HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 86-26 06/16/1986 AS TO FUF{MI[ LATE: OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY t \< OE t'PF UNCFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 86-26 A RESOLUTION CREATING THE SPRINGFIELD ARTS COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has determined that the value of promoting local arts activities will contribute to the health and welfare of the entire community, and WHEREAS, cultural and artistic events have been shown to attract visitors and tourists and thereby contribute towards the economic well-being of a community, and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the Arts Commission attached as Exhibit "A", comply with Resolution No. 82-27 and other applicable regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, at a regular session held on the 16th day of June 1986, that: 1. The City of Springfield does hereby create the Springfield Arts Commission. This Commission will function as an advisory body to the City Council, and is charged with: (a) Providing places and spaces for artistic creations, exhibits, performances and events; (b) Fostering awareness, communication, education, and sharing of resources between local artists and arts groups; (c) Coordinating activities with the Lane Regional Arts Council and the Oregon Arts Commission; (d) Promoting the arts as an element of Springfield' s economic diversification efforts, particularly in regard to tourism; and (e) Functioning under all applicable Resolutions, Ordinances, and other laws governing City of Springfield commissions and committees. 2. The Bylaws of the Springfield Arts Commission more particularly described and set forth as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby adopted as the Bylaws of the Springfield Arts Commission. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16th day of June , 1986. Mayor ATTEST: 4 C R�ecord'er _/ v1c,et-, EXHIBIT A RES. NO. 86-26 PAGE 2 OI2GA1‘711.0.fek r'iC71\7- AND B Y—L.A W S Off' THE S PRINGFIL�'W ARTS COV MI S SiON FORWARD= The following sets forth information concerning the Arts Commission of the City of Springfield, including rules and regulations governing its membership. ARTICLE I. Establishment. The Arts Commission was established in June of 1986 (Resolution 86-26 ). ARTICLE IL Purposes and Objectives. The purposes and objectives of this Commission shall be: 1. To promote cultural richness and diversity and assist in the preserva- tion of the cultural heritage of the community as expressed in artistic endeavors. The following will be components of this strategy: a. To provide places and spaces for artistic creations, exhibits, performances and events. b. To foster awareness, communication, education, and sharing of resources between local artists and arts groups. c. To function as a local coordinating agency between the Lane Regional Arts Council and local artists. 2. To promote the arts as an element of Springfield's economic diversifi- cation program, particularly in regard to tourism. ARTICLE III. Membership and Voting. Section I. Composition. a. The Commission shall consist of seven voting members, to be deter- mined on an at-large basis. b. Commission members shall not be less than 18 years of age. c. Commission members shall meet all other requirements adopted by the City for commission appointees, including Resolution 82-27. Section 2. Appointment Procedures. a. Each Commission appointment will be chosen by the City Council from a list of citizens applying for appointment to the Commission. In order to assure overlapping terms, the Council shall initially appoint four members to terms of four years, and 3 members to terms of two years. RES. NO. 86-26 PAGE 3 b. The selection process is to be open and well publicized. c. Applicants for appointment shall submit a completed application form to the City Manager's Office for distribution to the City Council. d. Vacancies in office shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments and the appointee shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. e. All members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. Section 3. Voting Privileges. a. Each voting member of the Commission shall be entitled to one vote on all issues presented at regular and special meetings at which the member is present, except that a member shall not vote or take part in discussion as a member when there is a conflict of interest, i.e., when action to be taken may confer a significant economic benefit or impose a significant loss on the individual member or an immediate family member. b. Any time a member present at a meeting does not record his or her vote, it is automatically recorded as a vote with the majority; and abstention must be entered as such in the minutes, with the reason recorded. c. The Springfield City Manager and his/her designated representative shall be ex-officio members of the Commission. d. Proxy voting will not be allowed, as specified in Resolution 82-27. ARTICLE IV. Meetings Section 1. Regular meetings. a. The Commission shall establish a regular meeting date and Iocation for the holding of meetings. b. Advance, written notice of the meetings shall be mailed to all members. c. If a member of the Commission is unable to attend a meeting, said member is expected to notify the Chairperson or the staff liaison. d. All meetings shall be open to the public. Section 2. Special Meetings. a. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Chairperson. b. Minimum notice for calling a special meeting shall be 24 hours, and said notice shall be in compliance with ORS Chapter 192 regarding special meetings. RES. NO. 86-26 PAGE 4 Section 3. Conduct of Meetings. a. Official action may be taken by a quorum of the Commission present. Four members shall constitute a quorum. b. An act of the majority of the voting members present shall constitute an act of the Commission. c. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised. ARTICLE VI. Amendments to By-Laws. I. These by-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the membership and approval by the City Council. 2. Written notice of such proposed amendments and the nature thereof shall have been given to the membership of the Commission at least five days prior to the date of the meeting at which the proposed changes are to be considered. • REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM oma •k 3 V_ t+- DATE: r`, OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD