HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-05-19#.. RESIDE. , TIAL.. ': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD I rt ,fu & A.ner: Addtess:e Phone:2f> 2 Additian t---t RenoCel ilome GeneraL SL l.!echarieeL Constntetictt Lend.er {trn CC- It is the'responsibilily of the penrtt holder to aee that aLL tnspections are nade at the puope! tine, that eaeh addreas is readnhi.ei.!\ -t!g atree.t, anC tirct the penmt eazd is Located at the frcnt of tV,e properfux9ui1,c.it4 D'iuiciot acpro"*ed pLan shcll vemain on tLe Building site 'at eLL' ttnes," P/lociDt"PE F1R" IllsPacrnu,E:_?yEST:CALL726-3769(r,ecorder) state yout, Citg desigrnted job nu;bet,, job ai&ess, t-gpe of it:spee=icnleoucsiea atci uien Eou uiLL be reariy for inspection, Contractcrs ci Asners nane Lnd pioie nutnbet.- .?"qrn"r" reLei"aZd beicre'?:00 *;aLL be made the sone dcg" "equests ncd.e aftez, 7:00 on vLLL be made the nczt uotkinp <iay, 8 bo stltr Date: Value Ycu? Ci,tA Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs: T\JSL'LATION/VI.POR BARRTER IIISPECTIO\] : ?o be made aftez, aLL insuiaticn ed. required oapor buriers @e in place but before ad Lath, gypsun bcarC or tnLL coveting is applied, and beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYIiALL fNSPtCtr1N: ?c be made aftet, aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to any taping. I4ASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uertieals in aecord.otee Lrith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. il1ODSTO'|E: After irntallation is ccrnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsue evecteC but prior to pouring concrete. STDEhIALK & DRflmAy: For aLL eon-erete patsing uithin stteet right-of-uny, to be naCe after aLL exca-vating canpLete & forn uoz,k & sub- base natertal in plaee. !U!!: h*ten conplete -- prooiCe gate6 o" motsable sections thnough P,U.E. ALL proiect eonditione, such ae the installation of stz,eet trees, conoleti.on of tierequired Landsccping' etc., mtst be eatisfied befote the BUILDIN:C FITAL can be requested.. PINAL BUTLDLNG: Ihe Final Building fnspection mtst be requested cfter the Pinal ptwnbingElect.ical, otd Meelanical fnspectlow 'haue been n-al- ard'ippnoued. i_-l si?s r;tsr!:::):t: ! | ezca,sation, but JC?me. UilDE-CSLAB PLL':.3TilG. ELECTPICIII. & i,ECI!.e-ilICAL: To be ma<ie before anyuork is cooered. P?OT.fNc t F)UilDATfCN: ?o be rmCe - alte.1 D"encnes are eecatlated and. forms ate erected., but prior topouting ccncrete. ! I To be nade aftez,prior tc set up of toTo I tlaognrrco,n prunntc a utcnantcat, floot insuT,ation or decking. f p.gsr ano atau: To be nade prior to, I installatian of floot, ir*ul,a,tion or decking. .-l Rot-tGH pLtn,lBMG, ELECT?ICAL & i,!ECH-'lANrcAL:M - urtil these inspectiots haue been _ nade cnd cpppoueC. , I ffzepf,.lc=t: prtor to placirq fccing'-) mate?Lals and befone froning inspee_t'ton. 7 pnulfnc: Must be nequested aiterI cpp_r,oual of rough plwr,bing, eiectyi-cal & meclwnieal. ALL roofing bracing E chinmeys, etc. mtst- be . eonpleted. tto ubrk is to be ii-. cecled until this inspeetion lns-''been nad.e anC approoed. trenehee PTilAL PLUI4BIT|G FINAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL lfll }E::CLI?IO!] C? :-:3W) ts,'ILD:::CS Sani2aty setser capTted ct propertg Line Septic tank pryeti a:nd filled trith gratei linaL - t{hen abcoe itens ate cctaleted and. uhen Canclition is cotwlete br s*,uc- tuz,e naueC qnC ptentses cleanei up. Le Ecmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaue? otd, uatet Electrical Cannection - Blocking, set-u, and plwnbing conneetions trust be apptcr;bi before requesting eleclr.tcal inspeelio;z Accessory BuilCing Final - After pcnckes, skitting, decks,etc. ee compleled. Page 1 o! 2 Job Locaticn:oeo 0 33 2e taz rot # Q 00Aesessors Map # svbdioision: *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUT, IIUST BE ACEESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIE|II ?O BE I.IADE A? IIO CIST TO CI?Y f1 r_, Date of Applieaticn_ ""'m;;)/, --*'-'5i LLB?. fr?es3 ExDires Phonet- Iat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cooerage_ # of Stories ?otal P.eight Topography LCT TWE _ Interiot _ Conner _ Panltand.Le C\L-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This permit i.s granted on the erp?els condition tlwt the said eonstyaetionslwll, |n all nespects, confortn to the 7rdirwnce edopted 6:y the City ofSpringfieLd, including the \oni-ng Cvdirwnce, regulating thb ccnstrabticn and -use of buildin4s, and may be euspended ot reuokeC at cnA time upon uic-Lation of etA prcui-sions of said Ordirnnces. Building P*trit State ?otal Clwges i ltbtures : Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Seuer l.latet Plunbing Petrrit State Pes. llat/Erterui Circuits Setoiee i7i:.! *hanst HooC Vent F@, llcodsto;te Permtt Issucttce Meeltanical Penmt -- ENCROACEI.4ENT -. Sectri S.D.C. 7.5 r Plumbing Perrnit N2 person sLnLL consfuuct, install, alter ot cTange anA nea cr existingplunbirq or drainage sgsten in uhole or in pott, inlesi such person is the Le,gal possessor of a oalid plwnber,s Lieense, e.reept that a pe?son mag do plwnbing uork to property uhich is ooned, Leased or operated by the ippli-cant. Electrico I Permit Sigted: Were State Lan requires tlnt the electrical uoz,k be doae by an Eleettieal Contvactol,, the eleetrLcal pottion of this permit stnlL tot be oali.C until the Label Ttas been signed bg the Eleetrical Contracto?. Mechq nicql Permit f HAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED the eornpleted application for perrnit, cnd do herebg eettify that aLL information hereon is tmte and cott,ect, amC f further eettify that any ard aLL uork perfotned stnll be done in accot- dance urith the Ordinances of the City of SptingfieLd, and. the Las of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the wrk Ceseribed herein, cnd that N0 )CCU' PI.NCY LriLL be rnd.e of any st?Ltctura uvLtlnut permission of the Suilding N- oision. I further certify that only eontractots and enplcgees uho are in canpliance oith 1RS 701.055 uill be used on this project ?erwit TataL )utbeut Sida,talk Label JOB NO.0 '{ Zoae: soLAR p 'ESS REQ.-L-co d Bedroons: Aceess Lace DI House Lot Paees - lleat Sounces I?EI,I SQ. FTG x Value i.b.in C<:trcp-t )^ Carpcrt \)q ,^+< Aeeessot u - \1\-Y ?OTAL VALUE 1@ Date Paid: NO FEE rt, A DaFNC.EXE "CTAL A}4OUN? DUE: *u ia. "lobile Hane g. W