HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Purchase of Altec Aerial Utility Bucket Truck AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 10/21/2019 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Tonja Kling Brian Conlon/Operations Staff Phone No: 541-726-5930 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: PURCHASE OF ALTEC AERIAL UTILITY BUCKET TRUCK ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or Reject a motion to award the contract for an Aerial Utility Bucket Truck to Altec Industries, Inc. for $150,912. ISSUE STATEMENT: DPW Operations Division seeks City Council approval to purchase an Aerial Utility Bucket Truck. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Altec Industries, Inc. Draft Contract DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The DPW Operations Division received a formal quote from Altec Industries, Inc. of Birmingham, AL for the purchase of an Altec Overcenter Articulating Aerial Bucket Truck Model LR756. This brand of machine is listed on the Sourcewell, formally National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Cooperative Purchasing Agreement which is an accepted procurement method for the City. A Notice of Intent to contract was published and the City did not receive any comments. The Aerial Bucket Truck is an essential piece of equipment used daily by the Landscape group for tree-pruning customer service requests and related maintenance activities. This equipment is also mission-critical for City Operations staff response to storm events and Right-Of-Way clean-up work. Currently two trucks are required for tree service activities – equipment consolidation from two pieces to one achieves efficiency in fuel savings, reduces work zone congestion and improves worker safety. Additionally, the 55 foot boom substantially improves current reach capacity. The new machine will replace our current 2002 bucket truck and a 1991 dump truck that currently pulls a chipper and box unit. Both vehicles have served the City well but have passed their useful lives. This machine comes as a whole unit that has a LR7-56 Articulating Overcenter Aerial Bucket mounted on a new Freightliner chassis and is delivered ready for operation. Vendor Model Quote Price Altec Industries, Inc. 2019 Freightliner M2-106 & LR7-56 $150,912 Staff recommends award of the contract to Altec Industries, Inc. in the amount of $150,912. Sufficient funds are budgeted in FY20 to cover this purchase. DRAFT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PURCHASE AGREEMENT Contract #2450 Dated: October 21, 2019 Parties: City of Springfield “CITY” A Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 and Altec Industries, Inc. “Seller” Additional Seller Information: a) Type of Entity: Sole Proprietorship Partnership Limited Liability Comp Corporation b) Address: 210 Inverness Center Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242 c) Telephone: 205-991-7733 or 800-958-2555 d) Fax No: 205-449-4774 City Account Number(s) To Be Charged (Include Percentages): Account Number Percentage 713-07300-723001-9000 100% In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following terms, provisions and conditions: 1. Personal Property to be Delivered. Seller shall deliver FOB Springfield, OR one (1) 2019 Altec LR756 (Freightliner chassis M2 106 4X2) aerial utility vehicle (VIN #3ALACXFC8KDKT4942 and boom serial # 0819FF10820) described in Attachment 1 quote dated September 27, 2019 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference on or before July 23, 2020. Total cost will not exceed $150,912 (Altec vehicle $150,312.00 and $600.00 extended 91- 365 days travel warranty.) 2. Payment by CITY. CITY will pay invoice on Net 30 day terms upon City acceptance of work, services performed or good delivered. 3. Invoice. Invoice to be sent to: Accounts Payable - City of Springfield, 225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 or email to ap@springfield-or.gov. The invoice must reference this contract #2450 and approval code #731. 4. Warranty. Seller shall warrant 2019 Freightliner M2 106 4X2 VIN #3ALACXFC8KDKT4942 and boom serial # 0819FF10820 as described in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 5. Sourcing. Sourcewell Co-operative RFP and Contract #012418-ALT effective date March 14, 2018. For any conflicting terms and conditions the Sourcewell Co-operative Agreement #012418-ALT take’s precedence. C2450 Altec Industries Page 1 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 1 of 35 DRAFT 6. First Point of Contact. Altec Inc. - Patrick Madden, pat.madden@altec.com, PH 360-606-0616 CITY - Ryan Sederlin, rsederlin@springfield-or.gov, PH: 541.726-3763 7. Work Performed. The work to be performed by Seller includes services generally performed by Seller in his/her/its usual line of business. 8. Tax duties and Liabilities. Seller shall be responsible for all federal, state and local taxes, if any, applicable to any payments received pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to income tax, payroll tax, social security and self-employment tax. CITY shall not withhold, pay, or in any other manner be responsible for payment of any taxes on behalf of Seller. 9. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Seller shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City from and against all liability or loss and against all claims or actions based upon or arising out of damage or injury to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection with the performance of this Contract by Seller except, pursuant to ORS 30.140, for losses, claims, or actions resulting from the sole negligence of City. The Seller shall assume all responsibilities for the work, and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the Seller, the City, or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, or any other cause whatsoever. The Seller shall assume defense of, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss, damage and injury of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract, the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection therewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conduct of the Seller or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of whether any act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause of the claim, liability loss, damage or injury and irrespective of whether act, omission, or conduct of the Seller or Subcontractor is merely a condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury. The Seller shall not be liable for nor be required to defend or indemnify, the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting solely from acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents or employees. The absence of or inadequacy of the liability insurance required in section 10 shall not negate Seller’s obligations in this paragraph. 10. Insurance. a. General Insurance. The Seller shall maintain in force for the duration of this agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the aggregate for bodily injury or property damage. Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned and hired) insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence shall be maintained. The City, its employees, officials and agents will be named as an Additional Insured where operations are being conducted related to this contract, on the General Liability policy as respects to work or services performed under this agreement to the extent that the death or bodily injury to persons or damage to property arises out of the fault of the Seller or the fault of the Seller’s agents, representatives or subcontractors. This insurance will be primary over any insurance the City may carry on its own. If the City requires Professional Liability coverage, the City’s Risk Manager must approve the terms, conditions and limits. Seller understands that CITY is a public entity subject to the requirements of the Oregon Governmental Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 et seq. In the event that CITY’S financial obligations or liabilities are modified by any amendment to the liability limits imposed by the Oregon Governmental Tort Claims Act, Seller agrees that the limits regarding liability insurance set forth in this Section 10 will be modified to conform to such limits. Independent contractor and CITY shall sign an amendment to this Agreement incorporating such modification. b. Workers’ Compensation. Independent Contractor shall provide and maintain workers’ compensation coverage with limits not less than $500,000 for its employees, officers, C2450 Altec Industries Page 2 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 2 of 35 DRAFT agents, or partners, as required by applicable workers’ compensation laws as defined in ORS 656.027 and ORS 701.035(5). If Independent Contractor is exempt from coverage, a written statement signed by Independent Contractor so stating the reason for exemption shall be provided to the City. c. Evidence of Insurance Coverage. Evidence of the required insurance coverages issued by an insurance company satisfactory to the City shall be provided to the City by way of a City approved certificate of insurance before any work or services commence. d. Notice of Cancellation or Material Change in Coverage. The certificate of insurance shall contain a requirement that the Insurance company notify the City 30 days prior to any cancellation or material change in coverage. If the approved insurance company will not provide this 30 day notice, the Seller shall provide written notice to the City contract manager within two days after the Seller becomes aware that their coverage has been canceled or has been materially changed. The Seller shall either fax 541-726-3782 said notice or email it directly to Jayne McMahan (jmcmahan@springfield-or.gov), Procurement and Contracts Manager. Regardless of what circumstances caused Sellers insurance coverage to cease or be modified, it is the Seller’s responsibility to notify the City. Failure to maintain proper insurance or provide notice of cancellation or modification shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract.________(Contractor initials) e. Equipment and Material. The Seller shall be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction of its own property, equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work. f. Exception or Waivers. Any exception or waiver of these requirements shall be subject to review and approval from the City’s Risk Manager. 11. Access to Records. CITY and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of Seller which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 12. Waiver. Failure of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by CITY of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce any other provision of this Agreement. 13. Amendments. The terms of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever, without prior written approval of CITY. No modification of this Agreement shall bind either party unless reduced to writing and subscribed by both parties, or ordered by a Court. 14. Nondiscrimination. Seller shall comply with all applicable requirements of Federal and State civil rights and rehabilitation statutes, rules and regulations. 15. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance. Seller will comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USC Section 12101 et seq. and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 16. Termination. The performance of work under this Agreement may be terminated by CITY, in whole or in part, whenever for any reason CITY shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of CITY. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Seller of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of the work under the Agreement is terminated and the date on which such termination is effective. Upon delivery to the Seller of a Notice of Termination under this paragraph, the Seller and CITY shall, by agreement, make an appropriate written modification to this Agreement governing completion of portions of the Seller’s work and payment therefore by CITY. 17. Assignment/Subcontract. Seller shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet rights, or delegate responsibilities under this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval C2450 Altec Industries Page 3 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 3 of 35 DRAFT of CITY. No such written approval shall relieve Seller of any obligations of this Agreement, and any transferee or subcontractor shall be considered the agent of Seller. Seller shall remain liable as between the original parties to this Agreement as if no such assignment had occurred. 18. Successors in Interest. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and assigns. 19. Compliance with All Government Regulations. Seller shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the work performed under this Agreement. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of contract and shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall be the sole responsibility of Seller. 20. Attorney Fees. In the event a lawsuit of any kind is instituted on behalf of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement, Seller shall pay such additional sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable for attorney fees plus all costs and disbursements at trial and on any appeal. 21. Force Majeure. Neither party to this Agreement shall be held responsible for delay or default caused by fire, riot, acts of God and/or war which is beyond that party’s reasonable control. CITY may terminate this Agreement upon written notice after determining such delay or default will unreasonably prevent successful performance of the Agreement. 22. Choice of Law, Forum, Construction of Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, apart from choice of law provisions. The parties agree that the Circuit Court for the County of Lane, State of Oregon, or the Federal District Court of the State of Oregon (Eugene) is the sole and proper forum for resolving any disputes involving this Agreement, any breach of this Agreement, or relating to its subject matter. The Parties agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of such courts without challenge to the jurisdiction of these courts. This Agreement shall not be construed more favorably to CITY due to the preparation of this Agreement by CITY. The headings and subheadings in this Agreement are for convenience, do not form a part of this Agreement, and shall not be used in construing this Agreement. 23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement signed by both parties is the parties’ final and entire Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications between the parties, their agents and representatives. There are no representations, promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: SELLER: By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: C2450 Altec Industries Page 4 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 4 of 35 DRAFTOpportunity Number:1261671Quotation Number:Sourcewell Contract #:012418-ALTDate:9/27/2019 REFERENCE ALTEC MODEL Overcenter Articulating Aerial Device (Insulated)$139,091 (A.) 1 2 3 4 (A1.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SOURCEWELL OPTIONS TOTAL:$139,091 (B.) 1 UNIT LR7-56 M2-106 4x2 Auto 2 UNIT & HYDRAULIC ACC 3 BODY 4 BODY & CHASSIS ACC 5 ELECTRICAL 6 FINISHING7CHASSIS 33k GVWR $5,4898OTHEROPEN MARKET OPTIONS TOTAL:$5,489 SUB-TOTAL FOR UNIT/BODY/CHASSIS:$144,580Delivery to Customer:$5,732TOTAL FOR UNIT/BODY/CHASSIS:$150,312(C.)1 2 3 4 BUILD LOCATION: CREEDMOOR, NC WARRANTY: Standard Altec Warranty for Aerials and Derricks - One (1) year parts warranty One (1) year labor warranty Ninety (90) days warranty for travel charges (Mobile Service) Limited Lifetime Structural Warranty. Chassis to include standard warranty, per the manufacturer. TRADE-IN: Equipment trades must be received in operational condition (as initial inspection) and DOT compliant at the time of pick-up. Failure to comply with these requirements, may result in customer bill-back repairs. CHASSIS: Per Altec Commercial StandardDELIVERY: No later than 300-330 days ARO, FOB Customer LocationTERMS: Net 30 days BEST VALUE: Altec boasts the following "Best Value" features: Altec ISO Grip Controls for Extra Protection, Only Lifetime Warranty on Structural Components in Industry, Largest Service Network in Industry (Domestic and Overseas), Altec SENTRY Web/CD Based Training, Dedicated/Direct Gov't Sales Manager, In-Service Training with Every Order. TO ORDER: To order, please contact the Altec Account Manager listed above. **Pricing valid for 45 days**NOTESPAINT COLOR: White to match chassis, unless otherwise specified Quoted by: Emily Barneycastle Altec Account Manager: Patrick MaddenPhone: (360) 606-0616 / Email: pat.madden@altec.com Altec Industries, Inc. SOURCEWELL OPTIONS ON CONTRACT (Unit) SOURCEWELL OPTIONS ON CONTRACT (General) OPEN MARKET ITEMS (Customer Requested) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (items are not included in total above) LR756 Quoted for: City of Springfield (OR)Customer Contact: Phone: / Email: Sourcewell - LR7-56 - 33k ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 5 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 5 of 35 DRAFTQuote Number: 561684 - 1 We Wish To Thank You For Giving Us The Pleasure And Opportunity of Serving You UTILITY EQUIPMENT AND BODIES SINCE 1929 Page 1 of 6 September 27, 2019 Our 90th Year Ship To:Bill To: ALTEC INDUSTRIES PLANT 227 CREEDMOOR FINAL ASSY BURNSVILE BODY PLANT 150 ALTEC DRIVE BURNSVILLE, NC 28714 US Attn: Phone: Email: ALTEC INDUSTRIES PLANT 227 CREEDMOOR FINAL ASSY CREEDMOOR FINAL ASSEMBLY 1550 AERIAL AVE CREEDMOOR, NC 27522-0000 US Altec Sales Order:5214637 X7 Discrete Job:68570488 Altec Quotation Number:561684 - 1 X7 Configured Item:000000000-5801490 Run Number:1068687 Quantity:1 Account Manager:0228 No Sales Credit X4 Discrete Job:68570490 Technical Sales Rep:Joshua E Stone X4 Configured Item:000024004-5801486 Reference WO:New Spec-System Engineer:Tom Schearer Customer Inspection:Structural Engineer:Tom Schearer Line Set Date:08/08/2019 Item Description Qty Unit 1.ALTEC Model LR7-56 Articulating Overcenter Aerial Device with an insulating lower boom, insulating upper boom and the Altec ISO-Grip insulating system at the boom tip. Installed behind the cab to include the following features: 1 2.Manual Upper Boom Stow Securing System with support cradle and tie down strap.1 3.Pedestal 1 4.Single, One (1) Man, Fiberglass Platform; fixed side mounted. 24 x 24 x 39 inches. Altec Patented ISO-Grip Insulating, Proportional Speed, Upper Control Handle - with safety interlock and interlock guard. Located on the side of the platform nearest the upper boom, mounted on the shaft. Forward/back operates lower boom down/up, tiller operates rotation CW/CCW, and up/down operates upper boom up/down. 1 5.One (1) Platform Step - located on the side of the platform nearest the elbow in the stowed position 1 6.Platform Cover - Soft vinyl 24 x 24 inch (610 x 610 mm)1 7.Platform Liner, 24 x 24 x 39 inches (610 x 610 x 991 mm), 50 kV Rating 1 8.Hydraulic Tool Circuit at Platform: Two (2) sets of tool couplers for open center tools, located on the side of the platform nearest the elbow in the stowed position. 1 9.Tool Circuit System Relief Pressure to be set to 2250 PSI 1 10.Primary A-Frame Outriggers with 5-degree swivel shoe. For installation on a 36 to 40 inch chassis frame height. 1 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 6 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 6 of 35 DRAFT Quote Number: 561684 - 1 Altec, Inc. We Wish To Thank You For Giving Us The Pleasure And Opportunity of Serving You UTILITY EQUIPMENT AND BODIES SINCE 1929 Page 2 of 6 Item Description Qty A.Maximum Spread: 140 inches to the outer edge of shoes B.Ground Penetration: 7 to 11 inches depending on chassis frame height C.Outrigger/Unit Selector Valve D.Outrigger Control Valves: located on the outrigger legs E.Outrigger Motion Alarms F.Outrigger Interlocks: will not allow the unit to be operated until the outriggers have been at least partially deployed 11.Hydraulic Outrigger Control Valves 1 12.Insulating Aerial Device, ANSI Category C, 46kV and Below 1 13.Bolt On Grab Handle for Turntable 1 14.Altec Aerial Device Powder Painted White 1 Unit and Hydraulic Acc. 15.Scuff Pad, 24" x 24", No Step (For use with Platform Liner)1 16.Hydraulic Reservoir, 30 Gallon, Rectangular 1 17.Sight Gauge for Hydraulic Reservoir, Remote Mounted 1 18.HVI-22 Hydraulic Oil (Standard).35 19.Standard Pump For PTO 1 20.Hot shift PTO for automatic transmission 1 21.Standard PTO/Transmission Functionality for Automatic Transmissions -If chassis is in gear, and PTO switch is activated, PTO will not engage. Chassis will remain in gear. Once the chassis is shifted back into gear the PTO will disengage. For some truck configurations the PTO switch must be turned off to allow the transmission to shift into gear. 1 Body 22.Altec Chip Dump Body 14.5 cubic yard capacity, 96 inches wide x 60 inches high x 132 inches long (2438 x 1524 x 3353 mm) with ladder box on curb side of body and single piece tailgate 1 A.Structural Channel stringers and floor channel. B.12 gauge minimum floor plate. C.14 gauge minimum sides and front with full length die-formed reinforcing ribs. D.14 gauge roof. E.Rear top and sides of body reinforced for lower boom support. F.26-1/2 inches (673 mm) high tailgate, hinged curb side with provision to hold open for dumping. G.12 gauge minimum rear under body skirt panel. H.Class ''C'' Hydraulic hoist, installed, with 45 degree dump angle and body prop. I.LED lighting package, rubber grommet-mounted, with wiring harness in automotive type loom. J.Two(2) LED strobes mounted in the upper rear corners of the dump body. K.Curb side built-in ladder compartment, 12 inches wide x 25 inches high (305 x 635 mm) with wear pad and internal security chain. L.Pole pruner compartment, 11 inches high (279.4 mm), above ladder compartment ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 7 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 7 of 35 DRAFT Quote Number: 561684 - 1 Altec, Inc. We Wish To Thank You For Giving Us The Pleasure And Opportunity of Serving You UTILITY EQUIPMENT AND BODIES SINCE 1929 Page 3 of 6 Item Description Qty with dual shelves and rear locking door. Upper section of rear door opening is open. M.Interior of chip body finished with scratch and corrosion resistant liner N.Underside of chip body undercoated. O.Painted White 23.Altec T-48 Thru Box tool compartment 48 inches wide x 50 inches high x 96 inches long (1219 x 1270 x 2438 mm) with 26.5 inch (673 mm) deep curb and street side compartments with the following compartmentation 1 A.Streetside: Single compartment with two vertical barn-style doors. Left side has two (2) fixed shelves with six (6) dividers. Right side has four (4) unequal transverse compartments open to curbside. Compartment bottom has one (1) tray with five (5) removable dividers, 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) rubber liner partitioned for chainsaw gas can and wedge storage. Security chain for chainsaw provided in bottom and wedge storage. Security chain for chainsaw provided in bottom. B.Curbside: Single compartment with two (2) vertical barn-style doors. Left side has four (4) unequal transverse compartments open to streetside. All compartments have 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) rubber shelf liners. Top center has two (2) fixed shelves with six (6) dividers. Top right has six (6) swivel rope hooks (3-0-3). Compartment bottom has one (1) tray with five (5) removable dividers, 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) rubber liner partitioned for chainsaw gas can and wedge storage. Security chain for chainsaw provided in bottom. C.Standard features: Bolt-on rotary slam door locks. Gas shock door holders. Door locks are two point engagement with locking cylinders. Finish paint interior compartments the same as exterior. Integrated locking system installed. Single drawer kit mounted under fixed shelves. D.Painted White Body and Chassis Accessories 24.Cab Guard, 140'' L, 12 GA Sheet Metal With Non-Skid Surface And Expanded Metal Section At Front, Black Gator Hyde Coating 1 A.Cab Guard Mounting Kit B.Front Supports For Cab Guard 25.ICC (Underride Protection) Bumper Installed At Rear 1 26.T-100 Style Pintle Hitch (30,000 LB)1 27.Set of Safety Chain Loops, Fixed Mounting (Forestry Applications)1 28.Cab Guard Access Stirrup Step(s) With Grab Handle(s) At Curbside Rear Of Cab Guard 1 29.Cab Guard Access Ladder 1 30.Platform Rest, Rigid with Rubber Tube 1 31.No Automatic Lower Boom Stow Securing System 1 32.Wood Outrigger Pad, 19.5'' x 19.5'' x 2.25'', With Fluorescent Orange Steel Band Around The Outer Edges And Chain Handle 2 33.Outrigger Pad Holder, 20'' L x 20'' W x 3.5'' H, Fits 19.5'' x 19.5'' x 2.25'' And Smaller Pads, Bolt-On, Bottom Washout Holes, 3/4'' Lip Retainer 2 34.Mud Flaps With Altec Logo (Pair)1 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 8 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 8 of 35 DRAFT Quote Number: 561684 - 1 Altec, Inc. We Wish To Thank You For Giving Us The Pleasure And Opportunity of Serving You UTILITY EQUIPMENT AND BODIES SINCE 1929 Page 4 of 6 Item Description Qty 35.Wheel Chocks, Rubber, 9.75'' L x 7.75'' W x 5.00'' H, with 4'' L Metal Hairpin Style Handle (Pair) 1 36.Wheel Chock Holders (Pair), For Installation Under Flatbed Or Dump Body 1 37.Slope Indicator Assembly For Machine With Outriggers 1 38.Cone Holder, Horizontal Style with Vertical Pivot (Un-folds Upwards), For Mounting On Front Bumper (Holds up to four 15''x15'' large cones) 1 39.Safety Harness & 4.5 FT Lanyard (Medium To X-large)1 40.Driveaway Safety Kit 1 41.Vinyl manual pouch for storage of all operator and parts manuals 1 Electrical Accessories 42.Lights and Reflectors Per FMVSS 108 (Complete LED), with Security Mounted Lights 1 43.4-Corner Strobe Lighting, Amber LED 1 A.Two (2) Round Security Mounted Lights in Front Corners of Cab Guard B.Two (2) Round Security Mounted Lights at Rear 44.Strobe Lights Wired Battery Hot 1 45.Dual Tone Back-Up With Outrigger Motion Alarm 1 46.PTO Hour Meter, Digital, with 10,000 Hour Display 1 47.6-Way Trailer Receptacle (Pin Type) Installed At Rear 1 48.Electric Trailer Brake Controller (Tekonsha Voyager #9030)1 49.Altec Modular Panel System (AMPS) - Includes Mounting Panel and Accessory Switches 1 50.Install Outrigger Interlock System 1 51.PTO Indicator Light Installed In Cab 1 Finishing Details 52.Powder Coat Unit Altec White 1 53.Finish Paint Body Accessories Above Body Floor Altec White 1 54.Altec Standard; Components mounted below frame rail shall be coated black by Altec. i.e. step bumpers, steps, frame extension, pintle hook mount, dock bumper mounts, D-rings, receiver tubes, accessory mounts, light brackets, under-ride protection, etc.Components mounted to under side of body shall be coated black by Altec. i.e. Wheel chock holders, mud flap brackets, pad carriers, boxes, lighting brackets, steps, and ladders. 1 55.Vehicle Height Placard, Installed In Cab 1 56.Apply Non-Skid Coating to all walking surfaces 1 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 9 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 9 of 35 DRAFT Quote Number: 561684 - 1 Altec, Inc. We Wish To Thank You For Giving Us The Pleasure And Opportunity of Serving You UTILITY EQUIPMENT AND BODIES SINCE 1929 Page 5 of 6 Item Description Qty 57.English Safety And Instructional Decals 1 58.Placard, HVI-22 Hydraulic Oil 1 59.Dielectric test unit according to ANSI requirements.1 60.Stability test unit according to ANSI requirements.1 61.Focus Factory Build 1 62.Delivery Of Completed Unit 1 63.Inbound Freight 1 64.AR01 WD FL AL3 AB HS - Altec Reserve Spec AR01, LR7-56, Altec White, Freightliner M2 4x2, Diesel, Allison RDS-3500, Air Brakes, Hot Shift PTO 1 65.Quick Turnaround 1 66.Stock Unit 1 Chassis 67.Altec Supplied Chassis 1 68.Altec Stock Chassis 1 A.2019 Model Year B.Freightliner M2-106 C.Regular Cab D.4x2 Drivetrain E.Chassis Color - White F.Cummins B6.7 Engine G.240 HP Engine Rating H.Allison 3500 RDS Automatic Transmission I.Air Brakes J.Clear Cab to Axle Length - 121 inches Actual Cab to Axle Length - 124 inches K.33,000 LBS Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) L.13,220 LBS Front Axle Weight Rating (FAWR) M.21,000 LBS Rear Axle Weight Rating (RAWR) N.016-1C3 - Freightliner Horizontal Exhaust (Right-Horizontal-Behind Cab-Horizontal) O.Driver Controlled Locking Differential P.Park Brake In Rear Wheels Q.204-215 Freightliner 50 Gallon Fuel Tank (Left Hand Under Cab) R.No Prewire Chassis S.No Idle Engine Shut-Down Required T.Air Conditioning U.AM/FM Radio Additional Pricing 69.Standard Altec Warranty: One (1) year parts warranty, one (1) year labor warranty, ninety (90) days warranty for travel charges, limited lifetime structural warranty 1 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 10 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 10 of 35 DRAFT Quote Number: 561684 - 1 Altec, Inc. We Wish To Thank You For Giving Us The Pleasure And Opportunity of Serving You UTILITY EQUIPMENT AND BODIES SINCE 1929 Page 6 of 6 Altec Industries, Inc. BY Joshua E Stone , Technical Sales Representative Unselected Items Item Number Description New Selected Items Item Number Description Notes: ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 11 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 11 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 1 of 22 ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR, The attached quote is for Stock LR7 56-58 automatic w/ DCDL. This will be a 2019 model year chassis with delivery 100 days from purchase. Marc Montville ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 12 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 12 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 2 of 22 Q U O T A T I O N M2 106 CONVENTIONAL CHASSIS SET BACK AXLE - TRUCK CUM B6.7 240 HP @ 2400 RPM, 2600 GOV, 560 LB/FT @ 1600 RPM ALLISON 3500 RDS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PTO PROVISION DETROIT DA-RS-21.0-4 21,000# R-SERIES SINGLE REAR AXLE 23,000# 52 INCH VARIABLE RATE MULTI-LEAF SPRING REAR SUSPENSION WITH RUBBER HELPER DETROIT DA-F-13.3-3 13,300# FF1 71.5 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE 14,600# TAPERLEAF FRONT SUSPENSION 106 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB 4825MM (190 INCH) WHEELBASE 11/32X3-1/2X10-3/16 INCH STEEL FRAME (8.73MMX258.8MM/0.344X10.19 INCH) 120KSI 2175MM (86 INCH) REAR FRAME OVERHANG ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 13 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 13 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 3 of 22 A proposal for ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR LR7 56-58 Prepared by PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER Marc Montville Aug 07, 2017 2019 Freightliner M2 106 4X2 @ 33,000 GVWR 13.2 FAWR 21K RAWR 33K GVWR LIMIT Components shown may not reflect all spec'd options and are not to scale ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 14 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 14 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 4 of 22 S P E C I F I C A T I O N P R O P O S A L Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear Price Level PRL-15M M2 PRL-15M (EFF:10/25/16) Data Version DRL-014 SPECPRO21 DATA RELEASE VER 014 Interior Convenience/Driver Retention Package 055-998 NO INTERIOR CONVENIENCE PACKAGE Vehicle Configuration 001-172 M2 106 CONVENTIONAL CHASSIS 5,759 3,503 004-219 2019 MODEL YEAR SPECIFIED 002-004 SET BACK AXLE - TRUCK 019-002 STRAIGHT TRUCK PROVISION 003-001 LH PRIMARY STEERING LOCATION General Service AA1-002 TRUCK CONFIGURATION AA6-001 DOMICILED, USA 50 STATES (INCLUDING CALIFORNIA AND CARB OPT-IN STATES) A85-010 UTILITY/REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SERVICE A84-1UT UTILITY BUSINESS SEGMENT AA4-011 FIXED LOAD COMMODITY AA5-002 TERRAIN/DUTY: 100% (ALL) OF THE TIME, IN TRANSIT, IS SPENT ON PAVED ROADS AB1-008 MAXIMUM 8% EXPECTED GRADE AB5-001 SMOOTH CONCRETE OR ASPHALT PAVEMENT - MOST SEVERE IN-TRANSIT (BETWEEN SITES) ROAD SURFACE 995-091 MEDIUM TRUCK WARRANTY A66-99D EXPECTED FRONT AXLE(S) LOAD : 13000.0 lbs A68-99D EXPECTED REAR DRIVE AXLE(S) LOAD : 20000.0 lbs A63-99D EXPECTED GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT CAPACITY : 33000.0 lbs ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 15 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 15 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 5 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear Truck Service AA3-006 UTILITY BODY A88-99D EXPECTED TRUCK BODY LENGTH : 1.0 ft AE2-99D EXPECTED TRUCK BODY WIDTH : 96.0 in A89-99D BRAKING-EXPECTED CAB TO BODY CLEARANCE : 3.0 in AF3-1EN ALTEC AF7-99D EXPECTED BODY/PAYLOAD CG HEIGHT ABOVE FRAME "XX" INCHES : 32.0 in Engine 101-21T CUM B6.7 240 HP @ 2400 RPM, 2600 GOV, 560 LB/FT @ 1600 RPM Electronic Parameters 79A-075 75 MPH ROAD SPEED LIMIT 79B-000 CRUISE CONTROL SPEED LIMIT SAME AS ROAD SPEED LIMIT 79K-007 PTO MODE ENGINE RPM LIMIT - 1100 RPM 79M-001 PTO MODE BRAKE OVERRIDE - SERVICE BRAKE APPLIED 79P-002 PTO RPM WITH CRUISE SET SWITCH - 700 RPM 79Q-003 PTO RPM WITH CRUISE RESUME SWITCH - 800 RPM 79S-001 PTO MODE CANCEL VEHICLE SPEED - 5 MPH 79U-007 PTO GOVERNOR RAMP RATE - 250 RPM PER SECOND 80G-002 PTO MINIMUM RPM - 700 80J-002 REGEN INHIBIT SPEED THRESHOLD - 5 MPH Engine Equipment 99C-017 2016 ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS/2010 EPA/CARB/FINAL GHG17 CONFIGURATION 99D-011 2008 CARB EMISSION CERTIFICATION - CLEAN IDLE (INCLUDES 6X4 INCH LABEL ON LOWER FORWARD CORNER OF DRIVER DOOR) 13E-001 STANDARD OIL PAN 105-001 ENGINE MOUNTED OIL CHECK AND FILL 133-004 ONE PIECE VALVE COVER 014-099 SIDE OF HOOD AIR INTAKE WITH FIREWALL MOUNTED DONALDSON AIR CLEANER 124-1D7 DR 12V 160 AMP 28-SI QUADRAMOUNT PAD ALTERNATOR WITH REMOTE BATTERY VOLT SENSE ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 16 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 16 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 6 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 292-1D8 (2) ALLIANCE MODEL 1131, GROUP 31, 12 VOLT MAINTENANCE FREE 1900 CCA THREADED STUD BATTERIES, NON FCCC ONLY 290-017 BATTERY BOX FRAME MOUNTED 281-001 STANDARD BATTERY JUMPERS 282-001 SINGLE BATTERY BOX FRAME MOUNTED LH SIDE UNDER CAB 291-017 WIRE GROUND RETURN FOR BATTERY CABLES WITH ADDITIONAL FRAME GROUND RETURN 289-001 NON-POLISHED BATTERY BOX COVER 295-029 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE POSTS FOR JUMPSTART LOCATED ON FRAME NEXT TO STARTER 2 107-032 CUMMINS TURBOCHARGED 18.7 CFM AIR COMPRESSOR WITH INTERNAL SAFETY VALVE 108-002 STANDARD MECHANICAL AIR COMPRESSOR GOVERNOR 131-013 AIR COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE LINE 152-041 ELECTRONIC ENGINE INTEGRAL SHUTDOWN PROTECTION SYSTEM 016-1C3 RH OUTBOARD UNDER STEP MOUNTED HORIZONTAL AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM ASSEMBLY WITH RH HORIZONTAL TAILPIPE 28F-002 ENGINE AFTERTREATMENT DEVICE, AUTOMATIC OVER THE ROAD REGENERATION AND DASH MOUNTED REGENERATION REQUEST SWITCH 239-001 STANDARD EXHAUST SYSTEM LENGTH 237-052 RH STANDARD HORIZONTAL TAILPIPE 23U-001 6 GALLON DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK 30N-003 100 PERCENT DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID FILL 43X-002 LH MEDIUM DUTY STANDARD DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK LOCATION 23Y-001 STANDARD DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID PUMP MOUNTING 43Y-001 STANDARD DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK CAP 273-035 HORTON HT650 FRONTAL AIR ON/OFF ENGINE FAN CLUTCH 276-001 AUTOMATIC FAN CONTROL WITHOUT DASH SWITCH, NON ENGINE MOUNTED 110-003 CUMMINS SPIN ON FUEL FILTER 118-001 FULL FLOW OIL FILTER 266-078 950 SQUARE INCH ALUMINUM RADIATOR ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 17 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 17 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 7 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 103-039 ANTIFREEZE TO -34F, OAT (NITRITE AND SILICATE FREE) EXTENDED LIFE COOLANT 171-007 GATES BLUE STRIPE COOLANT HOSES OR EQUIVALENT 172-001 CONSTANT TENSION HOSE CLAMPS FOR COOLANT HOSES 270-016 RADIATOR DRAIN VALVE 168-002 LOWER RADIATOR GUARD 138-010 PHILLIPS-TEMRO 750 WATT/115 VOLT BLOCK HEATER 4 140-053 BLACK PLASTIC ENGINE HEATER RECEPTACLE MOUNTED UNDER LH DOOR 134-001 ALUMINUM FLYWHEEL HOUSING 132-004 ELECTRIC GRID AIR INTAKE WARMER 155-057 DELCO 12V 29MT STARTER WITH INTEGRATED MAGNETIC SWITCH Transmission 342-584 ALLISON 3500 RDS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PTO PROVISION 200 60 Transmission Equipment 343-339 ALLISON VOCATIONAL PACKAGE 223 - AVAILABLE ON 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES WITH VOCATIONAL MODELS RDS, HS, MH AND TRV 84B-012 ALLISON VOCATIONAL RATING FOR ON/OFF HIGHWAY APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE WITH ALL PRODUCT FAMILIES 84C-023 PRIMARY MODE GEARS, LOWEST GEAR 1, START GEAR 1, HIGHEST GEAR 6, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY 84D-023 SECONDARY MODE GEARS, LOWEST GEAR 1, START GEAR 1, HIGHEST GEAR 6, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY 84E-013 S1 PREFORMANCE PRIMARY SHIFT SCHEDULE, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY 84F-012 S1 PERFORMANCE SECONDARY SHIFT SCHEDULE, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY 84G-017 2500 RPM PRIMARY MODE SHIFT SPEED 84H-017 2500 RPM SECONDARY MODE SHIFT SPEED 84L-010 DISABLE - LOAD BASED SHIFT SCHEDULE, DISABLE - VEHICLE ACCELERATION CONTROL ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 18 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 18 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 8 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 84N-000 NEUTRAL AT STOP - DISABLED, FUELSENSE - DISABLED 84U-000 DRIVER SWITCH INPUT - DEFAULT - NO SWITCHES 34C-001 ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION CUSTOMER ACCESS CONNECTOR FIREWALL MOUNTED 362-1Y0 (2) CUSTOMER INSTALLED CHELSEA 277 SERIES PTO'S 363-011 PTO MOUNTING, LH AND RH SIDES OF MAIN TRANSMISSION 341-018 MAGNETIC PLUGS, ENGINE DRAIN, TRANSMISSION DRAIN, AXLE(S) FILL AND DRAIN 345-003 PUSH BUTTON ELECTRONIC SHIFT CONTROL, DASH MOUNTED 97G-004 TRANSMISSION PROGNOSTICS - ENABLED 2013 370-015 WATER TO OIL TRANSMISSION COOLER, IN RADIATOR END TANK 346-013 TRANSMISSION OIL CHECK AND FILL WITH CROSSOVER TO CLEAR LH PTO AND DIRECT MOUNT PUMP 35T-001 SYNTHETIC TRANSMISSION FLUID (TES-295 COMPLIANT) Front Axle and Equipment 400-1A7 DETROIT DA-F-13.3-3 13,300# FF1 71.5 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE 402-020 MERITOR 15X4 Q+ CAM FRONT BRAKES 403-002 NON-ASBESTOS FRONT BRAKE LINING 419-023 CONMET CAST IRON FRONT BRAKE DRUMS 409-006 FRONT OIL SEALS 408-001 VENTED FRONT HUB CAPS WITH WINDOW, CENTER AND SIDE PLUGS - OIL 416-022 STANDARD SPINDLE NUTS FOR ALL AXLES 405-002 MERITOR AUTOMATIC FRONT SLACK ADJUSTERS 536-050 TRW THP-60 POWER STEERING 539-003 POWER STEERING PUMP 534-015 2 QUART SEE THROUGH POWER STEERING RESERVOIR 40T-002 SYNTHETIC 75W-90 FRONT AXLE LUBE Front Suspension 620-010 14,600# TAPERLEAF FRONT SUSPENSION 170 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 19 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 19 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 9 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 619-005 MAINTENANCE FREE RUBBER BUSHINGS - FRONT SUSPENSION 62G-007 355MM FRONT SUSPENSION WHEEL HEIGHT 62H-013 FRONT SUSPENSION WITH SHACKLE AND MOUNTING BOLTHEADS INBOARD 410-001 FRONT SHOCK ABSORBERS Rear Axle and Equipment 420-1C8 DETROIT DA-RS-21.0-4 21,000# R-SERIES SINGLE REAR AXLE 421-614 6.14 REAR AXLE RATIO 424-001 IRON REAR AXLE CARRIER WITH STANDARD AXLE HOUSING 386-073 MXL 17T MERITOR EXTENDED LUBE MAIN DRIVELINE WITH HALF ROUND YOKES 452-001 DRIVER CONTROLLED TRACTION DIFFERENTIAL - SINGLE REAR AXLE 20 878-018 (1) DRIVER CONTROLLED DIFFERENTIAL LOCK REAR VALVE FOR SINGLE DRIVE AXLE 87B-004 BLINKING LAMP WITH EACH MODE SWITCH, DIFFERENTIAL UNLOCK WITH IGNITION OFF, ACTIVE <5 MPH 423-020 MERITOR 16.5X7 Q+ CAST SPIDER CAM REAR BRAKES, DOUBLE ANCHOR, FABRICATED SHOES 433-002 NON-ASBESTOS REAR BRAKE LINING 434-011 BRAKE CAMS AND CHAMBERS ON FORWARD SIDE OF DRIVE AXLE(S) 451-023 CONMET CAST IRON REAR BRAKE DRUMS 440-006 REAR OIL SEALS 426-100 WABCO TRISTOP D LONGSTROKE 1-DRIVE AXLE SPRING PARKING CHAMBERS 428-002 MERITOR AUTOMATIC REAR SLACK ADJUSTERS 41T-002 SYNTHETIC 75W-90 REAR AXLE LUBE Rear Suspension 622-1MV 23,000# 52 INCH VARIABLE RATE MULTI-LEAF SPRING REAR SUSPENSION WITH RUBBER HELPER 70 621-001 SPRING SUSPENSION - NO AXLE SPACERS 431-001 STANDARD AXLE SEATS IN AXLE CLAMP GROUP Brake System ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 20 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 20 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 10 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 018-002 AIR BRAKE PACKAGE 490-100 WABCO 4S/4M ABS WITHOUT TRACTION CONTROL 871-001 REINFORCED NYLON, FABRIC BRAID AND WIRE BRAID CHASSIS AIR LINES 904-001 FIBER BRAID PARKING BRAKE HOSE 412-001 STANDARD BRAKE SYSTEM VALVES 46D-002 STANDARD AIR SYSTEM PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM 413-002 STD U.S. FRONT BRAKE VALVE 432-003 RELAY VALVE WITH 5-8 PSI CRACK PRESSURE, NO REAR PROPORTIONING VALVE 480-083 WABCO SS-1200 PLUS AIR DRYER WITH INTEGRAL AIR GOVERNOR AND HEATER 479-015 AIR DRYER FRAME MOUNTED 460-001 STEEL AIR BRAKE RESERVOIRS 607-001 CLEAR FRAME RAILS FROM BACK OF CAB TO FRONT REAR SUSPENSION BRACKET, BOTH RAILS OUTBOARD 477-004 PULL CABLES ON ALL AIR RESERVOIR(S) Trailer Connections 296-027 PRIMARY CONNECTOR/RECEPTACLE WIRED FOR COMBINATION STOP/TURN, CENTER PIN POWERED THROUGH IGNITION WITH STOP SIGNAL PREWIRE PACKAGE 297-041 SAE J560 7-WAY PRIMARY CABLE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED END OF FRAME WITH 36" ADDITIONAL CABLE AT REAR CROSSMEMBER 5 5 335-004 UPGRADED CHASSIS MULTIPLEXING UNIT 32A-002 UPGRADED BULKHEAD MULTIPLEXING UNIT 30L-998 NO HIGH CURRENT TRAILER/BODY CABLE Wheelbase & Frame 545-482 4825MM (190 INCH) WHEELBASE 546-100 11/32X3-1/2X10-3/16 INCH STEEL FRAME (8.73MMX258.8MM/0.344X10.19 INCH) 120KSI 50 100 552-050 2175MM (86 INCH) REAR FRAME OVERHANG 55W-008 FRAME OVERHANG RANGE: 81 INCH TO 90 INCH -30 130 AC8-99D CALC'D BACK OF CAB TO REAR SUSP C/L (CA) : 124.45 in AE8-99D CALCULATED EFFECTIVE BACK OF CAB TO REAR SUSPENSION C/L (CA) : 121.45 in ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 21 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 21 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 11 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear AE4-99D CALC'D FRAME LENGTH - OVERALL : 305.39 AM6-99D CALC'D SPACE AVAILABLE FOR DECKPLATE : 124.45 in FSS-0LH CALCULATED FRAME SPACE LH SIDE : 129.85 in FSS-0RH CALCULATED FRAME SPACE RH SIDE : 109.82 in 553-001 SQUARE END OF FRAME 550-001 FRONT CLOSING CROSSMEMBER 559-001 STANDARD WEIGHT ENGINE CROSSMEMBER 561-010 CROSSMEMBER FLUSH WITH BACK OF CAB 562-001 STANDARD MIDSHIP #1 CROSSMEMBER(S) 572-063 STD REARMOST CROSSMEMBER W DBL STD SPCING 565-001 STANDARD SUSPENSION CROSSMEMBER Chassis Equipment 556-1AN THREE-PIECE 14 INCH STEEL CENTER BUMPER WITH FLEXIBLE PLASTIC ENDS 558-001 FRONT TOW HOOKS - FRAME MOUNTED 15 574-001 BUMPER MOUNTING FOR SINGLE LICENSE PLATE 586-024 FENDER AND FRONT OF HOOD MOUNTED FRONT MUDFLAPS 551-017 GRADE 8 THREADED HEX HEADED FRAME FASTENERS INSTALLED WITH BOLT HEADS ON OUTSIDE OF FRAME 605-103 D15-28195-000 CENTER PUNCH TO MARK CENTERLINE OF REAR SUSPENSION ON TOP FLANGE OF FRAME Fuel Tanks 204-215 50 GALLON/189 LITER SHORT RECTANGULAR ALUMINUM FUEL TANK - LH 20 218-005 RECTANGULAR FUEL TANK(S) 215-005 PLAIN ALUMINUM/PAINTED STEEL FUEL/HYDRAULIC TANK(S) WITH PAINTED BANDS 212-063 FUEL TANK(S) FORWARD; -544MM FUEL TANK BRACKET ELEVATION MOUNTING 664-001 PLAIN STEP FINISH 205-001 FUEL TANK CAP(S) 122-1J2 DETROIT FUEL/WATER SEPARATOR WITH WATER IN FUEL SENSOR AND HAND PRIMER -5 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 22 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 22 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 12 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 216-020 EQUIFLO INBOARD FUEL SYSTEM 202-016 HIGH TEMPERATURE REINFORCED NYLON FUEL LINE Tires 093-1AX MICHELIN XZE2 11R22.5 16 PLY RADIAL FRONT TIRES 24 094-1UX MICHELIN X MULTI D 11R22.5 14 PLY RADIAL REAR TIRES 96 Hubs 418-060 CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON FRONT HUBS 20 450-060 CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON REAR HUBS Wheels 502-657 ACCURIDE 51408 ACCU-LITE 22.5X8.25 10-HUB PILOT 6.16 INSET 2-HAND STEEL DISC FRONT WHEELS 505-657 ACCURIDE 51408 ACCU-LITE 22.5X8.25 10-HUB PILOT 2-HAND STEEL DISC REAR WHEELS 496-011 FRONT WHEEL MOUNTING NUTS 497-011 REAR WHEEL MOUNTING NUTS Cab Exterior 829-071 106 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB 650-009 RUBBER CAB MOUNTS 678-998 NO GRAB HANDLES 646-009 PAINTED PLASTIC GRILLE 65X-001 ARGENT SILVER HOOD MOUNTED AIR INTAKE GRILLE 644-004 FIBERGLASS HOOD 726-002 DUAL ELECTRIC HORNS 657-001 DOOR LOCKS AND IGNITION SWITCH KEYED THE SAME 575-001 REAR LICENSE PLATE MOUNT END OF FRAME 312-043 INTEGRAL HEADLIGHT/MARKER ASSEMBLY 302-001 (5) AMBER MARKER LIGHTS 311-019 HEADLIGHTS ON WITH WIPERS, WITH DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS 294-001 INTEGRAL STOP/TAIL/BACKUP LIGHTS 300-015 STANDARD FRONT TURN SIGNAL LAMPS ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 23 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 23 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 13 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 744-1BH DUAL WEST COAST MOLDED-IN COLOR MIRRORS 797-001 DOOR MOUNTED MIRRORS 796-001 102 INCH EQUIPMENT WIDTH 743-1AP LH AND RH 8 INCH MOLDED-IN COLOR CONVEX MIRRORS M0UNTED UNDER PRIMARY MIRRORS 729-001 STANDARD SIDE/REAR REFLECTORS 768-043 63X14 INCH TINTED REAR WINDOW 661-003 TINTED DOOR GLASS LH AND RH WITH TINTED NON-OPERATING WING WINDOWS 654-003 MANUAL DOOR WINDOW REGULATORS 663-013 TINTED WINDSHIELD 659-019 2 GALLON WINDSHIELD WASHER RESERVOIR WITHOUT FLUID LEVEL INDICATOR, FRAME MOUNTED Cab Interior 707-1AK OPAL GRAY VINYL INTERIOR 706-013 MOLDED PLASTIC DOOR PANEL 708-013 MOLDED PLASTIC DOOR PANEL 772-006 BLACK MATS WITH SINGLE INSULATION 785-001 DASH MOUNTED ASH TRAYS AND LIGHTER 691-008 FORWARD ROOF MOUNTED CONSOLE WITH UPPER STORAGE COMPARTMENTS WITHOUT NETTING 694-010 IN DASH STORAGE BIN 693-003 PLASTIC MANIFEST BOX - LH DOOR 742-007 (2) CUP HOLDERS LH AND RH DASH 680-006 GRAY/CHARCOAL FLAT DASH 700-002 HEATER, DEFROSTER AND AIR CONDITIONER 701-001 STANDARD HVAC DUCTING 703-005 MAIN HVAC CONTROLS WITH RECIRCULATION SWITCH 170-015 STANDARD HEATER PLUMBING 130-033 DENSO HEAVY DUTY AIR CONDITIONER COMPRESSOR 702-002 BINARY CONTROL, R-134A 739-033 STANDARD INSULATION 285-013 SOLID-STATE CIRCUIT PROTECTION AND FUSES 280-007 12V NEGATIVE GROUND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 24 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 24 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 14 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 324-011 DOME DOOR ACTIVATED LH AND RH, DUAL READING LIGHTS, FORWARD CAB ROOF 655-001 CAB DOOR LATCHES WITH MANUAL DOOR LOCKS 284-023 (1) 12 VOLT POWER SUPPLY IN DASH 756-1J1 BASIC HIGH BACK NON SUSPENSION DRIVER SEAT WITH FORE AND AFT ADJUSTMENT 760-1ED 2 MAN TOOLBOX MID BACK NON SUSP FRONT PASSENGER SEAT WITH ALTEC CUTOUT IN SEAT BASE 711-004 LH AND RH INTEGRAL DOOR PANEL ARMRESTS 758-036 VINYL WITH VINYL INSERT DRIVER SEAT 761-036 VINYL WITH VINYL INSERT PASSENGER SEAT 763-101 BLACK SEAT BELTS 532-002 ADJUSTABLE TILT AND TELESCOPING STEERING COLUMN 10 540-015 4-SPOKE 18 INCH (450MM) STEERING WHEEL 765-002 DRIVER AND PASSENGER INTERIOR SUN VISORS Instruments & Controls 732-004 GRAY DRIVER INSTRUMENT PANEL 734-004 GRAY CENTER INSTRUMENT PANEL 87L-003 ENGINE REMOTE INTERFACE WITH PARK BRAKE AND NEUTRAL INTERLOCKS 870-001 BLACK GAUGE BEZELS 486-001 LOW AIR PRESSURE INDICATOR LIGHT AND AUDIBLE ALARM 840-002 2 INCH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY AIR PRESSURE GAUGES 198-025 INTAKE MOUNTED AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR WITHOUT GRADUATIONS 149-013 ELECTRONIC CRUISE CONTROL WITH SWITCHES IN LH SWITCH PANEL 156-007 KEY OPERATED IGNITION SWITCH AND INTEGRAL START POSITION; 4 POSITION OFF/RUN/START/ACCESSORY 811-042 ICU3S, 132X48 DISPLAY WITH DIAGNOSTICS, 28 LED WARNING LAMPS AND DATA LINKED 160-039 (1) HEAVY DUTY ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS INTERFACE CONNECTOR LOCATED BELOW LH DASH AND (1) SAE J1939 DIAGNOSTIC INTERFACE CONNECTOR LOCATED CENTER OF DASH ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 25 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 25 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 15 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 844-001 2 INCH ELECTRIC FUEL GAUGE 148-074 ENGINE REMOTE INTERFACE NOT CONFIGURED 163-004 ENGINE REMOTE INTERFACE CONNECTOR IN ENGINE COMPARTMENT 856-001 ELECTRICAL ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE GAUGE 864-001 2 INCH TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE GAUGE 830-017 ENGINE AND TRIP HOUR METERS INTEGRAL WITHIN DRIVER DISPLAY 372-051 CUSTOMER FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PTO CONTROLS 73B-998 NO LANE DEPARTURE WARNING SYSTEM 852-002 ELECTRIC ENGINE OIL PRESSURE GAUGE 679-001 OVERHEAD INSTRUMENT PANEL 746-115 AM/FM/WB WORLD TUNER RADIO WITH BLUETOOTH AND USB AND AUXILIARY INPUTS, J1939 10 747-001 DASH MOUNTED RADIO 750-002 (2) RADIO SPEAKERS IN CAB 753-040 24 INCH AM/FM ANTENNA MOUNTED ON LH SIDE MIRROR, RG-62 810-027 ELECTRONIC MPH SPEEDOMETER WITH SECONDARY KPH SCALE, WITHOUT ODOMETER 817-001 STANDARD VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR 812-001 ELECTRONIC 3000 RPM TACHOMETER 813-998 NO VEHICLE PERFORMANCE MONITOR -5 8D1-998 NO DETROIT CONNECT SERVICES SELECTED 8Z1-998 NO ZONAR SERVICES SELECTED 162-011 IDLE LIMITER, ELECTRONIC ENGINE 81Y-001 PRE-TRIP LAMP INSPECTION, ALL OUTPUTS FLASH, WITH SMART SWITCH 836-015 DIGITAL VOLTAGE DISPLAY INTEGRAL WITH DRIVER DISPLAY 660-008 SINGLE ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR WITH DELAY 304-001 MARKER LIGHT SWITCH INTEGRAL WITH HEADLIGHT SWITCH 882-009 ONE VALVE PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM WITH WARNING INDICATOR ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 26 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 26 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 16 of 22 Data Code Description Weight Front Weight Rear 299-013 SELF CANCELING TURN SIGNAL SWITCH WITH DIMMER, WASHER/WIPER AND HAZARD IN HANDLE 298-039 INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC TURN SIGNAL FLASHER WITH HAZARD LAMPS OVERRIDING STOP LAMPS 869-998 NO MISCELLANEOUS GAUGES Design 065-000 PAINT: ONE SOLID COLOR Color 980-5F6 CAB COLOR A: L0006EB WHITE ELITE BC 986-020 BLACK, HIGH SOLIDS POLYURETHANE CHASSIS PAINT 98K-998 NO FUEL TANK CABINET PAINT 962-972 POWDER WHITE (N0006EA) FRONT WHEELS/RIMS (PKWHT21, TKWHT21, W, TW) 966-972 POWDER WHITE (N0006EA) REAR WHEELS/RIMS (PKWHT21, TKWHT21, W, TW) 964-6Z7 BUMPER PAINT: FP24812 ARGENT SILVER DUPONT FLEX 969-099 17 DIGIT BAR CODE INSIDE LH DOOR 963-003 STANDARD E COAT/UNDERCOATING Certification / Compliance 996-001 U.S. FMVSS CERTIFICATION, EXCEPT SALES CABS AND GLIDER KITS Secondary Factory Options 998-001 CORPORATE PDI CENTER IN-SERVICE ONLY T O T A L V E H I C L E S U M M A R Y Weight Summary Weight Front Weight Rear Total Weight Factory Weight+ 6249 lbs 3984 lbs 10233 lbs Total Weight+ 6249 lbs 3984 lbs 10233 lbs ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 27 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 27 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 17 of 22 Extended Warranty WAG-009 TOWING: 6 MONTHS/UNLIMITED MILES/KM EXTENDED TOWING COVERAGE $550 CAP FEX APPLIES (+) Weights shown are estimates only. If weight is critical, contact Customer Application Engineering. ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 28 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 28 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 18 of 22 D I M E N S I O N S VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY - DIMENSIONS Model ....................................................................................................................................................................................... M2106 Wheelbase (545) .......................................................................................................................... 4825MM (190 INCH) WHEELBASE Rear Frame Overhang (552) .................................................................................... 2175MM (86 INCH) REAR FRAME OVERHANG Fifth Wheel (578) ................................................................................................................................................... NO FIFTH WHEEL Mounting Location (577) ............................................................................................................... NO FIFTH WHEEL LOCATION Maximum Forward Position (in) .................................................................................................................................................... 0 Maximum Rearward Position (in) ................................................................................................................................................. 0 Amount of Slide Travel (in) ........................................................................................................................................................... 0 Slide Increment (in) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 0 Desired Slide Position (in) ......................................................................................................................................................... 0.0 Cab Size (829)................................................................................ 106 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB Sleeper (682) ................................................................................................................................ NO SLEEPER BOX/SLEEPERCAB Exhaust System (016) ........ RH OUTBOARD UNDER STEP MOUNTED HORIZONTAL AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM ASSEMBLY WITH RH HORIZONTAL TAILPIPE TABLE SUMMARY - DIMENSIONS ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 29 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 29 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 19 of 22 Performance calculations are estimates only. If performance calculations are critical, please contact Customer Application Engineering. ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 30 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 30 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 20 of 22 G V W R VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY - GVWR Model ....................................................................................................................................................................................... M2106 Cab Size (829)................................................................................ 106 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB Expected Front Axle(s) Load (lbs) ........................................................................................................................................... 13000.0 Expected Pusher Axle(s) Load (lbs) ................................................................................................................................................ 0.0 Expected Rear Axle(s) Load (lbs) ........................................................................................................................................... 20000.0 Expected Tag Axle(s) Load (lbs) ..................................................................................................................................................... 0.0 Expected GVW (lbs) .................................................................................................................................................................. 33000 Expected GCW (lbs) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 0.0 Front Axle (400) .................................................... DETROIT DA-F-13.3-3 13,300# FF1 71.5 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE Front Suspension (620) ................................................................................................14,600# TAPERLEAF FRONT SUSPENSION Front Hubs (418) ..................................................................................... CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON FRONT HUBS Front Disc Wheels (502) ........ ACCURIDE 51408 ACCU-LITE 22.5X8.25 10-HUB PILOT 6.16 INSET 2-HAND STEEL DISC FRONT WHEELS Front Tires (093) ...................................................................................... MICHELIN XZE2 11R22.5 16 PLY RADIAL FRONT TIRES Front Brakes (402) ........................................................................................................... MERITOR 15X4 Q+ CAM FRONT BRAKES Steering Gear (536) .......................................................................................................................TRW THP-60 POWER STEERING Rear Axle (420) ........................................................................... DETROIT DA-RS-21.0-4 21,000# R-SERIES SINGLE REAR AXLE Rear Suspension (622) . 23,000# 52 INCH VARIABLE RATE MULTI-LEAF SPRING REAR SUSPENSION WITH RUBBER HELPER Rear Hubs (450) ......................................................................................... CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON REAR HUBS Rear Disc Wheels (505) ............... ACCURIDE 51408 ACCU-LITE 22.5X8.25 10-HUB PILOT 2-HAND STEEL DISC REAR WHEELS Rear Tires (094) ................................................................................ MICHELIN X MULTI D 11R22.5 14 PLY RADIAL REAR TIRES Rear Brakes (423) ............ MERITOR 16.5X7 Q+ CAST SPIDER CAM REAR BRAKES, DOUBLE ANCHOR, FABRICATED SHOES Pusher / Tag Axle (443) ......................................................................................................................... NO PUSHER OR TAG AXLE Pusher / Tag Suspension (626) ............................................................................................... NO PUSHER OR TAG SUSPENSION Pusher / Tag Hubs (449)........................................................................................................................ NO PUSHER OR TAG HUBS Pusher/Tag Disc Wheels (509) ...................................................................................................... NO PUSHER/TAG DISC WHEELS Pusher / Tag Tires (095) ............................................................................................................................. NO PUSHER/TAG TIRES Pusher / Tag Brakes (456) ...................................................................................................................... NO PUSHER/TAG BRAKES TABLE SUMMARY - GVWR ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 31 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 31 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 21 of 22 Performance calculations are estimates only. If performance calculations are critical, please contact Customer Application Engineering. CHASSIS LIMITED TO 33,000 GVWR ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 32 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 32 of 35 DRAFTPrepared for: ALTEC INDUSTRIES CREEDMOOR 1550 AERIAL WAY CREEDMOOR, NC 27522 Phone: 919-764-4014 QUOTE ID 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO Prepared by: Marc Montville PEACH STATE FREIGHTLINER 1755 DRY POND ROAD Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 888-339-5192 Data Version PRL-15M.014 1STCK33K18-15M LR7 56-58 DL AUTO 08/07/2017 5:33 PM Page 22 of 22 U N L A D E N F R A M E H E I G H T VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY - UNLADEN FRAME HEIGHT Model ....................................................................................................................................................................................... M2106 Cab Size (829)................................................................................ 106 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB Frame Rails (546) ....................... 11/32X3-1/2X10-3/16 INCH STEEL FRAME (8.73MMX258.8MM/0.344X10.19 INCH) 120KSI(546) Web Height (in) ................................................................................................................................................................. 10.1875 Flange Thickness (in) ........................................................................................................................................................ 0.34375 Rear Suspension (622) . 23,000# 52 INCH VARIABLE RATE MULTI-LEAF SPRING REAR SUSPENSION WITH RUBBER HELPER Rear Suspension Ride Height (621) ........................................................................... SPRING SUSPENSION - NO AXLE SPACERS Axle C/L to Bottom of Frame (in) ............................................................................................................................................... 10.018 Rear Tires (094) ................................................................................ MICHELIN X MULTI D 11R22.5 14 PLY RADIAL REAR TIRES Unladen Radius (in) ................................................................................................................................................................ 20.8 Fifth Wheel (578) ................................................................................................................................................... NO FIFTH WHEEL Requested Min Height (in) ........................................................................................................................................................ 0.0 Requested Max Height (in) .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Fifth Wheel Leg Height (582) ..................................................................................................... NO FIFTH WHEEL LEG HEIGHT Rear Tow Device (587) .......................................................................................................................... NO REAR TOWING DEVICE Requested Min Height (in) ........................................................................................................................................................ 0.0 Requested Max Height (in) ....................................................................................................................................................... 0.0 Performance calculations are estimates only. If performance calculations are critical, please contact Customer Application Engineering. ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 33 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 33 of 35 DRAFTRevision A This weight study is an estimate based on the best information available to Altec Engineering at the time of completion. Chassis axle weights and finished frame height are based on past history of similar chassis. Customers with specific requirements or concerns should ask for a detailed study to be done with data from the chassis manufacturer or data measured from actual chassis. Customer added materials such as tools and supplies are NOT included. It is the customer's responsibility to evaluate available payload and center of gravity against expected usage. By signing this weight study the customer accepts the truck and payload weight estimates as presented and understands this weight study is preliminary. Customer Signature:___________________________ Date:_________ Sales Drawing # 970401494 Unit Type:LR7-56 Freightliner Estimated Finished Rear Axle Weight: Estimated Total Finished Truck Weight: Chassis Type: Drivetrain:4x2 Weight Study for: Altec Reserve Estimated Available Rear Axle Payload:7,426 12,708 23,488 Estimated Total Combined Payload Excluding Fuel and People Not to Exceed:10,327 Estimated Available Front Axle Payload: Estimated Finished Front Axle Weight: 3,121 10,780 Print Cover Sheet and Current Weight Study Doc108905.xls Page 1 of 2 Printed 8/15/2019 ATTACHMENT 1 C2450 Altec Industries Page 34 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 34 of 35 DRAFTATTACHMENT 2 C2450 Altec Industries Page 35 of 35 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 35 of 35