HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1989-07-25FIRE DA}4A.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD 8qc157 DATE:l lzs /u TO: FROI,I: SUBJECT Building Department Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building Address or'locatjon of bui'lding Lcc A,tl g- Name of or/ner o Type of bu i 'ld i ng Estimated val ue of bu'i1di ng Estjmated loss to building e5t 1 i ng , S tore , I^la rehou se , etc . ) ?-0.ato tMx G d1t (Dw 5 Do> L<wAt4 ae6_ ?q1* s z0,0oo Date of fire 1 /Lzl ?,c1 I Locat'ion of damage 'in bu i i di ng To*al I ,# s* rvci"iceC) << (Rcof , l/a1 1 , Exter jor, Interior, etc. Structural weakness as a resuIt of the fire \t /A ( Burned raf ters , Beams , ")o i s ts , etc . ) Add'i tional perrinent'i nfcrmat'ion n o/\e Electrical ilazard sEE loBd g <1 (llirinq, 0utlets, etc. ) S os^,t +D P.u) ?-21-t1cc tt4@ _. S j qned /rh,C" Vl-a tA ) U ro DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE CONTROI, EXP. NO. NO. District of Incident t u D 2 INCIDENTADDRESS 6ca /lilt 5t. €FicU. 9c 10 METHOD EXTINGUISH\{ENT ll E aQulpln{exT !NVOLVED IN IGNITION I3 IGNITION FACTOR E S€lf-Extinguished E Make-shift aids E PortableExtinguisher Flame rEzZrnrDsContB I'IRE DEPT. ALAR]\I NO, Dept. Responding Not Classified Undettrmined Undetermined Unprotrcted Wrcd Frame Not Classified Above lt STATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT STATE FIRE MARSHAL /-^onc 9l I (Tie Line) E Voice Signal Muni Alarm E NotClassifiedAbove *tt' I L'/ '/ ckl €' r< 3 OCCUPANT NAI\IE (Irst,Fi6t, NtI) Lanl { BUSINESS O\\'NER NAME (Last, First, MI) 5 OWNERNA\{E (Last, Fist, MI) Ma/ri wr 6 TIRE BY (lrst. First, MI) Po 7 METHODOF AI-ARM Telephone Diret Radio Verbal o :E9 @: =hrHld ltJtlE E>l.t. oo12 @,:-]in r. 'lltlrt!tE U)PFl. ooz F0 r. rj t5 Eo r. r< oaFl r< t4 EJa art F o "l 4) 15a) zrr E Municipal Alarm System ! PrirateAlarmsystem E NoAlarm Rec'd D v"hicleFire E Brush,Orass,Leave E Trash, Rubbish D orher (List) Automatic Ext. Syst€m E Pre-connecthose/tank only .Ef Pre-connect hose/hydrant, l0 to l9 feet 20 to 29 feet 30 to 49 feet 50 to 70 feet D 2stories D 3to{"to.i"" Heary Timber Protect, Steel D Hand-laidhose/hydrant,standpipe Al Master Stream Device ! NotClassifiedAbove (tou| an tt1 Over 70 feet Below 8 # OF FIRE SERVICE PERSONNEL RESPONDED t3 9 T'I'PEOFSITUATION FOUND El Structure Fire ! other Prop. w/ralue USE 5i.,A,-clli M PROPERTY I2 ROOM/AREA OF FIREORIGIN fi75i cat\ ol fu,lA;<trwhr cafytorts Un acgot iaVcgli Oi'\ll or,t )bt< sv t4 OF HEAT Lr /r 15 LEVELOF E Grade lerel to 9 fet l6 VALUE LOSS ln T7 NI]N,lRER OF 18 (ln Yers) 19 CONSTRUCTIONTYPE E Steel & Concrete,3-4 EXTENT OF DAMAGE CON-FINED TOr t The objet of origin 2 Part of loom or area oforigin zO 3 Roomoforigin .l Fire-rated comp. oforigin 5 Flmr of origin 6 Structure oforigin ? Extended be5'ond structure oforigin 5to6 7 to 12 stories 25 to 49 Unprotect. Steel Bldg Unprotet. N{asonry Wood Int. ! Protect.Ext. & Wood Int. n Protected Wood Frame 13 to 2{ stories 50 storiB or more Smokern 2! 3D 4D 5!6nrE en 2l 9 No daroge of the ty"€ (N/A) of l'ire Sen ice 2,1 Member lUaking Report 25 Additional 22 FollowuplnvestigitionRequested y X N - rfy6,whowilrinvestigata ALARM TIME z32 z ARITIVAL TIIVIE 23 z, I'IMI] BA(:K IN SIiRVICEo+4+ YE.4R ngl E srn D Mnn Tue Wed D rhrt E r.i EI s"t*DAY OF \\.EEK o'7 MO DAY 1-)L.b 11111 ZIP CENSUS TRACT 3Z ISO CI,ASS 3 DOB (optional)TELEPHONE ADDRESS DOB (optional)TELEPHONE DOB (optional)'lz|- 7q<Z TIiLEPHONE Itlo ADDRESS SI q1+'?7 tA o< DOB (optional)TELEPHONE Unkno-ntUakn,na ADDRESS D R"""ir"d D ci,"n I *rn or I OF AERIAL APPARA'TUS RESPONDED-o # OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (donotincludePA's) 3 # OF ENGINES RESPONDED 3 I Extinguish E Invetigation E RemovedHaard E st"na ay E srtr"g" ! Not Classilied TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete line M)PROPERTY COI\,lPLEX (If applicable) ,SERIAL #LICENSE #MAKE/MODELYEAR EQUIPMENT INVOLVED IN IGNITION (Complete Line E) MODEI-SERIAL #VOLTAGEYEARNIAKE FIRS'TITEM .i'ei.) WAS N,IADE OF OS Ivl.{TERIAI- a<L4- ,oo.NOther TOTAL ooo'@.00 Contrnts ,CIo and Contents .00.00q 9ao .oo 34 orn .*.00'Zq,oo2 .oo SDO .oo 500,000 sq ftSIZE (Grnd Flr Only)10,000-19,999 sq ft .D o-ggg"qrt ft ft5000.9999 ft 50,000-99,999 sq ft 100,000,499,999 1000-4999 sq ft SPRTNKLER PERFORMANCE I E Equipmentopetat€d 2 [ Equip.shouldhaveoper.-didnot 3 D Equip.presentfiretoosmalltoop€r. g E Notclassifiedabove 0 E Undeterminedornotreported 8 .EI Noequipmentpraent(N/A) SprinklersControlledFire: YES E NO E I of Heads Opened DETECTOR PERFORMANCE D t In room oforigin-oper, E 2 Notinrmmoforigin-oper' D 3 In rm of origin-not op€!-fire too small n 4 Notin r-oforigin-notoper.firetoosmall ! 5 Inroomoforigin-notoper.powerdisconnect E 6 Notinr-oforigin-notoper.powerdiscon. ! 7 Inroomoforigin-notoper.deadbattery E 8 Notinroomoforigin-notoper.deadbattery E 9 No detector pre*nt 8I to Undetermined l'ire Sen ice 4-Other 'o- Da," I I zzlttLd ak,i^ 'fitle Dat?I'fitle 814-440-10 (R-86) -a- rWk Othet D cont. on back t \ 2:l I 'n tt ll |I:IIit'Idt,t03 99 iI$vHVr] gxI J_[90_800dv3 uef'lS$ 'NU5-8fl0-ro0 - * -- -- sr N3l{H03-- - - .. _ _sN0 I I 3 g.tSNI _-.il3 $ N0I LI'I0HH'l-990-*00 dux ug$ils . NVS-8[0_[00 n$VLlVrl gUI t-*90-I00 -.--dsNI --I'InSXU - - - - gI Hfi 'lX3- ---SINgl.tIlII nEgX SNCII T,3iI.J$NI HNHI NI I.I..I]IIS+ I [/,068 I It,068 TIII'IVI TNg|]I SflU uI vdxu*OJNI - $NI tHn"Id-s00-f,o0 NOI T,I "IOH:It]- I I O* I OO*--3n'Ivn --+rI h*rgd-r.rl grru-g,v[-gE uvHrun$-iIHJ- -..srl r.txg.I 'ltilI nu3H"-u3s -NSSgil -H33H-I33'riI -fl!,1'Id..eNoHd uot3vllLN03 - "IN:I$ -slr0t3vlrLN03*gdI.I T,SNO3 I,iI3J OS SII NNdug, 33CI ,,ttr]3{I *g$NVU Nr v1dfloCI,IJ seI uolsrNoz r,fi'rfl -E -r;$5il_.srvr$_ _rsxgr,li_ 0t6* IV3 I.lflu {38 }JO /OI I6E8f, ){u ?0s068 ?08068 e0rI68 -glv{ I3u---gtrvfl 0$ 0* /,0I I6S / lt *xn'IUn* 'l UNI J CIS}I /ISbT 6/,'0 06"0 00'$1 00'8I {,t v L6 {,6$t-9t L 00?[0ctge[0c r ){30'I|I r0'I -'ru$g'r_ N0E gt0 'rllgI Jt NI H.ISI33Htr,5 Vlrnv"i c001 'IVg,I UilVH Iug{0u -)IXNf,l0_ g3N:rilI s3u HsI10H3|1: u3sfl{l IS 'I'II t^t g0g "ss3[iluv.. /.Ir068 LgIAGE *UOf NBI SI,1I I SNI fiTI nrl Job Loeation: Tc.x tot flAscesaona MaP # $tbdioieion: A-mer: Phone:Addreas: City: ValueDate of ffq->rPffiE /*z*t*xAdditian Deacribe h'ot'k: Reeei,lt.. RESIDFNTIAL- APPLTCAN /PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfield, 1negon 97477 Building Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFIEI.D ?,q.6{ "2'rl*-* Date: racn Ceneral Plurnbin l.lec ].c lec E. r lanec trSu1Efv Soilary ser.tet capped at propartg Line Septi.c tank pto'tped and fitted vith gta:tel Pinal - tthen aboue i.tens aPe ccnrpleted and uhen Cenolition ie canplete or strur- iure noued atd ptemtsee cleaneC up' Hcmes Blocking otd Set'uP P\,rnbi.ttg connectiona " aa)tet od uater Electrical Connection' Blockitrg' aet-up, and olwbinq connectione nast be aPPr.ca*ed b; " f ;, " - ie qu"e eting eL ec ! rt c aL in sp e c ! iott AccessorJ Buildittg Pinal - After pcnchee, ekirting' decks' etc. ate conPleted' Page 1 of 2 to gee thataLLinapectiotaa,,:enadeatthePl:o?ertine'thateaehaddteasi'sreadabieIt ie the fron thetAuilding neeoooibility of the pentrit lplden sb?e'et' ald ttat the -p*nrtt card ia-;;i 1o;. approu*ed plan alull nenain Located at the ftont of the Ptopetty' on the BuildinlT SiLc at aLL tines' PRocsDUPE Fon INSPE1IION ,8-18!E,T:CALL 7 requested and uhen you t'tLLL be ready !o" -^iil be nnde the aone dcy, requeate made 26-3769 (recorder) state yout' City inspection,Contraetore or A^mers ncme after 7:00 on viLL be nnde the ncxt lnrking daY. Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nwnber fa: ?o la rcquined oapor bat:riera are LN plaee Cesignated iob nwtbet', iob aCircss'of inspeclior and phone numbcr.7:00 c-:r ,) \NDERSLAB PLUMBTNC, EL;EelRr=cAL & ffiHinrcAt; To be nade before anY ffi-ia cor)ercd. F11TING 4 FOUNDATION: To be nnde ;fi;;-ttenc6; are "rcavated and 7or*, orn erected, but Pniot to Wurtng ccnctet€. \N1nRGROUND PLUMBTNG? SSrytR, .W,4TE-:1, DRAINAGE: To be nale Prlor to JLL- T@-lfrnchee. uttDERFrcOR PLU!.EINC q ME1HAilICAL : ?o be rnde Drior to tiiTd|ffiid floor inau\a,tion or decki'ng' SITE INSPECUON: excaoation, but priot, To be tc forna. deckitq. FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL th, gypdwn boarC or applied, atd befote concealed. set aftet uP of but be rnL oty fore @ta La L covering inaulation LA LA of DRYWALL ITISPECIION: Tc be nnde @ie.in place, but Pnior to cnY taPt'ng. MASINRI: Steel Locati'on, bond iffilgrouting on oerticala in i"oorld&." Ltith u.B.c- section 2415. IOODST7VE: After installation ie @futeA. CURB 8 APPROACH AP|I,ON: . Aftet .fornsdZirected bub Pt'iot to Pour+ng concrete.%#w; ",izi:'"1nir-nf-tnu'. to be nade after aLL exca' iltLn"o'canplete E forn urtk & sub' fuse l,nteii-al in Plaee' POST AND BEAM: To be nade PrLor to TGiiTTil$Vof floor inaulation or R1ucH PLIIltBrlc. .EI:.ECIRI?AL E MECH; TNT1AL: n;,lork ia to be couered ffif|-theae irupectione lwtse been nade anrl aPProued. FIPEPLACE: Prtor to Plccirq facing ,,a;e"ffi; and before frantng inePec- tion. FRA]'!ING: ttust be tequeabed after ffit of rough plwrbing' electt'i- &'L a necln ieal. - ALL roofittg bracittg E chinmeYa, ete, rruat be . conoleTed. No r,tork ia to be cor- ,."il"d until thia inaPeotion lae 'been nnde anC aPPtoued. IENCE: ithen comPlete -' Ptotide ffi o, mortable aecttone through P.U.E. F?zoo ft.?r>azE-/t/< <' -fuZrs m"zztr'g> -.:ALLpt,ojectconditione,suchaaLhei.nstallationofstreet-lly.l,conetcbionofthe requi.red Landsccpus)"L.,,.,-,|.it t e ,otis1izl- a"rz:r"-l\L BUILDTN| PritL can be requested' f>, \INAL BU?LDING: the Final Building fnepection mtst be reouested after the Final Plwnbing (& ;:ri2i,i\:,1: h fi ir-,t"i t n" p" " tlo;: ; ;';' ; ; " ; iie- a'd' appr ort e d' *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEA NOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE TL4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY wrl OLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+JOB N Total t:Bedrooma: 77r*> - I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,IINED tle canpleted application fon permit' and do hereby certify that aLL infomntion hereon ie tnue and. correct, anC f further centify that any ard aLL uonk penfor-ned alnll be fune in accor- dance vttlt the 1rdinanoee of tlw Citg of Springficld, atd the Icae of tha* State of 1regon pertaining to the tlrrk Ceecribcd hereln, atld that N0 )ccu- PANCY trill be nsCe of any atructure tithou.t permiesion of the Building N- uieion. f further certify that otly contractoro ad enployeee uho are in canpliance uith oRS 701.055 uiLL be uaed on thie project 1-3 (- k? Signed -\_ Enerou Sourcee TyneIot Faeee - !leatSetbacke Ilouse Garaac Acceaa.Wate? lleaterP.1,. North Range FirepLaccl)as L WoodstoueSouth l,lest ! of Sbrtee Tot;al lleight Topogmphy Interior Corner Panlnndle CuL-de-eac INT TYPEtot Sq. Ptg. z of Lot Cotterage Building Vqlue & Permit This pernr,t ia granted on the etpPesa cottd-ition that the said-consLraction "l-LL', in all rZepecti,- conform'to the orditunce adop-te,l by the CitY o.f Spiingyieta, inctluding- the'Wning Cvdittanc_e, regulating the ccnstntcticn id "bb of buildinge,- and may be euspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uLc- lation of any prcoisione of daid ?t'dinanees, TOTAL VALUE VaITEMFTG DC * Fee { S.D-C. 1.5 x, Building Perwlt ?otal Chnrges State Date Paid: Signed: Receipt fl: Plumbing Permit No person alnll conatntct, inetall' alter or clatqe -GnA nel-cr existing ptltinfing or drainage ay|tait in uhote on in patL, unlees euch person is the iegal p-oeaea"on of a ootid plwrber's Licenoe' ezcept tlnt a pe"son nag do ptunttig uork to property ihich is oumed' Leased on operated by the appli- cant. CHARGE ee * ITEM Fi.*tt*eg Resi.dential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Penr:it State Surcl",arge Total Electricql Permit Were State tant requites that the electrical uork be done by an Electrtcal Contnactor, the electnieal portion of this permi.t alall rat be oalil wttil the Label lue been aigned by the Electrical Conttactor. 1'TL:M NO. * te Total Na,t/htetd Circuits Seruice , Mechqnicol Permit tuhanet llood. Ilcodstoue Vent Pat Pernrlt Isaudnce Mechanical Permit .. EIICROACI]MENT -. Secaritu Dewait ry).-'./ Storage l,laintenance Permit Curbcut Sideualk Electrieal label Mobile Horne /G-n*----v?\ ,TCTAT, AMOI]IIT DUI|: A V6s'Date NO.FEE l,lcten NA.EET CIIARCE Total Charae,a State Swclunae Fence r t,? I