HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-07-18" KtrJlL /\ I IAL'" 2 z 5 Noyth stl, s,touuor"t' cAr r,N /PERl,r? Springfield" 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFTINGFTEI.D 4- b3az 7 Date L Conatmct'ton Lendet flow t-LJob Locaticn: Aesessoys ar"p *\\ Oj35 ?j ?ar lat n \ODC) svbdioision: Phone: Otmer: Address: SnUd q1q1-lCity: Describe Nork: Additian RenoCeL b.Lt-VaLue t--l Net) ae oo Date of App Licaticn tu Contractors Ad.dtess L., Genez,al f f nns Ll,) MtT, n ,0/t/i Page 1 of 2 It ie the reeponsibility of the permit hoder to aee fnotn the s that aLL inspeetions ee nade at the F;rope? tine, that each cddtees is readabi.eat the fzont of the propertg. Building Sttc'at aLL' tikes." ) state yout City designated job ntmber,job aC&ess, type Pequests receixed of inspec=icn Contractcys ot, A,tners rame cnd pltone nunbet. an ttLL be nade the nert "eorkinE day. befcre 7:00 an *Building FOR uou itrl L be nade the eane dag, treet, and that the D.)uicion approxed p t catd is located you" CitA Designted Job llutnbet, fs:Er'oqb+ L 726-3769 SNE INSPECYION: eocaoation, but ?o be nade afterprtor tc set up of fozme. To be nadeafterare eacauated attd 14ECHANTCAL: to floor insulction ot, decking. TiteD?amfnnt. To aL Laticn required uapor burier.a ore in pl,aee but before ory Lath, Wpslun boatC or unLL cooeting is applied, and. before oty irnulation is concealed. DEI-|OLruIOI! OR I,:OVE' BUILDI;ICS Sanilary saser eapped at pt,operty Line Septic tank putrped ctd filled with gra:sel Final - h4ten abcoe itens aye ccnpleted and uhen danclltion is cornplete o? strac- ture noued ard. pt,entses cleaneC up. Hcmes before requesting eleclrical inspeetion Aecessotr. Building UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNC. ELECTRTCAL & ilECHLilICAL: To be nade befot,e ang uoz,k ie couered. I --lrtvvALl TNSPEC?rIN: rc be mad.e | 4;frA-AT-EauaTrs in pl.ace, - but prior to any taping.fortns are erected, but prior to pou?Lng ccncrete. UND1RGROUIID PLT]MEING, SEWR, II.ATER,mn@- Lirq trenehes. of MAS)NRL Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oerticals dn accondozee aLth U.B.C. Section 241 s. TIOODSTOVE: ccnpTAA. After installation is Blocking otd Set-up Pltnbirq connections -- aare? od. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and. plwnbing connections rntst be apprcted. | {!pS!1awo _eEnu: To be made prLor totE) ffiiiltatTcn o1 floor insut)tion or CURB & APPROACH APPON: d,e er"ecT;Tbn VilA After fornsto pourLrq ANICAL: No ffiiL these and approoeC. ?TilAL PLUMBIIIG ETNAL MECHANICAL aoyk be inspections hate been concrete. SIDEWALK & DRT"EWAI: Fot, aLL con- c";te pq,rfrAffi stteet right- ef-teA, to be made aftez, aLL erca- oating cornplete & forn uoyk & sub- base rnaterial in place. PENCE: hlren conplete -- Prouide gates oy nouable seetions thz,ough P, U.E. Pt"Lor to plaeirq faeing and befot,e frodng inspee- Pinal - Afteretc. az'e eornp pct ches, skirting, decks, Leted. FRA].!ING: Must be requested after approuat of rough plinbing, eiectri-cal & mechanical. AL! noofing bracing & ehinmeys, etc. rntst becornpleted. lto ucz,k is to be con- cealed unti-L this inspectton lws been made anC approtsed. ALL p.nojeet conditions' such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of the requined Landseeping, etc. ' mtst be satisfied befot e the BUfLDING FINAL can be requested. ETNAL BUILDIN}: The Final Building. fnspection mtst be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, and Meehanical fnspections hatse been made atd'approtsed. PINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE M,4DE I.T NO COST TO CI?Y -?q Bedtoons: - I HAW CAREFULLY EXAUINED the eornpleted application fo" pemit, attd. do hereby certify tltat aLL infolrnation het,eon is true and. correct, anC f furthet certify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be dorze in aceor- dance ttth the )rdinanees of the City of SprLngfield, and. the Laas of the* State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, and tlat No 1CCU- PANCY LvLLL be nade of any st?ucture uithout permission of the Building DL- uision. I further cet,tifg that only cont"acto?s and enplcgees uho dre in conpliance uith oRS 701.05s ui.LL be ueed on thie project ?otaL Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ecpt'ess cottdition tlu.t the said constntctionslnll, in all respeets, confonn to the Or.dinance adoptal 6:y the City ofSprirqfield, including the Zoning Czdinance, regulating the ccnsttacticn std. use of buildirqs, utd may be suspend,ed oz, reookeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of an! ptcuisions of said Otdinances. Access. i . F?G x Va l,bin q @ \ S.D.C. L.5 c pr.House TOTAL VALUE Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Total #of Lot Faces - Building Permit ?otal Clwges State Signed: Reeeipt #: Date Paid: PLan LCT TWE Intez,ior --/y' Conner _ Panltandle _ CUl-de-sac Plumbing Permit No pereon alnll cqrchaet, inetal-!., alter ot eltantge any nea cr ecistingplwrbirq or drainage syetan in utale or in paz.t, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plumbet"s L'Lcense, eccept th,at a pe?son nag do pltnbing uork to properfu uhieh is otned, leased or operated bg the qppli- cant. NO.FEE CHARGE Fict'uz,es Resid.zntial (1 bath) Sa,ter Cf> CD .qo qo Plunbing Pernrtt State Sutchange Electricol Permit Wh.eve State Lan requires tlat the electrlcal aotk be done by an Electrteal Contractor, the electyical p;ortion of this permit slnll not be taliL untilthe label \ws been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor,. ?otal (o * Neu/Ectend. Cincuits Sentice -- ENCROACHMENT -- NC FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit llcodsto;te Vent Fot khanst HooC ETUIS Petmtt Issucrlce Meclnnicel Pertnt t Sec,ritu Depoeit Storage I,laintetunce Permit C'utbcut lence Electz,ieal Label Mobile Hane TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:1 6Y.60 Signed r( f., State Sweh.alqe Iotal C'haroes Sideualk w C*