HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-09-12\r'8/ ffqzz DU GvlD )oz5 ile t\lllt LaneTountY Aut rization for'FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Two Copies of Plans Ihree Copies of PIot Plans Mech/PIumbing Checklist Legal fnterest Document Plan check Info Sheet ApplicatiPermit # SECTlON '*r, Y.-)*"" 3aT\3wliSHIP /r LOTIPARCEI,@apFri cable ),v4 Zlz,-^-,A, ,1,*762ry*Z PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY I-l tndustrial PubIic K*" Commercial s identi-a I @ *7__ DECI"ARED S VALUE Proposed Existing SUPPLY ra/TELEPHONE NUMBER74€6/2 TELEPTIONE NUMBERZ>*z'./7 I HAVE CAREFUTLY EXAMINED THE CO4PLETED APPLICATION I'OR PERMIT. and do herebv ,j.rlify that all infomation hereon is CHECK.ED THIS APPLICATION DATE true and correct, and that I ! contract cordance with attachedthofauthorievidencetyauthorizedraseagentofrrecordTpurchintereINtthethehavefo11property[-lo,r.owrn9 legal theand ofLawS Statethe oftheofOrdinances Ore9onLaneCowtybefndoneacandworkshaIlcef:rther that perfomedrtifyany of Buithe Di 'rs10n I fur-tI ureuct thoutWI the MI 1dj-ngonbewillofmadeperehelnthatandOCCUPANCYanyNOtoworkthedescribedpertaining forthebasistreuld'70oRs .o that ifINforcefu11e f fectand as by e xempthwaBuildertheBoardreqcetherruitthafyregis tration ANDREADHAVEIusethi-sonW1th70LORSwilL055 projectarewhoanubcontractorsSconplj"anceedontshenotedreonthatandemployees1y AUTHORI rear\b, side ;,{1Speci fications,: COM}IENTS: Date: Use 14l+. Irate: N gs:eEOLLOWdts cL { C, t Date 10@ a- n PLANNIN # E NG B. P. #,.,.0K- ( PLANS EXAMINATION: rYPe I v.= [ r.r" 'IAS SEE RBIERSE SIDE OF PERttlI Ar{c Installation Record Issued? ING CONDITIONS: Parcel, READ THIS SECTION CAREFULL Zone SANITATION Installation MI}S FORATL ELECTRrcAL WORK interior Group Lineal reet of DrainfielilGallon Tank Maximum Depth of Trenches ORTf,OII, DEPARTMENI OF ON THE Parce 1 TOTAL VAIUATION $CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Descriptio Sq. Ft. Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost !'Ioodplain Fee Subsurface fees auilding Eee l.1ech,/PImbg Fee P] ans Check Fee state Surcharge DEQ Surcharge TOTAL FEE 5o.oo(b2,50 50.oo ZG, OO $ s ) $ S $ aODU€+ PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OEFIC IGNEE per oRS 456.805 (f) ) LANE COUNry DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT D]VISION, 687-4061, 125 EASTETH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATTON DATE c t+-zs $$ t98.@ ---4:#- l, oo COM}1ENTS: SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRTCTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT fN REVO-CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTYTS INFRACTTON ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHERREMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR TNSPECTION, CAL 687-4065. A I{INTMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FoR INSpEC-ffiNl-uavEtEefo1Iowinginformationready:permitnumber,jobaddr";=,-tvpuof insPection, when it will be readyr lour name and phone number, and any speciat diiections to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1- Foundation r":lgsligtt: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIImaE6iiEfE-for EEe-oundation are delivered on the job. where concrete from a centraL mixingplant (commonly termed .transit mixed") is to be uied, materials need not be on the job. 2. 991-9- il?b "t.Under:Floor r.ngpection: To be made after aII in-slab or under-ftoor buildingservice equipment, conduj-t, piping accEssories, and other ancillary equipment items are inplace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing instatled, -inlluding the subfloor. 3. .gln+ng & rnsulation fnspectionF: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, andbiaaing are-f;-pTace ana-ll pIpes, fireplaces, chimrr"y", .rril vents are compJ.ete and arl rougheLectrical and plumbing are approved. A1t wal-l insulalion and vapor barriei are in place. 4- Lath and/or GyPsum Bogrd Ilspegtion: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, i-nteriorana exterior,--Is inllac-e-Eut-EEEre any plastering is applied.116 b.for" gypsum board jointsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5- Final rnspec.tion: To be made after the buililing is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAI REQUIRED- No work shal1 be.done.on any part of the building or structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the ipproval of the birilding official-such approval shal1 be given only after-an inspection shall have been-ira6e of each successi-ve stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. AII building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: Block WaIt: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. ThisI:r=s-pecEI6n.is required for each bond beai pour.'There will be rro "pp.6rr.I until the plumbingand electrical inspections have been made and approved wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation iscomplete. rnstallation shalI be in accordance with an appioved, nationally recognized testingagency and the manufacturerts instal_Iation instructions. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedEEil6i-rci-G6ptic-system for setbacli requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns,skirting, and plumbing connections. 1- Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or asrecommended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation sha1l be certifi-ed when required by a flood-plain management letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns,-when required, and skirting shaIl be instalted and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installedper enclosure. *+Il+*g.P?+j__f:]9* grade when steel is in prace and before concrere is poured. Above gradewhen pool is installed. NOTE: A. B L D APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRErF woRK DOES Nor BEGrN wrrHrN 180 DAYS, oR rF woRK rs suspENDED oR ABANDoNED FoR M9RE THAN rgo DAys-SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IE THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF TNCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSfNFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQU]RED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERN IIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: l. Permits slall. b9 e.ffective for,,one year from the date of issuance..{ 1 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify the Lane County Departrnent of Planning and Community Development by submitting theinstallation record form. The Department shall inspect thE construction lo determine if itcomplies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with suchrules, the Depdrtment shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the'pLrmit1.hoIder.rf the construction does not comply with such ru1es, the Department-shall notify tie permitholder and sha1l require satisfactory completion before isiuing the certificatL" railure tomeet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio-Iation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and lfris iute. Setbacks - Subsurfa.ce Sewage Disposal ' Septic Tank Drainfield ' From: Interior property lines 10 r LO I Edge of road right-of-way 10 q 10 t Building foundation 5 I IO t . WeIIs, other water sources 50' 100t i.I UqB 'FR.LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD TRS#q DATE ISSUED:\q PERMTT# @ N BACK RE I # PLUMBING FIXTURES FRONT toz5 0 Approved L SI DE I NTERI OR S,REAR J,O' U I Date -2 Correcti on Date SDS APPRO\fAL qJ Insp ector Yc ) { g^D. 2D,T Date App roved Date Correcti on Date Correcti on Date I nspector UND I nspec tor .OIHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Comecti on Date Ins pe ctor H PLU Approved Date Correcti on Date Ins pe ctor F Approved Date Correcti on Date I nspe ctor Approved Da te Correc ti on Date I nspector INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIONApproved_Date Correction Dater_Inspector- GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspector IApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspector FINAL PLUMBING, Approved y/ I Approved Date INSPECTION oate 5Lz7-?/ /correction I BUI LD Gtr/ Comection Date Date P E ENT I nspe ctor I nspector Approved Da M74-t97 te Insp Approve d Date Insp. OuT) TNSPECTT0N INSPECTION CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY N TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY E .\U4 .,t ( tt L \ h so stA c^es{- ,i'l t',^i# 4-t UI L,,tv L ?t5 Ccqac () I \. (-*-- //fb Trees t FPt- \(" .,,2(*-'k 0 ltfil, 2L/CoE .l \ t tff' I c t/i '=/41 g ,*,, F fr^'f ' nr(,'a ".-,.fj^u{;+n' 7 o"'n znlo^s ( ( 1!" t s'c bo rD€Lt.4 (e irl^Y 79 es \(- \)- ic q rl t I Sc \.6 ?n-C 'r5. a.*,r \.,17 \ \ / 7/cuSe- furfr4.4y1" -' $.r t{ U ( : Fs) \ { \ 1 \ ,, 1q, '.\ ;\ F a 'b *g, x '{ *a'res /er-__{ \ o'$ ! a v I t E / .\.\. 'i$ 7as\ iloi *c L\'\ r\ n(1, .v>z .C ".---\ I \I\.x \ \ \ fz.sT'l+a/eS \t4. tEAtE uilD*ryND PtPtNq 6f@q'uiiTt;'egerco'1@ ;r- flr['Biiuot';r,er;ar*" \s c( '.?ara t-{ q A- f,ATT f-t /-ry' ,2 7tu O ),n<s A//f tc'rxJ 'h 4 7oq7'gL/ di,n 7L4c'"t L;"^ /d , 84 7a7/ E;U!.?,t^t . Ot. q -f qtl- o O? I \.s\ C6 BY O' I : I --- - 1 *u.r,rY FAC.K\NG Aq.EA I a L +r(q-Y 5(}t ql ,Tot ) iE t( LrFre L-/--:€l/,12r.\T PRELTTM.INARY Sf(E ?LAN Kceli lr\Ot^E Fott t fu *j11q 1r,,r.o.Jtts.{ €cAL€ Yto" - 1"o' AACI\rTar5- 4b-1 (i \r'rx EJJa+re,OA lt4Dr c5'r3)SJ,1-btcj+ 50t ,c?_ \\t\ A?Paoxrtc'r,-(r L\NE OF CO}SOJLE FI{\SH E-coL bb,T) sTrNr- Gft-t-\,c- ELEfc' / / HOttr SI,IP ,ttl? COunty APPLICATION # LOCATI ON NAMT 2 4 \"€xd1' ADDRESS ik..-.17-_ZIP CODE rty Building and Sanitation D'ivjsion cannot proceed with processing :ause: ncomplete appl ication ('items deficient). Address and/or directjons to app'lication site. Broposed number of bedrooms in dwe'l'ling.-fipprovable plot plan (see attachment). Notification of date test holes w'ill be ready. l Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing Sewage d'isposal system 'in the area of the proposed dra i nfi el ds . Other: 4ut / :4 L-r. .v *,&o ,+ t\ /,.*,!,Q ,/v T -': lu! DATEGNATURE ?t from to) PHONE no resDonse has been received in regards to this matter by cation will be denied' J-4 tIf pli BUILDING & SANITATiON PROGRAM / .LINP MANAGEMENT DIVISION .cuse-publ ic servic;^ii;ij;i.g l l,e"rurt elh Rr.l''j"Eu;;r;-on-g7aot 7 (503)687-406 ' -r+ f/ril.*l/ IE \rar -tf -7/,/* A O:l f."*.#h,:tlb It XlA*". ,#{k VICINITT MAP VegNop 1r=n,1?-r, Permit N Standard Job Location (Street Address) FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Tank Ca llot) INK form e ss-11, S ax f Subdivision/Partition S parce IDETAIL SYSTEM PLOT PLAN l..- Lot Btock_ AS CONSTNUSTEID Scale -" = -' Gravel Depth Below mp E-t €F 2 iil )o I I I I/l h C G tll1 t) f;,h,\ I r/ tl ,lr )t tt)l DT I I ) ) ) ! lnstal lelephone License No iadi ny lf lnstalled By Owner- USE BLACK INK ONLY Trench Deoth )t*4 Manufacturer COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUMP WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATION:| (installer's name Measured Distance from Well to Ta and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No Signatu From Drainfield_Total Length of Li certify that a (Mfg)_ (Model No have been installed with this sewage ihstallation at- I6'rr \\d q :\ /JolgSq.. r -+bb ln F Date-- lSignatur€ ol Owner, Applicant's Name I Address FOB SANITA COMMENTS: RIAN'USE ON tr App tr Sys m Disapproved (RS 5 A ltt fI System Corrected s Correction Date-- Date- r System Capacity_gd./ day S INSIALLATION RECORO & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by rhe Courrty Sanitarian, this certificate isevidence as per ORS 4Bl.665 of salisfactory completion of a subsu rface sewage disposal system at the above location s55-t, RETURN THIS FORM TO THECOURTHOUSE./PUBL T C SERVT LAND MANAGECE BUI LDING YE$re?'Y+fi'oN -/AVE."HBEAfieY"BHE"BF"T i oo , I rI ,7 L {\ !Y tiff.__.4 So s1 eEt4',z('' 'l 'tTl Lrv+its L ^6fle€ s L/ Cc c+ Ll ,O L o.aU C \ I L i\. c --- I -r0 k 4auSt t 6i, (, L"n t'tr/ CC-./ F ,t) \ , .l --t tb t+ J s c( I c tl^ :/gl \ 3h (!.r rrf F h'I( "' nylcu ',.fj.'rlrrrr ' d, "' llaiots /)( TLts'c *r 6o' .n l tfr'a &.'-Y' 7s es I ;;ii7 : " { olc'r as i-t ltnral?f'- n."-r.:t. t L "c. 15. .Y \'t..-- \\-/ \ N fr Ixx. f u t:.ruu' - )^l"q'l-i-rro a) $"r E 1 U ( : F aJ \ t \ \ \ "7q, s\ { l)t\ x \ *e. /cr \ \ L\'stlt- vr !\\ -x'\\\,l \\.\\fz-sT'4ries <>$ (?^\ '''.(. T2(t sr r<s f. i \ I LI'.1p .:l,a{ /- .)^>z' -?c \r -l Q^\- \.\\ C(]Y E /?d D f til.z1s /),/,/ ft c ct l'Ln d I oLl7' g L/ di,n 714+n L;-1 /a . A4 777/ [;ul oat o(- 4 -rt/ol- o 0? cl ( I I .___{ \ 7-,-/JJ/* ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COII{PIETE IHIS SECII ON. INCOMPLEIE FORMS t{IL Ltx: <:ourty '\ @L BI REJECTED! 1 tL I 9wt* MAILI NG ADDR ESS ltl o 7'ol-oot,S c*-vr--,u T C ITY STATE ZIP CODE B-USI r'l-r S S TE LE?.IIjNE-T 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS (-.I,,1 1'l t -7bto HOfiE TEIEPFONE_#-_I,Uffi S&ur..c-.ffi .T tp d-ld lrk*TA BC.aol atd rt, ul7 4un ( IF DIFFERENT F 6 L N h crnrLu 3 rvlare B PAFIeEL NIJMBEFI ( REQU r REp r NFORI4AT r 0N ) ( from tax maps i n Departmeor from tax statement) -ThnK r,nt of Assessment and Taxation s,alr-1ilt / 8 -!',? oy i.f e,-TOImHIF RA-NGE SETTITM ffi ZONING TOIN.SH-IF MNGE SEEM.N M ZONING MINSE]P RANGE SETTMN M ZONING TOIAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: -5- AC7^P5 ACRES 4 SUBDIVISI0N ( if appl icable)BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do)Z (x,o.tlJ I tl<-'t Ta ins*rrlt Qt.s' trdb-biy-Ifi30 /tiz"a- tttab,/e h**o 6 DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE: S'ow}(-Srr*l O-A ;.c*t uv1 al c rd. ** FOR STAFF USE ZONE/LAND USE: BY: - DATE:- TIME iN:- OUT ONLY ** TF (-zf x / /rf,f f,+-"r/i- / {vanNUMBER DATE LAND MANAGEMENT DiVISION 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 Lor 4_ V.r'ro n< Z t4, qt TRS, TL /9- r2-o1:TL /sas--Job Location (Add Pemlt /l Permlt /l Pernit Permlt /l Pernlt Permit ForFor Irlot Plan For For ForFor Subdivision lr c Block-{r'C " ttd'Lot- B/ *L -{' 0 G -1 q. A\ C. J s C\.',ll$ LU2II tC .311.,'t + /6,f *|'r"'tf €oo n 6\$ t \sr $-r 1L ts c-l -4te ilQn = s-o / t,.No,.n*te wiro:L" t/ A F { ..f a c/^es lJ z7 l- *nd- i ') I I \ I I I I I i I il,tgS N h I r2 aJ (:a o'C+ ln €j ,v,\?,n' I V L O,c-.h v t*Ore :- -2. rc t )tu+"/, c74-150 inity Map N LasEo\,r Ty! inis zcrrrsJ t Ths <; / ...( bc rrrt l6 ( I e? 3A. (.