HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-23\2567/7 ttrlcti 6jugrf_q{'l 5 6Dlr--- v Authorization fon FWNSHIP / 7 RANGE 2A I.OT,/PARCEL , BIOCKSJBDIVIsION/PARTITION (ir appriEalrE)- Z-,. -/ , ,/ ! rndrrst.i.t I r,ruri" PROPOSED USE OE PROPERTY f neside-ntiaI cial / DECIARED $ VALUE Proposed Existing tdATER SUPPLY V.,,J I -"fu TELEPHONE NUMBER6ryr6/ ZVX.YEz I BAVE CAREFULLY EXA!..IINED THE CO.TPLETED APPL:CATy)N FoR PERMIT, and do hereby certify thac all infomation hereon is true and correct, and that I have the fo)-lowing legal interest in the propertrfqn.t of recordi Icontract purchaser;lauthorizett agent with evidence of authorj.ty attached. I f-ther certify that any and all work perfomedtshall be done in accordance with the ordinances of Lane couty and the Laws of the state of oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of uy structure without the pemission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in fult force and effect as required by oRS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exempti is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild enployees who are in compLiance with ORS 7OI.055 wj.Il be used on this project- I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS THOROUGHLY. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Two Copies of Plans Three Copies of Plot Plans Mech,/Plumbing Checklist Legal Interest Document fl er"r, check rnfo sheet Applica Permit * plans to be submitted to the COMI1ENTS Date: Installation Specifications 3 _ Tank COM}IENTS: Date: PLANS EXAMINATION:B-Z Date: Minimum cL GaIlon Use lAar+, s,wfAu?zt-. 3a? I senrretrou: s. r. *B.P.f flr." f, n" ZATION TIAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Parcel * terior rear Installation Record Issued? READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY ft plauurNc/zoNrNG: zone Lineal Feet of Drainfield Parcer "1*4 t'laximum Depth of Trenches Partition *_ c", "id. TOTAL VATL]ATION S CONSTRUCTION AUTHORI ZED BY THIS PERMIT, Sq. Pt Fixed Feer/ Unit Cost 2255 4pQ_ (VVzrv Descri Floodplain Fee Subsurface fees Building Eee !1ech,/P1mbg Fee P] ans Check Pee state Surcharge 52.33 S s $ s $ $3.zz +g PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE oRs I-ANE COUN'Y DSEARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, I25 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION c t4-25 I D fr.,{/.,g,e_b - @.56- DEasurchar?re€ffibe atu4- I a WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 68'?-4065. A MINIMUM OP AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC-@ltl--_HavE_EEE-To1lowingi.nforhatibnreddy:permith-um5er,jobiddress,'typeof inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. 1. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches-a.re excavated gnd-.forms eiected and when-aI-IrnaEETefs-td-TEe foundation are delivered on the job. where concrete from a central mixingplant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2 3 '.:'.Concrete Slab or Under-Floor Inspection: To be made .\ .after alI in-s1ab or under-f1oor builiti,ther anci-Ilary equipment items are in.thing installed, including the subfloor ngEervIEe equlpment , conduit, pi place but before any concrete pqqming I Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing-, fire blocking,'and. -- E}acfng arE-Tn-pTace and a-T-I pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all rough'electrical and plumbing are approved.. A11 walf insulation and vapor barr:ier are in. plqcq_.......-- p i ing accessories, and os poured or floor shea Lath and/or Gypsum Board lnspection: .and exterior, is in place but before and fasteners are taped and finished. To be made after a1I lathing and gypsum board, j.nterior any plastering. is applied and before gypsum board-juoinqs-. -.. 5. Einal Inspection: To be made after the builtling is compleqe and before occupancy. ..' APPROVAL REOUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or Structure'beyond the point'''t' indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NoTE: , AII building permits'rqquire inspections fqr the work authorized,- such a-s lut not lim-ited to_: A. Block WaIl: To be made afLer reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This- Ln-specEf6fr is required for each bond beari pour. There will be no aplroval until the plumbing" l'-" and electrical inspections have been made and approved ; ' , 'i B. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is. eomplet.e. Installation shatl be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturerrs installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic !ys-te$ for setback rgquirernents-, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting,- and plumtiing -onneictions. !..- FooLing+ and pieri -to comply with State -foundation requirements for'mobile homes or as - recommended by the manufacturer. , 2. i uobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- j Plain management Letter 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, anil skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installedper enclosure. D. Swimming PooI: Below grade when st.eel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade whe-n pool-f s installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPTRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. I ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. - SUBSURFAtE .AND :ALTERNAT,IVE sEwAdE pISPOSAL SYSTEMS:.i .\t+.i .Perrcits( shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. '-/\i.''6po,i.o.pleting'thel cbnltruition for'whiih a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the tiine Co'irnty Department of Planning and Community Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with ,the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Dbpartrirent shal1 issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the Permitlholder.ff the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and stral)- require satisficlory completion before isiuing the cbrtifiiate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constiCutes a vio-Iation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this ruIe. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal L' .-). Septic Tank Drai"nfield ) I! ; : ,'r.'! ,\.v' , i From:10r 10 ! 5t 50' 10 r 10! r0! 1.00 ' SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTYIS INPRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHER Interior property lines Edge of road ri.ght-of-way Buj.lding foundation Wel-Is, other water sources -\ -. ,..'1. i',,, E-.....-D ILANE W E NTAL MANAGEMENIT f/a*' 73a{Ctf,trIEEGTECE\. fUGTICH COI,JSTHUCTION PERM ITS S INSPECTION DIV. DDRF S DATE BLDG. PEBi\,1IT TO NOTE *zo7/ - , a c 5-73 \ FIE-tNSFECTtOl\i FI UIEIEDPhone 6El7_4C!85 Forl AErrrFtovAL .-f4 INSPECTOF , , a TRS#7 '-f g D2 DATE ISSUED:PERMIT# o-et4 ("[- 7- //s ( H ETS c BACK RE FRONT I # PLUMBING FIXTURES IDE INTERIOR REAR ) , SDS APPRO\IAL REQUIRM Y NG/ Approved Date Correcti on Date I n spector PLUMBING G-RO UNDWORK INSPEC]TON Approved Date Correcti on Date Ins pector UNDERSLAB PL BG.tr /UNDERFLR PLBG. tr I NSPECTI ONApproved Da te Correcti on Date I nsp ector MHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspector ROUGH PLUMBI NG (T0P 0UT) TNSPECTToNApproved Date Correcti on Date I nspector roved Date d Correcti on Date ffiffi;," Inspe ctor nspec -z (-vb Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor LATH / GYPSUM INSP ECTI ONApproved Da te Correcti on Date I nspec tor p11fifl[fffix-rcAL n /bI00D sTovE n Approved Date Correcti on Date I nspe ctor FINAL PLUMBING I SPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Date I nspector FINAL INSPECTIONApproved Da BUILDTNG tr /M0BrLE H0ME n lAG te Correcti on PLACEMENT f] Date Ins pe ctor CERTIFICATE OF Approved PANCY E Date Insp.Approved FICA Date Ins p. PURARY CERTI TE OF OCCUPANCY E lDfe :-fwe /tq74-re7 LTLae t.P@F oNlL/ ruqPW oF BPW9-77 frRntr 3429-77 m; $or @{ FulALEps/L3/c4) LANE COUNry INSPECTION RECORD Da ,1-. '.1I'l ;rl 1l $l IJ.ii I ,,1 "l ;t I I lg -13I. I I ;i :ltl I I I I rhe *lool"oPrlt I? ,q! te ,."-1.1()V rt\r25 0 I b a @ ilt { h rit 3603 360r PROPOSED a.Llkl OU lnr. f ll. Cor. D LC No.5a 3600 " 'l.o ^i,;' 9-09oI \ 2roo 7 EX tt' 1 lq .a t_5 I 3700 o 9.5 I o r600 I lit' v N i $ \ 'l! ,c{ .a orl ldt o' ES. D 3602.r! 3604 tl ,,|1,t t \ 370 370t a=gs.e=oe-s MaP t-7*oz-3> ! P 1 r6 N AIN STR t700/ 353 ol9- l3 4too '4'te --tl. t, P !. js'_t -:1,_. ') / _ 4to4 ;, u-ay \t L I\ t a s {!Jnl{ 8i tH N \] ;, ') L ) \ \ai\\ / /Aa'4A'E \l -i h \q ,-\ o 3800oo AP,EA I BY c,oLlgELl-r 2000 '; t\ \ .1\ $ \I CL ,? Lt"/' -t'1 / =="' AR,F ^ II E!CLAVE N Ac'48'E 496.e,', r900 ,'19.9 ' oo @ o \ \ r. 4t +a.t '24|( oo$ ooI 6(o NA REVISION (DESCRIPTION)OATE ClTY OF SPRINOFIELO, OREOON EHOINEERIHE OIVISION SCALE l" = 4OO' D/\]'E Cr.3t)t?14- ORAYVN. D. P CHECXEO 5TOl..-lE ANKJEYATION - tiri'lrtaE -- -- FltoiECf N"FIL[, NO DRAltltrG No. 57!': I I I I rl l1 .t APPROVED f TRS, T Acreage or Lot Si Contractor's O.S. + -t i\ /1 L- r' '?..L/-IJOB LOCATIO Partition ing LANE COUNTY PERMTT -a (-)t^l ,., I, ) Completed Subdivision Lot- Bloc 4 Phone Phone Phone i.t.- APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS CONTBACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner () Contractor. ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call 4 1- (owner, etc.) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY /.' -ir".! ,' , : , t' .' ,{.f J.-r .i J- .. .l :' I THIS PERMIT IS FO \T/ATER SUPPLY Fee Paid $T: 1:':i::: :''{'i action I he reby agree to co Tply vyith all applicabte Cod .l , ', ,t,.-- ,.-,.,-6... ')es relating to this permit. r,i .r.;( 1 .n ) i..-.-.# BEDROOIVI S .. # PLUMBING CoNNECTIoNs 1l ,i k'L,l.iL S.l. # THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF !-1 .r*,'t , <a.,./; ':PLUIVIBING BYI hereby certify that the above statements are true and accu rate, and that I have the following I egal interest'in the property: _owner of record_contract purchaser; _potential buyer; _ realtor or agent. I further certif y that (if not the owner)I am authorized to act for the owner orecord, and that said owner is a f Signature ii!r.-() NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERIVIIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. () SPECIAL P i MT. AREA. IVII Date SANITATION Comments: 't' Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth N. E LEVATION BUILDING .v-;ri Tv fu\fi1 i:-r:..t11i.i_, pe t:,,of Construction Use Classif i cation - '-- Group - Fire Zone - fza-lj:i_ NOTI, Plai. Q f^ t,. for Serc. Comments:-+ '-,)f,'?:?. /,4 1 , J; l.-;;'ry-:i.* i'ir ',,( ) - -a/ , ..t--.;, ,ii .,..: ! -; .lr-T ,,:r .t:.r t..a I i l.'i,-.,!..' ,-: ir f:.i-, I t:rs pr^;:lt 1,r " 1i;r3 tc b: sul.rrrii'.:,.i I' , :-,.:.liill.rir Ci '.- [ ' .,- r i".. ! i By Date :-i (" -,I .4 n, ByPLANNING R UIREMENTS SATISFIED B ZONE: ,.SETBACKS: FRON T SIDE FACING STREET (F ROM C/L) tNT SIDE YARD !.',' REAR /,ll i'; ;;"ir:, Date'rt,''\Date lssued , oREGON 97401 OFFICE COPY .. WIlITF (F ROM P/L) VIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST BTH AVE., EUGENE,)i+),..io, i- .. .. ^Y L.r LL POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITEllrE; BUILoING - GREEN; PLUMBTNG -- GANARy; sANrrATroN - GoLDENRoo; LA N E co,,u firl ? F PTrli y,rf ?E N{-'cii- c55'13 BLoc. pERMrr - wH PHON E: 687-4394 ;:-t.{r!/ ,J SEWAG E D .-1 - I :a I ,::, :1 ;i r,i 'r.,.. '.. -)I ! Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRE Maximum Depth Comments lVlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) , Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Type of Construction Comments:. roup NOTIC[i rhis praiect r',-.o' . plans ic be submittod'tr.r ti.:.' State Building Coder Divi..ii:;r for a revigvr a: rcr;uire ,J 5)r Sec. 301 (e) Stale Eidg. 0cCe Date: Partitioning o---- --,-:( ) Completed Subdivision@ Phone, Phon Phone-CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permitto ( )Applicant ( )Owner ( )Contractor. (')Plefer-tppickup. Call -- "(owner, etc.) when ready. STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THISPERMITISFOR . .. ., ; , # AEOROOML# PLUI\4BING CONNECTIONS- s.l. # THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF . PLUMBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the tollowing legal interest in the property: -owner o{ recotd; -contract purchaser; - potential buyer; - realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act lor the owner of record, and rhat said owner is aware and approves of this action, ! hereb!/ agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $ 'Signature Date ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT.- ( ) SPECIAL PUT AREA MIN ELEVATION: - 1 SANITATION BU ILDING ire Zone ,1 By Date BV: PLANN ING REOUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By Date Date lssued I \ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENV]RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 t ': ', : Posr rHls PERMIT oN MAIN BUILDING AT slrE PHONE: 687-4394 c55.13 BLDG, PERMIT -- WHITEi BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING -- CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD: OFFICE COPY - WHITE 242 ZONE:SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET ROM C/L)INT. SIDE.YARD REAR (FROM P -l SITE INSPECTION DISAPPROVED Darr 4-tT-?f lruseecronAp pnov e o Reuenx s M 9R- FOUNDATION INSPECTION Appnoveo Rrr,rrnxs 4 e" ING TNSPECTION Renanx s Rexanx s t.dK Dt SAPPRovED 7 -3t-77 a, Dar e I xsprcton 1u-z a Isc FRAM I rsprcron tu-LATH OR S H I NSPECT I O w Appnovro /-/ Dt sappnovE o /-7 Dore-I Hseecton l.k ^ECT I ON .z- 4 ->c/ -16 9ro<- DATE I lrsee cron I Appnov r o Rgunnx s CERT]TICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rteov to lssue Rtxeer g I HspecroE/ Nor Rrrov ro lssue C/ Dare- N N.N llt' *. ( -$ N li I \ \t\ N \ D DrsappnovEo F7 DAIE ."tl {f$) i*"hvr(s( +$ Appnoveo L/ DtsrppnovEo el ioT $nF $tr RII B N $ UT{oq1w I I \ I uolf,ld sNr ttddv u dsFr!-*h sssF-d.Elg s uoL{d ,t, (;gl (f,Stc! J l10N 1tr\uld'9c18 ll i (l oi C SCCV SCJ| =cI il-C,t\x r\IGlL-J*iit*EC, nro Nou_cldsNrS .a-. SllL tlJ=J N-t I --1 t- -LN3l 3s)VNVt^i --IVrN?XN-!r a'= J^ f /w('o T- . Mrtcrielr Iupection Physical Testing f-{Cf F< i rrwr tr t ES-rtr\aE l-AEtEIRATtrI 2285 NUGGL. WAY EUGENE, OREGON 97403 Phone 745-9649 Area Code 503 CONCRETE COMPRESSTON TEST Springfield Memorial Gardens Made by our rep. S.tI. Spfld. Mem. Gardens-719] IvlcKenzie Hwy E5 OATE REPORT NO. gLUMP OATE MAOE OATE RECEIVEO Bld CU. YDS. REPRESENTEO 9i, etn Conrtruction Inspcctor! - - Chcmirta Aug. 26, 1981 E-382l.9 4 t/2u B-19-81 8-20-81 ?fttEo FoR !UEMITTID IY coxTtacT xtx FioFolTtoNt aourcE CONDI?IOX OF ITORAGE 5000 p.s.i. concrete 3/4u max. sj-ze agg. Ivlorse Bros. , Inc . ASTM 59o?rcrEr No. i5l9jZ Lo^D xoTr. ii lS3 alt TlLP. CONCRIIE TET'P. rrt E 6255 an wEATHER o I cast69o ermit 1t'j429-77 ?I'7 DA'E! 8-26-BL 8-26-81 9-16-81 9-16-81 q S day day 28 2A 't Cy1s. only Colson & Colson, Contrs.Lane County Bldg. Dept.Morse Bros., Inc. lcc. ].cc.Icc.lcc. ringf iel-d lvlemorial Gardens rARK WEIGHT POUNOS LOCATTOX 07 ?OUt LOAOLr. Pti ae, tN. 6 Z'.7 27 5 5 .glgt Chapel floor slab ave. l ,O@1 ql 1690 1610 L750 AOI 7 days/ days B NORTHW L'TEORATORIEg ------ NERTHWE T TESTII!E LAEIIf RATET 2285 NUGGET WAY EUGENE, OREGON 97403 Phonc 746-9649 Area Code 503 CONCNETE COMPRESSION TEST Springfleld Menorial Gardens Made by our reP. S.W. I,lausoleum Add. -7190 McKenzie Hwy DA'E REPORT NO. ALUMP OATE MAOE D TE NECEIVEO CU. YD3. REPREAENTED V atR Congtnrction Inspcctort - - Chcmirtr Apr. L3, L982 E_1e,887 5 L/zu 4-6-82 f7-az - .Matcrialr Inspection Physical Tetting TE'TIO TOR SUBTTITTIO IY CONTIACT tarx tPopoRTloNt 30uncE col{orTloia 07 aToRAcE 1000 p.s.1. concrete 1/4u max. slze agg. Morse Bros., Inc. ASTM BX.dg . Per"oit #1429-77 .. 4 3/4TICKTT XO. LO D NO. 387 417 1 ArR rEu?. 560 tlx. 9 z4O am ll2o rainCONCRCYE TEXP. WEAYHER AOITEtT OATET 4-Lr-82 4-]-1-82 5-4-82 5-4-82 Q s day day 7 7 s s day day 28 2A Cyls. only 1cc. Colson & Colson,Icc. Lane CountY Bldg. Icc. Morse Bros., Inc. Contrs.'Dept. LOCATIOX OT rOUiMAFXwEtcxf POUNO!I 2roo 2260 2340Crypts ln ChaPle area @ S.E. & N.W. corners ave. 28 28 .8 .7 U NO t.ABORATORIES LOAOLl. P:i rc. lx. Matcrialr Inspection Physical Testing TE'TEO FOR SUEMITTID IY CONTT CT rarx PioFoRTroxt ,/ TOURCE coNolTtox o7 IToRAGE rrcxEr "". 18T8Bj Lo^D No. Ist Made by our rep. J.E. Mausoleun Add. - 7r9O fooo p.s.1. concrete 8x max. slze agg. OAYE SLU MP OATE MADE CU. YOS. REPRE9ENYED "i xe Construction Inspectors - - Chcmists Jr-nre 24, L982 E-f9110 5fi 6-L7-82 LO L/2 NERTHWE-T TESTINE L.ABI]RATEF' :5 2285 NUGGET WAY EUGENE. OREGON 97403 Phone 746-9649 Araa Coda 503 CONCRETE COMPRESSTON TEST Springfleld Menorlal Gardens McKenzl ,t Morse Bros., Inc. A"5TM Iti TII' E <J\ l AIi TIXP. CONCNETE TEXP.640 wEAyHEn clear 650 a[l B.P. # 1429-77 DATE RECEIVED TftT OATE! ;-24-82 ;-24-82 7-l-5-82 7-L5-82 -cc. -cc. 28.429., 29.4 29.4 ays 28 days 28 days Cyls. only Sprlngfleld ivlemorlal Gardens Colson & CoLson Lane Co. Bldg. Dept. Morse Bros., Inc. MARX wEtGlr? POUNOT LOCAf!oX 07 tOUi 2nd tier of crypts avg. avg.,ot5 2000 1950 2050 3040 2990 AOI say 7d7d BY NORTHW REPORT NO. Hqv LOAOLl. PEi re. tx. LABORATORIEg s-N I]RTHWE'qT TESTI NE LABORATtrT' ES 2285 NUG(z.r WAY EUGENE, OREGON 97403 Phonc 746-9649 drea Code 503 CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST . Matcrialr Inspection Physical Tcsting TE'YfO FON SUAMIT'IO EY cor{TtacT tatx troPolTloNa touRcl coxotTtoN oF 370RAGE rrcxfr No. 187881 Lo^D xo. 1st d$Utu Construction Inspcctors - - Ctrcmists Jrrne 24, L982 E-59110 5n 5-t7-82 6-18-82 Sprlngfleld Menorlal Gardens Made by our rep. J.E. Mausoleun Add. - 7r9O l1cKenzle HwY ,OOO p.s.1. concrete 1/8u Dax. slze agg. OATE REPORT NO gLUMP DATE I.AOE RECEIVEO # ,429-77tMorse Brog., Inc. A^5T1,1 a 't)3.arr Ttxt.650 tlxg REPRESENTED LO L/2 CONCRE'E TEXP.640 wEAyHEe clear % atR TIt' OATE! 6-24-82 6-24-82 7-L5-82 7-t5-82 cc. }cc.lcc.Icc, s ay ay 7d7d day day 28 28 s 1," s S Cyls. onJ.y Colson & Co1son Lane Co. Bldg. DePt. lrlorse Bros. , Inc. ringfield Ivlemorl AOILOAOLt. rci ae. tx.WEIGH POUNOTMAPX LOGA'IOX 07 tOUt 2000 1950 2050 2nd tier of cr'1pts avg..3 29.428.' Gardens BY NORTH LAEORATORIEg 3-93 O.n. ha ntu 13 4 ,7 4,h,4- s,/,or.7-37 %(b4f?rtr( oOaJ-1-aF I ' i,/ J z- "t - ts -"f .3 Q)TRS, TL Acreage or Lot Size Contractor's O.S. # APPL ICANT'S NAI!1E AND ADDRE JOB LOCATIO LANE COUNTY PEBMIT Partitioning #-( ) Completed Subdivision Lot.--=-- Block- OWNER'S NAIVIE At\D ADDRI CONTBACTOR'S NAME AND lvlail perrnit to ( ) APplicant STRUCTURE5 NOW ON THE PROPERTY THiS PERIVlIT IS FOR ADDRESS( )Owner () Contractor. () Prefur to Pick uP Call Phone=- Phon p Phone (owner, etc.) when readY # BEDROOTVIS-# PLUMBI NG CONNECTIONS SEWAGE DISPOSAL s.l. # er of record; the owner of qq, \A/ATER SUPPLY THIS PMPEBTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF I herebY certifY that the abov e statements are true and acc urate. and that I have -contract p urchaser; -- Pote ntial buyer; realtor or agent. I further ce record, and that sa id owner is aware and approves of this actio n. I herebY agree to co Fee Paid $ 'Signatu re the following legal interest in the property: ----own ,iiiv ,nri (if iotirre owner) I am authorized to act for ,piv *i,h .ll applicable Codes relating to this permit' Date l SPECIAL PIVIT. AREA MlN. E LEVATION: - \ \ \ ( ) NEW ADDRESS () FACILITY PERIVlIT TO TRAN SPORTATION DEPT...-----.- BU ILDING SANITATION lVlinimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum DePth Comments: Type of Construction Group -Fire Zone Use Cla SSI fi cati on Comments: ['.,.]-ii'.1, . -,.. 1 .'1, l;.'1r.til ir ('r,i .l- il t I t Date By Date PLANNING REOUIR EMENTS SATISFIED. B By: Date lssuedDate ZONE SETBACKS: FRONT SIDE FACING STREET F ROIVI C/L) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (F BOM Pi L) MENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE', EUGENE' OR POST THIS PERNI IT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE EGON 97401 \ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON PHONE:687 4394 l -.:"* I l- u:,:,T;'-n'or' " -5erleffi€ini,;. tl t phonc 746-9649 Area Code 503\./ CoNCRETE coMPREssIoN TEST zoorur\oOug ?I'8hnlddoolJ gyTs lfttcrielr tarpcctjo. Phyricd Tcrting TI'TEO FOi tU!XITTID tY coNYlAcT xrx PtoFot?,oxt aourct cororyrorior.yoiac. ASTU trcrr? xo.438259 LoAD lio. Ist. Rayburn & Son Made by our rep. S.W. Sprlngfleld Memorial- Gardens ,OOO p.s.i. concrete1/4" max. slze agg. Morse Bros. Inc. Conrtnrction - - Chemirtr t983DATE REPORT NO liLUMP OATE M OE OAYE NECEIVED March 11, E-r97L5 1n ,-tb1, ,-5-81 Arr Yrrr. 44o coxcrrrG Trr.r. 60 o B.P.# 1429-77 TIME 9z50 3.n.cu. YDs. RE'RESENTE, 7 Ptly. CIdy. e;^,"WEATHER ?I'? DA'I' aaa ,-11-8',-11-8' 4-1-854-1-8' Cy1s. only Rayburn & Son L720 1800 t750 s s day day 7 7 28 days28 days XAFX wttcHT FOIJ N O'tocAYtor. 07 rout LOAOLt. tti ae. tra. Crypts Jrd,. Tier ave. 2A 29.0 .0 .81 3-( lcc:lcc:lcc:lcc: James W. Keef Arch. .!*" Cor.urty Bld.g. Dept.Morse Bros. Inc. BY NORTHW Lr\69potontEE ,;,i:,;. ,r;,j:;:: 'Ptrysical Te3ting TfaTEo roR tUAI.ITTID !Y cor{Tract rarx PioFoRTtoN! Rayburn & Son Made by our rep. S.W. Sprlngfleld Memorial }OOO p.s.i. concrete1/4u max. size agg. CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST --;;il" March 11, LgBj E-197t6 1n 5-4-a3{ OATE REPORT NO ALUMP DATE M A.OE TOURCI Morse Bros. Inc. coNorrroN or lroracE ASTM rrcxE? "o.41825O AIR TEHP.440 LoaD No. lSt. coNcnrr! TExp. 600 DAIE REcErvE" 3-5-85 .P.# 1429_77 9z5Q 3.o. cu. yos. RE,RE.ENyED T WEATHER Ptly. Cldy. e; o," YIME HARK WEIGH'' POUNOS l.ocAtrox 07 ?oui Lt. PEi to. rN. LOAO 29.0 29. o vI,l "It? D TCT ,-11-8'3-tL-81 4-1-81 4-1-81 AOI Crypts Jrd. Tler L720 1800 avg.t760 )200 1L50 ave.3t75 7 days7 days 28 days 28 Cays 2 o 28 28 Cyls. only lcc: Rayburn & Sonlcc: James W. Keef Arch.lcc: Lane County Bld,g. Dept.lcc: Morse Bros. Inc. AY, NORTHW ryq LABORATORIES f?. Physical Tcsting rot suExlTTlO lY CONTiACT xrx plotoRTloNt aourcl CONOIIIOX OF ATOFAGE ASTM rrcx.r No. 418964 1 CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEsT Rayburn & Son cast by our rep. M.IYI. Springfield Memorial Gardens 31OO p.s.i. concrete 1/4u max. size aggregate Morse Bros., Inc. I r'"" B:55 a.m.CU. YOS. REPPESENTED L981 9 L/2 oArE JUne 23, REP(,RI No E-19868 SLUMP 4 t/ Z" oArE MA'E 6-L6-8, oArE REcErvE" 6-l-7-81 B.P.# 3429-77 610 LOAO NO.2 AIR YEt'?. CONCREYE TEI'P.650 W€ATHER 0vercast t; arR AOITIIT OAT€! 6-21-81 6-21-81 7-L4-83 7-t4-81 cyls. onJ.y 28 4 428 f7 Crypts - 4th Tler s S day day 7 7 2590 2790 ave.27 40 gtr' 1'.q r' 28 days 28 days I'ARX \,l/EIGH T POU NOTI I ILOCAITOX 07 tOUi LOAO Icc:lcc:lcc:lcc: Raycurn & lion .,ta.Ees A. Keefe, Arch. Lane Coun:y i3J-dg. )ept. lrlorse 3rcs., Inc. BY NORTlt T-ABORATORIEg (_ Cw arx maa -+oZ Im :, T ) -r SUr N \ N N. i N ill o Gfi ,, [T: I' N s\t a l-- I s\ I $0 I 90 Ut i I I . L,t \ lt' )q \tS o q ! Et o 7 0 0l UJ{ I s' n --i :D ! nil. z a! m ol 0 z ! m og ! m E =CN-tr I g-' f- l:] P rcina .i t