HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-06-22.. RESIDFNTIAL.." APPLICATT-,,1/PERI'4ff 225 Notth Sth Street Springfield, 1r'egon 97477 Building D[uiston 7 26-37 s3 SPFIINGFIELD t1cccl Date: 5Job Loeaticn: n0 3ae2-3 ran rot # pAesessore Map # ,.mer: C.€,. Yn Phone: 34a- CaoOAddless: 2q qS ci Deseribe h'ork: Nan Value0Date of Additicn Remodel l)Dontractors General P I urnb l.lechanica tr 1Anlllecl-t:Su erv DEI-IOLITIO!] OR BUILDIiICS Sani:aty saser capped at property Lire Septic tank p:;nped and filled uith gratsel Einal - Ifiien abcue itens ate cctnpleted and ahen Cenclition is complete or strue- ture moueC attd prenises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking attd Set-uP Plunbing connections -- sa,)er ard uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blockin4' set-up and plwnbing connecti.ons rntst be apprcted befoi e requesting eleclri,cal inspec tio;t Accessorg Building Final - After pcrches, skirting, dec\a, ete. at'e cotnpleied. Pege 1 of 2 rt ie the reeponoibi.Lity of tte penrLt hower to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the proper tine, that ecch cddtess is reaCable fron the street, and tlwt the perrtt eat'd is Located at lhe front of the,prope?ty-i\utlding Ditticion approt;ed plan shall remain on the Building Sit; at aLL tLnes. 26-3769 (recat'der) state yout' Cil:y Cesigrnted iob nurbet,, j'ob aCiress, tyPe of insPecticlt inspection,contractors or a,tners rtc,tne and phone number. Peques aftet, 7:00 on uiLL be made the nest aorking dail Iour City Desigt",ated Job Nu"nber Is:t?ob L PtIocEDUPE FoR I N SPEC! !q1-!!!!!!!:CALL 7 eadY for **iLL be made the sane dag, requests made SITE INSPECTI1N: To be made after eicau;Eon"-5;t prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUI''IBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHLilICAL: To be made before ang Git-li-iooered. F)1TING & FOUNDATICN: Io be rmCe Tfter tieneie{ ariiecauated anrj forns an,e erected, but prior to pouting ccncrete. uxplRGR)uN D PLI|MD I NGr sEt'FR, v,4r-^88-, DRAIITAGE: To be made Prior to fil- Lirq trenches. UNDERFLOOR PLIJI'IBING & MECHANICAL : of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prioz' to 66liTTill6Tof floor insulation or decking. ROT]CH PLI]I,IBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- l,urcii:- no uirk is to be co.*eYed G[iTthese inspections haoe- been made and approoeC. FIPEPLACE: h,iot, to placirg facirtgmatim; and before froning inspee- tion. FRAI.IING: tutust be requested aftet' apptoual of rough plwnbtng' electri- cal & mechanical. ALL t'oofing braeing 8 chinmeys, etc. rntst be . eonpleted. No ucrk is to be eon-.eecled until this inspection las "been made anC approoed. ts receiued befcte 7:00 an FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG IlINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSI]I,ATION /VAPOR IlARR,I ER II|SPECTTON : To be ndE after aLl insulaticn atd required uapor barriera dte in place bui before any Lath, gApswn boarC ot' tnLL couerino is applied, and before oty insulation is conceaLed. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nade ayter at[ atjaall is in place, but ptiot to any taPing. MASONRY: SteeL Locatton, bond iiffilgrouting or oerticaLs in accordance uith u.B.C. Sectton 24L5, WOODS,IO'/E: ;cn-pl-et;4. After installabion is CURB & APPRCACH AP|?)N: After forms ore irecteC but prior to Pouring concrete. SfDEWALK & DRIVE\IAI: For aLL con- ct et; p"1r@-;lfrl; street: right- of-wy, to be made after aLL ecea' oatirtg conplete & fora aork & sub- base material in Place. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- Pt'ouiCe gdtes or mooable sectians through P, U.E. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLIIANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'IA'DE /.T NO CCST TO CITY ALL project eonditions, suc|t as the i.nstallation of s+-reet tree_s_, co:rcletion-of the ,nquLrl2-iindi""pirg, Llrc.,,rust be satisfied befone the BUTLDTNG F1NAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDING: The tlinal Building Inspeatton muet be requested after tlte Final Plwnbing ttn.i"l,""l, and Mechanical Inspectlonc iruun been nade and appt'oued' ll r-t t-l L.CO dJOB NO. TotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I'Lan1 L'rcnlrler Date I HAVE CAR\FULLy EXAMINED the cornpleted application for permit' and do hereby eertif! that aLL information hereon is true and coruect' attC f furthbr certi/y that any ard aLL uork perfo",tted sLnLL be done in aceor'- danae tittt th-e- )rdinances of the City of Spr"ingfield, and, the La'ts of the state of }regcn pertaining to the uork described hez,ein, end tlnt N0 occu- pr'.Ncy uiLL bZ ,*2e of any structure uithout permission of the Building Di' uisi.on. I further c-ertif11 that only contractot's and enplcyees uho a"e in conpl'irmce uith ORS ?01,055 aiLL be used on thie project ,1 Zone: Aaces$. Bedrooms Fi Lace lr. L H olis e topography Iat Sq, Ftg. Grou [,ot Faces - Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac % of Lct Cooerage_ # of Stor"tes Total Height LCT TWE J fntet'ict' Building Volue & Permit Tltis pertnit is granttxl on the ewress cond,ition tlnt the said-consttuction sh,tll, itt all respects,- con1onr'to the grrJirnnce adopted 6iy the City 1f spii"{17:tnta, inelluding'the 2oning ctdinanc-e, regulati-ttg tlw ccnstmteticn o',rrl ,i"Z oJ'LuiLrlings, arxl may be auspended ot'reuokeC at cny tlme upon uic- I.utittrt of any prcu.isiorts of said Ordinances. -- I'ees -- SQ. F?C Value k Fee: XITEM Access *S.D,C, 1,5 O ,],OTAL VAI,UE Building Pernrit Total C'lwrges State Date Paid Signed: Receipt ll: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon sLnll constv'uet, insl;al!, af,ter ot' clnnge,cny neu-ct' eristing plinb.trtg or d,ainage systen in uhole qr in pa,t, unless such person is the ingot pLo"n""oo of ,, uizlid plwnber's Lic-ens-b' er-cept that a person nay !o-ptirotl"g aork to property uhich is ooned, Leased o, ope,ated by the appli- cant. T LL CHARCEtJo. Fistutes Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Electricol Permit h\ey,e State Lci,s requit,es tt",at the electrical aoz,k be done by _an Electrical Con.bpactor,, the el)etuical portion of this permit slnll nat be oaliC until tlrc Label Lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. L Permit NO t' Res. * Neu/Ectend Circuits Ser"uice Stete Total Eshast HooC t5. frf,El CIIARCEI?!M NC 0o 1 Mechonicol Permit Vent Fan llcodsto.oe 5 'b fssudnce Mecl,nnictl Pefifit State -- L:NCROACHMENT -- Sectlrttq Deposit Storaqe Maintenanee Permit Cltt bcut Si.da'taLk Fence Electtical Label Mobile Home TATAL AMOUI|T DLIF,': */57s S'i.1ine-d \+qyrrl,L Date TTTM LJal or Pl"anbing Pet"nit State Surch.arge ?otal Chaoqes U4 LUl -Effi t41f )Total Clnroes