HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-03-11I SPRI]llcFIELE' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works March 11, 1982 CERTIFIED LETTER Salvation Army 640 West 7th Street Eugene, 0regon 97402 Dear Sign O,,lner: Attached is a copy of a January L3, 1982 letter from our office requiring removal of abandoned signs at the vacant Salvation Army site, 125 Mill Street, Springfield,Ore- gon. At this date, the signs are still present on the property. An additional prob- lem has since arisen on the property in question. It appears that donated items are still be'ing deposited on the loading dock at the rear of the store. The removal of the wall sign and pole sign wi1'l undoubtedly alleviate the problem of goods being de- posited at this site. Please remove the signs and the deposited items by 15 days from the date of this let- ter (March 27, 1982). Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated. Si ncere'ly, Sal ly son Envi ronmental Inspector cc Joseph Leahy, Assistant Ci ty Attorney SUI s attachment 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726'3753 SPRT]rlGFIELI) CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER Salvation Army 45.l West I I th Street Eugene, 0regon 97402 January .l3, 1982 SUBJECT: Sign at Salvation Army, 125 Mill St., Springfield, 0regon Dear Having been in the making for three years, the Springfie^ld S:'gn Qrdinance is a product of the combincd efforts of a special sign subcomrnittee formed by the Planning Commis" sion, representatives of the Springfiefi CnanUer of Conmerce, and the Springfield Com- nittee for Citizen Involvement. t'nunuer of public heari.ngs also occured for further citizeninput.Then,asofJanuari'1981'theSpringfieldCityCounciladoptedthenew Sign Ordi.nance. section 9-7-21(5) of the sign ordinance requires abandoned signs (signs vrhich acvertise a business no toiger locatea o" it" premises-) to be rcmoved. Abandoned signs nust be rernoved by thirty't3O) days fro;n the date of the notice of such viclation' As a result of the recent City-wide sign survey, the following violation vras found on your property reiative to abandcned signs z I A pole sign and a wall s'ign advertis'ing the "salvation Army" located on your property at 125 Mill Street. By Siit vi Februa the above referenced violation of the Springfield gn inance must be correct Because the sign survey rr'as completed in JulY of 1981, is po ssible you havc alreadY taken stePs to correct or ha,ve completed corrccting this clation.If this is the case,please contact this office as soon as Possible. I The Building Bcard of Appeals is enpowered to hear and grant variances to the Sign Ordin- ance, provi.ded a written appeal is iubmitted to the superj-ntendent of Building within 10 days of the date of receipt of this letter. The Boarc of Appeals nay giant -a variance with regard to the unusuai size, ihrp", or dimension of a sitc of because of existing structures thereon in relation to a sign or its placcment' The Board of Appeals may NOT grant a variance based on economic hardship' 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' 503/726-3753 Springfield Sign Ordinance Page 2. For rnore detailed information regarding Sign Ordinance conpliance, please contact the Springfreld Building Division at 726-3753. Permits, if needed, BaY also be applied for ai the Springfield Public ltlorks Departnent, 225 i.lorth Sth Street. Your aniticpa- ted cooperation is apPreciated. Sincerely, Sally John Sign Inspector cc Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Lttorney SJ/1s