HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1996-11-155t'Fit I tvGF, E l_r) , l r.: I I , I 1 l t\t , l ) /.. i'-tlt: \, t-i\x (541) 726-st;Bi) RE: Nonconforming Sign Dear Mr. Weiss and Ms. Norvicki: .' I am writing in regarcls to a freestanding sign currently Iocated in the vision clearance area on yourproperty located at 510 Mill Street, also known as Lane county Refere nce Number 17033523,Tax Lot07000. Allhough you lrave explained to Tom Marx, Building Inspector, that the sign rvas existing rvhen youpurchased the property, and felt that the sig, should Le allowec to renrain due to its existence prior to yourpurcltase of the property, our records inclicate that the sign installation was never permittecl, inspected, orapllrovecl by the citl'ol'springfiekl' 'llre Springfield Sign cocle prolribits any sig,s to be located in tlrevision clearance area and also re<luires that all nonconfonning be rernoverj rvhen the currcnt busi'essceases to operate' This rvould mean that rvhe, the prior busirtss reft rhe site, the sign was to be removed.I arn enclosi'g appropriate Code secrions for your i,fbrrnation and reference. Please allow this letter serve as your notice that rhe sig, nrentioned abovc nrust either be rernovect orrelocated rvithin ten (10) days filorn the date of this letter. If you.r,,oor. to relocate the sign, a sign pernritis required prior to the relocation. I am enclosing an application which includes instructions forapplication. If you have any questions, prease fber free to phone me at72647ga. Noventber 15, 1996 Douglas Weiss Judith Nowicki 510 MillStreer Springfield, Oregon 97 477 Sincerely, Lisa I{opper Building Safety Coordinator encl encl Dave Puent, Comnrunity Services Manager Dave Wise, Traffic Divlsion'lorn N{arx, Builcling Inspecror lh -t?