HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-05-28..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s No,th ,th streeaPPLrcArro, /PERMU Spr"t ngfieZd, Onegon g?42? Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGTtELD l3q Job Locaticn Aooeooote Map I 47€ZZ s\bdiuiston Am A*ter ?az Lot ll Address: CL /D)A,rn Additicn Date of Applicatic General T{r',u-- Deacribc llorl< Value N ets t-t ,422-_0v2rtr)tuto: l- co tra s rs r tl P Iurnb nica l Dl.ectrici.rI Supervl Ln IlIec L r (' l,ir rl It ia the J'r.on the | 9uilding reoponcibi.lity of ttle petmit hotdet' to aae. that aLL inopectiona ave nad,e at the paoper tine, that ecoh cddreas ia t,eadab..eBt_\ee.t,. au! tlnt t.he _pcrnrit oard ia Lccated at .th-e front of the propertyNvi:iot upprovetl plan shcll renain on the Duitd.ing sttc'at olt' tih"u." PR):SDUPE F1n INSPETIION RTQUESTTCALL 7,.cyestc.l and u.\ett you aill biieady fot,-'ill be na<le the aarne dcy, requeete-nZd.e Asners narc and. phone nwnbct. ' ro ) u" r'*'*,i. ),',* *'E ? o tl 7E 26-3769 (tccorder) atate your Ci ty Ceaigrated job nunbet,, job aCdreaa , type of inepeclicninspaction, Contractot,B op RequeBtB received befcre 7:00 ctafter ?:00 on till be nada lottt, City Deaigrated l l l l SITE INSPEC'iION: 1'o be made after eccavation, bttt priar tc se! up of forme, UNDERSLAB. PLL'I,EINC, ELEC:IRICAL E MECllLllICAL: To be nade beJ'ote any wrk ia aotcred, FOOTINC & FOUNDA'| ICil: To be rmCe aftei-tiencicc arc ercauated arul forna are erected, but prior to pout-ing ccnctete, UNDSRG!?OUI!D PLUM?INC, SSIIEP, IJ.ITE!?. Tfr-li|n"he". I N s u t, A'l'!p!u v4]'Qg _r14W Elt ! ils p Ec!'r) N : 1'o be naCe after aLL inaulaticn and, rcqu)red uapor ba:,riero are in plaoe but befor.e any lath, gypatun board or unLL couering ie applied, cnd before oty tnculation ia concealed. DRYUtlt,t, INSPEC"I'I)N: To be nada a1'tii anlfiwatfla in place, b*t prior to cny taping, I'|ASQNRI: SLeeL location, bond iifiilgnouting or perticala in accordance Dith U,B.C, Section 2415. I,/OODS'],OVE: ccnpl;;A, Aft er ina taL'l-at'ion ia CURB & AI'PNCACII APSON:Atter forns ' pouringate iiiiic'J but pv'i,sv 1s conct'e te . s-Ar:tA!Kj--AlM!!U: Fot' all con- ct'i-te pau'in1 uttlin etreet right' of-rx:y, to bc nade after all etca- Dating canplete & form tnY'k & tub- base matertal in Place. oR !.tovtD Sanilaty aeuer capped ct propert'g Line Septic tork ptatrped and filled uith gratel Final - hhen aboue itena are ccnpleted and uhen denolition io aonplete or stru:- tuya noued ard, premtsee oleaneC up. ItcneB -l uNDERFLIIR pr.ullBL':c .2 ittlClrA,\ICAL: )of floot ineulction or decking. -l PosT AND BEAt,t: To be radc prior to ) TisAn;;G;of floor insulaiion oP l l l Pinal - Aftar pcrchea, akit'ting, decks, atc. a.te oanpleted. decking, nor-tcll Pr,ulBt!tc. Er.r:arn!cA!, .t tl\Cll- ANICAL: No'sot'k ts Lo bc aoaered w:til thcse inspectior:s haue been nade arul approve!-. F|PEPLACE: Pnior to Plccir4 facingmctetials arul bcfot'e ft'ctning inapea- tion. F\4Ill!t: t'tust be requected aflet' dppVinit of rough plwnbing, electri- cal ,! neclwnical. ALL roo!'ing bracirq C chirmcya, ete. tntst be : conrpletcd. llo Dcrk 'ia to be con- . cecled until tlio inspection laa 'been nade anC approved. hthen co;nplete -- Provicle novable aoctiona throughgabct ot' P, U. E, FIIIAL PLIJI,IBI IIC FINAL I'IECIIA]IICAI, FINAL ELECTfiIC/,1 ALt proiecL <tondi.bions, utclt aa t:he i.natallation of a*reet tle-e1., conPlati'on.of the' , rnqu'ir"-rl liuv,!:tccp.tr:g,- otra., trrrtat be aatiaficd bcfore the BUILDINC fINAIa can.be requested FIN,qL DUILDINC: 't'\rc I'trnl Bttilcling fnapoction mot ba requeotad after the Final Plwnbing \_, Elccbrtcal, arrC lteclnrical Inspectiona hqva been nade atd approrted Pzale ! o! 2IAI,{, ILANIICLTS AND CLI)ANOI)'I'S III.IS'1'DE ACCESSIBLF,, ADJI]ST,IEN? TO BE I'I4DE AT IIO COST TO CIIY I Blooking ord, Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- aa)et ad uater Eleotriaal Conneotion - Blooking, eet-ut ard plwbing connaottona n'ri.st be apprct;ed before requolttng eleolrical inepeciioa AaceosoYi Building \ n SO LAR ^CCESS REQ'- L- co c"t r'1r;i1'6er:;s:JOr) NO. 7.one Building Permit State ?otal Clangaa Total b.teIf(-" !leat Rarui a toDe -- Fe. Building Vc:lue & Thio 1tr'.nnit i'a rtranLetl o" 7ha atltreon co^rv7,i' ntl-'i.t.', in all. r:rttr1,caL:1 , t.:o'tJ'onn Lo ^Llt,c. -lt'.d.L.'iJ"';-lr"rinLa, in':hili'nq Lht: :"ottitto Crd"rta.rv:": n',ira ,,'r'o ol itui'L,li'n4.';,. n'tl m';'t lttt t;rtn1tatvl':it laLiott of atty Prct'L,-Lo'il of 't;aid .Ordi'nancas Permit Li.on Ltnt the tr'titl ,connIntcLiirt i,)',ir,,,," ,rlor t.t I ltr Lha ct'"'r o.f , te4uL,;l.i.tt4 Lltc ccttsLtt'tcLt'crt.. or iortokcc rtL C':tl Littc ttitort utc' V\ PLan Exaif,ttcr DaLe I IIAVE CARF;FULLy EXAI'|INED t!rc conpLeted application fon permtt, and do loreby certify tlnt, aLL itfotnation hereon ie true attd correct, anC I f\tnther certily tltal: any and aLL uonk porfor.ded alnl! be do:te in accot - dance ttith the Ordinanceo of tha City of Springficld, and Lha Laae of tha Stata of )regcn pentaittirrg to tha l;rork Ceocribcd hereitt, cnd llnt N0 1CCU- PANCI tlill be nale of any atructure uithout permiaeion of the Suildiry Di- uiaion, f furthcr cert:ifi; thet, otly contr.actors a;;d cnpl.cyeea utzo o.re in caapliance uitlt CI\S 701.7ss ui.LL be ueed on thta projecL oo Ipt Face0 - AccrlsslloutltzP,L th Iat Sq. Etg. -- 7 of Lot Cooerage- Total Height TopograPhY LOT TYPE Intetior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-aac Vdxf TF.ttl I'kl t TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.$ x FrzaPLatt Datc Pa'-d Receipt ll Signed RGTN0. Fitturea Reaide.ntial (1 bath) SedarSani l+tct Plumbing Permit No pcrcot alnlL corrctt'ttcL, ino'-allr- all:er. or clanya -t;ny ned.cr existirtg nlumltirto or dt,aina(ta ,'ttii."" ii, itroio ,, i^ pot'l, -ut:Lccs such pct'sotr is Lltc 'i;;;:i'';'",;'",;'"i'"';?';';:"1;.; pi, b"i'i li"."",,'o, c:r't:crL Lti6t a,pcilion ma; do plunhing uork to 1r.o1,n'r"i'l-,iiri-it- is o"'c,,l, Lcinc'l clr oPerated Lty thc app'Li- eant, Plunbing Pernit State FNO. Neu/Ertend CitcuiLe Sentice Electricol Permit Vlere Slnta t,au requit,as thal; tlrc clo.ctnical utork be ,lonc by.an ELecl;rical. Contiact;or, tlrc cle<:tri.cal porbion of ';hic pannit slni.L not be ualiC wttil the label l^ta becn aigned by Lhe Elccbrical Catttt'acta., State Total IT NC.FEE cilAncE , E*hanet ltood. Vent Fot tooe Pernrlt feeuooe l,lecltanical Pettdt Mechc:nicql Permit .. ENCROACTIMENT .. l.fai.n Pcrmit Cutbcu! Sidasalk Nobile llone rnitf ttrnrtuTr ,1trP,,Sionxl Attc A