HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-03-19CITY OF 4urKcss-4,," Cop SPRI :IELD DEVELOPMENTSEPY'CES PUBUC I4OFIKS M ETROPOLITAN AAST EWAT ER TVl A N AG EM EN T 22:: ;rt a'-aa:- DATE OF LETTER, March 19, L992 JOURNAL NUUBER: 92-03.49 APPLICANT Todd A. Prisbe 711- MiII Street #18Springfield, Cr. 97477 PROPERTY OWNER lJest Fair Associates P.O. Box 456 Springfield, Or. 97477 NATURE OF THE REOUEST A i{ome Occupation Application has been subnitted to establish a coraputer consulting business. The consulting service would be conducted entirely at the custor,rers place of business. No custoners lrould be coming to this apartrnent. The apartnent r'iould be used primarily as an office for the consulting busiiess. DECTSTON .Lpproval of a HoLre Occupation as Finoings. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION 'l.lnn a SITE INFORMATION specif ied in the a-"tached The property is located at 711 l,Iill- S+-reet #18 and is currently in High Density Residential use (Assessorrs }lap l-7-03-35-22, Tax Lot 14700). The property is zoned High Density R.esidential and is designated for I'fedium Density Residential- Use in the l{etro Plan Diagran. The property is not in any adopted refinenent plan area. The application has been approved based on conformance with Secticn 16.100(6) of the Springfield Development Cod,e as follows: (5) Home occupations. A home occupation iscarried on within a dwelling. A home approved provided that: a lawful aetivityoccupation may be (a) The prinary use of the building is a dwelling. The apartment complex is located at 7LL Mi]I Street #tB and islocated in a high density residential area and is used primarilyfor residential use. (b) The occupation is a secondarysignificantly affect the character neighborhood. use that does notof the dwelling or The establ-ishment of a computergenerate any additional noise or surrounding neighborhood. consulting business willtraffic that would affect not the (c) compliance with the following conditions shall occur ataIl times: 1. One sign shall be pernitted: a non-illuminated, wallsign not larger than one & a hal-f sguare feet. * No signshall be permitted. 2. There shall be no display which wouldthe exterior that the building is beingpurpose other than a residential dwelIing. indicate fromused for any 3. There shall be no outside storage of materials visiblefron public property or adjacent private property. Nocars shall be stored at the residence. 4. Mechanical equipment, except that which is compatiblewith residential purposes, shall be prohibited. 5. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke,dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperty line resulting fron the home occupation. 6. The home occupation sharr not create hazardous trafficconditions or utilize on-street parking of nearbyproperties. 7. ff the proposed home occupation requires anynodification to the dweJ.ling or accessory structure of anature that is not typicarry found in a residentialdistrict, the proposed home occupation shall beconsidered inappropriate and prohibited. 8- No merchandise, other than what is produced on-siteshall be sold to the public from the premises. 9. The use or storage of beavy equipment or heavyvehicles shall not be permitted. Eea'rry equipment and hearry vehicles shalI include, but not be limited to the use of: semi-trucks, trueks and tractors, back hoes, bobcats, refrigerator trucks, Iivestock trucks, commercial buses, farn tractors, garbage trucks and log trucks. 10. Any home occupation which requires more than onevehicle for its operation shall be prohibited. The one vehicle permitted shall be linited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-up trucks. 11. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatch center where ernployees or subcontractors reportto the residence to be dispatched elsewhere. 12. The applicant shall sign this agreement with the City acknowleclging these conditions as well as additional conditions deemed necessary to achieve compliance. 13. Customer access to home occupations shalI be limitedto the hours of 7 a.n. to 6 p.n. The applicant will be required to sign an agreement prior to receiving formal approval for this home occupation permit. The applicant will be required to agree to abide by the criteria listed above at all times. Revoeation Procedures (e) Any hone occupation whicb bas been approved by staff shall be subject to revocation by staff if the home occupation is found to be in violation of the conditions under which the home occupation rras approved. The revocation decision may be appealed to the Planning Conmission in accordance with theprovisions of Article 15 of this code. Auy home occupation which has been approved by the Planning Director shalI be subject to revocation by the Planning commission if the home occupation is found to be in violation of the conditions under which the home occupation permit was approved. The revocation decision nay be appealed to the City council in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of this code. The revocation sha1l be sent to the applicant in writing. The hone occupation shall cease within 30 days of the receipt of the revocation notice. The applicant will be subject to the revocation procedures listed above if the applicant fails to abide by the conditions listed in 16. l-00 ( 6) (c) . ADDTTIONAIJ INFORUATION The application, al1 documents and evidence relied upon by theappl-icant and the applicable criteria are available for a freeinspection and copies will be available at a cost of $0.25 for thefirst page and $0.25 for each additional page at the DevelopmentServices Department, 225 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAI, If you wish to appeal this Home Occupation Review Decision, you must do so within l-0 davs of this letter. Your appeal must be inaccordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. Sincerely, {.,l,qr{,J.^"\t-l€.4, Lydia M. NeillAssistant Planner ATTACHMENT A: Vicinity Map NW l/4 NWY4 Sec.35 T 17 S. R.3 WW.M. 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