HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-10-11city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A SPRINGFIEL.E' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATTON: 726-37s3 INSPECTtowS: 726_376s LocATroN 0F SIGN (ADDRESS)//t / H,dK Bl,rt LECAL DESCRIPTIOII r.or T l?coct O}INER OR ADDRESS PHONE ztP OI.JNER OF SIGT{ CIT OTEER THAII PROPERTY OWNER)e, ADDREss //7y'4*!/ NAIIE OF BUSII,IESS, FIRM, ETC.CAe.,t olazu,.*oF .BUSnIEs sfuuz€ Snrma) D. percalnfng to t5e worll <lescribed ne!crn. I further certJfy Ehat rnv'ith the CIty of Springfield is ln full force and effect as-reouired ) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inspecrions lisre 51gn Contractor .r,i-' Springfield Codes on the approved d- qR USE AT.ID CIIARACTER OF SIGN: r/ IDENTITY INCIDENTAL . DOUBLE FACE SINGLE FACE }ITILTI.FACE P.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the completed applicaEion for permit and do hereby certify that allinformation is Erue and correct, and I further certify that all work gerformed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the Ci-ty ofSoringfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprinefield and the Laws of che State of Cregon cense w 8-2-6(3perrnlc. r TY?E OF WORK: ERECT }L AITER .( nsl.ocArr OTHER B.STPJ'CTUBAL TYPE OF SIGN: -trArl /rnrusrANorlrc -n6or PRoJEcrrNc MAROUEE ITNDER T,TARQUEE OTIIER \0/l[ CITY LICENSE IITDIBER U<P SIGN I'IANUTACTURER CIF OTHER THAN ERECTOP) Zm.tte-:i1A.L .Jtat tb Q7a H E. J a)to {w . DATE SIGN .}.DDPJESS VENDORS, ARE THERE AlIy EXISTrG SIGITS? y_Vns No sTzB 3r# /fril G*,\2.,,- '?t "- G. e*rrrr*c srcNs AIL EXISTING SIGNS rOR EUSINESS, ETC. 'IILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL I'IIRLI{G? / IT YES, WTICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGI.I .j<ILLLI{TNATED (rNDrpJCTff LIGETED) ELECTRICAL COTITRACTOR LISC. NT'MBER PIC}IE H ADDRESS DU.IEIISIONS, UISTALIJTTION & CONSTRUC?IOII TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 20 / VEFJICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZOMAL I^IIDT}I OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPTE DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? -YESIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PR0JECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12" 6vER- puntrc pRopEpJy rp-E srcN EREcroR I'TUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IT:R LIABILITY AI,ID PPOP- ERIY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. E d*o /9.'. JZ.! DESCRIBE TYPE OR FATERIAJ.S SICN IS CONSTRUCTED OT" t. A /c,pt;ntua_ Jwd.__ srl c- 6 soo -o-. VALUE OF SIGN:K J' ,r* rNFoFfiATro* (I-alrD us') -- ExrsrrNc us' , OF BUILDI}IG OR LAND (OR I"AST USE IF VACANT) ?\JE-t ',Ci S rztilc <) _INDOOR BUSTNESS _OUTDOO.R I4ERCHANDISING PB.OPOSED LISE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: S&/n€ NAME ;r DATE by d c. /"'fr" PLEASE READ 1) 2) 3) Seoarate Sisn Aoolication: A separate application Ls required for each separate slgn as defined -...'.#,.n Ene srgn Code. Electrical: Anv oer:nit issued under thls application will include wiring ln or on sign strucEure,Ehe suPPIy wires for connection mrsE be covlied on an electrical p-erroit.- Electrical Eonneccion ry:c_P-:^i:9:,olry by a state Licensed Electrical conrracror. Illirnrinared signs-iu.it -i"iernally anct externally) musc conform to secEions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe sfrfngtield Sign or--dlnance. tt"":-:g$i+iE: . Ttrls -application is Eo be submLtted with two courplere sers of plans showing di-mensions and height of-sign; advertising message-on sign; locatioir of slgn on pioperty wtth"di-mensions to ProPe-rEy 1lnes, -structural details-of supp6ri framing, braciig and'fobtin'g"; r"t.ri.l"of conscruction for sign and sign structure; electriial equipmenE'and iigfirrng; ;i;; ;;a locarionof existing.slgng on property faT the-saBe busiensg, all ds iequired to i.t"rf,ir,q "or.rti"nce wirhthe Splingfteld Sign-ordinance (Artlcle 7 of the Spiingfield Ciry Code). efso,.strow-ttre-fortow-lng inforrnation on Ehe plot plan (plan showing prolertj llnes ani location of iigns), a) show the location of all exisring stgn(s) as well es proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For wallsigns, show the length of the buiLding frontage. c) show the location of entrances open to the public and drlveways. 4) When-required, because of design,.sLze, etc., engineered drawings and calculations Erust be pre-pared^by a licensed engineer or shall conform to-design standards on file at Ehe Building Divi-slon Offlce. s) 6) 7) B) e) Plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the appllcanE with no permit beingissued. Signs must.Beet corner vLsion clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. !9Tl-: ,No,sign.nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overheadelectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in- any direction- froo overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized at less'than 750 volts If a sign is no! installed withia 60 days after the date of lssue of thls penait, the perrnit shallbe void. InspectLons : a)9iE".=IliB!!,tigt - to be nade before the sfen is placed. Usually, the Foorins Inspecrion(ifaPPIicab1e)mayb-erna9e-a!FhesametimeastheSiteInspeci1on.@.tion is to be made after hole(s) ls excavaleci, but prior to the placeuent of conErete'. b) FLnal InspectLon:- to be uade upon coryletion of all work. c) *+gf=I - all electrical .signs rnrst be lnspeeted for elecrrical hook up afrer rhe signis-EreEEEd and before the sign-is turned on. cAr.L FOR TIIE REQUTRED INSPECTIONS ON TIrE 24 norrR INSpECITON LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRICT Celru4<rg*t ZONE DISTRICT C- C TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SrcN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: J={ilTT,tLOCATrOlr -/rOOTIlrC OR METHOD OF ATTACHMEM -rlfEcrRrcAl _zfwa]. olltER SPECIAL CONDIUONS T0 BE S. sn Shc't'( \r-"J SATISUED BEFORE ERECUON OF SIGN: "":::;'Jf ?^;H, :U"^;:" "3'"'"':'. p'1,." Az ADDITIONAI INTORMATION NEEDED BETOREc,,(k[ '//tgba ] r..t,-.]*J i PERMIT MAY BE 6'Jt. rro.r-lt {- .*\*.--c."(l .g V*, tZZ kt *l APPR.VED ",5. *-"-\.. TE-- ISSIIED: t. -, . rLr\^J.- >/rh..}}o:t . -9<a6")t (1164 1-ge'\ u1-, ry s. 4.. t{<r-*.,-*lt .-d \.",-ic- DATE:J SECTION:IELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 11 TOTAL:6 o3 aSIGN PER}IT FEE: JOB # <n 4% STATE SURCIIARGE: Z.L