HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-23Job Location: Tcz l-at #Aesessors Map il Subditision: a,mer Address:Phone: zip: Lr&Df gfil 0flcrql= DeserLbe h'ork: Value Nea Date of Appliea tian tdditicn RettroCeL l!..RESIDE IIAL.. " APPLICATIO{/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SpringfieLd, 2regon 97477 BuildLng Di.uision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD bV t ractors General Plumbi l,lechanic ( ec tr a c1aElec trSrr 0R !40wD Sanitary seuet capped et ProPer4i Lire Septic totk y,.oryed atd filled utth gra;tel Final - When abote itents ave eanpleted and uhen danoliti.on is cat9lete or st"uc- ture nooed otd. prenrLses eleaneC up. Hcmea Blocking otd Set-up Ptwtbing connectione -- saneY otd ttalet Electrical Connection - Blocking' sei-up and plwtbing connections mtet be approted befoie requesti,ng eleclrLcal inspection Accessory Buildirtg skirting, decksPinal - After Pcnehes,etc. are cotnpleted. Pege 1 of 2 ho lder to aee that L L inapections are nade theat theeardLALocated on at the frcnt of Lding Site at aL property L times.aha LL T.emdan tlE LL726-3769 (recordet,) state gout City desigrnted job nudber, for inspection,Contractors oi Obmers rane and plnne numbet,. fron*Bui LA the the Lding FIPEPLACE: mat;;l;G FITIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECITANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL prope"tine,that aach C,1,b66g LA reaCable job ol.dtess, type P,equests receixed of inepeeticn befcre 7:00 an PROCEDUPE FON INSPEC?ION RIQUEST:CA eadY uiLL be made the sane dcy, "equests )made after 7:00 on uvill be nade tke neet uorking day SIIE IlrSPLcrl:QN: ?o be tmde after "".4;fio",'b"t prior to set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any ttot k is coleted. FOOTING & EOUNDATICN: lo be TMde AfE;;-fiencnes at e ezcaoated attd forns ate erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : fo be nnde after aLL insulati,cn atd requited uapor beriers de in Placebtt before oty Lath, Wpewn boa.rd or uLL cooering is applied, otd, before ory irculation is concealed. YoL$ citA Desigr,ated Job Nwnbe" IB: DRY\\ALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade @er-dT@Tl's in plnce, but prion to any tapinS. IIASINRI: Steel Location, bond tiffijgrouting or uerticals in accotdotce Lttth U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ccnrpT;Tfi.. After inatallation ie CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsee erected but prior to Pouringararete. SIDEWALK & DRfVEVAI: For aLL con- aGT;navfr-fim; etreet nisht- of-tng, to be nade after aLL ecca- uating conplete & forn rnt'k & sub' base naterial in Plaee. UND1RGPAUItD PLUMBING' SE,IER' W,ATER' Dnatluct: To be made prior to fil-Tdiienehee. IJNDERFLOOR PLUI,{BING & MECHANICAL: o1 floor insulation or decking. POS! A!,ID BEA!,!: ?o be nade Prior to diiilTfiGi-of floor insulation or deeking. ROI]GH PLUT,IBII|G. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANrcAf,: No uotk is to be couered GlTT-these inspections haue been made and approtteC. Prior to placirg and befot,e froning faeing inepee- tion. FRAI.IING: l,tust be requeated after approoal of rough plunbing, electt"t- cal & neclwnieal. ALL roofittg bracitrg A ehirmeye, etc. mtat be . eompleted, No ttork ie to be eor , cealed until this inepection lae 'been rnde anC approtsed. YENCE: h\ten conPlete -- Prooi.de gates or nottable sections through P.U.E. ALL project eonditione, such as the i.nstallat':.on of atreet ttee_s_,, conplati.on-of the ,"q"|nna i"a"capirg, Ltu., mtet be eatisfied before the BUTLDTN? FrNAL can be requested' PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnepecti.on mrct be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, otd Mecltanical fnspections hqua been nade attd approtsed' *ALL MANITOLES AND CLEANOUTS TIU1T BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY \d Date: SOLAR A ESS REQ.-L-CO G* BeCt ooms JOB NO Zone: ?otaL Ct -Pf,ai Eratniner ,( IHAWCAREFULLyEXANaNEDtlecotnpletedapplicat'ionfo-t'Pennit'anddo ijinay .erti1y ttat ail-infonnalibn hereil^ta ttue ard cor,ect, and I i"rrib iL"t:tiy that any ord olt uork petf-onned slwll be done in aceot'- 'dince ,,yith the- Oydinai,c"es of the City of bpringfield, .and the Lcas of the state of 7regcn pertaining to the Dolrk ceebylaed here1n, and. tlat N0 1ccu- PANC1 viLL be rmde of i,a" "trw"'tune tltlout permieaion of the Building N-- tsti.sion. f fut'ther certify that only con-tractot'e and enplcyees t'ho are Ln .^opti.on"n "rlth onS 701.bSS uiLL be- used on thie proiect LO? ?WE _ fnte?ior _ Corner _ Panlundle CUL-de-sac Lot Faces -Iot So. Fts. 7 cf Lot Case|aqe i of Stoz-ies Total Heiqht TopograPhY P. L,House Accesa. -- Fees -- I?EM FTC x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanteil on the e*?reas cottdition tlat the said'consttuction stwll, in atl nespects'";o;;,i;;io the. otdirnnce adopted' Liy the citv of \fii ftita, inc L;dnn;' *L' 2lit"s cvdnru1y, r esulati'ns th e ccns t mtc ti c n snl use of bui,Ld.ings,'*'i^ry be"suaPended on rbookeC at cnY time upon oic' Lation of anA prctslsione of aaid 2tdinances' ?OTAL VALUE s. D. c,1.5 s Building PenrrLt Date Paid: State il. Total Cltangea Stgned: NO.TLL Plumbing Permit No pet,son slnll const'ruct, instaLl', alter or clatqe-any netr).c? ecisting i1**li or dl'ainage "iilk t" it'oi" oo in part' unleae such pet'son is the 'tlgi;pl"r"""oo o7"o;ZL;e p\;b;"'i LieensZ, escept that a pe"son ma's do plunbing uotk to p"opllti'"iiii-i" o*na, Leased on operated by the appli- cant. Eistutes Residential (1 bath) Seuet Pl.unbing Penrit State Nau/Ectend. Circuits Electricol Permit Whez,e State La.,t requiyes that the electrical uork be done by -an Electrical Contro"ton, the elictieol li"tio" _of *his _permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label -lus been signed by the Electt'ical contractor' Seruice Iotal FEE CIlARCE Mechqnicol Permit Echanst Eood Vent Fot Vcodstoue Petlftit fssuotce Mechanicel Pentrit I Sestu,ita Daposit Sto)age I'f:jntenance Perwtt Cttbcu! Sideualk Fenae Electtical Iabel Mobile Hane OTAL AMOUNT DUE:1 s.?5 Signed Date , E\ttnnao F?il | S Totdl Cltaoea State Sutcharae