HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-07-07" RESIDEr.lTlAL" APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-3? 53 Job Iocaticn: Aesessors I'!ap #,3 SPFIINGFIEI.D Subditsision: A,mer: Nea Additicn RemoCel Date of App Licaticn Genet aL ?cs lot # zip: /l-nc \ I \\ (/) Addres altv Date-r VaLue # Phone: ' Eleetrical I ueclwn:ical I Corcjyetton_Ierui9!_ It ie the tespono.ibility of the penrit loldet to aee that aLL inspec_tions oe nade at the prope! time' thdt eaeh addtees is rea)nhie ftran the at?e'et, ard, tltat the pe?nrit ea.ld i.e- Located qt -!h-e. ftqnt of the -property.iauildins Dioisiot appro"*ed pLan sltall remain on tle Building sttc at aLL times. PROCSDIJPE FOR TNSPEC?IOII R,OUEST :CA iefu;;t;A-ana u?cn gou uiLL be readY ,.viLL be made the sane dcy' ?eqkstg LL 726-3769 (teeorder) state your City for inspection,Cont?dcto?s ot A,mers ru,nber, iob aL&ess, type of inspec=icn n:*nbet,, Peques'ts receixed befcte 7:00 ct , Cesignated job nane cnd pitone . mcde aftet, 7:00 an urLLL be nade the ne.ct t'tot:kirq daE 70sy7Iour Ci Desigr.ated Job Nutnber fs: gITE INSPICTION: eicaoatl;; but forns To be made after prLor tc set up of IJNDERSLAB PLI.]|,{BING. ELECTRT C,1L & lrECHrl-ilICAL: To be made before any Gk-liiotsered. requ'lred oapor bmrie?a @e in Place bui belore ary Lath, WPsun boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, utd before otu insulation is concealed."rl DRYWALL INSPECIfON: lc be made ifie"in@uatTts in place' but prior to anY taPing. I"IASONRI: Steel Location, bond Aiffi, g?outi,ng or oeYti-eals in a"corddee tnLth U.B.C- Seetion 247 5. WOODSTOVE: @r,pT;t;d, After installation is DEI.IOLTTIA!,] OR tsUILDii:CS Sanilaty seser capped tt ptoperfii Line Septic tank p-"nped atd filled tsith gta;sei li-nal - h4ten obctse it.ens are ccnpleted otd uhen Cqolition i,s eotplete o" stntc- ture moueC atl, pterrLses cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocking otd set-uP Plunbing eonnections -- sarer od' uatet Electt'ical Ccnnection' Blockittg, tet-u' -ai plunbinq eonneetions m;st be apprctei iefoie requ-esting eleclrLcal inspee:iotz Accessory Bui-lding PCOTING ,1 FOUNDATICN: ?O bE TTACE after trenches are and fotns ote erected' but Prioz' to pout"tr,g ccnereta. deckirg CURB & APPRCACH AP.DAN: After forns d,e e;;;T;76tV;lot' to PourLns conerete. SIDEHALK & DRIIEILAY: For aLL con- ."ete palfi-;l;fri aDteet t'ighx- of-twa', to be ma.Ce after aLL ecea- oatino canplete & fora wnk & sub' bas e'rnaterLal in Plaee. X f uvlencnout:o pLuMDrwc. ssw,En' w,qT!-I't I DRATNAGE: To be nade prlor to JLL- Lirq trenchee. 7 mow,rr,oon pr,u.nmc a utc:!4_ntc,tr't -L) To be natie prior to LnstaLLatlofi of floot insuT;ation or decking. 'these inspections haoe been nade and. approt;ed.Ei-tnl - Aftet etc. are comP pcrekes, skirtirq, decks, Leted.ETPEPLACE: matez'LaLs Pz"Lor to plccirq facing anl befote franing inePee- tion. I <21 ,*rrnY Must be requested after tXl 6Ar"L of rough plttnbi.ng, eleetri- f ,iit & nec?nnical. ALt t'oofing bracing E chinmeYs, etc. tntst be ..cornpleted. lto wrk is to be con- - ce;Led until this i,nsPection lns 'been nnde anC apProoed. IENCE: h4ten eonPlete '- ProuiCe j&6i or nottabLi seetions tlu'ough P.U.E. - -- ALL proiect eonditions, sucy'' ae the instaLlation of stz'eet t:e-e-:' eon'oletion of tie required Landsccpinglltol., i"t Ue "otfall,f,la-A,if":ritn" BUILDIN:G EriAr' can be tequested' FrNAL BUTLDTN|: The Einal Building rnspeetion mtet be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing ilZi"li"i''ia u"i"iriiii n"p"itit"s't14.,e been made atd approted' 6I l l )v1 FItrNL PLUMBIIIC FINAL ACCHAilICAL FINAL ELEC'TRICAL ,ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE IT'4DE I'T IIO CCST TO CI?Y Pegelof2l I ,P CL To V posr AND BEAM: To be na.de prLor to nI I 6;t;TTAhn of floot' iraulation or L I tr Lot Faces - 3 soLAR AC^ESS REQ.- Zone: d Sourees JOB NO.L-CO BeC-roons: Setbacks lleat Df House Caraqe Access Water lledte" North [ldnce East FirepLace Sot;th Wooaotou^e # of Stories ?otal lleight Iopogtaphy LCT TWE _ Intepic" Cor,fler Panhand.Le CUL-de-sae Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Couerage West -- Fees -- ITEi X Va Building Volue & Permit This perrnit is granted on the erpress eondition tlwt the said eonsttwctionslnll, i.n all respects, conform to the Crdinance adopted \iy the City ofSptingfield, including the Zoning Cydinanee, regulating thb ccnstrubticnotl .use of buildi,ngs, otd mey be suspend.ed or reuokeC at "ng time upon oic-Lation of anA prcuisions of said Ordinances.A TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t r -0-1/ Building Perrrrtt ot) PLan State -,.-)Fn* a D--' ) Iotal Clnrges I NO FEE CHARGE Fictutes Plumbing Permit N9 pereon shall eonsttaet, instal'!.., alter or cttonge cna nea cr existinc 7lunliw o, drainage sys,te-n in ulnle or in part, "unles"s such person- i."" thnLegal .possessor of a oalid pLumbet,,s License, etcept tlnt a pbrson nay doplwabing uork to p?ope?tA ihich is oumed, Leased o, ope,atea'ry tnn "ppti_cant. Resi.denti^a.L (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perrrtt 7/l/ 1K)tt Res. So, Jta. lleo/Ectetd Circuits Iaipcr@y Sem:iee C]!ARCE F.tg,nzee PTUTS bhanst HooC llcodstote Receipt #: Signed L Electricol Permit were state Lan requires th,at the electrical uopk be done bu an Electz.icalcont?acto?' the eleetnical portion of this petnit srwll not be ualil. untilthe Label las been signed ly ttte tleb*ical' Conttacto?, Mechqnicql Permit 1) IrcM Veat Ean Seeitrt Per*;rit SLAeDaLk Mobile ltonze Total Permit Issuanee Mec?nnical pemmt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- L Chat oes tn Ddte f ilAW CAREFULLY EXLAIyE| the eotnpleted. application foz, permit, and doPr1?v certifs- that aLL infomatibn h.i.oi is truL'a|lc' .zl"i"i, *re tfut thez, -eentify that anA ard aLL uork pet,fonned. shall be done in accor_danee wtth the ordinenczs of the cl.ta Lf bpni-ngyi.Jil "a-ti" Lo;s of ther |t:_tn* of.-!r9eon pez,taining t" tin-iit-'Cese,ibcd. het,ein, cnd. tlut No occu_PANC, vtll be nace of any stt'uetw'e uithout pernission -o7 tt n Buitd.ing Di-tsision. f furthen eb*iiy_ that -onLy eonttactoys oid enplayees uho are incanpliance uith 1RS ?01.bss uiLL be used on thie i"i,i"it -"--- ) r- -ti'AL tti)ittl' DDi: "q?,8 7 t. (.8 Tuce 5 IIU.Itn 0-7-y I 1 7 /\(J sfu frzLrr ri*MFA\ *-,h;"a ( ft/,tttr C F ER U I f : /*trg'*n .* r ./); /Jffi Ph/n34,*,,7 ,,.'Ji<*,,tr ,.,- '-:5 F/ xat {-'^z-'" - , );', 'J; I /Jl ,,/ffi): ltaeeirrtit #+ijr P*Pp :': : , -j I iISPECT I OII 7?5-37 69 ERMIT R TIc0MBIIIATION APPLI I . _.1 L 7?-Jl)J ( Lega'l Description Job Address Hea Ranoe EIIERGY SOURCES l,Jater Heater Val ue of l.lork . Ft9. Access . Ftq. 0ther A.dd_Al ter. G;:- ce_Demo_Cha nge/ Use So ca Sq _llew Fen -oth Ftq. l.iain rk i e UB I ng enqP' Res t'u ne rnl 'I a m1c di ceen ili,l Attached DescPhone Owner .\dd re s s Constructi on Lender .\ddre s s Phone n ante add S truc tura I is. n b'Zr9C 87Electrical. C. €t-ec7z/<-r5- llechanical CONTRACTORS n anre addres s )lics. no.)€xpi res )phone no. ) <,2.€ZI ectri ca l l*rec ha n i PLUTlB I NG ELECTR I CAL Each sing)e fixture Residence of SQ. FT furnace/burner to BTL'' s Relocated buildinq (new fix. additiona) ) e/'New ci rcui ts al tsor extensions Fl oor furnace and vent s.F dence SERV I CES Recessed wal I Duplex (l bath) each Additional bath Temporary Constructi gn Apol iance vent [,]ater servi ce Chan i n ex'i sti ng tati onary evap Sewer mul t i fami y , comrn. or d ent fan r.ri th S torm r Vent systern apart r0m jhea c0r4r.!./IND. FEEDERS illechan i ca exhaust Instal I /al ter/rel ocate liood stove/heater amp s.0f ISSUANCE OF PFRIlIT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES I,'HERE STATE L.TIi sha l I not be va] .i .l REQUIRES that the Electrical wountil the Iabel has been signed rk be done by an Electrical Con by an Electrical Suoervisor and tractor, the electrical portion of this oermitreturned to the Building Division S I GiIATUREIlAl.lE(please p.:nil &QJ aZr fy 0reoo he Bu HA Y E xAll EDN het e ad tca ncompp !')rfo Derm t na dod rehe cebv rt hat at o rrnanfi t no nhereo s trundarrectdanfu rth cer ert t tha a nd a l^/Ofyany f)rk r fo rmee d has be done acn rdc0 an t theh rd0 na n fceso eth CDTnficfoeandthdsLdeofwsStheteLdfornnDCtantothekworgrdescbheedrendanhatNCtOCCUPAI,t.J ICY mabe ty deaotrucwlrethsoutLheSerminytfps00nDsonnqfuthrrertchattsttranthfym.y req i the Bu der Srd0afsnUforcndaftfecsareredORSclu7n1550athtbyetbasforshexemDtXCMDetnotednoreonhetha tnosuobcrantvrsctondaSernpawhorecomsnoyeeceanthwl70t?s n 05 5 be sedu no th ecn ro.j /const. units so. Fto. l4ain x val x Load Occ.y Gro .0ther Sq up Sq. FtSSto ri es Zone Bed rooms Flood Plain F'i re Zo Va1 ue_ Val ue Ftg. Access x. an Comm/ I ve 5q.rqe Svs Lna S 1 opnrentBUILDING PERI,lIT Charges anC S u rcha rges an td Res Per F FencePLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surc ha rges Demo SidewalkELECTRICAL PERI,:IT Charoes and Surcha rges A/C Pavi ng Total Cornb. I'ermi t Curb Cut I,IECHANICAL PERI.IIT Charges and Su rc ha ree s TOTAL \ N \{ Iil Prima Gen MECHAN I CAL La-' ltn FFI auADCr trtrF >.4 Sn:ce hpaton :nd \,6ht se0a rate v of 26 anps.v5l di ctri h fpcdpr< and ToTAL VALUATI0N_ 55"//R1do Por Foo *{JVz.7a COI1BINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Description1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43?. grample- Lot 1. Block 3, Znd Addition to SpiTnEFietd EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATION 1. examoie- heat/electrical ce.ilino/oz. examole- waterheater/electrical/or Square T6iiage or va i uarion;-E;- r forced air qas E sol ar II. 1. eltqole- 1250 sq. foot house, IqQ sq. foot garage2. example-: lT-iew project, ctrect<-new - if aaOition, EIEEr<-Tod. etc.F. Building permit .information.: l. example - construct singie family house with anattached garage2. e1a4p)e - remodel existing garage into fam.ily room3. exaffilE'- convert single iaiily"resiaence into - res#urant (change of"use)G. Value of rvork as defined in Section 303 (a) of theStructural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAI,I AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, BuildingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriitepersons.regarding des.ign information or job sitecorrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, l,lechan.ical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Lxcept where blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules,the appl icant need fi I l-in oniy the No. Boxes aOjiient_ to the appropriate item(s) to be installedB. Full Plumbing, Ilechanical, and Electrical Schedulesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on the permit form the scheduleshave been abbrev.iated2. If the item(s) to be instajled are not covered onthe abbreviated schedules you should consuit theful I schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF IlIILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAp, the label must be del.ivered to theelectrical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The generai contractor ii not authorizedto sign the electrical label Appl icant to si-on and date Whenever possible, the .initial appl ica.tion will be used asa.worksheet only. Where possible, Bui ldihg Division Staiiwill.prepare a type written copy and returi it to theapplicant at the time the actuai permit is issued for nis s i gna ture. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans will be processed unti.l thesetees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayabie when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY b brSrl *r-11 iII IV Permi t Cl erk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder,s Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY name S ig nature te 6--r € CC