HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-11-20t " RESIDEtt 'lAL"" '="r,*oFtEr.-D APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfield' 1tegon 97477 Building Diutston ?26-37 53 Job tocaticn: Alsessorc l|r.P ll $bdivision: Address: City: N"t) Additicn Rcnot!eL Datc of APPI Ceneral P lurnb 1 nica ccCL.a Describe llot'k: VaLue Date: ) ?cz lot ll Phone IU c El-ec ! r ]cianStrpe at the proPer tine' that ecch c'ddress is rea1abie , fron thetBuilding resoonsibility of the penit ho.l'd.er atniet, anl, thdt the.Pernrit carct 1'8- tii7"io" approv'ed plan stu:Ll nemain that aLL inoPections ate nade at the frcnt of the--PrcPePtY' Building Sitc at aLL tLmes' It ie the forne. srTs INSTEC?{)N.: ezcavatlon, cuc be rmde aftet' ' tc set uP of pLccirq froning inspee- to aee Located on thz 26-37 69 (tecordet') state Your CitY Cesigna nctne andinspection'Conttactors oP Asners aftet ?:00 on uLLL be nnde the nctt :ankittg lott* City Decigr.ated Job tlunber Ia:' be npCe required oaPot' but before anY rnll cooering ory insulation ted job nw:ber, iob a&i-reas, tYPe of tnsPeelicn plone ' day- ntnbcr. Eequests receir;ed befcre ?:00 ct "?a,,i'siLL be nade the sone dcy, tequests ncde ?o, prtar UNDERSI'AB PLUt'tBItlC, E\E1\RI-.AL E iEEfriilliT: to be nade before anY uopk is couefed- npCe and to No to these inspecli.ons harse been nade ard aPProted' h.ior to facing ttr 'iooi ;"u"t"tion ot' decking' '#W;rT'r.Z1fi:"**Zin deckittg. wffi,T1;:"Xo: but Pniot to anY ta?Lng' MASONRI: Steel Tocation' bond'iffi7q*rting or oerticals in ;;;;e;"" vith u'a'c' section 241s. WOODSTO'/E: Aftet installation is ""rrrpcTa, W*###;,!b!,i,iuli*" concrete. '#WW;",f,""i'"-!'1nT{--"^'iii"'.'7o'be ^ade after aLL exea- itl-tT"Z'.iP1ntn a 7o*- .,,*k & sub- fuse lntertal in Puce' to tr 71 pt:t*uct, | | ncterials tr PRAt:Iltc: l'lust be requested afler ti;"";i ; f ;;";i plir'bins' -.e L ec tt'i- Ziit' 1- io"t"icai.' At1- toofins .-irJra"i*l c chinmcYs, etc' trust be iiuira. ilo u-crk is to be con--inii"a unttl this insPectton laa 'been nade anC aPProved' and before tion. FIIIAL PLUilBTIIG FI IIAL I,IECIIANICAT, as bhe i.nstallation of s +-reet trees, co:ry tction of the ctc., mtg t be satisficd before II.,E BUILDINC FINAL can be requea ted.such FINAL BUILDINC:Ihe Fina ALL proiect condttions required LandsecPtng' Electrical,dflf Meehanica L Building rnapection ttwst be requected-aftet the Final Plwnbing 7;;;;;;:r.;i-'touo been nnde atd aPProuen' ;10sOR Srrrrrlary aaset eapped 2t PtoPc?t! !!"," . ,' 1rr.r'l.tllrtl h-''t'Idt"''hl i'''r;i't "' Septie tork p"u;ped ard filled vith gnnel pinal - l{hen abte itens are ccnpleted "l'f,inn" Cqnlition is canplete- or atftl- l"]" i""i ",,a Premises cleanec uP' Blocking od Set'ttP Ptwbing connections " aater atd' oa'er Electrical Comection - Dlockittg' ""t--!!, 2"7 iti-ai"g eannections rrust be dpp?ct;zd ii|in, tequ-eating eleclrtcaf inspeclio:t AeeeseonY Building akirting, decks,Final - Aftet Pcnehes' ete. are conPleted' Pnge 1 of 't [t FIIIAL ELECTRICAL .At,r, I.tANiler,ES ANI) CLTIANOUTC IIIIST NIi ACCESSTBLII'AD,IUST!ISIl!TO sE t[iDE /-T lto cgsr r0 cITv 40 1 tl T l-'l rtftet: l'then conplete -- ProviCe 'l) s"- -on ^o'obl"'Z'"'"i;onu- tit'ougb nP.U.E. T L-CO G* JOB NO. tat Faces - L. th 7 of Lot Cooenage TPT IYPE _ Interior Corner Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Total lleight TopogtaPhY ! of Stories xFTGITEM TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x FEE CHARCE Fi-rtwee Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani Pl.unbing Pernit 1 State N0. Nau/Efiend Cireuits Sentice FSE khanet llood, Vent F@t llcodstooe Secari Pcnnit Curbcu Sidasalk llobile llome oLAR ACCESS REQ'- Bedroons:t: -- Fees -- ltea Date Pa'!.d: ll: Signed: Mechqnicql Permit Buitding Vcllue & Permit This permit fa grlnte; on the expreas cond.ition ttat the said'constntction atalt, in atl reepecti,"'*;;;;i;-lie ondiince adopted t)v the cilv of sprinsfield, inctudin)' tiZ"tilii"i" "'ai""ii.'' 'Li"Lct'ins .th-e ccnstt'tt"-l:":.,^ and uae of buildings,'*.i^zly't""sucpended on reuokec at cny t1.me uPon ulc- lation of any prooiaione of said ordlnances' Building Pernit Stdte ?otal Clta"geg Total Pet'nrit fssuanee llechanical Pernrit taL I I ,l * ^ Plumbing Perrnit No person alall construct, i'ns!all,- altet or clunge 6ny ned -cr existing plunbittg ot, drainage "i-"th- il-it-ie or in part, -urleei such person is the Lesal posaessor of " ir1"'ti1"pi*rAJrlZ 1i""""L, &cept tltat a pbtso.n na'g 4o plunbins uonk to p"rp"iii""inl;;-;'";;"4; lZ""na or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit I{hereStateLa,trequirestt^attheelectricaloorkbedonebyanElectrical cont"acto?, the eLectrli"ti"rlii"- "|- th.is -permit atall rot be oalic until the tabel -lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor' PLan Ezantner I ttAw CAREFULLY ,XANINED the canpleted applicatrbn for permit, and do tni:"bi iertifV that aLL information hereoi ie tnue and correct, and I irli""n centiTa that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned shall be done in accor- inoe- ttith thle- OrdinancZe of the CitA bf Springficld, anC th_e IanB of tha. State of Oregon pertainLng to the !,'nk Ceacribod herain, ctd !ta, tla OCCU' penil kfi- iZ *i of any- etructure uithout permisaion of the suitding Di' uision. I further cettif.g thaL only contractofs atld qlplayeea ulto ate L,t cor,tpliance'u;tn CAS ?01 .OSS uiLL be uaed on thie proiact TOTIL ANOUN? DUE:'&(!#tc WE-