HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1981-05-06AGENDA ITEI4 6A PAGE 24E-l,aF:t:*s qy CIETT OF SPH,I\TGFIEI-,D sPRTNGFIELD. OREGON 97 474 May 6, 1981PUBLIC WORKS Mr. & Mrs. David Schnelli 542 Mill Street Springfieici, 0regon 97477 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 ,,/,/ RE 0ccupancy Inspection At 542 Mi11 Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. & Mrs. Schne'li i: At your request the Building Division and the Fire Marshal's office of the City of Springfield conducted an oc-upancy inspection of the above referenced structure. It is the decision of the Building Division that the proPosed use of the building more closely resembles that of an R-l occupancy which is the same occupancy that now ,r..lt;.. several conditions of the building that did not meet the requirements of the code in existence at the time the building was altered and which do not meet the cument code. It is our belief that the proposed use of the building will not be as hazardous as the existing use. We do, therefore, feel iustified in approvlng the intended use of the buildin6 with the following repairs, replacement and modifications: OREGON STRUCTURA L SPECIALTY CODE AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODE (s.s.c. ) 1. The 1anding at the north entry door must be the same height: as the floor of the bu i'l d i ns. (s .s.c. 3303 i ) . ?. The risers of all entry stepsr old the steps into the garage must be 7Lz" or less and equal within 3/8". r(S.S.C. 3305 c). 3. Every sleeping room shall have at least one openable window that has a minimum net ii.ui opining br 6.2-iquaie feet with a minimum nbt clear opening height of 24" and minimum'net ilear opening width of 20". (S.S.C. 503 d4)- q. The inside walls and ceiling of the garage must be covered with a layer.of 5/8" type X sheetrock. The door between the house and garage must be L 3/8" thick, sol id ci.e, equipped with a self c'loser- (S.S.C. 503 d4). 5. Storage under the stairs must have the walls and ceiiing protected with 5/8" type X sheetrock. (S.S.C. 3305 m). 6. The archway between the stairs and the 1 iving room must be open unless the stairs are enclosed in a one-hour rated enclosure. C .; t3 : 5+,--i idV:#-e*l AGENDA ITEM 5A PAGE 25 ,: ,i Occupancy Iirspection Page 2. 1. The drains from the pressure relief valve on the hot water heaters'must be 3/4"pipe. The pans urider the heaters must also have a 3/4" drain pipe to the exterior of the building. (S.P.C. 1007 h & 1.007 e). OREGON ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE (E.S.C.)'a'r/ 1. Remove the wiring from house service to the shed and all wiring on and in the shed. Use approved wiring methods only. (0.E.S.C. 110-8) 2. Properly install receptacles below the service panel in water-tight box, cover and support the outlet box. (0.E.S.C. 300-6a) 3. Seal all open knockouts in service equipment. (O.E.S.C. 370-8). 4. CIearly identify each circuit in aIl panels. (0.E.S.C. LIA-22). 5. Reverse the polarity in receptacle by the refrigerator and insta'tI a grounding conductor. (0.E.S.C. 200-10 b). 6. Flexible conduit is to be installed on exposed water heater cables (Uotn apartments) on all hot water heaters. (0.E.S.C. 336-6). .7. Isolate neutral bar in sub-panel (garage). .(0.E.S.C. 384-27). ' .8.RenrovealJstorageinfrontofgaragepaneI.(0.E.s.c.110-16). 9. Install an insulating bushing on conduit into garage panel. (O.E.S.C. 346-8) 10. Re-wire lights and out1ets in garage using approved wiring methods and material. , (o.E.s.c. 110-8) , : 11. Reverse the polarity in bathroom receptacle (east apartment). (O.E.S.C. 200-10b). L2. Replace living area ceiling light fixture. (0.E.S.C. 110-3) 13. Receptacles are not to be over baseboard heaters (east and west apartments).(0.E.s.c. 210-25 b). L4. Remove all grounding type receptacles that are not on a grounded circuit in non- grounded areas (both apartments): (O.f.S.C. 210). 15. 0.E.S.C.22-1L0 states that all properties for rent, lease, or sale shall be wired by an 0regon I icensed electrical contractor. a ir,' ' oREGoN STATE PLUMBTNG SPECIALTY CopE (p.S.C.)lu> I ,ruLttu,r ltLrt vn PAGE 26a'1 (-. ., 0ccupancy lnspection Page 3. Encl osure MJ/cp AII necessary permits for work shall be cbtained and all inspections conducted by thisoffice before a certificate of compliance ylill be issued. .' If you have any further questionsn please contact the Springfie'ld Building Division at 726-3753 Si ncere'ly, ./r -.////t:Uaz,<- Marion John Building Inspector G. Water lines v-ill be upgraded to hand.le the requiredfire flov generated by this development. H. If an ad.ditional water service is required, please contaet Rainbow for applicable service. Find.ings of Fact:lhis property has been designated. as'High Density Resld.entlal by the Metro P1a^n. This request is in eompliance with the Metro Plan d.esignation. fhis property has good. aceess to a shopping area, bus line and to the freevay system. l4r. Ad.ans seeonded. the motion. Discussion of the eonrmereial area foIloved.. It was deter.mined. that the property omer coul-d. request a nod.ification of the R01 in order to enlarge the cornmercial area. l4r. Dick Eno, no ad.dress given, stated. his eoneern for having adequate coumercial space to development a nj.ce facility. He mentioned. that he probably would. have to dedicate a 50 foot street from this property to reach Mr. Brashnykrs prop,,-': s The notlon carried. r:nanimS:sly. E. Diane Schnelli - Journal No. S-81-0)+-L9. Loeated. at 5\Z MiI1 Street, on the southwest corner of MiIl and rrE[ Streets. Applicant requests a Cond.itional Use Pemit in the R3 Multiple Family Resid.ential District- in order to'operate a Eostel offerlng overnight. lodging to members of l Anerican Youth llostels (AUi) Diape and. David. Schnelli , 5\2 Mil1 Street, spoke on behalf of the request. When ,, ., ,.1#lc9d, Ur. Sehnelli stated lha.i-the facility vould. be inspeeted by representatives' i"ron the regional eouncilr/ The fire marshal has inspected. their home and ind.icated. that it is iaequate-Toi a maxi:num of ten overnight guests without making fi:rther .,BUfgggS",t_q_,. _Establishing this facility has been a goal. they have shared since travtsflihg in Europe some time ago. Ttrey arrticipate most of the guests w111 be cross-country hikers ead. bieyelers Dr. Richard. Moffit, no ad.dress given, spoke in favor of the request. He stated that he is a menber of the Springfield. Bicycle Conuittee, as well as the Oregon Council of AYH. Ee added that the organization has strict regulations and rules for its members, as well as house pareats, &d that he and. his fnmily recently visited other hostels in the Washington area. Yh^rt Springfield. Pla^nning Cc,mrni ss ion 1 April L9B1 Page 7 .,I ) Springfield. Planning Corrmission 1 April 1981 Page 8 Mr. Ed.. Mid.d.augh, ,31 West "D" Street, testified. that he had just returned. from a tour through the Southwest. Various camping and. travel organizations assured hin that there is a d.efinite need. for a facility of this tytrre in the Springfield area. He expressed concern for the safety of cyelists in the area and. stated. that he felt something should be d.one to i-lrprove the situation. MOTION: I,{r. Adams moved to grant approval of the request with the follor,ring cond.itions and find.ings of fact: An occupancy inspeetion by the Building Diwision and Fire Department is required. fhe raaxinuo. nwnber of occupantswill be set, based upon this inspection. Approval of the Conditional Use Pe:mit for a one year time period vith a revier at the end. of that time. Find.ines of Fact:A hostel appears to be an appropriate cond.itionally permitted. use in the R-3 District. Mr. Gassman second.ed. and the notion carried. rxranimously. F. John F. Charles - Journal No. S-Bl--01+-20. Assessor's Map L7-02-35, Ta:c Lot 3700. Located on the north sid.e of Main Street in the 7)+00 block (Beane1 Acres Subd.ivision).- Applicant requests a change of zone from R1 Single Family Resid.ential District to RG Gard.en Apartment District for the purpose of reducing 1ot sizes and. constructing some common wa1l resid.ences (d.uplexes or tand.em homes). I{r. John Charles, no ad.d.ress gi.ven, testified. for the request. ile stated. that this request was for. only two lots in the subd.ivision. This is a.rr effort to make the hornes here more afford.able while still constmcting an attractive dwe11ing. MOIION: Mr. Gassman moved. to grant approval of the request, subjeet to the eond.itions listed below arrd. the findings of fact: A. Approval of a site plan within one year. B. A11 requirements of the Beanel Acres subdivislon must be met. C. The cost of provid.ing ad.equate vater supply eapacities to serve'the pnoposed land use wilJ- be paid. for by the Llrner/developerof the property involved. R-G zoning is in compliance with the 1ov d.ensity designatton of this property. fhe Planning Comission recentl-y approved. R-G zoning for the property irrmediately to the east of this property. Urban services, including adequate sa^nitary sewers, are avaiLable to support this sJ.ightly more intensive land use. This would not be add.ing to the density as the lots are large enough to provid.e for two livingunits aryway. A B Fiad.ings of Fact: 13. tsoarding and/or Rooming House than five guest rooms where lofor conioensat'ion for not more homes for the aged and nursing more than one kitchen. i9. shall mean a building w'ith not mcre ing is provided urith or rvjthout meals an 1.0 persons , bu b shal 'i not incJ ude ornes . The bui'ldi ng shal I not ccntai n ;s th hr {1': i4.Building - shalj mean any structure built and maintained for the suppof shelter or enclosure of persons, motor vehicjes, animals, chattels or personal or real prcperty of any kind. The word "building" as used in this Article shall include the t^rord "structure." 15. BuilCing Height - shall mean the vertical distance from the grade to the highest pofnt o the coping of a flat roof or to the deck l'ine of a mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip roof. Exceotions: Roof structures for the housing of e'levators, stainvays, tanks, vert'i'lating 'Fans or similar equ'ipment requireC to oper- rte and nair:tain the build'ing. Skylights, spires, flagpo'ies and ch'imneys may be built'and maintained to a height greater than the l'imit; provideC, hol,,ever, that no structure'in excess of the allowable building height shall be used for providing additional living or fiocr space. i6. EuiirJing-Ma'in - shall mean a bui'lding with'in which is conducted the prin- cipal use permitted cn the lot, as pro viCeci by this Article. 17.us Livin ani zati on Fra terni Sorori or Dormitor - sha'i'l Cing faci 1 - l6IO ities for student nousekeeping, which has received official sanction frqn an institution oi r',ish..-iba"ning or iroipitai ani-ii ope"ite,t on a non'{,!, profit basis. Ce]lar - shall mean that portion of a buiid'ing betleen f'loor and cej'ling ,m'icI'-is wholly or partly below grade and so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor" bejow is eoual to or greater than the vertical ciistance frorn grade to ceiling. (See Figure 2) Cemeterv - shall mean land used or intended to be used fcr the birriai of the E-64--ant' dedicated for cemetery pul poses'incl ud'ing col urnbari a, crernatories, mausoleums, and morLuaries, nhen operated in conjunction rvith and within the bounCary of such cemetsry. Cit.y - shall mean the City of Springfield. mean any ng crgan za 10n ng a ccmmon n,u provv )n 2t.Clinic - shall mean sing'le or mu'ltiple offices for physicians, surgeons' Git-Lsts, chiropractors, osteopaths, and other memb,ers of the hea'ling arts including a dispensary in each such build'ing to handle only merchandise of a natire cusiomarii-v prescriberi by occupants in connection rvith the'ir practf ces . 22. Clinig, Siraj'l A.nimal - shall mean a business es+"ablishment in which veterinaiy lervicss are r:nCered to small dcmestic pets on an out- patient bas'is'rith no overnight boarding allowed 1,E (g DMflERf,@RAM!U CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: Marion Johnson, Department of Puhlic Works Richard H. Yates, Assistant Fire Marshal May 4, l98l Request for Conditional Use Permit to Allow Youth Hostel at 542 MiIl Street An inspection was made of the above occupancy on May l, l98l at l:00 p.m. for Conditional Use Permit requested by D'iane Schnelli and David Schnel1i,542Mill Street. The following items shall be provided: l. Smoke detectors are provided in each s'leeping area proposed. These detectors are to be maintained in proper working order at all times. 2. One smoke detector shall be mounted on the ceiling at the top of access stairway. 3. One 2A-rated UL approved fire extinguisher shall be provided and installed at the top of the stairway adjacent to both sleeping areas, or one 2A-rated extinguisher to be provided in each sleeping area. 4. The maximum number of peop'le that will be allowed on second floor is ten (.I0). Inspection by the City of Springfield Bujldi.rg Division,electrical and plumbing inspectors revealed other concerns involving'life safety that must also be addressed in order to receive Fire Department approval. cm