HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-01-01A-ECEIZI' T s'7 qL/ /?U OL /5 00 ' d2O/a t/0 Aile" ry,'--ul?Plrotle ll 7q53 ziP q1(/-71 CTT! O! S?RI:ICP|ELD oq<:r4na <tv ?2?gF i:PRI:;0FIELD, ?REcOl 97477 adldi"g Dittisipi 726-37 53 SPRINGFIELD .. RESIDENTIAL -. COI,IBINATION/ APPLICATION PERMIT iltr t )?, tl (. J.hr,.Ldob Location: $bdioision: TebtilA!aos8or8 ltq ll Pags 1 of 2 Deacribc ilouk Adli.tionnP,anodaL Ccinttttcrors ;ldp Phune # GeneraZ, llectr[aL ll*irctceZ CowtqEti,oi tatdet REQUIRED INSPECTIOUS It is the responsibillty of th€ pelnit hoLden to sE! th3t al]. iespcctions arc nadc at the ProPcr tilte' that cach address is ncad"abLc f:cn thc strcetr ard tha: tha pernit card is located at th. fiioot of the propety 4 .{11 raanholes aud cleanouts ar. tc b. adjusted at no cost to thc Clty SITE IIISPECfICN: To be rmdc afterffi;]liif p:rlon to sct up of forns. TNDEP.SLAB PLIMBTNG, EL9CT9.IC.qL 6 HEg{ANICAL: To be made beforc anyGffi*'.r.d. !9ST 6 BEAU: To be nade prior toEffi'n of flaor insui.ation or Ceckiog. P.CUCH PLUHBING, ELECTP.IC.4L 6 HECI{- AllCIltL: llo 'rork is to be covered uaEthese inspections havc been uaCe and approved. EIREPLACEI;Effi tion. FRA}II}IG:EiffiIar DRYI{ALL INSPECIION:ffij@.s Must be requested afE€r of rough plurnbing, clccfiri CIRB E APPROAC:{ APP.o$: After forts arc erected but prlor to Pcurrng concrete. SIDEHALK 6 DRtvfvrAY: For al,l con- crct6 pavia5 lrIEtifi stree! riSht- of-way, te be Eade aften al.I exca- nating ccoplete 6 foro vork 6 sub- basG 6ateri3J- iD p.l,ac6. Pllor to pJ.acing faciag IJoQDEIQVE!: Aftcr instaalatior ,ffii-:eteaand befone fraring n FOOTIIIG 6 FOUllDr.TIOll: To bc rnade after trcnches are e:icavated and fstrrs ars .?cctrd, but pricr to pouning conc.etc. UNDERFLOOR, PL'JI{BING E MECHANICAL:@orfloor insulaticn or deckiog. ca.l. 6 aechanical. A11 rooflng, bnaclng E ehitrreys' etc. :mrst bo conpleted. No rork ls to bc con- cca.Led uDtil this inspectioa has bcen made end apporoved. INSUUITT0N/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION ! To be rnade aften alJ, insulation and requi:red vapor barriers are in place but bafore any or na1l coveriag any insulation is concealed.OTHER IIISPEC?IONS: may bc required in accordance with Building Code' UIIDERGROT'ND PLI.,uBIHG, SEI{ER, WATER, !!{!jj!Q!, To be made prior to fil- ling trenehcs. to be indicateC in ;lans or by no- tice frou Building Inspecto:r. To be rncdc ia place, but pnior to any tapiog. EIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Electrical, end HechanicaL llASollRY: Steol, Location, bood trns-, grouting cr verticals in accordancc rith U.8.C. S€ctlon 2$15. AIl project conditions, such as the installation of st?aet trees, coapletion of the required lanCscaping, etc.' nust be satisfied bcfonc the BUILDING FINAL can be rcqu€sted.EI}IAL PLUHBING EIIIAL ELECTS,ICAL BuiJ.ding Inspection rnr.rst be requested after thc Final Plunrbing tnspeetions have been rlade and apprcved. lto occupancy of the premises een be made untiJ. the Flnal Auifaing Inspection has been nade and aPprovedr and a CERTIFICATE OF 0CCUPAilCY HAS BEL{ ISSUED By lHE BUILDIIIG DIVI- SICN A}ID POSTED O}I THE PREI{ISES. will be pade the sane daY, requests made after 7:00 a.D. wiLl, be rnade the next PRoCEDURE FoR. INSPECTI0II_3EQ[E!!: Call 726-3769 (ree:rder)state your Clty designated ,robectionrequestedandwhenyourri]'1bereidyforinspcc- ticn, Contractols or Orners nane and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.t!. rtIIAL HECHA}IICI.L day.YOUR CITY DESIGNA?ED JOB NUUBER IS working C, rtrl t t1 -At,tltotlaed C ;q Ageni; JOB :'IT'}!EER.L-COC 'iR.ETE.RENCE NTI},IBERS OCCLIPANCY GROUP TY?T/ COI'STRUCTIOI,IZONE BEDROOMS Lot Souate !ta. i cJ'Lot Couetedi of Stortee'-ovaL dgldn: -c?ogrqryl Lot Faces: or ilot.se- North Ed.at Sortth t/eet Setbacks 0thet Lot ry?e Intertor Cor,ner" FEES Sq. Ftg. Cor47e Sq. Ftg. Caryorr t/alye Susten DeuELop"tent Chatqe No ps"eon ehalZ constmtoE, inatell, ellet ct ehozge @g neu ot eststtn4 plunbtng ot ddnage sgarai in uhcle or in pot, tmkse auch petaot ia :he legal poaeesaot of a ualid plunber's Licerae, ascelb that c, pe"son nag b pbnbing wo:,k to p?o?ar?! u'r.ach ie wned, leasad or opetated bg the qryLicant. PLTNBINC PERI4T! sw?dt.4L ?ITAL CHARGS, Stat. l{here 1tale ta.t requirea that the eiect-ical uork be dotte by ot ELzctrical C.nt?ccto?, the eiect-)caZ pot- tion cf tlris petnrit shall not be oai;td tmti't ihe tg- bel laa been signed, by tle ilec*tc:L Ccnaeto". lhe EkctyicaL Safetg Lao doee rot "equ':te c ?elaonto obtain a Licetsc as @t electriian al/op elee-dco,! corttv:qrc? fp rake an electt:.caL ins::Llcticn on p?o?etfl ahich is or,med bg lrinseil or a za:tbe: of kis imedicte lantly ukLch is not izten=ed ;':r eale, Lease ct r**. ELEQRICN PePME TAML CHARGES ls-tensicn/Cineui AECEAilTC.AL PSAEI Hood Vett Fot tl@d, Stottefilate? EltcRcAcHuelt Sesur|ty PLot Eatn-te Date f EAW CAREYULLY EXAMINED the co@Leted, qplication fon penrit, @td, dD henaby certifg tlat aLL infoztation h*eot is tmte atd, correct, otd. I fr,a.tha" cettifg tllat d! ovl aLL wtk petforned slull be done in aceor- dance otth tle rNitrotc$ of thB Citg of Springfield, end, the ta,,s of the State of 1frgai pe"td[nidg t-c the LD"k deec?i.bad h*ein, @d, t tat ilO 0C- CWAllCy trill be mda of di! et?rcture tritlout penrtaricn of the tsuild,ittgDi,tieion. I fithet cettify that otly eonttacto"a od aqloyece wlp arein conpliance tilh oRS ?01.05s dill be wed. on lhis ptoiect. i'laincnazee Percdt Avoulrf D!!E Sidr:utalk Zlectrieal h,bel AI,PUIIT DUE tinea. Dtvision appro.ted plot slull rawin on th.e Building te at aL L -a 2 BVTLDTNA VALW/PERIIZI thi.s petrnit is gzwttod, oi the er?"€ss crndi!'nn thct the eaid cotsimtction shall, in ali ree=ects, confcnto the M-to..ces &pted by the C1:1 o;' Spingjied, incl;ziing the Zoiag Ninoee, regzlatlng ;i"e ccn- ettucriorl otd, uee of htildin4s, ani tq be asizrl.ed or te,toked a! oq tine uVoa ttolaticn olt dt'i crcti- eiona of ead. Crtinouee. PZot Opck ?ee Date Ptid Rceeipt l{ P2*v:t Cnozea - .9tatc Su:.a-hrrr,.ae IOAAL C&4PGES 1. S u t/dlle tto. ?iiuree llater Sem;iee