HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-11-23" RESID- ,lTlAL" zzs North rrn rrnnlPPLrcArroN/PERIffr Sprtngfield, 1regon 97477 Bu1. LdLng lllU7,sz.On 7 26-37 53 t1 aub Job l-ocaticn Aacelcore I'!dp #,7 533 stbditision Qnter: Adiyess:3 Additicn ._O(L o ?cz lat # Phone: l'lorl<: VaLue t5 o b ZOL qu);t 1.7'o l-_l RenoCeL Date of App Licaticn u'L3 -e 1 (- Aorire s s F General Pltnnbino ELectytccZ Construetion Lender It is the reaponsibility of tlc penit lpUa to aee that aLL inopectiona oe nade at th.e propeu time, tl,.at ss2fi ci)t26s i3 vsasa'ni- ftzn tlv etreet, atd tltat the penrtt catd. id l,ocated at the frant of tle prooerty,9ui.Uitg D;-vicipr: alp"w^e{i plot s}tc.Ll remain on tiE Build.ing Sitc at aLL tines. PI?OCTDUPE F02 llls?inloil R9?\.ES?:CALL 726-3769 (yeeotder) state you? City desigrrzted job "equesxea ar.a uien Eou uiLL be reaciy ior ir,spcction, Conttacxo?s oy Aile?s nane cnd pitone tiZL be tnde the aane ticy, ?equests narie afxer ?:00 on vLLL be nade tiae nc.zt:mrkirq aa.y. : nunbev, iob niiness, type of inspeelicr, ntnber. P.equests teceixeti befcre 7:00 c. - UIIDIRSLA? PLUFSING, !L!C:PIC,1L 8l"v DO?K LA co!e?ed., -7 reort;c 4 FouND,trlclt: lo be tace ) ai;;;-ct;ncies a"e ezcauatei anc. forms c,re erected., but prior xopuring ecnetete.l I l I l l ....cecled until thil inspeetLon laa'been naae anC approued. SI?9 Ii:S?tC?rcI: ?o be rncie after ezcantacian, but priar tc set up of forms. UND9RCPC'LI:]D PLUNITC, S'hE?, \I.4TEP, DRAIil;C:: Io 'oe maCe prior to fil-Lir4 Yrenchec. UIIDEP?LCCR PLUIBII]G T, IIZC!]AI]ICAL: Io be maa.e p,tlor to lns1ta Li.axion oi floor insulation or deckina. P)ST AllD BEAI.!: To.be nadc Drio" to fiiiilitTiTof floor insulation or deckiry. b^tt.t DT tDrDf ,t^ t IFC||- AtiICA-: ;:o uork is to oc cou-cred. .GlTlxhese inspeetions lnue been nade anl coor.ouei. FIPEPLACZ: Pr[or to plceirn fceingmcterials anC before iraning insoee- tion. Al!!!l:!: l.f.tst be reouested after approual of rough plunbing, electpi- cal d nec|nnieal. AL! rooiin: brasirn c chirmcys, ete. rrust be ; cornpletcd, Ilo ucrk ia to bc con- FIIIAL PLU\,IEII:C FII,]AL I,!T'HA\]ICAL ?fN.f at?^4dftrr loltt Ci.ty Desigra.ted Job Nunber fs: TilSULATION/VAPOR BARRJER JIISPICTIO\I: To be naCe after aLL insulaxi-cn ed rcquz.red oapor borie?a @e in pla.ce btt before oty Lath, Wpstln boayi or tnll, couering is cpolied, otd before oty iwulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL INSP?trION: Tc be made after aLL c*yuall is in pla.ce, but ptior to cny tapirg. IUSON!?!: Steel location, bond beans, erouting or verticcls in accot<i.orce LlLth U.B.C. Seetion WjODST)',IE: After installation is anroLeted. CURB 8 APPRCACI| APPON:Aftet fornsee erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete- SIDEHALK 4 DRr',Ek':Y: For all eon-;rennaufrGtir; street right- of-txy, to be naie after aLL erca- oatinq cdnplete & fota uork & sub- base matertal in place. oR :.:ow) Soti:og ee-ter capped at proper4i Line Septic totk paped ad fnlled ttth gza;se- FinaL - filhen abctse itens ote ccmpleted and uhen Cenolition is conplexe o? stlue- ture moueC ari prerrises cleanei up. Blocking ord. Set-up Pltnbing connections -- aa)e? od. ua2et Eleetriccl Cc,nnection - Bloeking, eet-u; anC plwnbing connections rrrust be appra;e; befor e nequesx)ng eleelr'ical inspectiott Aecescor-j BuiLC'-ng Final - Aftcr pct'ehes, akirting, declcs, etc. aoe eonpleled. lI r{6 AIL pnoject conditions, such as the i.nstallatton of stpeet trees, conolction of t'ne required Tanisccping, ctc., tmtst be aatisfied before the BUILDII:C EMAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDIN?: The Final Build.ing Ineoection mtet be requesteC cften the FiuL Plubing Electrical, anC l,teclar.ical Inspectrons iaue been nade arui approueC. Fl .ALL i.IA!:ICLES AND CLTAEOUTS MUST B' ACCESSIELT, ADJUST!!:::! ?O 3! I.'-4D' /.? I]O C1ST ?C EE!Page 1 of 2 SPFIINGFIELD 14echo;ical l-l trrcr: hrhen conplete -- fuouiCe l) g"x"6 or nouable sectians through P.U.E. LJ SOLAR A'AESS REQ..L-CO G+JOB NO. [nt Pacee - Setbaeks P. L.Houae Caraoe Access. Notth East South Z cf Lot Ccuerage_ I of Stortee Valuc Lot Sq. Fc-i.ICT TWE Interion Cor+ter Panhand,le CUL-de-sac Total Eeight Topogzvphy llain Caace C@c?t Aceessorv TOTAL VALUE IS.D.C. I.5 r Sotitent Seuer Ucte! Zone: Builiing Per.irtt State Total Ciatoes Fritrrr.es Res*ientiaL (1 bcth) PL.onbing Petrit State UI9LIJ :Beatoo?,s: So:trees iedf, kangc i,/ooaJtote Build ing Vo Iue & Perm it This pertntt ia granted on the eqress condition tlat the sad eonsttuetionalu.Ll, in all respeets, eonform to the O?ciinance s.docteC bg the City ofSpringfield, includ.ing the Soning Crdznance, regulcting the ccnstneticn otd. use of buildings, otd may be euspend.ed. or revokeC at c-ny t;.me upon vic-lation of @ty prcuisions of said Orciir.ances. n-* ^ D^-') . Receiot #: Sigr:eci: a a FE:CilEJ;Plumbing Permit No penson shaZl constntct, instal!, alter or ciwnge Gny nel cr e.:istingplwnbing or drainage sylteil in thole on in part, unless euch person is tlv Legal posseasor of a ualid plunber's Lieense, eacept tl:dt a De?son,idl do OH?r"n uork to p?ope"W uhieh is otmeC, Leased on operated by the qpli- i Neu/*tenC Cireuits Sentice Stcte Iotal Chzrces Electricol Permit llnere State lan reatites tha.t the eleetrical uoyk be done b,g an Sleed.calConyl.ctci, the electical cortion of this pernix sitall rot be uclii wttilthe Label izas been sigteci by the Electr.tcal Cont?a.tor. L Pentri'.-L Res. Sc. ftc. ?4^t et+nift /G .oo -/, /s. 7,{ tr::'ai).: ^- Mechcrnicql Permit tblunat Hood Yeflt P@t 'rlcoCsto)c Pemttt Issuocz Ue:itenice! Pepit -- L,icfrJACfrI.:a:, i -- Seeti Deoosii Stotdoe Tatcl Ctaraas Curbat! Sita-nlk tlectnical lobile Hane l'Lan Lrant-ner f HAW CAREFULLY lxA.lttINED tlw conaleted aoplication for oernit, and do hereby eettify that aLL ilfottation hereon is true anC eorrec:, otC f fut'ther cer+-ify that any arl aLL uork perfornei si;cZl be dote in ac=or- dance vith the Ord.intnces of the Cittt of Sortntfield, ar..C th: Le.;B of thestate of oregcn pcrtainino to the uork ceseribcd hcrein, cnd. allat No occl-Pl.ilcy ttill be nade of anu scpucture uithout permission of the suitding Di-uision. f furthen centif.g that otly cont"a''to?s a,-,.d enpicyees iho are incaapliance Dith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pt,oject ((, uaac lloo B 2-O tTAL AlfiU!!? DU!:.ls .7s Signed Date 3-tr? :q.