HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1985-12-13AW SPRI]{GFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER Planning and Development Department Mr. John Gregon 975 Oak Street, Suite 1010 Eugene, 0R 97401 SUBJECT: Fi re Damag and S19, S December 13, 1985 nspecti on at 844 M'il I Street Apantments, #22ngfield, 0regon eI pri Dear Mr. Gregon: At the request of the Springfield F'ire and Life Safety Department, we necently conducted an inspection of the fire damage at the above address. The inspection revealed damage to the structural and electrical systems, which must be repaired in order for the bui I di ng to comply with appl i cabl e city codes. The following jtems require correct'ion before the affected areas can be re-occupi ed: STRUCTURAL Floor joists supporting the upper leve'l apartment were damaged to an extent warranting replacement, in the living room, bedroom and hallway. 1 2 3 The damaged floor sheathin I ath and p'laster cei 1i ngs i n an approved manner'. in Apartment #22 and damaged n Apartment #19 must be replaced g i The broken w'indow qlass in the uostairs livinq room and bedroom must be replaced with insulated g1azifig. 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 ' 503/726-3753 JOHN GREGOR Page 2 ELECTRICAL The electrical wiring in the follow'ing areas was exposed to higher temperatures than the insulation was designed to wjthstand, and must be rep'laced w'ith new approved wir"ing: cabl es 'in Apartment #19electrical conduit located in sts. 2 Cei I i ng 1 i ght fi xtures and connected w'i ri ng i n both apartments near the burned areas may have been subjected to excessive temperature, and should be inspected for possible damage. In I i eu of repl aci ng ce'i 1i ng heat cabl es, an al ternat'ive source of heat, such as base board heaters, ffidy be insta'lled if the new heat source(s) are capable of maintaining a temperature of 70 at a point three feet above the floor throughout the area to be heated. Penmits are requ'ired for the structural repairs and rewiring noted above. They may be obtained from this office prior to commencing the wonk. PIease note that installation and repair of electrical systems on property which is for lease, sale or rent must be done by anelectrical contractor who 'is Iicensed by the State of 0regon. The damage'incurned by the fire is sufficient to render both apartments potentially hazardous to the occupants. Therefore, neither unit can be occupied until the noted repairs are made and approved by the appropriate city inspectors. Meanwhile, the apartments must be restricted to access for repair purposes on1y. 1 a b Dam Dam the ed ed ed ag a9 b ceiling heat wi ring 'in the room floor joi JOHN GREGOR Page 3 P'lease obtai n the requi red permi ts as soon as the method of repa'i r or replacement is determined. Sincerely, J'im Matteson El ectri cal Inspector Don Moore Structural Inspector Copy to: 0ccupant 844 Mill Street, #19Springfield,0R 97477 Man age r 844 Mi I I Street, #A Spri ngf i e'ld , 0R 97 477 #627