HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-01-10ci ty 225 n. springfield th street SPRINGFIEI.E' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION lN FO RMATION : 726 -37s3 INSPECTIoNST 726-3769 OF .BUSI}:ESS A. TA.Y LOT 7 I PROPERTY LECAL DESCRIPTIO}I or.iNER 0F SIcr{ (Ir oTHER Tr{A}l pRopERTy oWNER) NAME OT BUSII.IESS, FIRM, ETC ADDRESS LOCATION OT SIGN (ADDRESS OSINER OR ADDRESS .8. fiee oF woRK: AI.TER/ ru.n R.ELOCATE OTTiIiR c /rnrrsreno __l4foarvrrrv r./pgalen D. usr Ar{D o:ARAcTER oF srGN: _PROJECTIITc IIJG BILLBOARD BOARD . STP.UCTURAL IYPE OF SIGN; _INCIDEIJTAL y'oougr.s recs -SINGLE FACE UTTLTI.FACE I'NDER I,IAROUEE OIITER _lrALL ROOF MAROUEE YEs dto E. G Dr$E b' 3a.'?y' al'roD!€ss f o S/ ao7 ?7ldz CTTY LICENSE TII,YB fr &.*tu SIGN txtt{BEP. AIL EXISTI}IG SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. SIGN I.IANUTACTURER (IT OTHER TIIAN ERECTOR) ADDPJSS VENDORS, . BISTING SIGNS ARE TTIERE Al[Y EXISTIIIG SIGTIS? . I.[LL SIGN HAVE ELEC?8.],CAI. WIRIi{G? SIGN LISC.NI,'MBER H -ELUHINATED IT YES, MTICE }.PPLY? I qF ELECTRICAL ADDRESS DII,{E}ISIONS, IIISTALL1TIOII & CONSTRUCTIOil TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YEP.TICAL DI],{ENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL I.JIDTTI OF SIGN DI}IE}iSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN IF YES, DI}IENSION BSYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTI0II IS I{ORE TIIAN 12"Offi puglrc pRopEp.fi THx srcN EREcroR I.TUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DI'JISION COPIES OF }IIS/}IER LIABILIfi AI.ID PPOP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. //' /L F /)Tfi' lES Ao flIICiQ{ESS OR DEPTE DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LI}IE? II. DESCRIBE TYPE OR VATERIALS SIGN IS K' u*u, oF srGN: t*l5e o-c 0P. 'srTE rNFOFl.fATrol{ GirrD usE) -- sxrsTINC usEor BulLDIlrG 0R LAND (0R LA5T USE rF VACANT) y'lloooe. BusrNEss -ourDoop. l4ERct{AtlDrsrNc PB-OPoSED USE 0F BUILDINC 0R LAND:- ( J /A;-! 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXALNED rhe compleEed applicacion for permit and do hereby certify thar a1l information is true and correct, ind I fullher certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance wirh che ipii"iii"id'Sign ordinance, che Uiifory SlC-n Code'as-adopced Fy ttr. City of-oringfieid and all other-ordinancEs of the Cicy of _sprinsfield and the laws of che SEate of Cregori percalning Eo E:1e work rlescribeo iletcrn. I fuithe! certJ.fy that rnv,!1gr'. Cortraccor.t-l- cense wirh rhe CIcy of Springfield is in futl force and effect as'reouired by Sprlngfield Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-2b(D, - t sitt requesc all required sign inspecEions listed on the approved DATE NAI,IE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNA 5 pe:mic. 7 PLEASE READ f) Separace Stm Apolicatlon: A separate applicatlon is required for each separate slgn.as definedtn Ene 51gn uode 2) Electrical: Any pelrit issued under thls applicatlon will lnclude wiring ln or on stgn structure,Eher*u wires for connection ruusE be covLied on an elect,rieal p-ermit.- Electrical donnecEiontrusc be aade only by a Stace Licensed Electrlcal ConEractor. Illuninaced signs (borh incernallyand exEernally) utust conform eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of che Springfield Sign Or-dlnance. 3)P1ans Required: Ttrls,application ls to be subnitted with two corrplece sets of plans showing dl- oensi-ons anilEeight of sign; adverttsing message on sign; location of sign on properEy with-di-aensions to prope,rty llnes, structural derai.ls of supgort fraoing, braeing and fooEings; materlalsof consErucEion for sign and sign strucbure; eleclrical equlpment and lighcing; size 5nd locationof existing signs on property fot the same busienss, all ds iequired to deterninq comoliance withthe Springlteld sign Ordinante (Artlcle 7 of the Spiingfleld City Code). Also,.dhow the follow-lng lnforroaEion on the plot plan (plan showlng groilerty llnes anal locatloo of signs): 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) a) Shorr the location of all exlsring elgn(s) as well es proposed slgn(s). b) Show che. length of the street frontage taken up by the business or butlding. For wallsigns, show the length of the building frontage. c) Show Ehe locacion of entrances open Eo the publlc aad drlveways. Iitren-required, because of design,- slze, etc., englneered drawings and calculatioos urusc be pre-pared-by-a licensed engineer or shall confo::a to design standards on flle at che Buildlng Divi-ston Offlce. Plans of lnsufficient clarlcy or datail will be returaed to the appllcant with no permit beingis sued. Signs musE_treet corner visioa clearance requlreoents as described ln Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehenslve Zoning Code. N9TE: .No-sign-nay be erected vhich is less than 12 feet horlzoatally or vertically froro overheadelectrlcal conduccors 1n excess of 750 volEs, or less than 5 feet in- auy dlrection- fros overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized ac lesa thau 750 volts. If a sign Ls not lnstalled wLthiu 50 days after tbe date of lssue of this pereiE, the pefinit shallbe void. InsoecEions : a)SiEe Inspection - to be made before the sign ls placed. Usually, the FooEinq InspecEion(:-r appiicable) nay b-e oade,at the same cime as Ehe SiEe Iuspectlon. lETo6ffiETnlpec-tlon is to be aade after hole(s) ts excavat,eci, but pri.or to ihe glaceraent of conErete'. Final Inspecrlon - co be uade upon coryletion of alt work. Electrical - all electrical-signs Eust be inspected for elecerical hook up after the signfs-?r€-c and before the sign-is turned on. ' l b) c) CAII rOR InE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 0N THE 24 ltouR INSPECTIoN LINE AT 726-3759 SlGN ZONE mTAL SQUARE OF SIGN OR METUOD OT ATTAC1TMENT ELECTRICAL OTI1ER SPECIAL CONDITIONS T0 BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDI?IONAL INFORILATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I4AY BE ISS1IED: APPROVED BY: _r00TINc , f II{AL DAIE ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: /00 4Z STATE SI,IRCIIARGE; TOTAJ.:v RECEIPT do SIGN IERMIT FEE JOB # SECTION:SIGN ORDINA}ICE