HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-01-13..RESID {TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Narih Sth Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 ButLdLng nioision 7 26- 37 53 Subd*tision: Address Additicn Renod.eL a"."tet t ,6 g. <8 {/r Date of App Lieaticn Value GeneraL i Constraeticn Lertd.et, It ie the responsibi Lity of the permit hold,et that aL?. inspeetions Date: I ue nade at the p?oper tine, that aach .d4ress is readabie SPRINGFIEL.D ,rna C ca be made place, //,4 0{- OA of inspee=icti befcne 7:00 c:t /-iB- from*p,,"'the s treet, anC that the t catd is!ding Nuicioyt cpproxed on at the ftont of the p?ope?tq. L tines, ') state youz, Citg desigrnted job nunber job aCiress,Cont?aetors or A,meys nane ind plnne number P,equests rece00 on urLLL be nade the nezt wrking dag Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nu:nber fs E aoo ze to see Located u!1w UNDERSLAB PLI,:\ETNG. ELECTRIC,IL &tac!.t:!rcnr:@ny uork is cooeted. PCOTING & FOU:\DA?ICN: To be nadeafte! t?enehes a?e eccauated and. forns are ereeted, but prioz, topout*ir,g ccncrete. -WrtEP,wArE+t q:ftuAGL: 1'o oe made pt"Lot, to fil_Lirq trenches. TNSULATTOII,TV/'.POR BARRTER TTlSPECIJON :robemadiffi tequired ucpot, bawie?s @e in placebut before ory lath, Wpstnn baati oz,tnLL couering is applied, and. beforeoty insuTation is concealed, flffi#ffi;"'"but prioz, to any taping. \IAS1NPI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oertiecls in accotdance Llith U.B.C. Section WOODST1IE: After installation isatnpleted. CURB & APPRCACE AppON: After fornsue erecteC but ptior to pour.ing coTlc"ete. g!2FA!Z_4_2!!!wly: Fot, aLL eon- er^ete paoing uithin street right_of-ucA, to be maCe after, aZ|, -erea- oating conplete & fotn tsotk & cub- base naterial in pla.ce. -l unoFprucal pruJpntc a utcsnnrcu,'-t lo be maae p"ic? to installation offloor insulction or decking. I e;osr 4ryn ailM: ?o be nad.e pr1ot, toI insta.Llaticn of floon insuT.a.tion oy deeKL7tg.x w:t_il these inspectior:s haue beenarw aporoued. I FIIEPLTqqE: prior to plccitq facinq--__) mate?LaLs and. before fz,otring inspec_tion. Q rnutrnc.- tgst be tequested. aftenl\-approual of rough plttr,bing, eiecA"t_caL & mecha.nical. ALI roofingbtaVry E, chinmsys, ete. tiast" beeornpleted. ilo ubrk ie to be ci_,.cealed until this inspeotion ii.i'been made arC approrsel. - . - 9I?E TNSPEC!ION; e&caoation, but forme. FTNAL PLLII|BITIG FINAL MECHAI!ICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL ?o be made after pt ior tc eet up of !E!!!: h4ten conplete -- ptouiCe gates or mooable seetians thz,ough P.A.E. l _lx I ALL projeet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of srequired Landsccpitq, etc., mtst be satLiyied. beyore- A';#i,!r!.:":r':m,#:*X:zi,,x:l*y,"*,ffi3i,7" #*i" #y;i:i,{., n, the Final ptunbins ,i ", i n ",-" o,p ri.o, *, rrr- the BUfLDfNC FfNAL ean be requested,. Job Locaticn:r7033Assessore Mao #Tcs Lot #p 2rmer: tf lo /0 znone: (9 fr,-8 ry 6'?? 2 Vfr 1-JVL) Sanilary seaer eagtped at g,operfii Lite Septic totk pa:rped and filled tith gra;sel Final - ttlten abcoe itens ote eonoleteC and uhen Cernclition is cornplete b, ,ro"- tuz,e noued an-d. premises clbaneC up. Ecmes Blocking od. Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aate? od, uater Electrical Cotnection - Bloeking, set-ut and_ plwnbing eonneetions rrust bL- apptctedbefore requesting eleclrLcal inspeZTiot Aecessory- BuilClrtg pcrehes, skirting, decl+s,1^r^) Pilal - Afteretc. a"e comp Page 1 of 2 *ALL MANH)LES AND 1LEAN1IJTS MUST BE AIIESSTBLE, ADJUSTttErlr ro BE r.aDE n? No ccsT ?0 cny Desez"ibe Hor,l<:c L be rmde the 7 26-376 9 "equests JOB NO.CCZO soLAR Ac =ss REe.-r--co d BeCroons Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Caserage # of Stofies Total Height Topogrqhy ITEM Residential (1 bath) Plunbing Pernit Tctal Nau/Eatend Circuits Eleetz,ieaL Stete ?otal IT!14 Vent Fan Hcodsto.oe Permit Issuanee MeehanieeL Perrtit LCr rwt _ fntetict, _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Receipt # Signed * Plumbing Perrnit No per,son slnll constmtet, instal'|,, alter ot' clnnge -cny nev-cr ecisting ,pt;"tlng or drainage systen in utole or in patt, unless sueh person is the iegal pZsses"o, o7-o uiolid pl*rbnr's Licensb, escept that a pe?son nay !o-pt-Lnttig uotk to property uhi"h is ouned' Leased ot' opetated by the appli- cant. Electricql Permit Were State Lau requiz,es ttst the electrical uoz,k be done by an Electrical contractot, the electrical po?tion of thi6 pernit slnll not be oalic untiL the Label has been signed by the Electti,eal Conttaetor. Mechqnicol Permit Lot Faces -Enet,o,t Sourees Ileat DT Houae Cd.raqe Access Water' 4eater No?th FirepLace South Wootistoxe West -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pernnt is gnanted on the espt'ess eord.ition tlnt the sai.d-consttaetion slnll, in all respects, confonn to the crdinance cdopted by the City of SprLngfteld, includtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at enA time upon oic- lation of any prctsisions of said Ordir,ances. Value TO?AL VALUE I?EJ.i T;U x 3 NO FEE UrufrUL S.D.C. 1.5 c ,$ PLan Check Fee: Date PaLd: Euilding PernrLt ?otal Clnrges State Fi-rt'utes Sa,iteru Seuer Watev CiJARCi,ITEi.l FE-N Res. So. fto Ianpcr@y Seraice .:,^,5C ?oe3.40 tt, ADatitatrtrn fy?naee !,L U ;i Eshanst \{ooC. -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectri l Permit TataL Cutbcut Sida,talk lence ELee Mobile Hone PLan EranttzeY 1- ls-8,b I HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED t?e eonpleted application fot' perTnit' and do i.ilt, iertifu that aLL informati'on heneoi is true attL ebrtect, an'C r'i"rli"r- i"rrli?a that ony ird aLL uo,k pe*forned stnll be dote in aceo?- ';;;;;;t;"' ti.L" o"ai"."ins of the citv of bpntnsfield, .and the La:;s of the i|rtl "f 7regcn pe,tainina io the uoik Cesbribbd herern, €r1d tVnt NO OCCU- pLnby ,itt b"e ,raZe of any" struc,tut,e ui-thout pe,rnissi-on of the gui-lding Di- oision. I further certify thet only eon-tractors and enplcyees uho are Ln LApllon ni't.tt, cns 701.-055 uiLL be used on this proieet TOTAL AM0UllT DUE:*63 4+ Date