HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-10-27SPFITNGFIELD s r? INFOR,MATION 3 726-37s3 INSPECTIOwST 726-3769 SIGN PERMTT APPLICATION city of springfield 225 n. 5th street TYPE OF EUSITIESS A T1' -e // t/r*/ /y's ra.r ror .I- I b LOo 'E s/rtull,r t At or.INER 0F SIGl,r (IF OTHIR TEAII pRopERTy oI{NER) }IAIIE OF BUSII.IESS, FIRM, ETC . LocATroN oF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL -b3 - O}TNER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS ADDRESS RELOCATS OTHIiR AITER B.TYPE OF WORK: l/ep€.cr STP.IJCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: ?-A,!.LL FREESTANDIIIG ROOT PROJECTII.IG -*nu*- TNTDER I,fAROUEE OTI{ER USE AIID CEA"RACTER OF SIGN: -IDENTITYINCIDEIITAL _DOUBLE FACE /s:rNc;;e tecE I{I'LTI.FACE .P&\DSR BOARD BII.LBOARD D. E . VENDORS, SIGN ERE .lsDI'.:gSS 'V{rz. Brz rs ./rt e,? /z-/74.O.fttX 2ct6 Fu ',A.r?E 62.w97F 0z CITY LICENSE }ITFIBER,DA SIGN I.fANUFACTURER. CIF OTI{ER TiIA}I ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS Ptio E DI].IETISIONS, UISTALI.A?IOU & CONSTRUCTIOTI TorAL HErcrrr ABovE cRADE r q / vEP.TrcAL DrMENsroN oF srcu -a- t- HoRrzoNrAL r.rrDTlr oF srcN W DI}IENSICN FROM GRADE TO IBorro!.r oF srcN // G . E(ISTING SIGNS ARE THEITE A}IY E(ISTIUG SIGIIS?YEs ,-{to .tr s0 AIL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. .I'ILL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAL UTXI;iCZ 4Prr yEs, hr{rcH }.pply? ELgcr:ucAL"srciJ 23Ir,Lm{TNATED (rNDrp.rcffi LrcHrso) ELECTRICAI. CONTP.A.CTOR ADDRESS LISC. NIJUBER l. DEScRTBE TypE oR MATERTATS srcN K IScoUT orl?Od D - 'VALUE 0F SIGN: 2 'SITE INFOFflAIIOI{ (L{rrD usE) -- EXISTING USEoF BUlLDIlrc oR LAIID (On USr usE Ir vAcAtil,) BLIS INESS -OUTDOOP. I'ERCI]ANDIS I}IG J tz{xoooe UT I.d-}IDPS.OPOSED M 27 - 8z- rtify shal1';ork Crego ty . I IT{VE CAREFULLY SA}IINED che compleced ap plication for and do hereby ce that allinformation is true and c orrect, and I fui ther certify permic Ehac all oerformed be done inaccordance rrith Ehe S pringfieid Sign OrdiEher Ordinances of t,nance, che Uniforzr Sign Codehe Cicy of Sprinsfield and r as adopted by che Cityhe Stace of ofSoringfield and all o he laws of cto Eile worli descri.bed ir c!eln. f further cert L.fv thaE n:v iigr'. CorEraccor LL-cense n oercaininq wiEh Ehe ci of Spriner-ield is as reouired by Sprin gfield Codes9-7 -20 (2), I uill reques eccious Ilsc ed on che aporoved DATE /6.SIGNAT'[.'RE in full force and effeccc all required sign inso C Lors 8-2-5 (3) andper:ric. NA"YE (PLEASE /.. TuICKr.rEss oR DEPTE / Z " DCES SICN PROJECT BEYONDPRoPERfi LItrE? _YES _NOIT YES, DI}IEIISION BEYOIID PROPERIY LIIIE I9T=E: IF PROJECTIoII IS I{ORE "ro-1, tf--gvER PUBLIC pRopEp.ry TI1X SIGN enscionI.ruST FILE WIIii TIIE BUILDIN' 'WiiiOUggl-IE! oF Hrs/llER LrABrLrry er.ro-ii.oii_ERTY DA}IAGE IIISUP"A^\ICE POLICI'S. -..-- PLEASE READ 1)$qparacq: Slgn Agplication: A s eparace applicacion is requlred for each separate slgn as deflnedln che Sign Cocie. vr].re s EusE be nade only by a State Llcensed ElecErical Contractor. Illuninaced signs (both incernally and exEernally) nusc confo:m co SecElons 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of ehe Sprlngfield Sign Or- dlnance. 2\ Eleccrical: Ene suPPly Any perolc lssued under thls applicacion will lnclude wiring in or on sign sErucEure,ior conneccion musE be covlied oa an electrical p-eroit. - Electrical conneccion 3) 4> 8]gnf_BgqCiE4: Ttris appllcation is Eo be submitted wlth trhro cotrlplete seEs of plans showing-di- nensio-ns-t;ffi'eighc of iign; advertising message on sign; locatioir of sign on pioperty with di- uensions to gropErty 1inei, structulal decails-of suppdrt fraaing, bracing and foorings; nacerlals of consrruction-for-sign and sigo sErucErre; electrical equipmeni and lighEing; sLze and location of existing signs on pioperty for the same busienss, all as required Eo deteroinq corrpliance with t["-sp;GtEi.iE Sten brai,r..rt. (eriicre 7 of the spiingirerd cicy code). A1s_o,. dhow the follow- ing i;for;acion on-Ehe ploc plan (plan shoring prolerry lloes aod locatioa of signs); 5) 6) 7) e) Show the locatlon of, all existing slgn(s). as well es ProPosed slgn(s) b) Show che length of the street frontage taken up by che business or bullding. For wall sigos, show the length of the building fronlage. c) Shos the locacion of entrances open to the publlc and drlveways. I{hen requlred, because of design, size, etc., engtneered drawings and calculaEions EltrsE be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shal1 conform to design standards on flle at Ehe Bullding Divi- sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficLenE clarlEy or deuail w111 be reEurned to the applLcant with no pernrit being lssued. Signs must tre€E corrrer visiou clearance requlrements as described ln Figure 9 of the Springfield Conprehenslve Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign nay be erected whlch Ls less than 12 feet horLzontally or vertically froo overheaC Effirrlcal c6nductors 1n excess of 750 vo1ts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines whlch are energlzed at less than 750 volts. If a sign ls noc installed wlthin 60 days after the date of tssue of this pe::alt, che perolt shall be void. Insoectlo+s : a) Siee Inspection - to be --de before the slgn ls placed. Usually, the Footinq Inspection ilfFFTG$'fn may be oade ac the sane Eime as Ehe SiEe lospecuion. ltre Fo-oting Inspec- iion ii co be foade'after hole(s) ls excavac,eci, but prior Eo the placement of concreEe. b) c)Lllectrical - all electrical signs uust be Lnspeeted for eleclrical hook up after the sign rEEcEea and before the slgn is curned on. Final Inspecciolq,- t,o be rnade upon coopleEion of all rork. cAr.L FOR TlrE REqUTRED INSpEGTIONS ON TrIE 24 ItOtR INSPECEoN I.INE AT 726'3769 SIGN DISTRICT QouL\ZONE DISTRICT oc mIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: b7,xt fr -srrE/LocATroN -roorrNc OR METHOD OF ATTACIX@MI -,frrecrnrc* ;f,runal SPECIALCONDITIONSTOBESAIISFIEDBEFOREERECTI'ONOPSIGN: ADDITIoNAII}IFoRMATIoNt{gEDEDBEToR.EPER}fITl,{AYBEISSIJED APPROVED BY:I DATE 8) e) ELECTRICAI PER}IIT FEE : 4o,oo o. oo 47. STATE SI,IRCHARGE: ,4DTOTA.L: F DAE ,40 SIGN PEB}GT FEE: JOB f SECTION:?-7- 7 SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDINAIICE //-3'62- SPFIINGFIELE' 5r/P 9 INFoRMATtON: 726-3753 INSPECTIONST 726-3769 SIGN PERMI T APPLICATION city of springfield 225 n.5th street rA-Y Lar'* / CTO> oriNER oR pRCpERE pHoNE_ /,{lrf Z/( W t rrc//r// A WI 'YC Dara u TYPE OT /Au eaBUSIIIESSNAME OF BUSINESS, FIRil, ETC ADDRESS LEcAL DEscRrprroa /7-o3-at- 33 . LoCATION 0F SIGN (ADDRESS) Douu-/> OIJNER OP SIGT.T CIF OTHER TIIA}I PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS .':, '' .B. rwu oF woRK AI.TERA eRrct RELOCATE OTH}IR . STP.UCTURAL IYPE OF SIGN: ,[uerl FREEsrANDnrc ROOF PROJECTI}IG **nu*- T'NDER I{AROUEE OTIIER c . USE AND CHA"RACTER OF SIGN _rDENTrTt _INCIDEITIA! DOUBLE TACE X SINGLE FASE l{trl.rl-FAcE PGADER BOARD BILLBOARD D /ne E. /ZS Itrtn EXP PHOI.IEoZn)A6/t F VENDO SIGN 'Ey'ri -o ()o E RS,0S St ADDP.ESS q2-/7/, q 7 {o?- CITY LICENSE TIIT{BE.R, SIGN I.IANUTACTURER CIT OT}ER TI{AN ERECTOR) . EXISTING SIGNS ARE TI{ERE Alrr D(ISTr}rc slctrs? _yES G 6; IN ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR. DUSINESS, ETC. DI}IETISIONS, UISTALI.ATIOII & CONSTRUCTIOIT TOTAI. ITEIGHT ABOVE CRADE VEPJICAL DISENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDT}I OF SIGN DI}IITSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO!,1 OF SIGN TIIICKI.IESS OR DEPTI1 IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOI]D PROPERTY LI.TIE Y0TE: Il PROJECTIoII IS iiORE ,HAN 1r" - o_vER. puBlrc pRopERry rgE srcN rnscioR.l'ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDIT\G OfVfSfOll'ggIIES oF Hrs/rrER LrAtsrr,riy .ci{o sp.oi_ERTY DA.}IAGE IIISUP"A}ICE POLICIES. _---- E YES / z't '{ Q'- tL "_ J , . A - .,'?'lt i // 5oDCES SICN PROJECT BEYONDPROPERfi LINE?'IILL src]r uAvE ELEcrp.rcAL r,rrRrirc? /*>rr yES, ,irrc* App,,y? *ectnrcFJil- )1nLu{INATED (rNDrp€cfff lrcurso) ELECTRI CAI, COIITPSCTO R LISC. NUMSER PI:CIIE H ADDRESS l- DEs.RTBE Ty?E oR yArm.rArs s co (L lGN IS dryE . VALUE OF SIGN:K ooa ca 'SITE INFOFI{ATIoIi (I-AlrD usE) -- EXISTING usEOT BUILDI.NG OR LAND (OR I.AST USE IF VACANT) INDOOR BUS INESS -CUTDOOP. I,'ER,C!I{T{DIS I}IG J PITT.OPOSED LISE BUILD OR IAND 27-VV applfurth DermL thac a fy 11.ngfieldr Ordinercaininq Eh Ehe Ci Xign Conby Sprind on the othe 1 . I }IAVE CAREFULLY L{AUINED che completed icaEion for E and do hereby certi that allinfor:nation ls true and colrect, and I er certify 11 vork gerformed sha be done inaccordance with che Spri Slgn Ordinan ce, the Unifora S ienlEa Code as adopced by che Cirylaws'of ch! scace oi ofSoringfield and all ances of the Ciry of Springfie nd cheCregon o Eo E:re qrorli riescribed ile. ern. I further ee Eractor Li-rtLfv thar nrvcense wi of Sprinq field is in full force and effec E as reouired gfield Codes8-2-5(3) and 9-7- cy 20(2). I will requesr a1l required sign ins pections liste aporovedpemir NA}IE (PLEASE C2as-s o,Jrx /o ^ ) PLEASE READ 1) Seoarace Slqn Aoolicaclon: A separaEe applicatlon is requlred for each separate slgn.as deflnedta Ene 5l.gn uooe. 2) Eleccrical: EEe sttpiLy Any w].res lltrsE be oade onl and externally) dlnance. 'penrlt issued under chls application will include wtring in or on slgn scrucEure,ior connection EtrsE be covlied on an electrical p-ernit.- Electrical connecciony by a State Licensed Electrical Concractor. Illuninated signs (boch incernally musE conform Eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- 3)PIans red: Tttis EoE APPsi licaElon is to be submitted with Ewo courpleEe sgn; adverEisi message on si.gn; locaEion 9f slEIENSns roperEy 1lnes, structrural ng de cails of supgorc fraoing, bruensions. !o p Ei acr-of consEruc on for sign and s ignfor s trucEure lectricai equipureni and busEhe garoe :- ens s I1 For wa11 and calculaElons urusE be pre- on file aE Ehe Building Divi- ets of plans showing d1.- ,gn on ProPerty with di- ,ng and fooEings; rracerials .ghting; size and locaEion detersine comnliance with Also,. dhow the fo1low- oa of signs) : of existing signs on property the Sprtngfield Sign Ordinance (Artlcle 7 of the Sp , all & iequired toringfield Cicy Code). elEy lines and locaEl. 4) 5) 5) 7) 8) e) ing. tnformaclon on Ehe plot plan (pl an showiag prop a) Show the locaEion of all exlsting stgrr(s) as well as proposed stgo(s). b) Show the length of the streec frontage taken up by the business or bullding.sigos, show che length of tbe building frontage. c) Show the locatlon of entrances open to Ehe publlc and driveways. I,lhen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards sion Offlce. Plans of lnsufficlent claricy or detail will be retutaed to the appllcant with no permit being ls sued. Signs oust Beet corner vislon clearance requireoeaEs as described in Figure 9 of the Sptlngfield Couprehensive' Zoning Code, NOTE: No sign oay be erected whLch is less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertically frou overhead E[Ecrlcal c6nductors Ln excess of 750 vo1Es, or less than 5 feet in'any dlrection- froo overhead electrical lines whlch are energlzed at less than 750 vo1Es. If a sign is nor tnstalled lrlthia 60 days after the date of Lssue of this pe::ait, the pernil shall be void. Iaspectlgqs: . a) Sire InsoecEion - to be nade before the slgo is placed. Usua1ly, the Footing Insoection 1E-€jjlDDIlcaEl=)-' may be uade at Ehe sane Eirne as che Sice Iaspectlon. the Foocrng inspec- Eion il Eo be made'after hole(s) ls excavat,eci, but prior to the placenenE of concret,e. Flnal InspecEloq,- to be made upon coryleEion of all workb) c)Lilectrical - all electlical signs oust be Lnspected for eleccrical hook up afEer the sign fsr:-Efe?Ga and before the slgn j.s turned on. cAIL FOR Ir{E REQUTRED INSPECTIONS ON TEE 24 HOIrR TNSPECTToN LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISIRICI ODM A^. zolG DIsTRtcT C r C ' TOIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN I ^2 ,11 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _srrE/LocATloN -FooTrNG 0R METUOD OF ATTACHMENT ,[rucrnrcr.u -]irunet otilER SPECIALcoNDITIoNSmBESATISFIEDEEToREERECTIoN0FSIGN: ADDITIoNALINFoR}IAIIoNNEEDEDBEFoREPEB.YITt',AYBEISSUED: AIPROVED 8Y: ELECTRICAI PER}IIT FEE 47. STATE ST]X.CTIARGE: .40TOTAI: o ,10 8 SIGN ?ERMIT FEE JOB # CLEBK DATE SECIION:-7 RINGFIELD SIGN ORDINAIICE //-3- tr 2 SPFITNGFIEL.[)INFORMATION: 726-37s3 9 { INSPECTIoNS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 225 n.sth et 'city of springfield }IAME OF BUSU.IESS, FIRM, ETC. IYPE OT .BUSIIIESS rA.r Lor -* lLZL A ZTP LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.T t1- 3o -7.s -7\ r)s-7 io//*/(.LocATroN 0E SIGN (ADDRESS) OIINER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS OITMER OF SICI{ CIT OTI{ER THAII PROPERTY O$INER) .8. rrre oF r.roR.K: ALTER,--{ts.cr RELOCATE _oTHl:R \,,. STP.UCTI'RAL TTPE OF SIGN:, -!tu- FREEsrANDrlrc ROOT PROJECTING -**nu*- I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTIIER USE AI.TD CPJ.CACTER OP SIGN: -IDENTITY_INCrDElrrAL _DOUBLE FACE ,ZSINGLE FACET*r.-ro., P.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD D. E DATE /t/$t /6 * )n,<.//n 66 SIGN ERECTOR /.> ^t 7 69 ?7roz..IJDPTSS SIGN I.TANUTACTUB.ER CtF OrI{EE TEAN ER.ECTOR) CITY LICENSE /205. sVENDORS, . L1ISTING SIGNS ARE IIIII.E A}IY EXISTII]G SIGTI.S? G vts ,-{ro SIZE IN ALL EXISTING SICNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. ' ItrLL srGN IIAVE ELEcrF.r,cAL wtxt',tcz y €5 IF YES, WIIICE APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN 4]rrruuruerED (rNDrp*Ecflr lrcsreo) ELECTRICAI CONTPJ,CTOR LISC. NUMIER PEC}IE H ADDRESS DU,{ETIS IONS, UISTALI.ATION & CONSTP.UCTIOII TO?AL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE YEPJICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN I{ORIZONTAL I.'IDfiI OF SIGN DII.IENSION FROM GRADE TO BO?TOM OF SIGN TIIICKi,IESS OR DEPTTI $OllE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE TIIAN 12" 6VEE pusr.tc pRopEp.ry rpx srcN EREcroR ].ruST I'ILE WlTlI THE BUILDI}{G DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/TIER LIAtsiLITY A!.ID PP.OP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP,A}ICE POLICIES. /y'/ // E 4- vre !1 /z -4o DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LIIIE? IF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE J K co z( ruoooR BusruEss _culDoop, rrERcHANDrsrllc 'SITE llrFOFflATIoN (I3rrD USE) -- EXISTrNG USE OF BUILDING OR L$ID (OR L{ST USE IF VACANT) P,C.OPOSED L'SE OF iZ E> II. DESCRIBE TYPE OR YAIERIALS SIGN IS0r. //-r7,s--DATE f.,1 r-Ini ignld I r:rv redpriag Iwi t e Eo 8- . I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IINED che completed appl!carion for ehac a1Iinformation ls Erue and correc and I furcher certi permic and do hereby certifychar all work oerformed shal1 be done in accorCance with che S pringfield Sign Ordinance, Ehe forn S Code as adogced by che Ci ty ofofSori.ngfield and a1I o cher Ordinances of che Ciry of Sprinqfi E:re worli clescribed l1ereln. I furtirer c and che laws of che Scace 51gn Cortractor I-i-Cregon percaining cense wiEh che Ci ertlfv thatcyofSfield is in .full force and effe cE as redur by Springfield Codesd on che aporoved2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2).ll request all required sign inspections listepermic. C n-orsNAYE (PLEASE PR,IXT) 'vALuE oF s,c.3 A oo o-9 PLEASE READ 1) Separate Slqn Aoolication: A separaEe applicatiou ts requlred for each separate slgn.as definedin che Sign Cooe. 2)Eleccric?t: .Any p_erurlt issued under thls applicatlon witl lnclude wirlng in or on stgn sErucEure,Ehe suPPIy wires for connecEion tmrsE be covered on an electrical p-erniE.- Electrical EonnecclonEusc be aade-only by a State Licensed Electrlcal Concracror. fllirurinaced signs <t"it-i"i"inallyand exEeroally) musc confo::lu Eo Secrions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe Sirrnifrefa-dig" or--dlnance. 3)Plang Requir-e9:. Ttrls-applicatlon Ls to be submltted wlrh Ewo cotuplete eers of plans shouing di-mensions and neight of.sign; advercising message_on siga; locatioir of slgn on piopercy wtth-di-oensi.ons to ProPerEy lines, -structural decails,of support fraoing, braciig and'foocings; r:racerialsof conscruction for sign and slgn structure; electritil equipmeni'and ligf;cing; slze ind locari.onof existiug signs on pioperty for Ehe same busienss, all ds iequired to Eeteriine comolLance withthe Sprlngfield Sign.ordinance (Artlcle 7 of the Springfleld Cicy Code). Also,.dho, the follow-iug luforoaElon on the plot plan (plan showing prolertj tines ani locatioa of ii.gns): a) show the locatlon of arl. exlsrlng sign(s) as welr as proposed slgn(s). b) Shos the. length of the street frontage Eaken up by the business or building. For wal1signs, show Ehe length of the building fronragl. - c) Show che locaci.on of entrances open to the public and drlveways. I'Ihen_tequired, because of design,-size, etc., engineered dravings and calculations urusE be pre-pared-by.a licensed engineer or shal1 conforo to-design standards on flle at the Building Divi-slon Office. Plans of lnsuffieLent clarity or detail will be returned Eo the appllcant wirh no permiE beinglssued. Signs must.oeeE corner visloo clearance requlreoenEs as described in Figure 9 of the Springfi.eldCouprehenslve Zoning Code. N9TE: .No.slgn.uay be erected which ls less than 12 feet horj.zontally or vertically frorn overheadelectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in- any dlrection- froo overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized at less than 750 volEs. If a sign is not lnstalIed withia 50 days after the date of lssue of thts pe::aLt, the perudt shallbe void. Inspecti.ons : a) ilte Ins-oec.tioP - to be uade before the sign is placed. Usually, the !'ogtlng InspectionlIE app-t-IE6lq qay qe made-aE the sane tiie ag ihe Site rospeciion. IEbTo*oEfuEf11 -tion ls co be oade after hole(s) ls e:cava!,ed, buc prior to the plaeeoent of condrete. 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) b) c) CAIJ. FOR F{na1 InsoecELon - to be oade upon eonpletion of all work Lllec[ical - all electrical.signs uust be lnspected for electrical hook up after the signfsrJ-re?Eea and before the slgn-is turned on. ' rltE REQUTRED rNSpECrroNS 0N THE 24 HOUR TNSpECTTON LrNE AT 726-3769 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY slGN DISTRTCA c OM/L|\ZOIE DISTRICI (, , C, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: LQ,3T _SrTE/LoCATIoN _FOOTTNG 0R METHOD 0F ATTACHMENT XurscrRrcAr ,\rumr. U IIl.gI( SPECIAL CONDITIONS T! BE SATISFIED BETORE ER.ECTION OF SIGN: ADDIEONAL INFOR},IUION NEEDED BEFORE PER!,fIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY DATE SLECT?.ICAL PEMIT FEE: .&o 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: 3oTOTAI.: ,y2 JOB SIGN PER}IIT FEE: SECTION:?* )-7 SPRINGTIELD SICN ORDINA"\CE //-7 -trL SPFITNGFIErl' il)q; I N FoR.MATtoN : 726-3753 INSPECTIoNST 726-3769,,? SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION p ringf i eet city of s 225 n.sth IrAHE 0F BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC._ lYP A.o Tff( LOTLEcAL DEscRrprrow /) -o3-es-33 /,s */( /Gzoo tlt t l, a,/.-./( Dta, vy's 't tltla'f'E oF Busnnss R g, tLOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) O}NER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS ZIP OI.JNER OF STGI{ CIF OTHER T}IA}I PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS . TYPE OF WORK: ,.(rt", ALIER - RELOCATE OTIiER B STPJ'CTI'RAL IYPE OF SIGN: rrALL X rn-ursrenoruc ROOT PROJECTI}IG -**nu*- UNDER l,rARqUEE OTI{ER c.USE AI.ID CHA.RACTER OF SIGN: K roavrrrx INCIDETIIAL DOUBLE FACE -SINGLE FACE }!I'LTI.FACE P.EADER BOARD BILLEOARD D. E PHOI.IE E G 4o H I\UIL MEE 5 XrLLLyrNArrp (rNorpscTff LTGHTED) }I 05 o/ EXP. DATE ,A YES SIZE LISC, NIJI'TBER DltnrrF zrv?){oz 2-/7/SIGN ERECTOR . I.NLL SIGN HAVE ELECTP.ICAI I{IRI:{G? SIGN CITY LICENSE IIIJ'].IB ,...DDPJSS AIL E{ISTING SICNS FOR. EUS]NESS, ETC, SIGN I.{AN1'FACTURER CIF OTHER TIiAN E8ECTOR) ADDP.ESS . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THE.'TX A}rY EXISTIIIG SIG}IS? I.ruST COPlE FDTV IF PR.OJECTION IS IIORE TTIAN 12''PUBLIC PROPEP.?Y T?E SIGN ERECTOR,FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISIONIS OF IIIS/}IER LIABILITY AI,ID PROP.DA}1AGE I}ISUP"AIICE POLICIES. DII'TEIISIONS, IIISIALI.ArIOU & CONSTP.UCTIO}I TorAL HErcm ABovE cRADE -? O t DI}IEI'ISION TROM GRADE TO /Borrov oF srGN A TlrrcKl.rEss oR DEprll /2 " DCES SICN PROJECT BEYONDPRoPERTI LrNE? _yEs 5oIF YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE VEP.TICAL DI},IENSION OF SIGN HORIZO}ITAL I{IDT}I OF SIGN /r, B0. G" VENDORS, ELECTRICAI CONTPJ,CTOR Ii. YES, WHICE APPLY? ELECTRI l. DEsc.RrBE TypE oR yATERrAr.s srclr . VALUE OF SIGN:K Is OE4,'/re vL /Zcr4sL . SITE INFOFHATIOII (I.AI{D USE) .. EXISTING USEor BUrLDrlrc oR LA.\D 1on uSr usE rF vAcANT) ?( INDOOR BL'STNESS OUTDOO?. iTERCI{.\r.rDISl:rc OE BUILDING Q8, II"\D: dn urz A.u7< J PR.O 27-sz-DATE //- [Lt,s-sNA.YE (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE tz'Ow usE , PLEASE READ Separace Slen Aoollcation:A separate application !s required for each separate slgn.as defined1) 2) in che Sign eote. Electrical: Any perolt issued under thls application will include wlring in or on slgn sEruciure, EE-e €upp$ wirei Eor connecEion rnx.rsc be covlred on an electrical p-ermic.- Electrical ionnection utrst be aade only by a Scate Licensed Electrical Concractor. Illuminaced signs (boch incernally and externally) unrsc conform !o SecEions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of che Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3)Plans Required: Ttrls appllcatlon ls to be suburltted wlth trro coErplete sets of plans showing -di-ffiIE;ffitEeight of lign; advertising message on slgn; locaEion of sign on properEy with di- mensions to proplrcy llnei, structural decails-of supg5rc fraoing, braclng and fooEings; maEerials of construccion for- sign and sign structrure; electritll equipmeni and lighting; sJ.ze ar-rd location of existiag si.gns on pioperty for the same busieass, all as ,required -to deteroinq comgllance withi["-s;;i;;?i.iE ir.i" biainanle (iritcte 7 oi the spirnjtrerd cicy code). Als-o,.dhow the follow- lug lirforiarlon on. the glot plan (ptao showiog properry,!:Lnea and locatioo of signs)r SIGN DISTRICT Ar ZONE DISTRICT 0.L, TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _srTE/Loc.ATlol{ ,f,ei.ecnrcel 1/ rootruc oR METHoD oF AT:rAcIil"lEM OTIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS To BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECEON OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INTORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PEEMIT I'IAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED BY:DATE ,\rrnal ELECTRICAI PERYIT FEE: ,o 47. STATE SURCIIARGE I 7,?0TOTA.L: DATE o SIGN ?ERMIT FEE: JOB # SECTION:-7 -7 //- 3 -trL ( a) Show the location of aI1 exlsting slgn(s) as we1l. as ProPosed slgn(s) b) Show the lengch of the stleet frontage taken up by the business or bullding. For va1l signs, show ihe length of the brrilding fronEage. c) Sbow the locaclon of entrances oPen to the publlc and drlveways. 4) tltren requlred, because of design, size, etc., engLneered drawings and calculaElons EnrsE be,pre- pared by a licensed englneer or shall confortn to design standards on flle ac the Building Di!'i- sion Offlce. 5) Plans of lnsufficlent clarity or deEail will be reEurned to the appllcant wlth no permit being issued. 6) Signs uust aree! corner vlsioo clearance requiremenEs as descrlbed in Figure 9 of the Springfield Cooprehensive Zoning Code. D NOTE: No sign roay be erected whleh ls less than 12 feet horlzontally or vertically-fron overhead Efficrlcal clnduccors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froo overhead electrical lines whlch are energlzed at less than 750 volls. 8) If a sigo is not tnstalled rrlthJ.a 50 days after the date of lssue of uhis pernit, the Permit sha11 be void. 9) Inspectior.rs: a) SlEe Insoection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the &!jL!gE-@Lgg- fifpplfia-oTeI may be uade a! the saroe time as Ehe SiEe Inspectlon. the Fo_ocing inspec- iion ii to be oade'after hole(s) ls excavaleci, buE prior Eo the plaeeoent of concreEe. b) Flnal Inspecclon,- to be aade upon coryletion of all work. c) Lilectrical - all electrical signs otrst be inspeeted for electrical hook up after the slgn FaEEaa'and before the slgn is Euraed on. C,ALL FOR UrE REqUIRED INS?ECTTONS ON IHE 24 EOUR INSPECTION IINE AT 726-3769 q SIGN ORDINAT\CE