HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-09-27.. RESIDENTIAL.. zzs North sth streeaPPLrcATr,N/PERI4rr Spr"Ln4field, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 JelDt 4 SPFlINGFIELD Ir)La .A\iN" Sdiob Lacaticn: \nD3 35 TAAesessore Mq ll ?a f-ot # Subdiuision: ailet\ NUl,.-, h,. *- r)-Ad&ess Phone crry,C\oLQ O\. G{Qt4:t\U t Describe Hork:t-t Na) n u1 Val.ueDate of App Lication p Additicn RanoCeL \rc-aL hor"C}rrrD Genera CR Sanitul saner capped :t properfil Li.te Septic tank pzirteC ail fnlled tith gratel abcueil4ten ens 7-eteC iarcuhen L tion ,s Le s noueCture Leanel u?. Hcnes Bloeking otd, Set-up Plmbin4 connectiotts -- sa))e? o.td, ualer Electrtcal Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-uDand plunbing eonneetions ,nt* bZ- ocrctaCbeforc rcqueeting e?.eelr,ical inspe'c:ion Aeceesorg BuiUin4 ?tral - After -;cnc-hes, skirting, d,ecks,etc. @e conpleled. YotE CitV Deeigrated Job ilunber fs: !'IASONR!: Steel Location, bond. beons, groutin4 or oeyticcls in accotdowe uith U.B.C. Sectian 2418. ,i1)DSTCW: untpLeted. After instalZation id CURB A APPRCACH APPON: ee erecteC but pt-tor After fornsto pottt ing I^t is the respotzaibi-Lity of-tle penrit ltold,et-to see- that-ali inopectiotts oe nod,e at lhe proper tbne, tLat ecch.;C,tneea is /,sn)a:qi.2iy,t!f.-"r:?3.t.-14_!y! tlr1,pflt.catd ie Located. at the fzvnt of the wope?ta*5uLading Diuiciot aoiroted p1,ot sltcZl remain on the Atnldinb S!tu at alt, tinea., Pl?1clDUPE PoR rNs$nroV.qqquEST"CALLT26-3769 (recot'd.er) etate aou! city Cesigtated;ob nnbe?, job aC&ess, type of inspecliczneqztested arui uhen uou ''n'Lf be ready ;br inspectio", ciio"tani-or an.rs-rrarr"Znd pialne rurtbcr. pequests z,eceixed befcre z:00 d:,tiLL be nade the edte dcs, ""q,rliii'^irL ift* z,oo- ^ urizl be ,"d"iT;";L7;.i-;q'ffii. ConstrueticnJendg!_ SITE INSPEC!rON: ezcaation, but forms. FTilAL PLUMBIIIG PIIIAL I44CHAIIICAL PINAL ELEC?PICAL To be rm.de afterpriar tc set up of IlSULA?r1.il /vAp1 R BARRIER ItlSpECTI2il : ?o be made aftet aLL insukticn dtequired uqor bavie?a @e ia pla,ce but_ before ory Lath, Wpsutn bcari ortnLL couering is applied, ari beforeoty irnulation is concealed. DRWALL INSPE1IIAN: ?c be madeafter aLL dryuall is in plaee, but priot to azy tcping. UNDERSLAB .DLU!ilgilG, ZLECTRIC!1L &;ocy.::!ra@ny uoy,k is eouered. PCpT:tG g ?QU$DATIC\|: ?o be na,Cedjtet trenches d?e eceaoated and. fonns ate etected, but priot topott*itrg ecncret€. ,- ulatecpoulo p:uaeruq, ss;!-tp, it.ttsp.'J WW nETe pr[o" to jil- LLrq ,?enches. u_Np -E9FL))! ?LaJ.p n G 4 qECqANTCAL :l.o oe il@de prlor ,o installation offloor ineulctian or decking. P.9S? 4-{l s.e$"t: ?o be nade pnor toLnstaLlaticn of floot insulation or aecfi.t1g. ttzttil, these inspeetions haue- i2esnnade ond. qproued.. FiiEPLe?: pz,ton r.o plcctrq fccinqnate?LaLs arui befcre franing inspec_ XLon- SIDEIIALK & DRf,,EtiAlt: Fot aLL cctz_elete paudng uithin street rtght_of-tey, to be naCe after all. -etca_ Ddting canolete ,t forn usork & aub_ base tatertal in place. tl co?E?ete. lRAilf:lc: Wst be nequeated afterapproual of rough plir,bing, eiectri_caL & neeltatieal, aLL robTingbractng E- ehinmeys, ete. r,l,tst- becompLeted. llo :ocrk is to be con_.-cealed until this inspection ii;a'been nade anC apptooe7 ?glCE: hthen conplete -- prouiCe gates o? nooable sectians through Dil? - -:- ALL project conditions, such as the ;-nstall.at-ion of stl,eet trees, ecncletion of therequired Landscqing' etc., rmtst be satisfiici Lif":"i "ir- aurLDrq-c filtAl can be requested.. 'efilAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building rnspection nust be requested aftet, the Final plunbirugL./ Electrical, otd yechanicc, i;;;;;;,;."" ,aue beenirZd-"" ri aporouei. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLSANOIJT| MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?iIEI|I ?O 3E I.ADE !.? IIO :!sy tc cry Page 1 of 2 Date: eb T il Pcge 2 JOB NO.SOLr ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ ZeCtoons Lot Faces - Df Hause Aceesa Lace th % cf Lct Caeraga_ # of Stortee LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panlnrd.Le Cul-de-sac bt Sq. Etg. Total leight. lopogrcphy -- Fees -- x VaIYEMFTC TOTA.L VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Fee Building Vqlue & Permit This pertr-t,ls granted on the espress corditicn tllat the saic-constr,ctian slnll', in all z.'esaects, conforrn to the crditnnce zdop-ted bA the Cit'1 of Spfing1ield, ineludtng- the -Saning Crdincnce, tegzlctit'tg ;he ccr;strteticn -Z "Z'" of bulldi,rtgs, anC nay be suspended or re'.tckei at ':nU tane upon oic- Latton of any prcuisions of saiC Ct'dirances. guildir4 Penit Totdl Chcgea State CHARGEFEE Pi.stutes Residznti.al (1 bath) Saner Plumbing Permit No oetson slall constmtct, i-nstal!-, alter or eltanqe any /.et, c? ecisting ItrnAl.rra cr drainage syst€n in ahole or'- in part, ttnless such person is the i"jol p"o"ter"oo o7'o rLlid pl*,brr's Lt)c-ense, ec-cePt that a pe"sof ^av 41ptiiting uotk to proper4 uhich t)s our"ed' Leased ot operated by the applt- @ttt. State .ITEM FEE Nao/Ectetd Cireuits Semtice -igg bhatst Hood. Vent Fot ilcodstore Total Mechonicql Permit PentrLt Isstance Meclwnical Perrn t .- ENCPCACHIIENT -- Pernrit ClEbcut Sil,a'talk Mobile Hcne TOTAL AIAUNT DUE:*L{o !, Sigted Electricol Permit tlhete state Las requires that the eleet?tcal uotk be done by,an lleatrical Ci,tractor, the eleelr-.eal portion of this permit slall noi be oali.C' until the Tabel has been sigzed by the ElectrLcal cont?dctor' !otal uaxaPlc:rz trcm.ner I HAW CAREFULLy |XA.!uINED the eornpLeteti appLication fot pernit' nd C'o n"ilai eertiiu tltz.t att- i-;fornatibn heteoi is tmte anC cc*eet' art'l r';;r;U';'";;ik tiat ia i"a aLL'aork perl'oraed stwll be dcte in eceor'';;;;Tn"i; tirL'oii""i"." of ih" cLty of bprlnsfield, .and lhe Laxs of the ;;;rz;7- yr;,i""- p""iaiiiq to tlre aork cesbriaed here.tn, nld. !i@t Nc ,cca- pANCy uitl be nade of atzy" structztre witho,tt oennJssion of the Suiiding Di- tLsi.on. r futther """lii,.t- t^"1- irly cct*actorj ad .anplcyees uhc 'z'e in Lorp1l..*r.n'rltt cas 701.b55 aiLL be used on this proiect Iatal J?. )eeuaancu Gtouo: fiEM l,Jd+ of I el,nrVng PenrLt Tatal Chnroes Sto?aqe Lla;ntenafice ?o-n:je Eleefi,tcal labeL l,7.cn +