HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1984-05-16.. RESID' 'TIAL.. 22s North sth s;treeAPPLrcATr0N/PERllr? Spz"Lngfield, Or,egon 97477 BuildLng Diutsion 7 26-37 53 ELectrteaL ! SPFTINGFIEI.D Date L It i8 the respoaa,ibility of the permit ltolder to see that aLL inspections ee nade at tle ptope! tine, that each cddreas is realqhi.e fran the at?eet, atd tlnt the penrit catl, i.e Located at the frcnt of the DTope"tu.*Buildin4 Nuiciot appro"^ed pLan slcll remain on tte Aunlding Site 'at aLL' Alnes.- Construet'ion Lender Ramtt'.noi T*cnaa*i nno PI?OCEDUPE F1R JNSPECTT2\\ RI?WST:CALL 726-3769 (yeeordet,) state yout, Citg desigrnted job tequeeted and uhen gou uiLL be neady for inspection, Contractors o" A,tnez,s nctne and plnneuiZL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests nade after 7:00 an viLL be nnde the nest tntking day. nm.ber, job aCdz,ess, type of inspec=icn number. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 ct Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Number fs: Job Locaticn:OqS [ftr\!- Sfx.tioI ?c,t Lot # Subdioision: Address Phone ci Date of Applicatian Value Ned \8D Desctibe h'ork: \5 Additicn RemoCeL GeneraL Mobile Hcnes Plunbin4 connections -- sate? std. uatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking, 6elu-up and plunbing eonnections rn;st be apprc"^eC before requesting electrieal inspeetiott Aecessory Buildnng Final - Aftar pctches, skirting, decks, etc. ffie cotnple'"ed. Bloeking otd Set-up Page 1 of 2 SIIE INSPECTI1N: ?o be nade aftet, escaoatlon;ffi priar tc set ip of fottna. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC?RICAL & WCH!-ilICAL: To be nade before angwtk ie eotet,ed, FOOTING & FOANDA?ICN: To be nnde @e"'6ffies are e{cauated and forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : To be made aftet' aLL insulaticn and. required oapor bavie?a @e in p'l.a,ee but befoz,e ory Lath, gApswn baaz,C or mLL eooering is appli.ed, and. befone oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECIT)N: Ic be madeafin'dT@ffiTts in plaee, but prior to any taping. I,1AS0NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beans, grouting oz, uerticals in accordstee tLth A.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOI,/E: ecnpT;i;A. After installation is DEI,IOLITTA!] OR !.:OWD Sanitary saser capped at properQi Line Septic tank punped and filled rrith gra:sel Pinal - l{hen abcue itens a.t,e ecnpleted and uhen CetrcLt tion is ecnplete o? sttae- ture motsed and. prenn ses cleaneC up. V WosncpoultD pLUMBJlt2_lEHEl2_wAr! &J Lirq trenehee, UIIDERFLOOR PLUIIBING & MECHANTCAL : of floot insu1,ation or decking P1S? AND BEAM: ?o be made prtor to installation of floor insulation ot, deckitq. RoUGH PLW,|BrNG, ELEQTBrCAL=& AElll:ANICAL:@ .util these inspectt)ons lnoe been nad.e and. appz,otseC. ELPEPLACE: Pt'tor to placirq factngmaterials and before fi,aning inepec- tion. FRAI.IING: lrtust be requested after apptooal of rough plutr,bing, electri- eal. & neclwnical. ALt toofing bracing E ehimegs, etc. rmtst be . anrpleted. Ilo uotk is to be eon- . cecled until thi,s inspectLon lus'been node anC approoed. of-txy, to made after aLL etea- uattng canplete & forn uork & sub- base naterLal in place. @e eoncrete. crete After fornsto pourLng For aLL eon- etreet right- but IENCE: h4ten eonplete -- Protside gates or norsable sections tltrough P.U.E. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ALL project condit'ions, such as the installatlon of street trees, co::rpletion of the required Landsecping, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDING FLNAL can be requested. IINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inepeetion mtet be requested aftet the Final Plunbtng Electz,ical, anl Mecltanical fnspections hque been made ard approoeC.r *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJIJS?IIETI! ?O BE I,L4DE /1.T NO COST TO CI?Y I I I Aasessoz,e Map # I r-r t\n ts7 ,rouorn ro u N OLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG+ BeCtoons: Lot Faces - Setbacks lieat Df House Ca"age Aecess Wate? lleate" No/,th Range Eost li1eplgce South Hoodstor;e Iat Sq. Ptg. % of lct Caserage # of Stories Iotal Height ?opography LCT TWE _ fnterict, _ Corner _ Panltand.Le CUL-de-sac JOB NO. West ITEM x Value Building Vqlue & Permit ?his penntt is granted on the etpress eond.ition tllat the said eonstraetionslull, in al.L respects, conform to the Cydinanzce edopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, incT-uding the Zoning Cvdinance, z,egalating the ccnstrwcticn and. use of buildings, ozd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at c:nA time upon oic- la.tion of 6tty prcuisions of said 2rdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 e Building Pez,mtt Cheek Pee: State Iotal Cltan ges rTEM NO.FEE CHAP,CE Fi.cttpes Plumbing Permit Ilo_ person sha_ll consttaet, inotall, alter or eltange anA v,eD cr esisting plwnbing or drainage sAstqn in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plumber,s License, eacept thet a pbtson nag do plunbing uoyk to ptoperty uhieh i-s ottned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Residentia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Petwit State Neil/Ertend, Citcuits Electricql Permit Where State Lan requires tVnt the electrical uotk be done by qn Eleetrieal Contraetor, the electr.tcal portion of this pernit slnll rot be oalil untilthe Label lns been signed by the ELectu tcal- Cont"acto".Setoiee State Total -- ENCROACHMENT -. NC FEE CITARGE Mechqnicol Permit IJcodstotte Vent Fot Ezhatst HooC E?U I PermLt fssucrlce Meehanieel Pertrtt Secarit! Deposit Storooe Mainteaance Permtt Cvtba.tt Si.deualk d I oo !ence Electrical La.bel Nobile Hante Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Signed: PLan ?otaL I HAW CAREFULLY EXfi.fiNED the cornpleted applieation fot perwtt, and. do heteby certify that aLL infonnation heteoi is ttwe and. cbnreet, and I fut,tker cet,tify that any atd aLL uotk perfotned stDLL be done it accot- danee tith the 1ydinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the* State of Onegon pertaining to the work Cescy,ibbd herein, end tlat No occa- PANcy ttill be nade of any st?uctu"e uvLthout permission of the Building DL-oision. f furthez, cettify that only eonttaetors a,.d enplcyees uho eZ in eonpliance uith CRS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this projeet ,-5-16 gul TO?AL A]4OUN? DUE: * /.,*Ugn*zz Date35{D