HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1995-08-04SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fifth Strcet Springf ield, OR 97 477 SPRINGFIELO JOB NL.,.BER- lnspection Line: 726-3769 Oflice:726-3759h, SITE ADDRESS Mo ASSESSORS MAP: t OWNER LVD TAX PHONE 5ro o E ADD 4\ CITY: €A.A P,6Y6;.f STATE:o+ZIP: BUSINESS NAME, FIRUI ETC L tl3 a Ol^)L DESCR|PT|ON OF PROPOSED SIGN(S): (please check and complete all appropriate inf 1b5-r 14td llot Billboard _ Other Total Height above Grade:7o '^ tt' t+x. Horizontal Width of sign or cnclosurc: V Yes No VALUE cTffirmit iilequired) OF SIGN: _ Wall Dimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: (al Type (c) Type - Single Face X- X Freestanding - Projecting - Roof Double Face Square Footage:1q,b Vertical Dimension ol sign or e nclosure lt Electrical lnstallation: (lf yes additional electri6t-b" Material Sign is constructed of List ALL existins sisnage and attach a photoeraph of oach sisn: [1[ #l9Ttf}(q $,.lfit$ TO RF Ff,,nOVpSl Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. \^\ E: C ADD CON CTION ER:*',)n,o EXPIRESCITYBIJSINESS LICENSE NUMBEB Sign Distiict a t Zoning Sign Permit Fee REOUIR;D INSPECTIONS: OFFICE USE Land Use: Code Section: Approved By: r Attachment after lasteners are Ouad Area L Electrical /r^n ffiiletion of sisn DATE: Site to be made Prior to.sign, placement ./-V Footing pri"t ta placement of concrete pri", t" energizing elect(ical installation in&tallationinstalled/prior el nal Com nts and/oL Conditions: By ,signature, I state and agree, that I have carelully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true.and correct, and llurther certify tn.t rnv uno all work performed shall be done in accordance'with the ordinances of the city ol Sprin,gfield, .and the Laws of the state o{ oregon pertaining to the work described herein' I lurther certify'that only contractors and emptJyees who are in compliance with oRS 701.055 will be used on this proiect' I lurthcr agree to ensure that all required ins the permit card is located at the Iront of the of the sign( Signoture Amount Beceived: pcctio ns are requested at the property, and the app of pla Date time, that proiect address is readable lrom the street' that nr*ittrcmainonthesitcatalltimesduringtheinstallation ?r- Date Paid:Validatioo Receipt Number:Beceived BY: t1t-rl I SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Filth Strcet Springlield, OR 97 477 SPRTNGF!ELO JOB Nu..IBER Zfr, lnspection Line: 726'3769 Ollice: 726'3759 Mo LVDSITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MA P: I TAX LOT OWNER:r.i.g .A. ?RO Ucf< ca PAil)'pHor'rr,5t @o r lSouutr-J C?B cAo1y,)-/ BoADADDRESS: CITY: + A P,7apar5[STATE o\ZIP: LBUSINESS NAME, FIRI/I LVD,il3 c-Ov\) DESCRtpTtON OF pROposED slcN(sl: (please check and complete all appropriate in{ormation} - Wall - Freestanding - Projecting - RooI X Singte race - Double Face - Billboard 2( otnt' Square Footaoe Total Height above Grade t t4t- Vertical Dimerrsion of sign or enclosure:2,-Z',Horizontal Width of sign or cnclosurc : Zt'ot' t wt-b"Elcctrical lnstallation: r' Yes - No (tf yes additional electrical permit is required) Material Sign is constructed of : l'tElA-.?oL'f ,.AQ- _ Marquee FA+ct - C.4.NCP/ 6tt VALUE OF SIGN: ooDimension Irom Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: ListALLexisting sisnage and attach aphotograph of oach sisn:ff-{-FX517H(" 4tGf-19 To EF RFI?DVED. ' (al TYPe .' (c) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (bl Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg CONTRACTOR/INST ADDRESS: CITY:STATE:ZIP: CoNSTRUCTloNCoNTRAcToRSREGlSTBATloNNUMBER:-EXPlRES: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER:XPIRES: _ OFFICE USE Sign Dist'rict Zoning REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to -sign placement Land Use Code Section Approved By: Area: I I DATE: Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachment after fasteners are /6ectricat prior to energizing electrical installation Fiinrt completion of sign installationinstalled/prior cover : Addltional Comments and/or Conditions By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true'and correct, and I lurther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Sprin'gtietd, ,and the Laws of the State o{ Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify'that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Receipt Number: the a Received By: -45 I lu.rthcr agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the permit is located at the front ol the property, of the sig Signature , that proiect address is readable lrom the street, that s will remain on the sitc at all times during the installation b-4 Date Paid te Validaticio: ,I Amount Received: Sign Permit Fee: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD JOB Nu,YlB 225 Fitth Street Springfield, OR SITE ADDRESS: 97 477 Zfr, lnspection Line: 726-3769 Oflice: 726-3759 ASSES SORS MAP: t OWNER: LVD- <trRr 0 TAX Qrh 5tE: Mo g @o t bot-LlFJ6 ?B cegy,J Ro+DADDRESS: CITY €,,4F\grtrVrf.i STATE:O4t ZI?: BUSINESS NAME, FIRIU ETC tl3 a o EC-E DESCRtPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(S): (please check and complete all appropriate information) _ Wall - Freestanding X Singte race - Double Face Scluare FootaOe 11 -t Vertical Dimcnsion ol sign or enclos u,",73t/2" Total Height above Grade: t l{I t ll-b Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure:o g Electrical lnstallation: u(r"r- No VALUE (lf yes additional electrical permit is required) OF SIGN: _ Projecting _ Billboard _ Boof )( other _ Marquee tl ooDimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure:!t4 '- b" Material Sign is constructed of (a) Type (c) Type Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg (b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER ADDRESS: CITY:ZIP:STATE: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: - CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: EXPIRES: EXPIRES: OFF]CE USE Sign Dist'rict Zoning Sign Permit Fee: REoUIR;D INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to .sign. placement Footing prior to placement of concrete Land Use: Code Section: Approved By: Attachment alter fasteners are Ouad L Vldtectricat prior to energizing FFin^l completion of sign DATE: installed/prior to cover electr.i cal lnstallation lnstalla i Addltional Comments and/or Conditions: By nature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true'and correct, and I lurther certify that any and all work perlormed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City ol Sprin'gfield, .and the Laws of the State of Oregon p ertaining to the work described herein. I lurther certify .that only contractors and employecs who are in compliance with ORS 701.05 5 will be used on this Project sted at the proPer,time, that project address is readable lrom the street, that Receipt Number: a approvcd Received By I luither agree to ensure that all required inspections the permit card is located at the front of the property, of the sig Signoture Validaticio: I Amount Received: are reque will remain on the site at all times during the installation Date Paid: List ALL existing signage and sttach a photograph of oach sign: \ ?,-4:q 6 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Filth Street Springf ield, OR 97 477 SPRIr\lGFIELO JOB Nr,.,tB Zfr, lnspection Line: 726-3769 Olfice:726-3759 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MA OWNER P:l Mo K LVD ' =J-R.r ,9, TAX PHONE:5 k-tot iZroUtil C #4,r-.lvar-J RADDRESS CITY: q A e7aY6;'.[STATE:o\ZIP: BUSINESS NAME, FIRII ETC.L il3 (-o14 DESCRtpTtON OF PBOPOSED SIGN(S); (please check and complete all appropriate informationl Wall X Singte race Dimension lrom Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: - Freestanding - Projecting Double Face Billboard +_ | I,_(o,, Roof _ Marquee X other Square Foota0e 11" I Total Height above Grade: Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure:23'/2"Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: Electrical lnstallation: y' Yes - No VALUE (lf yes additional electrical permit is requiredl OF SIGN: AwaL, ?ot-YA h{A-rE. t I tl I il Material Sign is constructed of List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of oach sign: (al Type (c) Type Sq. Fts. Sq. Ftg. {b) Type (d) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. g-Q- CONTRACTOR/IN STALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: STATE:- ZIP: EXPIRES: EXPIRES:CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: OFFICE USE Sign Distiict Zoning Sign Permit Fee: BEOUIRED INSPECTIONS Site to be made prior to.sign, placement Land Use Code Section: Approved By: Area: I DATE: Electrical y' rinat prior to energizing completion of sign Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachment alter lasteners are installed/prior to r electricpl installation inStallatio :Addttional Comments and/or Conditions: By si , I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certily that all information herein is true 'and correct, and I lurther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance.with the Ordinances of the City ol Sprin'gfield, 'and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proiect. herein. I f urther certify .that only contractors and I luitlrcr agree to ensure that all required inspcctions are requested at the time, that project address is readable lrom the street, that the pe rmit card is located at the f ront ol the property, and will remain on the site at all times during the installation of the sign(s) Signature b-4 Validatioo: Receivcd By: ^q5 Amount Receipt Date Paid: d) t O8/o3/95 09:04 6SOf 726 3689 PLUMEI tate FENCE $ SIOEWALK SPlfl) r)li\'. Sl,lR ?.oo/-P.?a -TDE MO N SUBTOTAL SYST DEV F I TOIA JL,RMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAI, I @ooz CO M M ERC IAL/ I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fltlh Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 JoB NUMBE R 7)q3-(4> ' " INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFTCE: 726-3759 SPRINGFIELO rAX LOT lloooi_11 0a4 a I ttl __ltoHA\4/lLBLypLOCATION OF PFOPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP; ADDRESST (oool ?op.g|(",Eg- c-a*Vod KAAD ",rr,eAt] RAHoFI -. . srArE Ch,,ZIP: D ES c R I pr I o N o F wo R K, TJFEaBADEBBf,ROorhS z \arr-DEr.l DIQ?V Ay= / O'THER VALUE: fut o4 -x__NEW--_* REMODE AOOITION {lEr/OLlSFi YlcD*tew Br{/,D. @ttw_@ ADL)I.tE.Sg PHONE EXPIRES PHONEADD 4 CONTRACTOR'S NAME PLUN4BING: G ENEBA MECHANICAL: ELECIRICAL: CONST. CONTRACTOFI .d Ftrtr CHA RG F s10.00 ,t/* No.FEE Slngls Flxtur6 Relocated Bldg(new flx. addtl) Water Service fr Sanllary Sewer Ir Slorm gew€r Ir. Backllow Devlceb?A W2lbr*qAP9,4/*tztt //84'/r,;87 -Z*rc aus Perrnit tssuance rOTAL PERMITTOTAL PERMIT I ru: < 100,000 BTUs p ance rner & vent o( Floor lurnace and vent Furnace/burner & vent > 100 Sta(lonary evap. mounted unlt heater uspen separate LAND USE: r OF UNITS: CONSTR. IYPE:-_ HEAT SOUBCE -_ _ OFFICE USE ,,HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOO}PLAIN LIGHTING POWEB BUOGET; WATER HEATER: OCCY GROUP: I OF STOBIES: QUAD AREA: I OF BLDGS: VALUE TOTAL VALUE OF PROJE X x x Pryy)ryffi88:JgtZ4{8:a-DDATL BY 2*-eBUILDING PERMIT MECHANICAL b_5% State Surcharge /z& 5% State Surcharoe PAVING -O2/ CU RBCUT S 47r.22 owNER,c++FrrctJ . rJ.q.n. PRopuqTg srrt.{PtFlY pHc)NE: GLo)O+z-qEn q+5b3 Roeg<T u;FE*^%' NAME o^"rir.o, . d cooler 9nt System apart orn AC or hto. NO I or and duct ZONING: 80. FT.$/so. FT. SO, FTG MAIN SQ, FTG ACCESS SO. FTG OTHER % M ENT ^/t/,r, " 08/03/95 09:05 SSO3 726 3689 @ ooe excess of 2500 P.S.l. (306 a,1) STRUCTUBAL WELD$: Performed on the lob. (2722 tl HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: Durlng all bolt lnstallation and ti ghtenlng operations. (306 a,6) SPRAYED ON FIREFROOFING: U,BC. Standards 43.8. SPECIAL GHADING, EXCAVATION AN D FILLiNG: Durlng earthwork, (306 a,11 & Chapter 29) GLU.LAM BEAMS: lnspectton Certllicate by an approved agency, furnlshed to the Clty's Buildlng Divlslon before beams are placed. (2501 U,BC. sTDS, 25-10,11), STRUCTURAL MASONHY: (306 a,7\ tln addition to the inspec- tions specifled, the Building Offiolal rnay make or requlre other lnspectlons of any constructlon work to engure compllance wlth the Bullding, Clty or Development Code. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS It ls the responsiblllty of the permtt holder to see that all rnspectlons are made at the proper tlme. To request an inspectlon, call 726476A (recorder), state your City deslgnated Job number, 1ob address. rype of ulspectron requested and when you wlll be ready forlnspectlon.RequestsreceivedbeforeT:00a.m,will bemadethesarrrjworklng.tay rrrqrestsmadeafterT:00a.m,wil| bemade the followlng work day. SITE tNsPEcTloN: To be X RoucH PLUMBTNG - pAVtNG: After gravet is tn made after excavatlon, but ELECTRICAL & place but prlorio placing prlor to setup of forms, MECHANICAL: Nt work r:; i,, asphalt or concrete, be covered until thesev UNDERSLAB pLUMBING, inspectlons have lleen martr, SpEC3AL 1NSpECT;ONS: tn accordance' ELECTRICAL & and approved ilction 306 0f the state specriiiv cooeMECHANICAL: To be made A??,A ^AAF! i special inspector shall bb employed before any work ls covered. ATTIC DRAFT STC)PS & .,y ilre ownei/ Contractor durlniCURTAIN WAI-LS orstruction of the followi ng w6rk. A/ FOOTINGS & FOUNDATTONS: copy of the special teJttng reports sha[io 0",,,"E after trenches are FIREPLACE: Frior ro plactnll 5e iurnished io the Bulldlig Divlslon. excavated and forms afe facing materldls and before erectedt all steel ln place, but frarning lnspebtro - STRUCTuRAL coNcRETE: lnprior to placlng concrete. CONCRETE SLAB; To be made after all lnslab bulldlng eervlce equl pment, conduit, plplng, accessorles and other ancillary equipment items are ln place but before any concrete ls placed. UN DERGROUN D: Plumblng, electrlcal, gas, sanltary sewer, storm sewer, water and dralnage llnes. To be made prlor to coverlng or filllng trenches. UNDERFLOOR: Plumblng, electrlcal, mechanlcal. To be made prlor to lnstallatlon of floor lnsulatlon, decklng or floor sheathlng. POST & BEAM: To be made prlor to lnstaltatlon of floor lnsulatlon, decklng or floor sheathlng. FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARFIERS: To be made prlor to installatlon of decking or floor sheathing, MASONRY: Steel locatlon, bond beams groutlng or vertlcals in accordance wlth uBc 2415. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prlor to lnstalllng any roof coverlng. FRAMING: To be nrade a{te r the roof, all framJng, fire blocxlng and bracing are ln place and all plpes. chlmneys and vents are complete and the rough eleotrlcal, plumbirrg and mechanlqal are approved INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after ali lnsulation and required vapc,l barriers are ln place but before any lath or gypsum board interlor wal; covering rs applred FIRE & SEPARATION WAIL Located and constructed accorcling to plans LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after ai, lathing and gypsr.r'rr boaro, inteflor and exteri,rr. is in place but before any plasterlng ls dpplied or before gypsum board foints and fasteners are taper-t and f inls h ed SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Bequired for all concrele paving wlthtn street right <-l1 way, to be made after all excavatlng complete and form work and sub-base rfiSteriai ri place CURB ANO AFPROACH APRONS: Aftsr forms are erected but prior ro placing concrete. /x X v A DDITIONAL COMMENTS; -. S|TE PLAN REVIEW BOAED: Must bo requested 2 days ln advanoe of ths date you wlsh inspectlon All prolect condltlons such as andscaping, parking lot stri,)ing, etc. musl be completed before requestlng thls lnsper:tron FINAL BUILDING: Requeste(j af ter tho flnal plumblng, electrical, rnechanloal and Flre Departrilent inspectlons are made and approved'. No occupancy of rhe premises can be made untll a Certlflcale or Occupancy has oeen lssued by the Buildlng Divlslon and posted i.rr, the premisr::, a/f:Eg^2*?f FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL F]NAL FIRE DEPARTMENT v PLANS REVIEWED BY AMOUNT RECEIPT DATE PAID: By signature, I state and agr€e, that I have carefully examined the oompleted applicatlori and do hereby certlty that all lnformatlon hereln ls true and oorrect, and I further certlfy that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wlth the Ordlnances of the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertainine ro the work derioribed hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll bemadeof anystructurewlthoutpermlsslonoftheBulldlngsafetyDlv,5isn iturthL'r ,,,:itifythatonlycontractorsandemployees who are ln compllance wlth ORS 701.055 will be used on thls proiecl I further agree to ensure that all requlred lnspections are requested at tne proper tirne, that project address ls readable from the street, that the permlt card ls located at the front of the property, anc, the approved sel of plans will ramaln on the slte at all 4js€o6-.Slg nature rDate StTU on.tlmes du s o ?RtRe /A*-*, VALIDATIO FECETVED: - /%-zz.,_ 129?i AECEIVED BY: SPI, l) i)li\'' . Sl.)R t SPI :FIEL[) CITY OF OREGON Dde 225 FTFTE STREET SPRINGFTEL,D, OREGoN 97471 Artholtad INSPECTION REQUESTz 726-3769 0PPICE: 726-3759 1 LOCATION OF INSTALLATIONIt ttotlnulf BLvD SPRtNG f rtt-b Signature of Supervising Electrician )-fu/ /-J ovners ruur" C-ilfilialJ qlA Address b9l BOt--'rlJ(sG€ Cr+ OVNER INSTAILATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Orners Signature: trnd u. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL BLECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION zonin!, approvi Z.i; , ', ,",,LU (s t3ogCi ty Job Nu-mber COHPITTE FEE SCHEDI.ILE BELOV Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost I,EGAL DESCRIPTION l-7 03 d5 ,->3 tTcirro JOB DESCRIPTI1(slArL StG ON ^/ Permits are non-transferable and expire i f vork is no t s tarted vi thin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATTON ONLY B Electrical ContractorMEVER Staxl co, oFo4, Address -73'1O LA^IDMA&K Cr.I Ci ty T IGAAD pnone(qo)Gzn-Eta Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Number rt{otl 2o- t?occs C Constr Contr Expiration Date ( 3 A Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home. or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 20L amps to 400 amps -40L amps to 600 amps _60L amps to 1000 amps_ Over L000 amps/volts Reconnect 0nly D. Branch Circui ts s 8s.00 s 1s.00 s 40.00 s s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130. 00 s300.00 s 40.00 Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps''or less 20L amps to 400 amps Over 40L to 600 amps -Over 600 amps or 1000-7oITs Eove $ 40.00 s ss.00 see rrBtL a Sao S40 $20 S36 Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Addi tional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Eaeh installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting-T Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm 00 00 00 TEa.ce 5 lL-o'o2 tQDATE: RECEIVED o FIELD, OfiIEGOA'ct TY OF SPF'IVG 1\"! l'',;;.1 TE VTTTE SIBEEf, iJi]'J stBrIGElnD, mmn 97177 1.OP .rrOB t Orners Slgnature: tFEIMIELD BIACTRIGAL PMITT Clty Job [turber rBB SCIE)UIA BBTOS SIJBTOTAL OT ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Adninistrative Fee TOlAL q$5M nrit u zcn ,.II|SPBCIIOII REOIIBST;. 726-3769 (- OFEICB: 126-3759 Pcmlts are non-transferable and explre 1f rork ls not started rlthln 180 daysof lssuance or lf uork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. C(ItIR.ACIUR IIISIAIIAITOil $ET Blectrlcal Contrac ,or, TDEtrwL Address ?0. b cry 1 BI Clty Boo, n " Explra tlon Date Slgnature of Supervlslng clan Grners Nane Address ct Phone A. Nev Resldentlal-Slngle or llultt-Pautly per rlvelllng unlt. servlce rncludedc rtens cost 1000 sq.ft. or leas S 85.00 Each addltlonal 50O sq. ft or portlon tliereof S 15.00 Eech l{anuf'd Eole or llodular.'Drelllng Serilce or Feeder $ 40.00 B. Servlces or Feeders Installatlon' Alteratlons or Relocationr 2o0 anps or lcss 1I $ 50.00 201 auis to 40o arps T $ 60.00 401 anis to 6oo an'ps - $100.00 601 anis to'1000 "ips- $r30.@ over lboo anps/volt; - $3oo.oo U Sul i0000@Phon"le-Lllil-il Supervisor Lieeilse Nunber )(il'lU 't Expl ratlon Date I constr contr. ttunber-,i 64lrybL Tenporary Senrlces or Peeders Installatfuinr Alteratlon or Rel'ocatlon M8R I}ISf,AIJATIO{ The lnstallatlon lsr belng lade on property I orn vhlch ls not intended for sale' Iease or rent. 200 anps or less 201 anis to 400 arps -Over 401 to 600 anps over 600 arpa or 1000Gllts Branch Clrcults Nev, Al-teratlon or Bxtenslon Per Panel One Clrcult $ 35.00 iech Addttional Clrcuit or vlth Servlqe. or Feeder Pernlt---"4 $ 2.00 l(:69* Htscellaneous (Servlee/feeder not lncluded) -Each install-ation Punp or irrlgatlon Stgn/Out1lne Ltghtlng- Llmited Bnergy/Res - c- 5 $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 aEffis€e iBt D B $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 OD DATE: RECBTVBD soolD 'ugs 'Ago odds 6898 9AZ 80SCD 00:80 t6/9O/Ol I