o,pi"t"-inda.llroughe1ectricalandp1umbingareapproved.Allwall insulation and vapor barriei are in ptace. 4) LATH AND/0R GYPSUX.-gOAEDI-NIPECTI0N: To be made after all lathing and.gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in piaceo.u"ro""-gyp;il;;;.;jointsandfastenersaretapedandfinished. 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPR0VAL REQUIRED' No work shail be done on any pant of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaining t-fre'ipp.ovai Jr-in".oritaing-oiiiiiir.' such approvat shal be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made ot Eactr t;;;.4;i;e-step in ttre c6nitruition as indicated by each of the inspectionsrequired. N0TE: Ali building permits reguire inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to:A' BL0GK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is-in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection isrequired for each bond beam pour. There-wi11 be'no approval until t[e"piumuing and electricai inspectionshave been made and approved.' B' w00D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comotete.Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrn! ug.niy o,,d--the manu-facturer' s instal lation instructions. c. I'10BILE HOME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septicsystem for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connect.ion, tiedowns, skirtin!', inJ-piurOingconnecti ons. (l) Foot'ings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommendedby the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minjmum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplainmanagement letter.(3) t4obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspectionwithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowis and skirting srritt ue iniiirrea per'enctosrre. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pooiis installed. APPROVID PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN!IUI! ].qq qAII' OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THISPERMIT I.IAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION: ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I,IILL DO SO AT HIS Ol,lN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (r) Permits shal'l be effect'ive for one year from the date of issuance. (2) Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify the1 Departmenl by.supmit!!nS tlg installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construciion tor '. determine if it-cbmplies with, the.rules contained ip this divjsi-on. If the construction does comply vrithsuch rules, the Department_shall issue a certificat'e of satisfaitory completion.to the permit holbei. If theconstruqtiondoes-not comply witfr such.rules;:the Qepartment sha.ll irotifi the permit hoider and shall requiresatisfactory completion before issuing'the certifiiate. Failure to m6df the requirements for satisfactorycompletion within a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks -.Subsurface Sewaqe DisposEl' i- , I Septig Tank Drainfield'10' I0'From:Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Buiiding foundation lrlells, other water sources '10' 5', 50' l0' t0' 'r 00' lane countY HOLID SLIP APPLICATION # LOCAT I ON f) ffWflar+",d-g*.. FO, *ru NAME ADDRESS P CO-DE The above aPP I ication i being held *E TURE AVAI LABL E BY APPOI ONLY (NO I,JALK-INS for the following reasons: I PEyleru 687-4061 Thi s app I 'icati on wi I I be hel d unti I If the informat'ion requi red ication will be cancelled.above ha s not been furn'ished bY tha your appl RETURN TI.IIS SLIP t^lITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Publjc Service Building / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (503)687-4C61 Y t.\ tlzW.*) ,r)/g.4. ^ \ c{ tt\\ s\,\o \r'\ aOIS6 )t8 lg- 0z- ol lt og TRS, TL Lot Subdivision Plcrt Plart Job Locatlon (Address) , , ,- Permi.t /l for Permlt /I for Permit For Permit For Permit /i For Pernit For -__t Block ) € \t \ ) c74-L50 Vlcinlty Map N j ) ID o i JBUI -JH TESTING L,-JOR, iORY EST A BLISH EO I88I 54S CONGER STREET - EUGENE, OREGON 97402 AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC ANO OURSELVES. ALL REPORTT aRE suBMryrEo as rHE coNFroENTraL pRopERTy oF cLrENTS, AND auTHoRtzATto; Ofdef NO. FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUsIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGAROING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENOING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. CONCRETE TEST REPORT Report No. Mt. Vernon Sub Station, Spr R 1 8-20-82, 9-Io_82 e ern0n emeter Rd. AE Associ ates soc'l ates ,t.ernon u a oh . Sori nof i el d Bu'i I di nq Deot. P I FORM 9OO2. B. EU EU 3690 3 8-t 3-82Dote Moulded Pro ject At Controctor av Reported to ent 's No. Morse Bros.Concrete Supplier Quontity Represen t"d I I Cu. Yds. Specimens mode ' Footings and columns - Sect Ivan Dach, PTL No. Submitte 6 4 Gs South Side.Locotion of pour Strength requ irement 3,000 psi ot 28 doys MATERIAL PROPORTIONS USED (Quontities per cubic yord of concrete) MIX No.:3,000 Cement- lbs.bogs Type- Brond Fine Aggregote (SSD)- lbs. Source 3/qCoorse Aggregote (SSD) Typ. TyP" TyP"Coorse Aggregote (SSD lbs. S ize lbs. Size Source Source Woter Totol-Gols. Admixture: Amount Admixture: Amount Gols./bog Kind K ind Above informotion obtoined from: PTL botching inspection l-l Proiect Engineer l-l Controctor l-l Concrete Supplier ffi Other f] (Designote) Entr. Air Actuo I Slu 3"ln.Load I 416366 Temperotures: Air oF Concrete oF Weother Mixing: Centrol Mix [J Truck Mix f] Above Site lnformotion obtoined from: PTL lnspection ffi Job Mix I Proiect Engineer l-l Controctor l-] Concrete Supplier f] Other ! (Designote) Cyls. delivered to loborotory by: PTL m Controctor l-l Engineer [-l Common Corrier [-l Ticket No.: Cl ear Cylinder Size 6 x l2 lnches COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Doy tests previously reporled Areo 28.27 Sq. lns. SPECIMEN MARKING AGE OAYS LABORATORY NUMBER DATE RECEIVEO OATE T EST ED TOTAL LOAD. PO U NDS UNIT LOAD . P.5.I Cyl . Wt. A B C D 7 7 42 28 9052 9053 9054 9055 8- I 4-82 tl ll il 8-?0-82 8-20-82 9-2442 9-t 0-82 44,500 43,500 81r5oo I 570 I 540 2880 27.76 27 .85 27 .86 27.80 Remorks: t?bTt' ,t(f0 0 \,4 Respectfu I ly submitted, PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORYI e o,/o 65 1- ( I --FrstrictMonosernr*=M"'a,. - lone co,rnty,,lLANN. & COMMUNITY DEVELOPI', ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^,ILL BE REJECTED! 6ltr - I gpp,vertrr, U/rrrr,Eo,to,'Crr, of gpro KI E 7(?300 ING I AD Sroo ? zrzz ,9rro C* ?7/77 E CITY STM S INE #HOME TELEPHONE #HOUT TEIEPHONEI 2 PROPERTY ADDRES S I/,(IF ot rrrnrNt rRou=SS 3 rvrae e PAneEL NIJMtsEFl (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement)(RE UiRED r NFORT4AT r 0N ) 2 1.r Jc 54 TomsF"TP mm. smlmN MNSFTP_ MNE SEETTON Rr>ffi m[IN6- TAx LoT(s) oR pARcELl ZON I NG TOIIMH]P MNGE SEETI_ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: TAX LOT(S) OR PARCELI milrm6-- 2./+ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) Arysr,lr, €rrrr,ryo*Gnrn4 /4* o No )lUo Saqd, 6 DIRECTI0NS TO SITE: /V|,t,. I '7;e J r/t To A)r Vrn-o-0p)rl h Lo fu1,'rv0N lt P,,0"'7 tur 6 fztt /u ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: DATE:_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ NUMBER DATE -lT(/, -l BY: -\A<<.*zS*o c \_72,/6- gqr/ BUSIffi -nl-q- Springfield Utility Bo ar d August 4, L982 MUNICIPAL POWER AND WATER 250 North "A" Street o P.O. Box 300 . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . Phone 746-8451 a Substation Control House consists of a weekly our Control House Metering. The monitoring takes two to three minutes by one Person ,, Dear Mr. Smeed, The following information pertains to our discussion this morning regarding the application for Building Permit ltL295-82. The usage o monitoring approximate Sincerely, f of 1y ,.(*'r rA )-/*,w Gc lke .^t**$ (""'"-'" -..,r}-frr -t Jv'! -"r. *- ..'" ' tb .1il -'It,'t' '. v... .- -tr i i,.i' s$e 3 \, Ll\