HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-14..RESIDENTIAL.. . AFPLICATION/PERT,IIT 225 North Sth Street; SprtngfielC, 2regon 97177 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPFIII\IGFIELD Iou! Citg'Desigr,ated Job ttumbey fs:8eao?7 \ Gener,al Plunbina C o, e 3 r, c C ca._L and e r._ :74C ru:a€r?1il. escamatLon, but J'ozns lt ia the resaonsibility of-tte pentir iolder to see ihat aLL iaspectiotls crre nad,e at lhe ptope? ttm€, t,,ct acch -s)res6 is reaizb';eiy._tk st?.ee.t,. cnc tit ine pi.,,rtt caa;; 1"""i;; iliini-ii"'of the ??ope"t!.+9uiuiry Jiuicio- cc=roxeci pibt s;tll neaain- on tle au;ia.ob- s-:tc d.t l.LL ti)fles. lSoCgDUPg; FaR, ItlSPEr!il !?1|FS?:CALL 726-3769 (recordet) stdte !ou" Citg Cesigr,z_ted job nu;.ber, job ol;3.ess, tupe::*"i:!-7.!::3i1" vtLL be reatiy 1br izspecticTt, contrdcr"it ,i a"ne:s'nere"-d;h";" nwbi.' iA;;;eZeixZaL''LL be taae the eante d.c7, reqaests nade cft* ?:00 od viLL be r,aCe the nezt.otiittg-day. of inspee)icn befcre ?:CC a; AilDtRSLAts ?'L'i,BT:rc, ilZ*P?:;!, 1wc!.r.:Fi@nt wrpk :-s coteyed. ?o be aJ'!apricr tc se! uV of TNSULA?TOil/VAFOP'ASRTZR |IISP'CTIOII : ?o be nad.e af;-er aLL insukticn ani required uqor but4e?s @e in gIa.ce but belbre ozg l.c.th, Wpan boarC ortz.Ll eooeting is cnplied, od. beforeotg itaulation is concealed. ilr 7.1 arencnes, ?I}IA' P!.U:,EITC PI:IAL :,IE1E.4!IICAL DRYTALL IIISPlen'lr: lc be rpdeaiter aLL dtyuall is in pl,ace, but prior to cny inping. lUS1NRl: Steel Loeation, bond ipqns, cTouting or uerticcls in oceor4ozce vtxh {l.B.C. Section 2415. ? ailpEPlL)C.R !'LU|B r:G, :.!ICq Altf C;i : 7O 5e naa.e prict -.o tnsccl:-ztian cf floot insakticn o" deck*tg. 2ST AtlD )EA!,t: ?o be nde pr4ct tatnstalkxtcn of 11oor insuk;iorr ot decking. w:=il these inscec=iors 'nzuo- beanaie ,znd. z???1.Jec. F!?!4AC|: H.or )o Vlcc--r4 jccilgnc:eials ar.d before frtr.ng ir.eg.Z_ ,t00DS?0,/t: e,npL-ffi. After installation ia CURB 8 A?PRCACE A?P.CN: Aftet formsee ez.ecteC but priot to patrl,ng conc?ete. SfDEttA.LK & 3R7,7,#,!: For all cctt- caete pauitq ut thin stveet mght-of-eA, to be nal.e after aL! ezca- udti/lg eanolete I lont uol'k & aub-inse rater[al in place. IFAIIIC:- l,tust be rec.,tested aflerqprcta! 9f raqh plttrbir4, zleczrj,_caL I nec;1,anical. AL! tcoiirgbraalrq !- chizrneys, etc. :i.tsc becotftoLeted. :!o .)cr"< is lo be con_--cecled until this inscecticd i.a.s'been na,l.e anC cVptoued at^r^d. gates P,U.E llhen conplate -- fuouiCe oz, nantable sectians th.rough - tr ALL p.ro,ieet conriizicns, suc!. as che "i.nstallcticn cf sa'.eet trees, ec _leiion o;.;ierecuired Landsec-oit9, etc-, tilrat be satisfied bciote t.ie BaiLii;:ic illAl :en be' teqtestei. ?rilAL aurlDrJ1: The Pinal Buildit4 rnsoection rust be requectei :,:ter )he Fir,al ?Luri:itqEleetrical, od. tleciunclccl insoecxicns -irqys been nccii- zrti'";;;;;r1- Job bcaticn: 5l O xJ. I.4 ILL , -2T. rs bt # \C)nc)Asseseor3 :4dD ll Subiittsicn: O-zer: ad&,"-ss: FtO H,Plone: /e/7- 7?ZtxA Lt),, 2:r- Desq,ibe h'ork: C.or-tf217tJc-T.1 o\!r oF Frev\/ 6.^FAC-E- l^.J€.<f -TA EXt 2-f l N-L e. -E;t.Jt L r, I FJG; 24'r'2( Date of A?pli.aticn_ 4 5,7 bo VaZue AdCiticn RenoCeL 576 + tavnf aGfn^t Ao Sazi-.eg se;et eqt>eC c! pro.oett3. Lile' Sepxie totk pttceC cd, ,'illed wlh gz,ztai linal - i{he7t 6cre .ltens are cc:,a1-etedeci uhen ier.rlttiox. is callele br st--c-tute noueC o'i prztiaes cleaned up. Le tsLocking od. Set-up PltnbinX cotmect-Jcts -- aa)e? d, uclet ELecN.caL Ccrtzecc:.on - Btockir4, sei-u? otd,^ plubing conneetions r;st bb qprcr;'eC before requeexing eleclrieaL izscei=.tari Aceessory* BuiHing ccrekes, skir..itg, dec;"s, Lz2ed. ?it'-zl - After etc. @e ct,ao V1 *ntt i.ic:ercAL 'ALi "'IA:IECLES A,vD cLgAltcurs :!us! 3E Acczss:31i, .{i,'i,si...,:.rr :o gE :.lc, :.! ::o ::s! :o crly I @ ?obe:,z.ce LL J ai;et zrenches cte ezcanteC ard, fcrms are erecced., but crior .,o pourirg ccncreta. r tr @ )---, soLAR_-:CESS REQ.- !r-raricr Cornet ?cni.cd.Le CUL-rie-sac L-COG+ ZeClCAr::S: _ tot Sq. F4. 2 ef !,cc Ca,tercca t of Stcties '^--7 t;^Lr.v.v9 -4.v..- lopogrqhy 2utUir.g Perrit lctcl Cla:ges ?etntt lsgtance !,lecicnic=L ?enr|t -- Z:ICFCAC:i|:::]? -- Side;alk i yobiie ts:e t 'laoasioDe -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This cerqnt is gratted on the esp"ess condition tl,c,t the said ccnstntclionslta.ii, in ell tesoects, eonybrn to the Crciinar:ee cicc;ai b,1 the CiiT of Soz-)ngl'ie!.C,')nclwiing =he ionina Crdin6r,-ss, reguiat-)r.c ;ke ccnstrter-lcnsi use c1'builiings, otd n=.g be susoeruied oy rertckei tc cr.y t-Jee uVcn uic- 7-atlon oi ,zt1 ttcuisions of saiC Crdirances, .*d5.\60'23 Plumbing Permit llo pereon sitell ccasimtct, instal!, al,ter ot chan4e cTrJ neo cr e:istirg plwnbing or drainage systal in uhole or in patt, uless such petson is tle Legal possessor of a ualid olumber's License, eacept tha,t a ce:son naX doplnbing uork to prope"t! ahich is ooed, Leased or ogerated by the appli- c@tt. Mecho nicol Permit f HAW C.L?EIULLY SXil'!.I;IED the con?Leted qplicaticn for te:ni!, atd Cc hereby certify that aLL izfo:nation hereon is true cr.C. ccrrect, anC I fwther ee"tiirA Lhai ang arl aLL xork cerJ'or-aed sluif, be done in accor- tiat.ce :,rith the atdinozces of the city of Sgr,)ngfiel.C, anC the La;s oi the State of Aregcn pertainina to the ao"k Cescibc<i herein, a?d :i"a.i ll0 CCC!,|- P.4ICZ 'till be ts,de of clly atrl.tct'!/!e aithcut cermissict cJ' the 3uiiding Di- rision. I i\sther eertifS that otly cont"actors a',,C. erplcyees xhc *o- in cazolrance a:-th CRS ?01.055 aiLL be used on this pz'oiect JOB N Lot Feces - FiG,$-f 3etbacks)r icuse Carcde Acc2,ss. liotth ies; Sa;xh Hest I _-tr-,?','aiue ib.in Q=cce 51G 5 tl(d\.'"' aat.r .rrfrta 5.-1t.c;* qoS.D.C. 1.5 s i n^t^ D-.').4. 3r."tt{Reczipt #: Sr.gr.ed: r?rv -Pi=::res Reaiiztztial (1 bcth) Sazitcel Sesen ictev Electricol Permit llhere State La requires tl-t the electrtcal uotk be Ccne by an llectzlcal Contzla.ctor, tite eleccrtcal porlion of thia petnit sha.Ll tot be ualiC untiLthe label ]as been aigned by the Electri,cal Contracto?. .':,:,_i c.>CDilat/Eztend, Circyits Setrlice Stcte !ctal I .7':i::,1 ltrr.=ca 3?U'S bhast HooC Vent lat Tcodsta:se See.trltu Storse i4cintersza \\-t L\ 5. '\D+qoJ a)qoE.= lSlAL Al.!aU]!! DU!:'s \5g.oo 02 {Lr34-3-9 rr'l <o9 \a ?-n \. \ t.a{) t 5^ c,o @