HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-11#..RESIIJTNTIAL.. zz s North sth streeAPPLrcAT r,N /PERMrr SprLrqfield, 2regon 97477 Buildirq Dioision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD L ?pol-o Date: o\SJob Locaticn: Subdiur'sion: Asnen: Phone: j Descz,ibe L'otk: S rUq^lnil r,/aLue o L Date of App Licaticn Adlitian General o- 1 CR 3 Scnile1 seuet ecpped at p"op.rtr- Lit e Septic tank ya:ced and. inlled ttith graxel Pina,L - it\ten c,bcue :utens are ccnoieted.td uhen Certalt tion is conrplete o? st7,uc-tute noued, oti prerises cLeanei tp. Ilcnes tsLocking otd, Sax-up Plmbing conneciione -- aa)e? od. uatet Electm)cal Cc*nection - Blocking, set-uc and.^ plmbit.g connections nast bb <pptciedbefore requestJng eleclrtcal inspebtior.: Aecessor; BuiHlng .?7rc!es, skit tit'tg, Cecks,Firal - After etc. ore ccfi\p, Consfuusticn_Larde?_ QT.!r? TilQD?an|1^r. escavdtlort, frt forne. FTilAL PLUMBTNG FIIIAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL llhen co,ryLate -- fuouiCeor nottable seett)one thtough It ia the respoasibi-Lity of .tle pennt holl,a to eee that aLL inspectiotts oe nad,e at the propet tine, that ecch .ad,,t.eas is readoTief.y-t1g at?ee.t, anl, that the petnot cal, ia l3cated at the froni:' of the p"opertA*zuildiq )'tticiovt qpro"*ed plbt sitc.Ll ranain on tG nifilrb':iie at aLL tines. WcALL726-3769(lecord,el)stateyoulCitgcesig:nated,jobnulbel,ioba;;fess't!pe::.?;""^:"1^T!-Yl":1i1,!LL be_readu for ins.pection, cont?deton" "7 a,ners ndne--rd ii";" ratnb*.' nA;;t";).e;tZa4LL oc twde the 8@ne dc!' "equests nade aft* 7:00 on urill be nade the nest wtkilg day. YotE CitU Deeigrated Job Nunber fs:8zr 1l lo of inspeeli-cn befcte 7:00 an UNDERSLAts PLUMBI:IG, ILTCIPICAL 1 i,tECIi.tllICAL: 7o be nade before any6{7i-i6oere,i. $ rcgmc t t?utotrrcu: ro be ra.iel// - I afxet tyenches are ezcaaied arui forme ote erected, but pr.tar topouilng ccncreta. -l uvotncpouru e:uueruc, ssw.o.. v.4,rm,i I DR4IIAGE: To be naCe prtor to fil-Lirq trenches. p1 ila c{w :co=G[nfu 4 :mcst pr c ar,,uJ :-9 be naie prior-ro instali.ation of flooz, ineulction ot decking. tr P-OST 4ND BEAM: ?o be nad.e prior toinstallaticn of fToot insui.a,tion ordeckitg. ROIJG.I ?LI]I,1BI!,1G. ELEC?RTCAL & @I- until these inspectiot:s lnue been nade cnd, aporooed. !I?EPL.A?: pm)ot to placirq fac+ngnd,tet>1,aLs and before franing inepee_ l7.oft. P4tttlIllG:_ ltust be requested aftet dppr.ooaL of rough plur,bing, electri-eal & nechanical. - aLL rob|ingbtaing 4- chinmsys, etc. n?"tst becoftTPLeted. llo Dcrk is to be eon-cecled until this inspection hasbeen nwde anC approt;ed. Io be rmde afterpriot tc set up of INS||LATI)N/VA?OR EARRIER IttSpEC?r1N :to be na.de after aLL insulati,cn Atequited uqor bor.ie?s @e in place bat before ory l,ath, Wpsln bcoC cn unLL couering is qplied, cnd beforeoty insulation is ccncealed. DRI'IALL INiPECIICN: TC bE NACEafter aLL at"guall is in place, but prion to any taVing. ILAS)NPL: Steel Location, bond beans, gzvuling or uetlicals !,n aceordstee ,nlth U.B.C. Section 2415,. |,|OODS?1VE: Aftet .instalZation ie arnpLeted. CARB & .APPROACE APPON: Aftet fornsce erecteC but pt'ion to pout ing cofl,2rete. B x StDEWALX & DRflTtAy: Fot, aLL con- cr-ete paoiry ,ttthtn st?eet mght-of-tny, to be naCe aflez, all. ecca-,ating canplete ?, fotn wk & sub- base na,terial in place. dEt\t^i, naaDtrd *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOA?€ PIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, .4DJAS?!I1III lO 3E I.UDE.4.? NO:357 rO CEY - --- ALL p.t'cieet conditions, such as the i.nstallaiian of stteet trees, ec,ryLetion of iierequired Lattdscqizg' etc, ' mtat be satisfied, befot,e tne auirciib F1NAL ccn be ,equesteci. /1' PiNAL BUTLDTNC:. ra,| Final Euilding Inspeetiott mtst be requeated. aftet the pinal ?tubing\ry Eleetrical, otl' Mecharicet ii"pz"iio"" taue been nad.e ard. accrouec.E Pale 1 of 2 Aesessore uap * l7e9.ZS.ZZ il'ruo,I Ri^-\^rJ F <'-\\r Addtesa:1$X* N:\\S\,\\ \ \ l .L uZone Lot ?aces -lnetou Soutec-s Tyce Setbacks lleat DT ilouse Cataoe Accesg ',latet lleater. No"th Eost Fireplace South ueoA;to,;e |lest bt sq. Fts. &?.6e LCT ?YPE X tnterict _ Co?ner _ Panhatdle Cul-de-eac it cf Lot Couerage_ # of stor[es I- ?opographg :'otaL !,e1-gnt -- Faes -- I!EM x Value )tain Coaao, Cartov,x )ecessorl 3a^.1 2a vY 2# ?reo.4YOIAL VALUE ue l -OI cnal<a oPLan n-+^ D-:)./.?z v?.22 Signed: Plumbing Permit Ito pe"son alwll eonstntet, install,, altet ot ehange-cng ned-c? existing pLti*t,a or drainage sAsten in uhole o" in pa?t, unless sueh person is the Tegol p"oss"s"oo oT"o rtLlid plr^b"r's Lic-ens,b, e.s-cePt tltat a pe?so! *ll 4optl*ttng uork to prope"fu ahich is otmed, Leaaed or operated bg the qPLi- c@tt. CARGE ac CI'/a, qa lishttes Resi.d.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuer PLunbLng yerriLt Stdte .la Electricol Permit Where State La reqtites tha.t the electrtcal uopk be dnne b'J an Eleottieal contracton, the electticaL portion of this pernit slall rot be ualic until the Label las been aigned by the Electrtcal Conttacto!. OrE L Nart/Ectend. Circults Seraice /f,,oo /f,.60 .€aState Total NC.r9Ei?z!4 httrnce STUtS Esha/st Hood. V€nt lat llcodsto:se Seanr)tu Deposit Storage Maintenance Cuzbeu! Sida,talk ?enee aElectrica Yobile !{cne T?TAL A|A0UI|T DUE: *S D--a ' JOB NO.Ltqz SOLAR A---JS REQ..L-co c Reeeipt #: Mechq nicql Permit Building Vqlue & Permit This pertn"Jt is granted on the etpress cond.ition that the said-eons-trwction sitz.LL', tn ell t-espects, confcrm tc the Ctdinance adopted b:U the citT c.i Spr"ingTned, tnclltdtng- the 2oning Crdinance, regttlating xke ecnstzucticn md "1-e of bur.LdLngs, cnd nay be suspended' or reuokei at cn'1 tlne upcn u'!c- Lction of cny prcuisions of sat-C CYdirances. Building Permtt State Total Clwges PenrLt fssu.sce Mecianicel Pernrit ob /o-8-42-Tdr-- IHAWCA-REEULL(EXA\LINEDtheeonpletedagplieationfonpennit,anddc t*i"Aa i*tify itot ott irfotnattZn hereoi^is tnte an'd' ccrrect, and r i*ti"", "n t,i.iy that @ry ard aLL uo.rk perfomred ehall be done it aceor- 'danze with thZ- Az,dinzr,.cLs of the Ctty by'_ Spni.ngfield, .and. lhe Las of the St"ti .1 aregcn pertaining to the wrk CescrLbed here4n' cnL tlat N0 1cca' iitcy uitt b"e,nCe of oty" structure uitlout penTrlsaiott of the Suilding a'- iis;on. I ft*ther "-noiri'g tlct otly contz'aciors md .enplayees al"a ae in eonpliancelaith CRS ?0i-055 uiLL be useti cn this ot'oiect 'L',OXAL Signed \\ a \o \\ Be4toons: r?!M I D ilatet Tctal Cltarqee a^t-1 fr^-na^6 State rls) I ) o\,iob Loeaticn: Ii %*Issessor"e Mq il I zz Subditiaion Cner: S.4d.&ess:?hone ..q Desq,ibe !'!ork: s E".I,at^,J Date of lc\/ > I 8\ Adliticn J*lLt General 1 AUTLD:;:CS Sanit@l saser cqtped at prcperas^ Lir:e Septic tank p:,ined me fiLLeC tith g.ra;;zl Pinal - i{hen abcve itene are ccraletei ard ';hen Cernol:.tion ts eon=Lete br s*tt-tuye nauei oti ?retrises clZar.ei t>. Hcnes x tsLocking otd, 1ez-."tg Plrnbin4 ccnnecxions -- sa;e? aC uater Electn)cal Ccmzection - Bloeking, ser-Li and plunbing ecnnections nust b-e apprcu-eibefote tequesting e\eclrtcal lnspeb:ior Aecessor; BuilCing tcrches, skirting, Cecks, 7 -!^: ?iral - Afteretc, dre eano Constrtctictr Lendet cTfre 7tiQDJa67air. eccaoc.tion, but farms x, 8z\q2 b rt ie the respansibi-Lifa of -tte Penrtt ttotl* to see that aLL iaspeetiorls @e r,ad.e at lhe ptopet tine , thet ecch si,iness is peadai^i.eJ.y.-tP slreet, atd thct the-pdt*rtt :al ie L.ocated at -g\i ftp"t- of the property.r?uildi,q iluiciot appto"*ed pTbt sitcll yeaain on tttz Arl,ldlrb'Siie at eLL ;ines, ?-P1CEDUP\ F0R1 IySPEm1lt L1OWST:CALL726-3769 (record.er) stdte you? City Cesigznted. job nw;gsy, job ai;,1ess, tgpe::.fr"i:"1-r-l.Yi":11 '.tiLL be ready for ir.speetion, contractai"- "n a.r"rs- na,re|zrd. pio)e runbi,' pra;;tr ;ecei.;ed.''LLL be tmde the sante dcg, ?eoltests naie aft* ?:00 @n vtLL be nnd.e the nert iti;rrg'aq.. of instac=icn belcre r::, * Iou! Citg Deeigr.ated iob Numbet fs ?o be afterprior tc set up of t@.ae a B aNpERSLAts PLL'MgiltG, SLiCiRTcAL Is,zcutiliC@y .wrk is eorsered. ?C)?nC 1 F)UJDATIC\|: lo be ntceaiter crencites are ezcaa;ed arui foms ate etected, but pricr topourtng ccncrete. f u:toiacpoulc pla:nr:vc, sircp, itlt:lp,i I DPAfilAGE: To be ncie prtor to itl-Lirq ;renehee, N urr|rttrr@t,,*ronrrrt,t' -t ?o ce nade prici =a instaii^a.t't-on of fLcor insui,ction o: deekinc. l!'] iosy 4po esnL!: ?o be naie prior to,/ - | installaticn oi- fLoot insulation ot deeking. RO|.ICIT ?LU1B|:\C, |LEC!?ICAL ) lGP uz:til these inspectiars h,;se been na<ie and. cporoued, FIP!?|-ACE: Prior to plcc:.rg fcc4ngncxetzals crti bei.ore franing i.nspel_ i1.On. !P-tt],!I;lC:, i4ust ite reqtteeted aitez,apprcual oJ' rough pdrAl,ng, eiectri_eal 1 neclanieal. ALI roofing brac:.ng t chittmcys, etc. mtst becorwleteci. ;'lo ucrk is to be con--_cecled until this inspecCcn has'been nole anC apprco*ed. E:l requited uqor borie?s @e in place but before ory lach, Wqsun bcatC ct unLL eouering is c_oplied, cnd beforeory irculation is ccncealed. DRI\.ALL INSP1trICN: Ic be nad,e a1-ter aLL czyuall is in place, but prior to ang taVing- MASAil*: Steel beats, g:roulina aeeordorce with 241 s. Location, bond or uerticals in U.B.C. Section ,tc0DST0,/g:@a.Aftet installation is CURB & ,APPROAC\| APP.CN: Afier fontsae eyectei but ptior to pouri,ttg coflcrete. €IQEIA-LX & DRT\T4AI: For all can-;reteiffing-G;tfi street right-of-,rc!, to be naCe a,rter all, ecca-[atina canplete €, forn ',prk & eub- base ncterial in place. FTilAL ?LUIIEIIIC FIIIAL IIICHAI,IICAL FIIIAL ELIC?RICAL AICE: I{hen conolete -- tuouiCegates or nwable sectior,.s throuEh P. U.E. /n' I|NAL BUTLDTNL:. The Final Suildinq rnepeetion mtst be requesteC cfJer lhe liruzl ?1"unbinxV/ Eleclrical, od Neclaric.t li"p"itlons hqve been nade arui atcrouac. 'ALL l4AllItCLES AltD CLEANOa?S ilUS? 8E ACCES€ItsaE, .4DjaS?:EilT ?C SE :.t138 t? :to :CS? lc Cfy Pc?e 1 of 2 ..RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s Notth stlt streeAPPLrcAT r,N /PE,l,rr SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 5s Reeeitt # :--,.. i SPFIII\IGFIEL.D ,Pq Date (- vaZue \. g$CJ. QC} <l l ALL p1'c;ect cott4itions, suck as ihe :.nstallation of stteec xrees, co:::oiex-Jon of tiereqaired Lancsccpitg, etc, ' mtat be satisfied, beyzri tle- auiLii;h FI$AL ccn be reqzrestei. .L 4/Crato:Seitoons iore ni ;louse Lot ?eces -bt Sq. Etg. 1 ct Lct Ccuetage # of Stories lotal ltight Topog .ohy r i4 awl -yl tnteilcr _ Cormet _ Panhattdle Cul-de-sac A/?.6o -- Fees -- Building Vcllue & Permit lhis petm-t is gtanted on the eryress cordition tl@t the saii-cons.ivwction shall', tn all r:espects, confcrn 'to the Crdinance adop.ted b:A the Cit'1 o.f Spr.Jng1leld., inclld:,ng' the 2oning Crdinar'rce, regulcti-ttg th-e ccnstrteiicn -n ru'" of bu;.Ldings, ad nq be suspend.ed or reuokei at cnY tine utcn uic- ic.tian of atry prcoisions of saiC Crdi,ances. r/alue VY33./ frAfrAt trArlle:w:it t.1LUt r!!tt F?C ( o S.D.C. 7.5 c e* Building Per'mtt Total Changea State v?.22 .?z y9." &2,4 i. Plumbing Permit No perscn shdll consttuct, install,,- alter. or char4e-any ned-c? ez:isti-ng pU,hLirE cr drainege systel in alo1e or in patt, unless such persan is the i"gil p"ot""""oo o7"o uLlid pl*rb"r's Lic-ens,-e, es-cept tlwt a petsof "'al q2 ptiiiri"g aork to propertg it"i"h i" ooed, Leased or operated bg the qPLi- @tt. LUTUEN0. ac /a.* lizt'aes Resi,Tent'ia,L (1 bath) Seuer PLwtHng Pefirit State ta qa oa, Total /f.Na,t/;*rtend. Cire"dts Sentlce /f.60 ,€a . ott ,4ll,1 Dali?114 NC,FXE F'urr.tce 3!U'S kha$t HooC Vent lat ilcod.store -- E:tcRcAcillE,:lT -- Sec"u-)rl Decasit Storage Maintetance Cutbcut Sideu:alk 9enee zo"fF ),lobile llcme IOTAL Ai,lAUilT DUE:'S )-aa I JOB NO.Ltq SOLAR HCES S REQ.- Pendt Issu.see Meehanietl Perrrtt L-co d Receipt #: Signed: Mechonicql Permit () lQ:E:Ea. I EAW CAREEALU |LA\IINED the eorwleted qplication ior permit' dnd' dc i"i"tA iitify thot ott inforutatibn hereoi is tnte cnC ccrteet, amC r iitlL, ""r--iiy tt ot arzy ard aLL uo.rk petlomted a.ital.L be .b.:" !" dccor' 'don e ,-rith the- ordinznczs of the city of SpmngJ'ield, .ard. the La:,;s of the . State of Cregcn perteinino to the wik Cescrtbed herein, c:nd. thz.! llo 1CCU- pl.ttc:t tlill be ftaLe i7 iU" ut -.tute urLtnott ?emissi-o- of th.e 3uiiCing ?i- uision. I further "L"it.fl thct otly con-t?ac'tors a'd atployees Lth'o ue in conpliance "":th cns ?0i.'05s uiLL be use<i cn this croiect \o Signeci )\ a / ri!lq I D 'iete? Tctal Chctaes Electricol Permit l{here Stdte La requires that the electrLcal aork be fune by -an Eleetrtcal Cont?actor, the elictrical portion of this pernit slgll rot be oaliC until the Lohel lue been signed by the Electriccl Conttacto?.. Stdte Sureic:"ae fofal Anoes