HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-05-16.:&- ..- ,..-^dE-r!*i'-- -'!t$\ - , t' ^.te" .r4j{rEa*. Reoeipt i /1fuib..RESIDENTIAL..I APPLICAU 225 ilorth |th Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-37 53 Ceneral ti cc c.r ca SuDerv 1n Dlec t r'.i t: iit rr Recruireri fnsoeeti.cns /PERMTT SPNINGFIELD Yout, City Detigr.ated Job Nunber fo: hto: It ia lhe reoponoibility of the permit holdet to oae that atl inapectione ate nade at the ProPe? tine, that ccoh addreas is neadab:-e J'non the street, aruC that the pctvrtt oard ia Lxated at the frcnt of the property..9uilding D.iuicion approved plan shcll remain on tle Buildinlt Sitc at aLL tineo. PR1CSDU?E FoR INSPECIION RSQUEST..CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City deafgna_ted iob nw;bet, job aCdreee, t-ype- of inspe-clicn eadyforinspection,contracto"8oiasners-ngpatld'plonenlnben.Reqle8t8leceivedbefcre?:00cll.ill be nnde the oone dcy, requelts ncde after 7:00 on viLL be rmde the nezt wtking day, AClD4 ao Job locaticn: 1 5 Taz Iot flAeoeaoore Map ll Subdioision: Asner: Phonc:Address:\\ zip:ci Deacribe \torli: Date of Applicaticn. t-l N "1) stb -RS t Value edditicn RemoCeL Plumb 1n I.lechanica SITE INSPSC'IIQN: To be ncde afterercav;ilc",6i pricn tc se! up of forme. UNDcRSLAB PLU!$ntC, ELE1TRICAL e i'tECH4llCAL: ?o be nade before any6G-fivcned. FOOTINC 1 FOUNDAIICTT: To be nsCe a f t i-tieGtGTiiAz c av a t e d atd forns are erected, but prior to Wur.ing ccncrete. u!lDsR6n0u!!D PLUMS INC, _SSUER) v.ATE:?. DRAIIACE: 1'o be nale prior to fil- 77QTi6nch"e. UTIDERFLOOR PLUI.IB INC,z I'IECIIANICAL : o7 floor ineulction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade priot to fiiidtGilffof floot insulation or decking, ROLtdr Pt,u!|Bntq. Et,ECllt!cA!, 3 I'lEcH- TNI:AL: No C;E7;T;6;-;ovi;l-GiT-thcse inspections haue beer nade arul approue:!. TNSUL AT rO!/VAPOR BARR.TER INSPECNON : rcquined vapot banie?a are in phoe but before oty Lath, gypawn boarl on vnLL aouering ia applied, crd befone ay inoulation ia concealed. DnYHAt,t INSPECA$N: Ta be tmde;F;;-ffi6irxTTia in ptace, but prior to cny taping, NAS1NRI: Steet location, bondiifrilgrouting or vertiaala in accordance vtth U,B.C. Section OR BUI. Serilaty eeuet cappeil at pnopefiy Line Septic totk pwrped. ana fiti,ed vith gtatet Pinal - l{hen abote itens a.re canpletcd dnd uhen denolition ia oanplete or atru:- tuye taved ad ptemisea cleaneC up. 2415 WOODSTOI,/E:erpGm.After inetatlation ie CURB A APPBole! !rylW: After fornaale "tecbeC frTifror to pouri,ng concrete. SIDEIIAI,I< |-?n-Mlln!: For all con- crete pauiruj ui,thin otrect night- of-rxy, to bc nade aften all ecoa- vating canplete & forn tcrark & oub- base naterial in plaee.' Elooking otd set-up Plwrbing connectione -- sa)ev anC datet Eleotrioal Conneotion - Blooking, eet-up and plwtbing conneotiona ffist be appt'cr;eC beforc requeeting eleotrical inapeclion Aoceasory Buildtng Pinal. - rlftrlr pcrcheo, okirting, decks, eto, are oanpleted. tion. FRA|'!INC: ltust be requected afte| approval of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & neclnnical, ALI noofing bracitul C chinmcya, etc. rrust be ; conpleted. llo ucrk ie to be con- . cecled until thio inspection lad'been nade anC approved. FI!?EPLACE: ,nct;rn;G FIIIAL PLUI,IBIIIC PINtlL tttCllAllICAL FINAL ELEC"TRICAL Prior to plcci,rq faeing and befot,e ft,aming inepec- ALL project cond'ttions, such ae the i.natallat:.on of atreet traea, eonplotion of the ' required Landsccping, ctc., nwat be eatiefied before the BUILDIN? FINA\can.be requeeted. FINAL BUIT,DINC: IhE Einal Electrical, anC Meclnr.ical Building fnopeotion mtet be requeated aftet the Pinal Plunbing Inapectiono hapo been nade ard approoed. .AI,T. LIANIICT,SS AND CLEANOU'IS IIUSI' DE ACCF:SSIDLI], ADJUSTIIENI TO DE I'I4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY n tr tr IENCE: ln4rcn conplete -- boviCe iitii on nouable'ecctions thnough f,lP.u,E.. I I q*J-J, Pa2telof!i Cutbc-u! oLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gt L-co Gor Bedroons Receipt ll : Signed: PLart r llAvE 1AREPULLy ExAMrtrED the conpleted application fon permit, and doh3re.!a certify- that, aLL infotnmtion heteol,t' ie tnue ond, "Znrr"t', *ol If\trthen.eertify that any ard. aLL wrk penfomted afuilt be d.o:te'in o""on-dance vith the ordinancea of tlta citv bf springficld, and the Lc,ta of thos_tate ol o_regcn pcntaining to tha .drrk ceacribbd heretn, cnd tlnt No occu-PAllcy uiLL- b3 ryle of any structupe uithout pentiacion of the Build,ing DL-,l,aion, I furthcn certif;i that o,:tly contrac-tors at;d enpalcyeee ut:o o,.b incanpltance uitlt )RS ?01.055 uiLL ba-ueed on thia projec't, fnt Fdces - !lca P, L.llouae Accoss Lacc th Iat Sq. Ftg. Ur tWE Total Height .T- Tooocrachu Interior corqei :' Panla nd,Le cut-de-ei.c 7 of Lot Cooerage ! of Stortee t -- Feea --r?EI\I . rtc x A TOTAL VALUE 0cs,D.c. 1.5 r e Patd Building Vqlue & perm ir Thio.pemrtt-ia grantcd on the aipreaa condiLion tlnt, the t;.zir) consLruc'Li.onB^tulL' -1an.a.[L.reopc_c.to, conJbrn l:o tlrc Ordtmtr:r:c :ulopte,l liy thc City ofspringfield' inc-!.uding th-e zoning crdinancc, reoulcLittll trtl ccnstrticttZn I:1 ,"on ol building.s,. ancl nay b.o euapendc,i or reuokcC it ^,.y t,in.c upor, uic_La.tLon of any prcuiaiono of caid.2rdinancas. 'Building Permit Total Clargea 'State A NO. Fizturea Resid.ential ( 1 futh) Sa,ten @ Plumbing Permir Nq pgreon altall conatt'ttct, inatal!, a!,ter or clnngc ,'t1y neu cr ezistittggl*lirrrJ ot drainal\e suqtq in ;,thole on in pant, "u,rles"s ni"h- per.co,, is theLegal.posocsaor. of a ualid plwbents Liccrse, except il,nt a p'crson nag doplunbing uonk to proparLy uhtch is ooned, Leascd o\. operat)d.'Ly- thc a-pp,Li-cdnt, Plwabing Penrit State tleu/Eatend Circuite Sentice Electricql Permif llhere State Lan tequires t|"a.t tha clectnicaL uork be rlone btt an Electt icalco.ntygtqrt the electrical portion of tttia pcnniL crnll not be ualic wttilthe label laa been aigned Uy the ELeZh.icaL'co,tt),actor. ?otal I , Ethanet ltood Vent Fot llcodstove Permit feeuotor Neclanioal Perm|t 4 Mechcrnicql Permit I t'Is I Permib t taL Sidaalk Nobile ltane uaLc TOll' "t7uli? a "ql #, 'A-97- JOB NO. A t