HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-09-05.. RESIDtr\TIAL.. APPLICATIUN/PERI/IIT 225 North ith Street Spningfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIET.D Pd dwal/- ,onl"o, (L',,t,,,--j_ Date: q -6 4D fes Job Loeaticn:L Alsesso"e ,"p *:lf Q BSZV rc,s Int # OZjOD S:ubdiuision: DA.mer:Gt- ) fu,4eOrr<Sf- f,,.. Phane: V'14 ?Qa4vt? cifu: Address zip Describe tlork: Additicn ont rirc tors v7/1 ValueDate of App Licaticn rmt&Mf: SF 2<s AAJi*-an General P Iumb ing l,lec a ti ec C. r iJ:a Srrpervc-f,uiz-r Elec Eric ian It i8 ,he responaibi-Lila of-tne penrtt holdet to aee that aLL inapeetions are nade at the p?opet thte, that each address is readabiefron-the st?ee.t, anC tlat the-permit catl, ie Luated at the ftont of the property.tBuilding Nuisiot appt'o"*ed plan slull remain on the Bunzding sitc'at aLL' tihes.- PnocsDUPEtFo4rysP1c?roYI1-QlESriCaU726-3769(t,ecotd.er) state yout, city Cesigna_ted job nunber, job aCdt'ess, type of inspecli*r :.?.Yo"-t"d and.uthen gou -uiLL be neadg fot' inspection, cont?actor" in asners ncne ind ptaie number.' rrq"ittT rel"tiLa tLfcni ?:00 cn'niLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests mcde after ?:00 on vtLL be nnde the ncrt :nrki$ day. UNDERSLAB PLUI,{BTNC, ELECTRICAL &;,ttct!,r.}!icA@ny tsork is couered. ffi pqorruc t pounonrcu: ?o be naCeV I at'te" trenches are ercauated antd forns ate erected, but ptior topouning ccncrete. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IilSPFCNON : ?o be nnde after aLL insulaticn oi tequired oapor batriers are in place but before ang Lath, gApsurn boaiC ortnLL coueying is applied, ard beforeay insulation is concealed. GV DRYilALL INSPEtrI)N: ?c be rnade ll\l after aLL dnyuall is in p\aee, - but prion to any taping. SNE TNSPEC?ION: eecauation, but FIIIAL PLUMBIIIC FIIIAL I|ECIIAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ?o be nade after pt ior tc set up of Iour City Deeigr,ated Job Nwnber Is MASONRL: Steel location, bond beatne, grouttng on oerticals in accordorce vith U.B.C. Section 241 5. IIOODSTOVE: ecnpLeted. After installation is I T U-XDIRCqOUI]D PLUMSING, S\UER, W,ATER. qRAIilAGE: To be naCe p?ior to fil-Lir4 trenchee, UilDEPFLOOR pLUr.ErilG & \LEC1|4,NICAL :r-obe@of floor insulction or decking. P)ST AND BEAM: To be nade prtot, toinstallaticn of floor insulation or decking. until these inspeetions haue been nade and. approued.. FMEPI.ACE: PrLor to plccirg facingmcterials and before franing inspeL- tLon. PRAIIINC: ttust be requected aftenapproual of nough plwnbing, electpi-cal & meclanical. ALI roofing btacing e chinmegs, etc. rrust beeornpleted. lto ucrk is to be con-cecled untiL this inspection lus been nade anC appnoted. CURB & APPRCACII APPON, ar,. et.crA6;Vffi : Aftet fornsto pouting concrete. SfDEWALK & DRTVN|Ay: Foy aLL con- cnete pauirq uithin street right-of-teg, to be nade after aL! erca- uating canplete & fon tsotk & sub- base rm.tertal in plaee. Y !W!: hlten conplete -- ProoiCe gates or nouable seetions througti P, U.E. AIL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet trees, conoletion of therequired Landsecpit:O, cte.' rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIN| FINAL canbe-nequested.. FrNAL BUTLDIN1: The Ei,nal B_uilding. rnapection mtet be requested after the pinal plunbingElectrical, anC Mechar.ical fnspeetions 'haue been id,L- atd'ippnornd. DETIOLI?IOII OR :.:OVED Sani'-ary eeuen capped at ptopenty Line / . rr*, r.r.,,lllf rtt:/I,lr.,r,,,rl i.;;i . , I Septic tork pturped and. filZed trith gra:tel Final - l{hen abcue itens ate ccnpleted and uhen Cenolition is eontplete bt styuc-ture moued and, prenises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectiona -- Baie! attC uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-uc and plwnbing eonnecti.ons rrust be apprct;'ed before requeating eleclrieal inspeblioe Aceessory* BuilCing pcnches, akirting, decks, leted. Pinal - Afteretc. ate conp Page 1 of 2 B tAl'L tlANtlcLES AND CLEAN1UTS l'us? BD ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\\E,E To BE I,t.4t)E .r.? ilO CCST rO CITy I forme.w i, tr BeCtoome: Lpt Faces - P, L.House Access. t r,ot 3q. Pts. #r Z cf Lct cotterage] 4 ropography y'-??C, LOT TYPE -l{ tntericr H//! Corner Panlwndle CuL-de-sac i of Stories Total l,eight VaLueITEMSQ, FTG x I'lain ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x 52 Receipt ll:77 T LLNO. Pbtutes Resi.dential (1 bath) Seoer NO.ITEM N.il/tutend Circuits Electricol Permit l{heteStnteLaorequireatt:dttheelectrLcalwrkbedoneby'anEleettical Contraetor, the eleetv\Zol' pl'Lion- of t\ie,pqn|t slall not be oalid until 'h*H;;,ru'WU;_'7ru2:Zair.a*r= 77 Z'E Cv;Pftzq< 1rz47V/<7>7J.L l. /z 22 State Total CIIARCENC.I?!M bha)st HooC Vent Fot llcodstoile ,a Mechqnicol Permit Permtt Issucnee Meclwnical Penrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Pcrmit Cvrbcut Sida,talk Mobile ltone JOB NO, Building Penrit State lotal Clangea Ptubing Perni.t State 'z soLA R A'C Es s REQ.-L.COG+ G,- ', .a-^ Ddte Lace tote Building Volue & Permit ?his pennt is gnanted on the erpres| cordi.tion that the said eonstraction stall, in all respects,- ioiioi'to the. Ordinance adop.te1 tiy the iitV 2f ip"l"g1l"ti, iitualng' til'Zoni.ng Crdinanc-e, regulctittg the ccnstracttcn &a "ZL of 'buildi,gs," -rd ^ry be" suspended or reuokeC dt cn! time upon oic- lation of any prctsisione of eaid 2ndinances' i Date Paid: Sigtred: Plumbing Permit llo pereon slull constmtet, instal!, alter. or change -cnV nel.cr ecisting plunbing or drainage ";;;;- i;-;ii" or in patt' lnlesi such person is the Legal poseessor of " rZ"titr'p1,it,n"-,i 1i.u""2, eecept that a pbrson nag do plmbing uork to p"opnlly'iniZi-i" i*na, Leised or operated by the appli-- cant. * L I HAw CAREFULLy SXA'I\INED the completed applieation for pernit' and do herebu certify tnai-a-Lt- i'tfo:nation t'ennii ie true an'd cortect' c'nl I ';"'"1h2"";";ii"ro tiot'z\y- "t ilt irk pe_nfomed atall be dote in aceot- 'dance rrtth the ordii"i'"n'' of lnn citY -of. spt't'.ig1ietd' ."fr -!-\" .Loua of the ^ state of hreson p"r:;;:;;1;s-'ti iTiiix-ZesLriaLd here:-n, cnd ttnt No occu- pANCr uiLL be rm,ie ;7' ;;;i' ,l;";ture utthzTl- piii"tion of the Buitdinlt Di'- oision, r further'7nni'ii;1 thzt -otly to'tii"'to'" a;d enp-Lcyees uko are i'tt ;;;1,;;"";'"itn on{ib1"o"ss uiLL be" uaed on thia proiect TOTIIL AMOIINT DLIE: *6*63 , >9 / Ca"nart Accessofu [nbT l.7oil,i,[;h>rn / {B I 7.to hzril '70 PLan Check Fes:L, tldtcr Total Clnreres Sweh,arqe -?qporn! Serice nrnc.ce PTU?S Tot"al Claraes . Storaqe l,la;-ntennnce, 9?nlre Etectnical ta.bel g{1kr2- CITY OF SPR OFEGO'V 225 PITTE STRBBT SPRTNGPTEU), ORBGON 97477 INSPBCTION REQUBST: 726-3769 OPFICE: 726-3759 1 LOCATION OP INSTAIJ,ATION IJGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithln 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days 2. COIII?ACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLY Electrical Contrac ro, fu' Address Ci ty fl,^pnone C(3 s%r5 Supervisor Llcense Number 3Vb3S Exp iration Date tO'F qz Constr Contr. Number tr'tab o Expiration Da te c6 ^ L6-qt s f Supervislng Blectriclan OSNER INSTALI,ATION Name Address ci Phone The installation is being made on property I orvn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. 0vners Signature: DATE: SPRI]{GFIELD BI,ECTRICAL PER}IIT APPIJCATION Ctty Job Number ooz 3. COIIPI.ETts FEB SCMDIIIJ BBLOS A. New Residential-Single or Multl-Fam1lY Per dvelling unit. Service Included:Itens Cost B 1500 sq.ft. or less Each addltional 500 sq. ft or portlon thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwel}ing Service or Feeder s 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 3s.00 Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included) . Installatlon, Alterations or Relocation: 1oo amps or less -X101 amps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 600 anPs - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/vo1ts - Reconnect Only Suln .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 $35 $60 $80 $130 $300 $3s V 35.00 40.00 80.00 ,e ilBx $ 3s.00 $ s0.00 $ rs.oo c.Temporary Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation above D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteratlon or Extension Per Pane1 One Circuit Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addt'I ten or portlon thereof Mlscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each lnstallation Pump or irrlgation Sign/0utline Lighting- Signal Circuit or Iimited energy Panel- $ 36.00 $ 36.00 s 36.00 STIBTOtrAL OT ABOVB 5Z State Strrcharge TOTAL 200 amps or less $ 201 amps to 400 amps - $ over 4b1 to 6oo amps - $ Over 600 amps or 1000 volts se RECEIVBD E &