HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1979-09-22i :- lflsnsssh & A,sssriste Aliurterx, 31fir. Eugene-Springfield Office I 846 N. "A" Street Springfield, Oregon g7 477 Phone 503.747-5952 Gary L. Hancock Manager MULTIPLE LINE INDEPENDENT \.r:\ .J '..!r.-. I f '.\''vUUT ", \\ r\.1liJ D Klamath Falls Office P.O. Box 1930 Klamath Falis, Oregon 9760i Phone 503-883.3526 ERS r'J y1r t Y .^iJ ' I n\i" Edward W. Yeaw Adjuster September 22, 1979 City of Springfield Finance Department 150 N. 4th st. Springfield, OR 97477 Attention: George Vinson R.e Insured: Claimant: Date of Loss: Our File; Cicy of David R 8-20-79 SP O7O Spr ingf ie 1d Bror,rn GenE lemen: This report will supplement. our last report recently I,le acknowledge our conversations wilh your office by NEGOTIATIONS At your direction.. we have written a denial whether we will receive anv furtiler inquiry should be clear to hi_m and we hope thaE he liability insofar as the City is concerned. of clairn to the claimant. It is from Lhe claimanE. Horvever, our will close our any iurEher ccntact f orruar ded telephone to your office. on 9-20-79. uncertain corres pondence for wr INl,55i.5 Further investigation, since iE was ca1led for, was cone with the witness who,oraspreseot with the claimant on the rnorning in quesEion. He is identified as Garv llorgan,253 'C' St ' in Springf ield. A coolz of the resume of rhe recorded staterilent obtainedfrom this genEleman is attacheC. Gary llorgan confir:ns Ehe occurrance, identiiies thelocaEion, both r:f which \.re t ere alreaciy aware of . His account appears lo be no dif ferentfrom the one \^re obtained iron the claimant himself. Esseniially, he Eries to show nocontributory negligence on the part of the ciaimant. B.ECO}ftIE}IDATIONS At your recommendation, rve wi_11 proceed to close ourinquiries , r.ve can alrvays reopen our activi ty. handling. If there are further In our additional areas of invesEigation which !,/e recommended in our last reporE, wefound no indicaE.ions of any previous notifications to Ehe Cit,v regar<iing the sidewalkconditions where Ehe clairnant alleged to have fa11en. A1so, the way ctre City's ordin-ance is constructed should eliminate any liabilitj-es on the part of the City. We do reconunend that the Citir nor^r comply with its ordinance snd rnake notification to Pnoa ) City of Springfield 9-22-79 the property owner lo make the necessary repairs. trIe are referring to any other individuals who rnight frequent the area and sustain such a fate as David Brown alleges to have sustained. The City now has notice of the condition and we would hate to see any future claims arise whish might cast a liability on the City. Our billing for services rendered in this matter will be forruarded in the usual manner. I^/e thank you for referring this matter to us. Very truly yours, juster Div-O/ eh -l,ttachment Septebner 22, L979 ijavt-o J.. ]jrown o(<: I rl anavi() v !'L. Springfield, OL 97477 xr Insured: Clainant: Date of Loss: Our File: City of Sprin.df ielC David F.. Bror,'n B- 2t)- 7 9 SP O7O lear i{r. Erown: A;;cu ere a-hiare, cur cffice has been hanCling the i.nvestigat.ion on behalf of :he City oI Springfiel<i re1ari1,e to your reported claim of injuries sustained as a re,sult of a f al-i cn 11i11 Street. 'Je have not.r concluCed our in'rest,igation of fhis incident. It iras becn detenained that insofar as the City of Sprinl:field is conceraed, ie Es not responsibie for the occurrance. Legal1y, saiC responsibiiity f alls on Ehe pert of Ehe prope=t,v o'*'neieor *-hose sidevall< you fe11. Any such clain should be presenLerl iirectl)'to the property o\{ner in question. Insofar as the Ciey of Springi.ielC is ccncerned, their positicn is that Ehelrhave no responsi.biliiy in this natter. Please accept this letier as Ehei: denial of responsrbility. r,{e t,rust that ycu will finc this tc be self-e-xplanator)*. If anything;emains uncl-ear to ycu, piease feel free tc contsct ne aL. anytirne. !'ery lrulif yours, : | -ii-:5-c4! ACjusrer L.ru / eLa. cc: Cit,v of Springii-e1,: llts$rsrk i Asssrtmte Ahlur rrx, 3s!f,. STATEMENT WBITE .UP ct c -td_ OR ICENSE NO TYPE OF INTERVIEW: ATTITUOE: tr cooo FAIR lf inlured describe Name of Doctor Names and addresses of Hospltals Names and addresses of witnesses I rr.rso. D cur*r TTNESS Ipass. Iorr-rEe PHONE oNE D rr.r pensoru n poon in bed CLAIM NO, A "r{".{4 I AOORESS7{3 r-ll/-/ I!1A R YEs fl NoIEc-3E soc.sEc.No ADDR what doing'upa ln juries a rou ACC yENr Date Location Weather: tr Bai POLICE BEPORT Resume of facts ;(rv C Cloudy I Snow n Fos I lce tTime = YES f-l a {-u ti l,Y.Afr'z 1 'a* LL-.t /2furu,r *& N ,,J i\] C /2* oAT( I ,*-/Y7.'I g'-1-l-{J 01 \ r