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Permit Correspondence 1980-02-20
i;'ebru;ry lt), ttt:,S .k. ilicrc L. \'sn llyssclber;;hc ilr:8 ii. l'ark i:Ul:.erf,:, Ufr.iiitlrt [E: i:eatio.,r Pat'k ]rrarnr Aparb:irnts, f("( ]'lilL St., Spfiirnfrield, Ore:orr. Dear 5ir: 'Itiis letter is in re..rl::rJ to an i;rrtrsti:..ation of a co"qrlaint eorrcernint' ti:e up ilc:ep of Ehe ; roi-ir,ls at Ehe l-barir:r'r P.*:'k i'bnor /,Darln:r:nts. I}e cmplcint also concerlcrl phm{bin; prol.'li:ic in aparLr:rnts *r[f! snrl {1t] and uafer .ta'*i.;e iii a;;ari:*=r:t ;..3. G.rr in.,restii;aLion sl':o,".eil th.at tl-:e :-roin(is o! Eix: .'tparhxrnt l:ouse c@:grlc-r: is ilr neeC ct iretter rraj.,--teniarce. i,is: is particrrlarly true r:f tl^e nrea.lrotrnd the g;+r:b;i;g.e can[ainorsr liailill' pltp:r t::ash n*'eds lo be picke'd ttp aroun(i Llre ,.,,roriftis. the liitcl.tirn sillr. in apartrenr .*14 r,.i11 nc'rU stmt off arr-l lree'ds repair. Iie elro4rer iri aparlr;*:nt ilii leaks .*i,-i lies carrsr:t1 ul&i:*l:-p to be ciilinlq in agrart- rent,-,.ti. li:e shor.er rreecls to bc rep;ired and tl:e eeilin:-, in 1lS repaEcired. The termairEs in tlie aliartnr:nls re:tnrt ttult Lhey h.rrre r':ofified the ranagers of Ctris ikl;ap:p buE lrave rccrieveil no resTrcylse. ',+e r'pr.rlC npprtlciate t'ery r:uctr if 1;cnr '+t?trlrJ lml< inLo EIre problt'r:'s nt.eced ai:ovc nnr.i ta[:e tiie ::eccssary ncticn tc rcsolte thet-q. Fl-:ase conLact us if .vc,u llave arty (iuestifirs. $ir.cerely, J0i.ri i:. 3lnlJf.ili., Pii(fi,]t.l trA,.,$,cui.i r.]..x,,-I ilol.$ E:'IIAL ILiLii i ,3eralli ,1. -Jauis, ji. j. Sar:i tcrien JCS :i..;i): -.''li.; cc: lialll' Jchnstrn, City or iiprin.,fi,:l.d