HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-08-14" RESILENTIAL.. 22s North rrr rronnaPPLrcATroN/PERMrr Spr'ingfield, )regon 9Z4ZZ Buildirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTINGFIELD # AheLk'A 0{' j1& Date:-6 General 'O-Uttt-tG,L Constmrctiotr Lertdel I ?at lot #Do ,Iob Ipcaticn: Aeseeeots Mq # 135 Z l-4rLL 6i- S:ubditsision: o,rtter: Mrci-[A€ u- D . r-!+e a rso ^-l lJr>v 5i' q1*7 7 Plone: 141-tt>3.1Addtees: I VS Z- Ft E uA o,?Pe'zip: 1l +'ll Deecribe Hork: 00 / Additian Value ?EpatrZ 5€il8 e- tt t tZ Date of App It *, tlB tespottsibility of ttt penrit hoWer.fuan tlu stteet, @td tlat the pdrmit catd, ia*Building Dioision appm^ed p?bn shc.Ll remain -b 1".- that-all inapectiona oe rnade at the pioper tine, th,at ecch addrees is teaCrbieLeatecl at the front of the orooettu -on tlu Bunlding Situ at aLL' ttmes.' PR)1EDUPE PoR rllsPEnroN .?EPwsr"CALL 726-3769 (recordet) state yottr citg ilesigma-ted iob runtber, job acdtess, type of inspeclicntequeeted ar'd uhen uou uiLL be ready for irtspectior, coniactoi"- o, a,nets nane and. phone rutnbet. Requests teceixed. befcte ?:00 qruLLL be nade the edte day, ,"q"""ii"ioa. iji* z,oo-* ttLLL be tnad.e the nert uorit:rrs'doy. Reati-I n sDoatl-ana Iou? CitA Deeignated Job Nwnber fs:ttn sq ,l SnE INqPEC?ION: lo be nade aftet eccantation, but pt'iot, tc set up of fotne. INSIILA?TON,/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?TON : ?o be maCe after aLL insuLati.ci edrequired oqor burie?a @e in plaeebut before any \ath, Wpslnn boatC orunll cooeying is applied, and beforeoty irwulation is concealed. DEI.IOLrurclI OR Sanitay serser capped at propertg Lix,e Septic tank Eoryed a.nd. fi.lled tttth gna;sel UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECYA:\JCAL: foie-ffiniyore angttotk ie cAered. P))TINC & F)UNDATICN: lo be naCeaftet tz,enches a?e eacauated and forms are enected, but prior topouring ccncrete. N liry trenchee. INDERFLPOR PLAMBING & MECIIANICAL : 't'o, be nad.e .prio? to installation of floor i.neulation or decking. P1S? AND BEAM: ?o be made pr-iot, towtaiilwo| floor ircula,tion or deckittg. R)UGH PLU!|BM?. ELECTRT1AL & MECI|- ANTCAL: NMutil theee inspections haue bem nwd.e attd. approoeC. FIRWL.IF: tuLor to placirq facingma.tet ials and before frailng in"peL-tion. FRAI.IING: lttust be requested aftet, app_toual of rough plwnbing, electui-a,L & meclnnical. ALl, roofing brdcing & chhrmege, etc. naet- be i eonpleted. Ito uork ie to be con-..cealed until thie inspectton ltaeI been nade anC appz,otted. {rrro, pLaMBrNc DRII,IALL TNSPECTION: ?o be nadeafter aLL &yuall is in p?ace, but prior to any tapittg. \IAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outing ot oerticals in accordorce dth U.B.C. Section 24L5. W00DST0'/E: After inatallation is arnpleted. CURB & APPR2ACH AppON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pourlng cottcrete. SfDEWALK & DRfTEWAI: For all con- crete paoing uithin etyeet fight-qf-ttcA, to be nad.e after all erca- oatdng carplete & forn wk & sub- base naterial in place. !EI|!E: l{hen conplete -- Prooi.de gatea or mooable eeetione thtough P.a.E. Pinal - tlhen abcue i.tans a?e canpleted and uhen Cqtclition is eonplete bt eAae-ture mooed od. pranises cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocking old. Set-up Phnbing connections -- aa/rer od. uatet Electri.cal Cqtnection - Aioeki,ng, eet-up and plunbing eonnectiona trust be approxed before requeeting eT,ectrical inspectiott Acceesory ktilding I Piral - Afteretc. are comp ' pcrchee, ekitting, decl<s, Leted. PINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELEC?RTCAL ALL pnoieet conditione' such as the installation of st?eet ttees, conpletion of tietequired Land.sccpir.g, etc.' nwat be eatisfied befote the BWr,orNG pfNil caa be requested. PINAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Buildirq fnepection mot be requeoted aften the Pirnl PtunbingElectrical, otd l.teelur:icaZ fnspectiona 'tw;e been made od'approoed. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJAST!{EI$ rO BE MADT AT NO COS? ?O CI?y 8-/4-r r r I tr I Page 1 of 2 SOLAR A''ESS REQ..Jo B No. 8/lo5 dL-CO Bedtoonze: rat Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooetage Interion Cormer Panhandle Atl-de-sae # of StorLes total Ezight Topogttphy IOT ?WE Access.Df Houee Lot Faeee - rTEM SQ.P?G x Value Irbin C,eaoe Caroort Accessoru TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid: # Signed: N0.rLL CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person slnll constntet, inetal!, alter ot ehmge cnty net cr e*teting plutnbittg or drainage syetan i,n uhole ot in patt, unlees sueh pet,son i.e the Legal possessor of a uali.d plutnber's License, ercept tlut a pe"son na! do plunbing uotk to property uhich is otned, Leaeed or opetated by the qpli- @rlt. Fi.stures Residential (1 bath) Saner Plmbing Penrit 4 State e @ * NO.Electricql Permit Wlere State Lan teqtirea tlat the electyical uork be done bg an Eleetrical Contractor, the electz.tcal portion of this permit shall not be oalid until the Label lns been signed bg the ElectrLcal Contracto?. ila,t/Extend. Citeuits Sensice State Iotal NC.FEE CAARCE ETUI Mechqnicql Permit bhanet HooC Yelt P@t lioodstolte Permlt fssuotce Meelanical Pe"ntt , Seeurity Deposit Storage I,bintenanee Perlrit Cvrbeut Penee Electrical Iabel Mobile llonte a Building Volue & Permit This penat is gtanted on the erp?ess condition tlnt the scii.d constnactionslnll', in aLL rbepeets, confonn to the lrdinance adopted 69 the City of Springfield, inch.ding the Zoning Cvdinance, regulating the ecnsttucticn otd use of buildirqs, utd may be euapend.ed or neuokeC at c*y tine upon oic- Lation of dtA prcoisione of said Ordirances. Building Pa,nit State ?otal Charyee ?otaL Plant EsorLnet I HAW CAREEALLy EXAI,fiNED the cornpleted application for perttrit, atd. do hereby cettifg tTtat aLL infonnation hereon is t?ue and. cbrtect, and. f futther certify that any ard aLL aotk petforned slall be done in aecot- dance ty[th the 1rdinarces of the City of SprLngfield, attd, the Ia,ts of the* State of h,egcn pertaining to the Dork Cesc?ibbd hez,ban, cnd, tlnt No 1CCU- PANCI vtlL be nade of mA st?uctute tytthout permission of the Building N-oision. I furthen eertify tltat only conttacTo?s ed. mplcyees uho atb in eonpliance Dith 1RS Z01.0ss uiLL be ueed on thie project etO-I TO?AL AMOUN? DIIE: *3/I Signed Date ITgM Total Cloaee Si"da,)dlk *