HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-07-23SPRINGFIELE'lN FO RMATTON: 726-3753 INSPECTIoNS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMTT APPLICATION city of springfield 225 n.5th street LocArroN oF srcN (LDDpsss) /ZZ{ /y/11 <,fr e€ NAME oF BUsrNEss, FrRM, ETc.7 -< ut* ,f- ,tt wpE or .ru"rrrrr, &orB<.? A. *@% ?? zrP 97 ?22 OI.JNER OF SIGI,I CIF oTHER THAIr PROPERTY OWNER) LECAL DE OI"INER OR ?*2- ADDRESS ADDRESS . TYPE OF WORK: XsRncr ALrER RELOCATE OT}IIiR B STPJ'CTUBAL TYPE OF SIGN: _uALL XrnnrsraNDrlrc ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE I]NDER I,IAROUEE OTHTR c.USE AIID CHARACTER OF SIGN: X rornrrry -INCIDENTALDOUBLE FACE SINGLE FACE MTILTI-FACE / nraorn BoARD BILLBOARD D. ERECTOR. PUONE- DATE SIGN I,'ANUFACTURER CIF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) E ADDP.ESS . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN .ADDP..]ESS CITY LICENSE ARE THERE ANy Exrsrruc srclrs? _yEs Ktto STZE G. ,*rrrrNc srcNs ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, EIC. DII.IEIISIONS, UISTALL\TION & TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SICN HORIZONTAL WIDT}I OF SIGN DII'IENSION TROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKT.IESS OR DEPT}I DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? -YESIT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE IgIg,_ry_pRorEcrroil rs l{oRE riln rF-o_yER puBr.rc pRopERry ter srcw-ii{riion lrylT_qrl-E r.rrrri rHE suriDrNc-ilrviiiouggIIE_S oF Hrs/rrER r.resrliii ervo-ppoi;_ERTy DAr'lAcE rlrsup,ar{cr pouCrdd: -'*' _X*o E CONSTRUCTIO}I6' -F-2', ? !-€,, =!?"* 'I.[LL srcN HAVE ELEcrF.rcAL l,irRrlrc? (/. LISC. NT'MBER H SIGN PI:C}IE ELECTRICAL COIJTRACION ADDRESS YES, IfiICI! e DESCRIBE TYPE OR YATERIAIS SIGN ISNSTRUCTED OF . VALUE OF SIGN K .SITE INFOF]TATIOI{ (LAND IISE) .- EXISTING USEoF BUrLDrlrc 0R LAND 1on r-esr usi ir vAcANT) BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I4ERCI{ANDISING PF.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I,AND: J /( rNDooR permiEthat al hereby erforme fy 11 tyofof Sprinqf furtherertaini ngth rhe Ci dbv ted , I HAVE CAREFULL,Y EXAIIINED the edcomplet ELCa l-onAPPl for and do c er ri t a:h a1E Iriinforma].on s true cand corre t Iand cfuither erti I tro rk d b t-nphascoacrdonedancw1thhetr11dSpsingfe0rdinancfy Unithegn t orm 1S deCo ass et bd rh1dLe toadopecioringfaandI1vrotheOrdlnancetohet].c ty 1fie gn)and the ari/S1 t heE t t ecCroneg,p t o worl:tlre crdes eoi-b Lhe INe cert tha t{ Frr Con trenscmv131gn r .Ll-ac tohrt-f_1o e t_s1dtyingf fu11n f'1sPr eorc dan feef tc as t 128-equ 1d1e6JSp Code(and)9 ingf02211w1I)tues areq'11 re d 1s 1nsrequi tec ronsgnp I ls on the dapprovepermi.t. NAT,IE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE PLEASE READ 1)*ffi:AseParateaPP1icationl-srequ1redforeachseparatesignasdef1ned Electric?t: .Any perrnlt issued under thts application will include wiring in or on sign sEructure,Ehe s-uPPly,wires for connecEion must be covered on an electrical p'ernit.- Electrical ionnectlonEu:t-b: made.only by a State Licensed Electrlcal Contractor. fllirminated signs (borh iniernallyand externally) utust conform to SecEions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe S[rfngfield Sign Or--dinance. Plang Requifed:. This-application is to be subrnitted wlth two cooplete sets of plans showing dl-mensions and height of-sign; advertising message on sign;.locatioir of sLgn on pioperty with-di-mensions to prope_rty 1ines,-structural details of supgort framing, bracing ancl-footings;materialsof construction for sign and sign sEructure; electritil equipmenE'and lig[ting; size ind locarionof existing.sign:-on property fqr the_same b_usienss, all ds iequired to deteriinq compLlance wirhthe Splingf1eld Sign,ordinance (Article 7 of the Sprtngfield City Code). Also,.dhow the follow-lng informatj.on on the plot plan (pLan showing property llnes and locaEion of signs): a) Show the locatlon of al-1 existLng slgn(s) as well as proposed slgn(s). b) Show the. lenglh of the street frontage taken up by the business or bulldlng. For wallsigns, show t,he length of the building frontagL. - c) Show the locauion of entrances open to the public and drlveways. $lhen-r-equired, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations Enrst be pre-pared^by.a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on flle at the Building Divi-sion Offlce. Plans of tnsufficlent clarity or detail will be returned to the appllcant with no perurit beingis sued. ligt" must.Eeet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the SpringfieldComprehensive Zoning Code. N9TE: _No_sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertically from overheadelectrl.cal conductors in excess of 750 volts, or ).ess than 5 feet in any direction- fron overheadelectrical lines whLch are energized at less than 750 volts If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this perait, the permit shallbe void.. Inspections : 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) a) Slte Inspection - to be nade before the sign ls placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection Efl-ajj-Ij-ctE-IE)- may be made at the same time as the sire rnspection. ffi-F66EE[-Iffiec-tion is .to be made after hole(s) ls ercavaEed, but prior to the placement of conirete. b) Linal InspectLon,- to be made upon coryletion of all work. c) Lilectrical - all electrical signs Eust be lnspeeted for electrical hook up after the signIs erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 0N IrrE 24 HOUR INSPECTTON LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT zom DrsrRrcr E/_-4L? TOTAL SQUARE TOOTAGE OT SIGN REQUIRED INSPECIIQN!: SITE/LOCATION {rootruc oR METIIoD oF ATTAcHMENT ,frruar.,fumcrnrcel SPECIALcoNDITIoNSToBESATISFIEDBEFoREERECTIoNoFSIGN: ADDITIONAL IMORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSTIED: APPROVED BY:TE ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURCIIARGE: TOTAI.: JOB SIGN PERMIT FEE: SECTION:SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE 7 -?7--8 /