HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-01-120ll09/98 1{:00 t}503 726 3689 SPFD DEV. SER @ oot RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspectlons: 726.3789 Olllco:726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOFIK: SPRINGFIELTf Rooa{ qfi, JOB I'IUMBER 225 Firlh St,eet Sprlng lleld, Oregon 97 477 I Y tq h^odoc ASSESSOFS MAP:l-)33 b2>ol7trc [oT: I BLOCK: TAX LOI: SUBDIVISION: . r. Ca<o I (be. o(.STATEI PHONE: S ZlPi I \n lnaAo c_ADORESS: OWNER: CITY; NEW- REMODEL AODITION OEMOLISI-I OTI-IER ,.rt.l\J q,)-t- COESCBIBE WORK: AODRESS ILI,.ELECTRICAL: coNcoN ..t lo uMECHANICAL:l'Y\a r., ha t [3 t C.5 EXPIRES O PHONECONTFACTOR,S NAME PLIJMEING: 1L{ -t - lvur ST. TFIACTOR , - OFFICE USE - , OF BDRMS: LAND ,oF QUAD AREr'\: , OF BLOGS: SECONOARY HEAT: SOUARE FOOTAGE:WATER HEATEFI: OCCY GROUP: I OF STORIES: ZONING COOE: -- FLOOD PLAIN: To roquost an lnspecllon, you must call 72&3709.All lnspectlons requesled belore 7:00 a.m. wlil be mado lho oamo worklng clay. lngpectlons roqussled lre lol owl n9 wo rk day. REQUIRE [-l Temporary Eloctrlcl-J n Rough Mochanlcal -'cover. Flnal Plu mb ln I When all plumbln 0 work ls com p lel.o. E Slto lnspoctlon - To be made aller excavallon, but prlo, to setttng lorms. l---l nough Electrlcal - Prlor tol-J covor-tl Flnal Eloclrlcal - When atloleclrlcal work ls complete. E Undarelab Ptumblngt Eloclrlcal/ Mechonlcal - Prlor lo cover.t]Eleclrlcal Servlco - Must be approvod to obtaln permanonl olectrlcal power. lnsl Mebhanlcol - When all mechanlcal work ls oomplole l--l Footlng - After tronchss areu gxcavaled, l--l Maeonry - Stoot tocatlon. bondu beams, groutlng, Flroplaco - Prlor to facln0 materlals and lramlng lnsp Flnal Buildlng - When all requlrad lngpectlons have Ssgn approved and bulldlng le comploted. tl Fdundalton - Atrir 'orms are orocled but prlor to concrele placomonl. ff Framlne - Prlor to cover. l--l Wattrcolttng tneulalton - prlor toE- coveL f--l orhsr- f--] Undenground Plumblng - Prtort-t rr-ffffris r*"dn. '--- I I orfwall - Prtor lo laplng. E tl tl Undrctloor Plumblngl Mechanlcal -.Prlor lo lnsulatlon or declrlng. MOBILE HOME INSPE TTNS Wood Slovo - Artor lnstallatlon. Pogl ond Bcom - Prlor to ,loor lnsulatlon or docklng,lnsorl - Altor llreplace approvll and lnslallatlon of unlt. [--] Alocking and Sot.Up - When ailu blockln3 ls complote, Floor ln6ulatlon - Prlor to decklng.Curbcut & Approsclr - Alter lorms are crocted but prlo, loplacoment of concrele. fl Plumblng Con6s61;s65 - When horne hes been connected to walor and gewer, Sanllary Sewer -. Prlor lo flillng trench. Slorm Sower - Ptlot to lllllng lrench- Sldowalk & Drlvewsy - Alrsr oxcava(lon ls complete, lorms and sub-bage malerlal ln place. Eleclrlcal Connecllon - When blocklng, set-up, and plumblng lnspectlons have been approysd and th€ home ls conn6cled lothe servlce panel, l--l Water Llno - Prlor to flillngu Ironch. F-l Rough Plumbtng - Pdor tolJ cover. Fenco - When conrplolod, Slroot Tr€os - Whcn all requlred lreos are planted. [--l Flnat - After atl requtrbdlJ lnspecllons are approvod andporches, sklrtlng, decks. a^dventlng have boen lnstalled. n I I I q) v 77 GENERAI.: 01/09/98 14:00 ?}503 I 3689 SFFD DEV. SER @ooz Lot lacos Lot sq. trg. Lol covelage Topography Total helOht Lor Typo _- lnterlor -- Corngr - Panhandte I - Cul.de-sac PL,HSE GAR ACC N S E .. IS THE.PROPOSEO WOFIK }N THE . HISTOFICAL OISTRIST, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTE R? l, y6s, l,r,s appllcallon mu6t be slgnedand approved by lhe Hletorlcat Cooydlnalor prlor lo pelmll lssuance. APPBOVED: VALUE (A) BUILDING PERiJiIT SQ. FI X $/SO. FT.,TEM Maln Garage Carporl Tolal Value Bulldlng Permlt Foe State Surcharge Tolal Feo I hls pormll is granted on lhe oxpress condlllon that tho Baldconstructlon Shall, ln all respecls, COnlorm to the Oidlnanceadopled by the Clty . e1 Sprtnglteld, lncludlng lheDevel6p6snl Code, reguiailng the conslruetlon anOi6e ofbulldlngs, and may be suspended or rovokod al any ilmeupon vlolallon ol 66y provlslong ol said ordlnances, Plan Check Foe: Plsns Ilevlewsd By Oato Flocelpt Numbe BUILD' AND B G CH ECAN K U L D N PG IT Date Pald Focelved B1t SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (8) Sysl€m5 Oevelopmont Charge ls dua on all und€voloped properllos wlthln the Clty llmlts whlch are belng lmproved. ITEM Flxlurss Resldonllal Bath(s) SEnllary Sowor Wal€r Slorm Sower Moblte Home FEE (c) FT. PLUMBING PERMIT Plumblng Permlt Stato Surchaige Tolal chargo . FT, ADDITIONAL COMM ENTS Lg By slgnature, I stale and agrse, thal I have carelully oxamlnod lho completed appllcarlon and db hereby cerilly lhat atl lnformallon hereon ls truo and corisct, and I lurlhet coillly lhat any and all work perlormed ohall be done ln accordance wlth the Ordlnances ot tho Olty of Sprlngfleld, and the Laws o, the Stat6 ol oregon.perlalnlng lo lhe work doscrlbed hcreln, and rhal NO OCCUPANCi wlll be made of any structure wllhout permlsslon of lhe Bulldlng Sat€ty otvlston. I lurthqr certlly that only conlraelor8 and employees who aro In compllanco wlth ORS 7Ol.O55 wlll be used on thls pro,ect. I furthor aoroo lo ensuro that all roqulrod lnspecllone are roquastod al th€ propor tlme, lhat each address le readable trom lhe slreol. that the permlt card ls located at lhs tront of the property, and th6 approved sel ol plans wlll rernaln Slgnature Dats on the glte at al durln0 conslrucllon. Wood Stove/lnsort/FlrBplace Un,t Dryor V€nt MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Moblle Home Stale lssuancs slate surcharoe Sldewalk - lt Curbcul . - lt Oemollllon slalo surchargo Tolal Mlecellanoous Pormlls (E) t0, State Surchar so + O ,0" Z 6 ,7€+.'/{ #au.e 4 Nr b ts, 've4l Fen Totrl P€rmll (o) Mochanlcal Permlt lgguancs MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood TOTAL AMOUNT OUE (oxcludlng electrlcat) (A, 8,cr q and E Combln€d) >g++7 l-r)-1q .+(t^-> AMOUNT RECEIVED NECEIVED BY DATE PAID VALtonrloru: FIECEIPT NUMBER N' FT. -llqq *-#