HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-07-31dob Locatian. ?a lot ilAaaeeaors MaP I Subdiuieion: Asner: Phone:Address: City: bQL=\z- \qLp -Q.h'Gb Addition Date of Applica 4 J Value Lt"Ruroud\cru ll.. RESIDENTIAL - APPLTCATI- /PERMIT 225 North |th Street sp*i-,,gf"lnlJ' Oregon 07477 Duilding Diuisio.n SPRINGFIET-D ,l 5t 7 Z6-A? 5A dSiqied DGJ rac E General Plumbi nl-ca EJ,ec t r ervSu Il1 tl:cian reepanaibility of tlo permit holder' atre'et. ard tlnt the Pemit oatd ie Nrticlon approu'ed plan altall remain Located at the front of on the BuildinEl Site a' the propertY,t all tines. PRocsDUPE FoR INSPE1IION ,ls-QltESr:CALL 7 requestcd and uhen you vtLL be PeadA fo-Ptttit te tmde the aone dcy, requeete mcde to aee that aLL inaPec tiona ate nade at the propet tine' thdt ecch cddtees is readabieIt ie the fran thetBuilding 26-3769 (recorder) state yout City Cont?actoPo on Otmers nane Cesigna,ted and phone job nwzben'iob aC.dreas, tYPe P.equeatl receixed of inspecliot inepeetion,nwtbcr befcre 7:00 ce aftet 7:00 on vtLL be nade the ncct wrkin'7 daY Iour City Deoigr,ated Job Nwnber Ia: SITE INSPECTION: ?O bE , "-""o"tio",-frt prtor to forme iooered. ccnctete. trenchee. FIIIAL PLUMBING FI\IAL I,IECIIAI{ICAL FINAL ETECTRICAL r N s u LAr I o N / v AP1R B4B_R IE R [_Nse.Ecr I 0 \: To be rade after aLL insuLatLcn @4 reouired oaqon baniera @e in Place bui befote ary Tath' gYPaun boarC ot tnLL cboering- is applied, otd before ory inoulation is concealed. DRYI\ALL INSPECII1N: Tc be nade ifierZT@lntTte .in place, but pnior to cnY taPing. MASONRY: Steel Tocation, bond tffijgrcuting or oerticals in oc"ord&.e ttth U.B.c. Section 2415. TTOODSTOVE: After inetallation ia anpleted. CURB & APPRCACH AP!!.OL: After .forne66ai6iled but pri.oi to Pourtng concrete. SIDEHALX & DRIVEI,\AY: Pon aLL con- ;ete patfr;l;ifr atteet night- of-unu'. to be nade after aLL exca- uZtinZ- canplete & forn urrk & sub- fu.se -nptertal tn Place. ?ENCE: hrhen conPlete -- Protside /ffii or nouable eectiona through P,U.E. !,!OWD Sanilatg seser capped at pnoperty Line Septic tork p:ttped atd ft)lled urith gra:sel Pinal - l,lhen abcue itans ave ccrnpleted and uhen dnoli'tion is canplete or atTuc- ture noued od Premisee cleaneC uP' Blocking otd Sat-tP Plunbing connectiona -- aa)etn otd' ualet Electrical Catnection' Bloeking' eet-up - and olunbinq connectiona nrtst be dPptoted be fite requ-eeting eleclrtcal inspec lion Acceasory Builditq uilDERFtooR PLUTBIilG 4 ME,\|ANIC;AL: ^To be nnda prior bo inataLLatlon oI floor ineulation or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be nade PrLor to ffiffi{of floor ineulation or deckitq. ROucH PLWBTIIC. EItECTRIIAL E MECH; ANICAL: No wrk ie to bc cov*et'ecl .GllTtheae inspections haue been nwde and. approtted. FLPEPLACE: Prior to Plccirq facing ,,taTAfiffi and before franing inepee- tion. FRAIIINC: I'tust be requeated aft'er ffi5Gt of tough plwnbing, electrt- cal & neclwnical. ALL roofittg btacittg E chinmcya, etc. nwat be , eonpletad. No r,tork ie to be con- , ceCled until thio insPectton lae 'been nnde anC appt'oted. nade after, oet uP of be nade and to ted a ana Piral - After etc. ate canP' pcrchee, ekirting, decl<s, leted. aLL proiebt conditione' such aa bhe instal^Lation of st'reet t'-l ."-"-.: conpletion of the nequired Landsecping,'LtZ,,-irt tu ,otiuflf,a-L;;t";"-17" BUTLDTN-G PriAL can be requested' prNAL BUTLDTNG: rhe Einal Bui1d,ing rnepection naat be requeated alter the Final Plunbing E L ;; ;l ";;;1-,-' oi u ". n"r| iii lii p i " t| o " o't:*v n b e e n nade ard' appr o o e d. ,ALL MANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BIi ACCESSIBLE, AD'IUSTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 Date: tr tr tr trr tr \yr soLAR ACCESS RE9.-L-co c* Bedrootnd: J9B N Building Volue & Permit Thts petmit ia granted on the ecPre\s cottd..ition that the satd.construcLion s7-ll, in all reapeets,-io"i.i'ti- the Ordinance adopted 6y the Ci.ty of ipntigli"ti, inctluding'the \oni.ng Crdinanc.e, regulaL-i-ttg the ccnstmtcticn ina u"oL of Lui,Ldinge," orrd ney be euepended or reookeC at *ry time upon utc- tation of any prcuiaiono of aaid ordinances' TOTAL VALUE t xTTEM t { { S.D.C. 1.$ e Iot Sq. Ftg. Topography [at Facee - P. L. Building Permtt ?otal Clnrges State Date Pa'Jd: Signed: Receipt fl INT TYPE _ Intetion _ Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-aac I of Lot Coteraga_ fl of Storieo Total Height No person slall conat"uct, ins*all'- alter- or chan4e -cnY neD.cr existing fir;bfQ'or drainage eyetqt in uhole or in part, unlees e.uch person is the iegol p"o"eesro, of o u"alid plwtber'e Lic-eneZ, el9ept that a pe"son "pv 40. ptGttig uork to property uhi"h i, ouned, Leaaed or operated by the appli' cant. FEE CHARCE o Sani Seuer Ftbturea Residentia.L (1 bath) Plwbing Pernit State Plumbing Permit NO. L It State Neu/Ezterd Circuits Seruice CIIARGE t Mechqnicol Permit Eshanat l1oo,1. llcodstote Vent Fat Penmlt Issuance Mechanicel Pertt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Se-carity Daposit Storage l,bintenance Permit Ctttbcui SidataLk Fence Electrical tabel roTAr, Ail)uN1' ''!'t' .ac at l'LarT Eramlnet'Ta€e I I\AVE CAREFULLy EXANINED tte coapleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon'ie true atd correct, amil I furthZn centiiy that any ard aLL uo,k penforned ahall be dote in accor--dan e vtttt the- OtdinancLe of the City of Springfield, atd the lase of thc state of lregon pertaining to the uork ceacribed here!.n, and tllat N0 occu'-pLnCy *ttt b"e nnZe of any atructure uithout permisai-on of the Suilding Di- uieion. I furthen "lnrtti.g that otly contrac'tora and eryLcyeea al:o are in canpliance uith 1RS ?o1.0ss uiLL be uaed on thie project s1 Total , Data Electricol Permit Ithere State La,t requiree tllat the electtical uork be done by.an glectrical Ci"tr"otir, the electrical portion of this permit atull rat be valiC until the Label lna been aigned by the Electrical Contractor' Mobile llone