HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1984-03-19- 948 Dilrlene Avenue Sprirrgfield, OR 9i477 t'lc'nd.ri, lliirc.h i9, 1984 To: Springfield Ciry Counc:1 Springf ield Plannirrg Ccnur,ission Dear Counci lors and Cornmis:iorrers: In ligh; of tlie Piannir,g Connnissioc's recenr decision re::mirratlne aBible study being held ia a private home, many people in rhe ccnffunify a:e concerned about how the decision might affect them. The decisir,ir ir, quesEion may have been appropriaEe because of traffic and parkinq crobierns,but it may have caused misunCerstanding as tr the extent of ics applicati.cn.it is imporcanr chai the Cit;'Council and che Planning Comrnission.!:eessuj:e Springfield cicizens on at ieasc these three poincs: 1) Please assure us rhat- you are not aucomat icalLy def ininq Bi-l Ie stuci.igrcuPs 3s ci,urches. Tc ,l,o so would create a mvriad of pro5:.ems, anci wclid certainiy constitute an int.rusion of government into the pr:ivaEe relit!..:,us r.ives of inciividuais. It- is questionabl.e whether a planning ccrnrnissi,: even needs to cie"ine churches at all (as ccntrasEed wi:h church buiiC. ngs) buc if sr. Ehey surel,s neeci a tuore appropriate Cafiniiic,i. 2) :rlease assure us that controls on traffic anC pa:-king wil. l be appiieC equ:ir i l/ t.o anv siiuation reeardless of whether Ehe rel.aceC aciivir.r j.n a hcr,ie :.s a Bib1e stuCy or any ocher kinC of gatherinq. To apply res:ricticns on Bibie scudies anci not orr oiher activities would cercainly ccnsri:uce selec:, "e enf crcement, and <iiscrimi.nation again*cr f ree exercise cf religicn. 3) F.ease assuie us :hatj,f l:,e people invc lved are would certainly consailute rights. do nct incend !o cerr.ri na:e hcme BiL,ie studie.s violat ing any law <.rr ordinance . To Co so abridgrnent of Constir-utionallv-guaranteed yo,r an Thank you for your atEenrion to chis mar[er. 1'm sure thar having the Ci ty Council, anC Flanning Ccnrrission properly on record conce.r r'ring t.hese questie-,ns wiil avoid much destructive specularion and luitor th:t woulc otherwise deveiop in the furure. S incere )-y, //hurr*,7= itlo::man Fox Clty of Sprlngfteld P3-annlng Department 22J North Jth Street $prlngfleId., Oregon 97477 FeUruary 27, 1983 Dear lfenbers of the Plannlng Conrrlsslonl My name ls [''rancls Pottsl I am"a resld.enl of L332 M111 Strret, Sprlng-fleId, 9?477, The purpose of my request 1s to address the P1annlng CommLssion, as mentloned ln-Seetlon 1.06 (p) of the Sprlngfleld Zonlng Code whlch statesr o If the person requestlng an lnterpretatl0nnd.lsagreeswlth the Plannlng Dlrestorrs lnterpretatlon, he ray appeal that lnter-pretatlon to the Plannlng Comni-sslon at lts next reguld,rly scheddled meetlng' The Plannlng Connrtsslon declslon w111 be flnalo" On Febnrary 7t 1984 I met wlth Mr. Greg Mott Assoclate Planner, Bulldlng Delnrbment. We dlseussed the lssue of the posslbll1ty of obtalnlng a Condltlonal Use Perrnlt (CUp) 1n accord.ance to Sectlon 1.04 of the Sprlng- f1e1d. Zonlng Cod.e. The purpose of my request to Mr. Hott was for the need of a permlt for the use of the exlstlng parcel and the nature of the structure (garage) to be used as a Stud.y Centero Thls center (tire garage) would be for the gatherlng of lndlvlduals to read scrlpturer pray and extend. fe1lowshIp. IrIe are seeklng an appeal from the Plannlng Comnlsslon ln reference to the February lJ, 1984 letter sent to thls author from the Plannlng Delnrtment that stated"the stze of the trrarcel and the nature of the structure (garage) almost certalnly precludes staff support of a CUP for a church at this loeatlon. " Slncerely yours, ]ri*o.t,-< Prtfa-- Francls Potts 1,)32 l[LLl- Street Sprlngfteld, 0regon 97477 5$-?26-0?55 AA J-t SPRINGFIELED CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning Department Febnrarlz 15, 1984 Francis Potts 1332 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 As you lcncn^r, ttre Public t{orks Departrnerrt of the City of Springfield received a ccnplaint qoncerning tlre neetirgs ttrat take place in tlre garage belrind 1rcur house. Ttre Buildirg Division, iltrich is resSnnsilcle for enforcenent of the Zoning and Buildirrg Codes, crcntacted our office and requested interpretation of tlre Zonilg Code as it relates to your use. Not. being faniliar w"ith ttre activities that occu:red on )our properLlz, rire requested a neetirg r^,tth you so that all ttre facts could be lresented for furLher evah:ation. After neetirrg wittr you last Tuesday (febn:ary 7, Lg84) I discussed this issue.'. wi*I ttre Planning Director. Pursr:ant to Lr.is auttroritlz to interpret a1t tenlls, provisions and requiranents of tLre Springfield Zoning Code (Sestion 1.06 IIIIERPREf,ATION), and based on the inforrnation you provided ttre follcming conclusions were reached: 1. Because 25-30 people gather on your prerdses twice a ueek on the sane days at tlre sane tjne, a clearly non-residerrtial activity is takilg place. 2. Section 3.04 of the Springfield Zoning Code lists the uses wtrich are perrnitted outright or conditiornlly, in ttre RL district. Hcne occupations, ctturches, group care trcnres, terporarlr saIes, p::ofessional offices and recreational facilities are ttre only non-residential r:ses a11cr^red il residential districts. 3. Becar:se the pr:rpose of lzour gatherings is to read scripture, pray and extend fellov,ship, the only use listed in Section 3.04 that approxinates your activity is a chr.rrch. Churches in the RL district requ-ire a CllP. 4. The size of lor:r ;:arcel ard the nature of the stmcture (garage) alrncst certailly precludes staff srrpport of a CUP for a chr:rch at this location. As I have already nrentioned, the activities ufr-ich occur on your prernises have been interyreted to be nore like a chr:rch than any of the other non-residential uses allornred in ttre RL district. Because tlris is an interpretation of the use and not an i:=efutable fact, you have tlre right and rnay wish to appeal ttr-is interpretation 225 North Sth Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3759 Dear lvlr. Potts: Pg 2 Francis potts Sincerely )Durs, to tLle Planning Ccnmission. Section 1.06(8) of the Springfield Zoning Codestates: "rf the person requestilg an interpretation ai="#""=?tr, the Director,sinterpretatiolr Ir" *y appeal ttnt interprltation to the planning ccnnr-ission atits ne>ct regularly scheaurea neeting. rir" tidi"g-cor",i==i""1*ision wilr befi::al. " Ttre ne><t regular reeting of the Planning ccnnr-ission is scheduled for lr,larch 7, Lggl.To appear on ttris a99l&l -yorr must sutrnit a forrnal request to our office by rplater ttran Februarlz 21, L984. Your request "a"d;"ly=;t"4"-i"; narne, addressand a clear but brief e><planation of yor:r use. rf you have any additional questions or are jn need of fi:rther assistance, pleasecontact our office at yor:r crcnvenience. 1t.,)ud Gregory S. I,tott. Associate Plaru:er IxTr Sa11y Puent Joe Leahy Mike Hufrnan CC BII'ffiil*ujlle *Vz,,ulr t^l *safq --'* a*g E E z tftt fv o \ a E,\ $. t{r ttot I+ \)aL fi L * *-t * d _5 sf,(\ e, ?$ ,: vrgt **Qt'{e\rr)g+ \ [* 5-L 't{t{ \t II g A tt-FCi :lt E ttv g {S *oe' \s.ss ll Eil --l-u- u_fr -- I -x f6- EI r) tl t*I :a rrl e \n\)E ttq {2 EIJ I t \ $t\ ts -sztaozt. ( 'Yt Js o \ -- Ed, tAt*a[,t{*tt 3r{\ d !f! *E \Oi -$-t EI std' \:-(I.Eat u eg$l tsEt{r- -TVrrvN atNac * +avfi*nm F q]ffrry s-, --"*T - I -, It'e Iol I i t%tI 2*tH t L NOTICE OF RI]SIDENCE CONTACTED IN ANNOUNCING IIHAT ACTIVITIE.S ARE HAPPHNIat t:lz l,ttwt,D, oREGON, THE RESTDENCE OF FnANCTS Aib POTTS. NG BARBARA COI'II.ENTS a1 I /il, 2, a 5, C,, )) ), 1n. LZ, ** YOU ARE }IELCOI,IED TO ATTEND A IIIEF,TING 0N ]IARCH ?]984 AT 7,30pm FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOICING YOUR OP]NION ON THE PROS OR CONS OF ALLOWING A STIJDY SENTER IN ARr@DrsrRrm); C.--) ,) - I I. NEIGHtsORHOOD ANNOUNCE}ENT - Dear lIelghborr Our namer'ls Francls and narbqtq Potts., we I1ve at 13i2 M111 Street, phonet ??6-A?55. Ih ls to tntroduce our.setve.s .to you, our nelshborrand to 1et you know what we our d.olng at our home on Th!ir€9?V and gurday evenlng".(W" have wond.ered Just what "the nelghbots are thlnkl$:l . \ "spegiffifler seelng on a regular bases all the ca::s lnrked on M111 Street. ) Flrst 1et me share wlth you aLlttle of who we(Francts and Barb) are. I am a Cathollc laynan ln the mlnlstry of pastoral counsellng. Barb ls a school teacher (5tfr graae) at O'Hara Cathollc School 1n Eugene. l{e moved. to Sprlngfleld from Portlantl slx months agoi We wanted to return to the Eugene - Sprlngfleld area after movlng from the area three years past. It ls a favorlte spot of ours and one that we plan on settllng lntoo The actlvltles whlch are occurlng on Thursday and Sunday evenlngs are gatherlngs of people both Cathollc and Protestant who 1lve ln the Eugene - Sprlngfleld' area. The-puipose of these gatherlngs ls to pralse God and to study scrlpture together. A1I itre-people attendlng belong to thelr own Church and parlshes and only cone lo t)32 llffl Str"et for fellowshlp. There ls no lntentlon of betoqhtgg a Church. Future Plans: After mueh prayer and dlscusslon wlth people ln the area we have declded to 1ook1ntotheposs1b111tyofopen1nea@1nthethree car bulldlng behlnd our home. The purpose would, be to offer CathoLlcs and protestants a place to study about how to be a Christlan man and wonun wlthln ihe contents oi knowlng Jesus more personally ln thelr Ilves. Thls would not be a Church but lnstead. we would be only e_place to learn more about Chrlstlanlty. On lbrch ?-__1-984 at ?r30pn at the Sprlnfif19ld-Clty.Hal] I w111 be ad'dresslng th;-PIafiGg Commlsslon of tne Pirtffcs l,Iorks Deparbment,to request a pernlt (Conattton"i Use Pernlt) for such a str.dy center. I would greatly appreclate your eomnents pro or con conceznlng our pIans. I would also encourage anyone who would llke-E att6til thls meetlng to please do,for the opportunlty of statlng your oplnlon. I am afso avalIab1e to d.lscuss on the phone of In person any concerns you would. Ilke to volge. Please call or come over. Thank you for the tlne 1n readlng thls leafIet. My wlfe and' I appreclate thl1 opportLn1ty1nbe1ngab]-etoexp1a1n@arrdwhatweareggr"salL)32M11}street.Iftherehasbeen.anywr5i@ffinour@turbances caused from nolse orparklng wlthln the, nelghborhood please accept our apblogles. We look fo:rrard to neetlng you personally. Slncerely In Hls Se:rr'Ice ?ytt*rr" i l'iat*u'tt- Paffo Franels & Barbara Potts L3)Z fiLl,:- Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon 9?47? r ryvq b*d oa4l a ri$6 t N Y {t&$qsr F-yt2{rl *"+t\ \. r, hqt $l \rtl^a iiq J .lrl a\t I a o * rA o*,$$3b&3r-J Ga il # ''|."?e t ..)t.) J.- Ol o lt) l^J'o {- ti\or$ t Tq 3 N u\ ,I i\tC {1 tt ot t { q t A tn T t \ a UI 1 \-A \r\ ) & .-+- I2l s, CT' {lL d tlt \)$ s .1. a7lJrt rlI \J ;q ia| fu*cdat4L***tvg?*vd 7?@h *u.st ?f{tsl,od ) *( lwtsucy,€ +o7 Jegzg /t/u/ t€€l \ rL 1 fi, \J e 0 1r r+--'-'-tL* (' !$ts tr, $dt-tr s b tssrlIi;'ca[i+ \\ $^ p * a1s N qr {t,d! P €otI\ I :t- t I 3obel!iOD AVr F. B Bii irE .11 N +{E \H s ill l.r\ ts d3,iSQ \ "*i Bt[\i\" \e *$ Gurl t it{f!x\ i 0 g I Tt #w $r.J Ji \ rO $ t-st": i aOt ou lo'o"I /ot Od L --k b' ?'lr'l'7r ,t"oo*-t It Arr rc A c<tSl IL3 ooubla furn -9las fr'rhdouJ -at|4t rlt 'ryi[$n^' nlore-S r t.4 €lt/lb,:b b)'Atl;tqr,e* coNtl?cucrED PCAXERaYED oerRru *l SrxK e. @t Sfieadb Uills AaLgrMAL€ ba.ll cdn*teucflrh)pc,n- YEtzttvEL D3r,ptt- d 2- t NTe,Ia.,6 fZ toeeE, AF Wa.ll 3.nll ba,lls J cerui il&s lut suLAf.tb dt$fii6--9ooR 7',?" c 6'c" f A ZA Iv I I tl(l W lNDrr,r./a lrxltftAl6,lrVlNDowa " DurlrJ rutn ?/a v>ttt {or /ltlEP,t op)Gn*xs, /u Renra. ol ?onet i ,' l-"" %t':ltAt nl) I I i I I I I , I i l*s .0. / \ I I 07rtr . Complete items 1 r 2 for additional sorvicos.. Complete items 3, .,,u 4a & b. ' Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that wa can roturn this card to you.. Attach this form to the front ol the mailpioce, or on the back it space does not permit.. 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