HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-03-23#.. RESID' ,ITIAL.. APPLTCATT1N/PERtfi? 225 North Sth Street SpringfieLd, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 '///0 SPFlI^lGFIELD /,/ua Job Locaticn: Aesessot,s Map #0 Svbdiui.sion: Otmer: Address:/y'/ ci Describe .fui./-r/ t-l Additicn RenoCeLnLe Hone Date Date of AppL VaLue General It iB the respons'ibilitg of tle petmit holder to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the p?ope? time, that each adlress i.s readaTie frotn the at?eet, and that the*Building Diuicion appro"^ed p the the -Wope?W F0!? aouL be made the sone dag, r,eque 7:00 on ttLL be made tke nect aorking day your CitA Desigra.ted Job Nwnbet, fs: your City designated iob ntmbet" job aCitess, type of inspee=icn ot Oumers ncme and p-none nunber. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 an tto/?y' ..CALL 726-3769 on Ic"s Iot # 57p_Phone ?"q77 Lisc. #Eqpl!es Phoneddress ) Mecltanical aoa / 1 qTAD Tll<DUadfnil. a;a"Aoa'iut ?o be made aftez, pt-ioz, tc set up of iNSULATION /VAPAR BARRTER IIISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insuleticn e"d raquired oapor buz,ie?s are in pLace but befoz,e org Lath, Wpsum baarC or tnLL cooering is applied, and. before or.y insulation i.s concealed. DRYWALL INSPEC?I)N: Ic be made after aLL dtyuall is in place, but ptior to any taping. ILASONR!: SteeL Location, bond beans, grouting or oettieals in aecordotee LtLth a.B.C. Section 24L5. \\OODS?O;/E: After installation is ccnpleted. CURB & APPRCACE APRON: AftET fONNS ee erecteC but prior to pouring cortcyete. SfD9WALK & DRI"EWAY: Fot aLL eon- crete paoing uithin street right- of-txA, to be maCe after aLL erea- oatinq canplete & fonn uork & sub- base naterLal in place. DEI.IOLITIA!] OR :.:CVE) BUILDI;JCS forns. ANDERSLAB PLUIdBING. ELFCTRICALJJ WCH!.IIICAL: To be nade before ang wrk is eotered. EO)ruNc & FOUNDA?fCN: To be rnaCeaft;; trenctes at,e escatsated and fozms ate erected, but prior to pouz.Lng ecnerete. UEDERGPCU!]D PLUMBING, SEWR, W,A?ER, DRA!ll4!E: To be made priot, to fil-E-rq trenchee. UI|DEPFLOOR PLUIlBTNG & I4EC!]ANICAL: of floor insulation or decking. P0ST AND BEAM: To be nade prior to insxallaxi.cn of floor insulation ot' decking. ROUGH PLUIIBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be couet,ed ffiiL th""n inspections haue been mad.e and apptooed., ASEUA@: Prlor to placirg facingmaterials and befoz,e fratning inspee- tion. 17 FRuttnc: Itust be requested after l-) dppr"u"L of rough plw*i"g, eiectni- cal & neclnnieal. AL?. t'oofiztg' braeing E ehinmeys, etc. mtst be ; completed. llo ucrk is to be con- . cecled until thi,s inspection has 'been made anC appro,*ed. rl l _l _l FTNAL PLUI4BING FINAL I,IECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL W IENCE: hhten conplete -- PYooiCejfrii ot, nouable' sectians through P.U.E. ALL pt,ojeet conditions, such as the installation of stt,eet trees, co,noletion-of tie required Landscepir:g, etc,, tftust be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BU7LDINC: The Final Building Inspection mtet be requested alter the Fitnl Ptunbiry Electrical, anC Meehanical fnspections haoc been nade and appt'oueC, Sanitatg seuer eapped at propet'Q1 Lite Septic tank p;a::ped e,d filled tith gza;sel Final - hthen abctse itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cqnclition is cornplete o? stTuc- tu.re maoed ard. ptanLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking od Set-up Plunbing connections -- aane? otd. uater Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-uc and plwnbing conneetions rn;st be apprcxed befor e requesting eleclrLcal inspection Accesr,ol-i Bui.LCing Einal - After pcrckes, skitting, decks, etc. are eornpleled. Pqelof2*ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I\IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEII! TO BE i!"4D8 r'.T TO CCST TO CI?Y 4h, t Congjgction_Lendgl_ _: -d3 I T JOB NO. llcodstoite Permit C'utbcut SidettaLk Mobile Home Receipt #: Mechonicol Permit PermLt fssucnee Meclnnicel Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- ?otaL LabeL ,,- .t, -i . -/ PLatT Eeonlne?uate I HAW CAREFULLy EXA]LLNED t?e c.ornpleted application for permit, and do hereby eertify that aLL itfonndtion heneon is true attd. correct, aruC I futtket cez:tify that any ard aLL aork perforrned slnll be done itt aceor- danee tLth the Otdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the La:,;s of the* State of )r,egcn pertaining to the uov,k Ceseribed here'ln, cnd. tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCY ttill be tad.e of any st?uctu?e uithout permtssion of the Building Di- uision. I further certifE the.t otLy conttactot,s oid enplcyees dho are in conplianee ur.th ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet ,+ fr t/ c+soLAR AC ^Ess REQ.-L-CO Bedroons: Lot Faces -Enerou Sourees Tur.e Setbacks Ileat DT House Cd"age Access,I,/ate? lleatet North East Fireplace South Woocistoxe West Iat Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Catetaga # of Storles Total Height Topogrcphy LCT TWE Intetiot Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac rTEI'1 fiu x Value Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the ecpress eordition tlnt the said-eonsttaction slwll, in all respeets, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zontng Crdinance, negulathtg the ccnstzucticn and. use of buildirqs, and mag be suspen-d.ed ot, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- La.tion of anA prcuisions of said 0rdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x Building Pemrtt PLan Date Patd Iotal Cltaz,ges NO FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pez'eon slnll conshuct, install,, alter oz, change cnA net cr eristing plu,nbing ot, drainage sAsten in uhole or in part, unLess such person is the LegaL possessor of a ualid plwnbet,'s License, eseept that a pe"son may do plwnbing uoz.k to p?opeptA uhich is ooned, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. Fi.stut,es Resid.zntial (1 bath) Sanet Plwnbing Pevnrit State * Electricql Permit Were State Lan requites that the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Cont?aeto!, the electrical portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label \ns been signed by the ELecttical Contracto?. NO. * Nau/Ertend Circuits Seliee State Total I?!M F?D au i DrF Furnaee PTUTS Eshalst Eood Vent Fan s,oo '!)TAL AM)UltT DUE: a 5.oo Signed Zone:)ceupaneu GrouY