HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1991-03-25COURTBSY INSPBGTION APPLICATION (RENTER REOUEST) CITY OF SPPJNGFIEI,D BUII.DING DIWSION DATE: ADDRESS OF INSPECTION:3 OI.INER: J-) PHoNE NUHBER: 4=O f 7 PHONE NUMBER:7a6- fg/ O >.*t7 JOB NUMBER:?irz hj -k6OWNER'S ADDRESS RENTER: SIGNATURE 0F 0CCUPANT (RENTER): FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY _ TELEPHONE NUHBER: 4 DUPLEX t] HULTIPLE A 1,;Orul *$ Lr 4b,,,^ TYPE OF DWELLING: BRIEF DESCRIPTION SINGLE FAMILY tr F MAJOR PROBLEMS: c T. "-Z-z-rcA rOR OFPICE USE ONIY DATE OF INSPECTION: COURTESY LETTER NOTICE AND ORDER ISSUED TO OVNER: DATE FOR COMPLIANCE: COI,IPLIANCE OBTAINED - DATE: I a CITY OF SPH,II\TGFIEIJD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS sPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 May i9, 1977 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221 Mrs. [,/illa Netta Wilhelm Box 146 Jasper, Oregon 97401 Dear Mrs. Wilhelm, At your request the Building Department of the City of Springfield, 0regon made a housing'inspection at the structure located at 733 Mill Street, Spri ngfi el d , Oregon . The following jtems were found to be in need of repair or replacement to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: The upstajrs shall be used for storage on1y.All windows shall open and close freely. The solid fuel stove in the living room sha Every dwelling unit shall be provided wjth capable of maintaining a room temperature o three (3) feet above the floor in all habit The plumbing at the sink and washer area sh ing to applicable codes. The floor of the shower shall be resurfaced. For moving purposes, the electr"ical service should be checked by an electrical contractor. Also the plumbing shall be water tested after the building is rel ocated. The sewer line shall be capped at the property line before thebuilding is moved. The garage building should not be moved but should be taken down. All necessary permits shall be obtained before work starts and all workshall be completed according to applicable codes and inspected before aCertificate of 0ccupancy will be issued. Should you need further information please feel free to contact the Springfield Buildjng Department, 726-3753. Sin rel y, Dan Smith Bui 1 ding Inspector 1 2 3 4 ll heat7 abl all be removed. tinq facilit'ies 0o F at a point of e rooms. be replaced accord-5 6 NOTE: