HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-02#..RESID'\TIAL.. APPLICAIt.il/PERILIT 225 ilorth ith StY'eet Sprtngfield" )tegon 97477 SPRINGFIEI.D tbqds BuiLdtng 7 26-37 53 Diuision //a E,, It io the tesponeibi|,ity o! the pernLt l'oldq to aee tlut alt inspectiotts oe nade at the p"oPe? tine' tl,at ecch fron tlv atve'et, and, tlwt the penrLt catd ia. Located qt-*3. frant of tl9-ryoPe?tA'isui\dir,g Nuicion approu^ed plbt shc.Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. Date: LL 726-376 9 (reeord*) state your City Cesigmated iob ntmber, for inspection,Contraeto"s or A,lnevs rtane and plane nunbet,. made aftet 7:00 on trLLL be nnde the neat "nrking dng. you? City Desigr,ated Job Ntttnber fs job aCdtess, tYPe P,equests receixed of inspec--icn befcre 7:00 anPROCEDUPE FOR INSPEC?ION REQWST :CA eadY t,'iLL be nnde the eane dag, ?eEtests )m40 Remti,rai Tn ,-p {Y Iar lnt #Aosessors Map # RSubdioision: \)I *,,!r, KCY)-V \ Address:Phone zip:Citg: 1I,li DescrLbe Nork: &mo\,,.-:aqo.]Srl t-t Ne") tA]t Value <\"rc Date of t\-11 Bq) Addition RenoCel -eg.tract I AXrCener Plumbing )Iectri-c Electt:1an SITE TNSPEC?ION: etc&Aon; but fonns. aNDESs LAP P!,UMBLy 3,_!A2!E!!!L & WCH!-IIICAL: To be made befot'e anY 6{-i.e cottered. FOOTTNG & FOUNDATICN: TO be NACE;frAEffis al'e ercauated attd foz,rns are erected, but prior to poun'tng ec,ncreta. _I DRWALL INSPECAION: TC bE NAdE lX | ;ft*AT@frs in plaee,* but prior to any taPing. DEI.IOLTT.0R :.10wD Sanitoty seoex' capped at propettii Li,ne Septic totk gtr;rped ad fi'Lled ttth gta:tel , ?inal - When abotse itetne @e eupleted i ar'd uhen Cenoli.ti.ort is catrplete o! st?ul' tuye motted cnd. g'enrLses cleaneC up- To be rmde after pr"ior tc set up of INSULA?ION /VAPOR BARRTER IT]SPECTION : To-r;-,,EEAfte" aLL insulati,cn e..d' requited oapot' borie?s @e in Place bui be|are otg l,ath, Wpswn boarC or tnLL cooering is qpli,ed, and. before ay it*ulation is eoncealed. x v f/ utsqgnceoutto pt'tlMgtac, sstFn, .w.qr-!i' LA I DRAIIIAGE: To be maae prlor to I1'L- Lirq trenchee. lV uaomrrozR pLULfiTNG & I4E:HANr:AL:ll.l of floot inaulati.on oY decking. f-rA posr AND BEAM: To be nade pt'iot to I / I ffitTattan of ftoop irsulation or decking, ROUCH PLUR[!|G, ELECTRT?AL & i{ECH= ANICA^' No ')ork is to bc eo,-ez'ed GiiTthese inspeetior:s haoe been nade and approoed.. I,!AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond 6iffi, gtDuting or uerticals in accordotce LtLth U.B.C. Section e Hcmes Bloeki,ng otd Set-uP Plwnbing connections '- aare? otd. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blockittg' aet-up and plwbing connections mtst be appto'*ed befire requbating electrical inspt ecti'ott Accessory Bui.ldittg Pinal - After pcrekes, skirting' decks, etc. ate cornpleted. 2415. TIOODSTO'/E: enpT;t;A. After irntallation is ft1 cuRE eEPBg4gE_-AP."olj After forns V) d,e "t'..tAEtVio" to pourLng coflE"ete. SfDEWALK & DRI'IEWAY: Fot aLL eon- ;;et; palr@-ulffi street right- of-txA, to be naCe aftet aLL e*ca- Dating canplete & forn wt'k & sttb- base ttaterLal in Pla.ce. tion. A raultttc: I,tust be requested aftet' ix I "ppr.o"L of rough pltttrbing, electri- - c"'t & meclnnical. ALt t'oofing bractng E chirmeys, etc- mtst be . conpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- .. ceiled until this inspection las | 'been nade anC appnor;ed. FTPEPLACE: ^atffi;f; FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL PrLor to plaeirq facing and before fratrtng inspec- IENCE: Wen eonPlete -- PtouiCe @66 or nooable sections thrqugh P,U.E. daw 5lYvl-Pat: ALL pnoject conditions, such as the "i.nstallation of stteet tree-s_, eonpletion.of the ,nqu1rnh Landscqir4,'Ltu., mtst be satisfied befo,e the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested' l7\ FINAL BUILDINC: lhe F'inal Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing w Electrical, od, Meclnrieal rnspections haue been made and approoec. Pege 1 of 2 X , A *ALL IuANHCLES AND CLEAIIOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE M4DE /"T NO COST TO CNY U. JOB NO. Ipt # of Stortes Total Height Topography 2 Building Petirrt State Iotal CTnrges 2?.'^6 "o-z2r 7 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Cro" LOT TWE fntet icr L-CO G* BeCvoons: 7zc:2a TAfe f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED tle conrpleted application for perrnit, and. do hereby certifg that aLL information hereon is ttue and cott,ec+-, and f fut'thet certify that any ard aLL uotk perforned slnll be done in accor- dance vtth the ordinences of the City of Springfield, atd the Ia;e of the State of 1r,egcn pertaining to the wtk Cescribed hetein, cnd tlat N0 )CCU- PANCY tritl be rm.de of any stlactur'e uithout permission of the Suilding DL- oision. I further certify that only contractore ozd enplcyees dho are in eanpliance dith cRS 707.055 uiLL be used on this proiect Co?ne" Panhanlle CUL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This per'tnt is granted on the e4)ress condition tlnt the said-eonsttaction sltall', in all rLspeets, confcrm to the Cr&Lnance adopted by the CitA o.f Spring.ield, ineLud.ing'the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg the ecnstracticn *rd ,u-n of buildings,- utd may be suspended or leuokeC at crlA time upon oic- Lation of ctty prcoisions of said 0t'di-r,ances. -.-- L 5'>-10 [pt Faces - 1lect DT House Carage Access North /2//9.z*4 East zq/ll Firep Laee South ./D /lt Waodatbxe llest 2q'il D^^^ IIEM X Value Main zq/a G&dde Caroont Accessora TO?AL VALUE l-S.D.C. 7.5 c bo Date Paid: Receipt # Signed: Plumbing Permit No pe?son s?nLL constmtct, instal'!., aLter ot chan'ge cnA ved,ct' e:isting phinbing or drainage sAstan in uhole or in patt' unless such pet'son is the iegal pbssessor of a oalid plurrrbet's Li,cense, escePt tlnt a Pe?son r*! qo- plunalig uork to property uhich is oumed' Leased on operated by the oPPLi.- @rtt. NO FEE CHARGE ,# o. v Fi.ctuzes Resid.znti.a,L (1 bath) Sa'ten 6Z> 4> aO Plwnbing Pernrit State dd 6@ ZR2 pernit ehall ,not be oalil. unt'il L Contractor.fqv3.77e-7fuzfzaD done EleetrtcalqnStateWereLa)thetlnt Lectrieae wo?kL be bgrequires trLcaLLec o thisetheContractorportion,f ELectricathelnsLabeLthebeensignedby V= Nas/Eotend, Circuits Set"uiee State Total Electricol Permit F f E-/ z1-ZrV/z/( GffF*Z:?. CHARCENCFEE z drz>.Z ,2 <- A Mechcrnicol Permit 7.oo llcodstooe Vent Fot bhanet HooC PTUIS PemLt fssucnee Meclnnical Permit -- ENCROACHTIENT -- Sec,u,itu Deposit Stoz,aqe Maintenance Petzrit Cvvbcut Sideualk Eleetrical tnbel Mobile Horne T)TAL All)UllT DUE: *4 SBqA Date 3ra 4 Vzqrzl/*r- Penee !.. RESID"\TIAL.. APP L I C AT t,L rV / Pt Rl,t f 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, )tegon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- s7 53 l.Iechanic ectri-c Su Elec tr:c 1an Date: 26-3769 (reeot'der) state gout' City Cesignated iob nwzber' iob allrees' ir.spection,Cont?dcto"s oi Asners- nane and phone nutnbet. Pequests rece aft* ?:00 an rtill be nnde the nc.ct .,nrking dag yow City Desigr,ated Job llutnbet fs: SPFIINGFTELD It ie the reeponsibi.Litg of tlc penit ,DUd b aee tlut aLL inapectiotts ee nade at the pro?et tine, that ec.ch addtees i" onqaahle frun tlu st?ebt, and, tlnt the p*dt al ie leated at -tlte frant of the-goperty.*Auilding D.isicion aprou*ed plbz slnll remain on tle BuiUing Site at aLL tines. PR)CEDUPE FoR TNSPECII1U RgqutsT:CALL 7 eadY fotltLll be rade the sane dcg, requests made tape i."*ed of inspeelicn befcre 7:00 s;t ?aatt' nail Tn cn aofi.an * Job Locaticn: ?cs Lot #Aesessore Map # Subdiuision: O,mer: DescrLbe h'oY'k: ValueDate of AppL t--t NeL) Addition RenoCel Gener Plumb Le Hcnes Bloeking otd, Set-up Plunbing connections -- aarre? d uatet Electrical Connecti.on - Bloekhtg, set-up and plutnbing connections nrtst .be appr-ct;ed befobe requeeting eleetrical inspeelion Accessory tuidiltg ?i-ral - After pctckee, ekitting' decla, ete. oe eanpleted. Pege 1 of 2 SI?E INSPECTI1!: Io be rmde aftet' &.aoatl;n,W prior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH4-\\ICAL: To be made befot'e any INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTION : fo be ,rzade after aLL insuLaticn e.d. tequired oqor borie?a @e in Place but before oty |ath, WPsutt boarC ot tnLL eouering is applied, and. before ag insulation i.s concealed. OR BUILDIiICS Sattitaty seuet eapped at pz'operfi; Lire Septic totk p'ar,ped rld filled tri.th gra;sel Final - l{lten obase ttqns axe eonpleted anid uh.en C*tolition i,s cattplete o? strac- ture nooed ard ptertrises cleaneC up- il FOOTING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmde @erEffies are *caated and forns are erected, but priot to poul"Lng cotrerete. UNDERGP)Uil D PLUMETNG L 9gEE2_ tn'|rE&+Onetttnct: ro te nb,Ce Prior to fil- @-6enctes. UIIDERELOOR PLWE fl G & I,IECIIANICAL : of floor ineul,ation or decking. POSI AND BEAM: ?o be nade Pn'Lot to ffii|TdGi-of ftoor iwulation or deckittg. ROIICH PLI]IIBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & MECE-ANlZffi ffiTT-these inspections hanse besn made and approzteC. FIPEPP4Q|: PrLor to Plcctrg faeingmat;iA; and before f"arirq inspeb- tion. FRA!!rc: Ltust be nequested aftet approuat of rough plwrbing' electri- cal & meclnnicaL. ALL z'oofing btactng & chinmegs, etc. nttst be . eontpleted. llo uctk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspeetion hae 'been ttad.e anC approued. DRYhIALL fNSPECII)N: Tc be madeTftenZi@iTTt e in place, but prior to any taPi.ttg. I,|ASINRY: Steel Location, bond ffijgrouting or oerticals in a.ceordanee LlLth A.B.C. Section 2415. hto0DSTollE:e*pCifi.After instalZation ia ffiFTiaouered. ?INAL PLUMBIIIC PIIIAL I,{ECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPR)ACH AEON: After forns a.e ereci;Iffi pnA to pourt-rtg concrete. SIDWALK & DRI"EWAI: Eor aLL con- c"A; patfrAffi street u)ght- of-teA, to be nade after aLL esca- Dating conplete & font L)ot'k & sub- base naterLal in Plnae. ?ENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProuiCejat.e or nouable sections tht'qugh P.U.u ALL ptoject conditions, sucl'. as the i.nstallation of stteet ttees' conpletion-of tie ,nqrtnna Landsccping, Ltu., mtst be sati.sfied befoie the BU1LDING FINAL can be requested' PINAL BUILDING: The Einal Buitding fnspection mst be requeated aftet the Fiu'L Plunbittg tle"t"i.a1,-'otd Mechanical fnspections haue been made ard approueC.T *ALL I4ANECLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE ILADE AT IIO COST TO CI?Y W\Ntrr nddressl .{\ Or Ure , f\I\0\l\oN , '4c{. v0.L\ljlax, KrI ax(Hn : I il tr tr JOB NO soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Lot Faces - d CrotZone: L-CO Bedrooms DT House North FireplaeellEast -Toodstor;eSouthllllWest tpt Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cauetage # of Stories Total Eeight Iopognaphy Intez,ict Co?ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac LCT TWE Building Volue & Permit Ihis perrntt is granted on the erpress condi.tion tlwt the said.consttuetion "inotf, tn all r'"espects, confcrnt to the 1rdirnnce adop-ted 6y the lita 2tipil"gii.nla' inclLding'the 1oning crdinanc-e' negulatiltg .the c?1st/a:t!-t:.,- i,l u-u-n of buildings, utd miy be suspended or reuokeC at cny tume upon oLc- lation of dLA prcoisions of said Ordir,ances. -- Fees -- Value TOTAL VALUE x Main *Signed: s.D.c. 1.5 a PLan Date Paid: !. Building PemrLt Total Clnrgea Sfate Plumbing Permit No pez,son stwll construct, install,- altet or elange,any n'ed-c? exi'sting ili*lrrg o, d.rainage systan in uhale o,r in part, unless such person is the iegal p"osses"o, oT"o rtZlid plrrbnr's Lic-ens-b, etcept tlnt a petson may Qo ptiiOrhg uork to property ilrt"h i" otmed' Leased o* operated by the 6ppli- cant. CHAEGEFEE Sani Seuer FLEh.ues Reaidzntial (1 bath) PLumblng ve?niLT State 1 Electricql Permit vhe?e state Lan requires tlnt the electtical uork be done by an Eleetrical Cont?actor,, the elicty,Lcal poz,tion of th1:s permit slnll not be oaLiC until the l.abel las besn sigmed by the Electtical Contractor' ,+?otaL Nau/Estend Circuits Setttice -- ENCROACEMENT -- NC.F9E CEARCE State Mechq nicol Permit l.lcodstooe Vent Eat Eshanst Hood. BTUIS Pernn t fssuorce MeclnnicaL Per'trit Sea,n'Ltu Deposit Storage Maintenance C\ubeut Sida,talk ?ence Eleetz,ical Ia.bel Mobile Hone PLan Ecaniner Date ,( f HAW CAREEULLY EXA)LINED tle conpleted application for permit' and do hereby certify that aLL 'Ltiforrnati,on hereon is ttae and eorcect, aruC f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork performed slnll be da'ne i-n accot'- dance "rith the ordinances of the city of Springfield' and the Lc:,;s of the State of 0regcn pertaining to the wtk Cescribed herein, end tlut N0 OCCU- pANCy till bZ naZe of any structure uithout permission of_ the Building N- tsision. I fu?the? c-erti,-fy that only contt'actors and enplcyees dho are in conpliance dith CRS 701.05s uiLL be used on thie proiect Total TOTAL AI4OUII? DUE: *15 ?5 Date Z-o