HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-01-15Receipt #lo?6?..REsIDENTIAL.. ' APPLIL I)N/PERI/ffI 225 North |th Street Sprtngfield" 1regon 9747? BuildLng DLtsision 7 26-37 53 ElectricaL SPHINGFIEI.D- Vd - o)<- -8K o ) \ K- -l Job Locaticn:<. Aosessoz,s Map # I o3 ooc)?as Iat # O Sttbdiuision: { r,nn M; L lonA.mer: l3'1 3 Ho.>o.-1zt- uzz1Address:Phone: SPa, NG FrsLp zip: q1+11citg: S.+"- Rff*- l-rs-3Y NeD VaLueDate of Desct Lbe Wonk: Additicn Renodel l4eclwnieal Sanitarg saser capped at properfu Lit:,e Septic tork y,r,ped ail fi.Lled rrith gra:;el Final - t{hen abcue itene are ecnpleted arid uhen d.qroliti.on is canplete', o" st?uc- tuye motsed and. ptznrtses cleaneC up. ( Le llcmes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing connecti,ona -- eane? ord uatet Electrical Comection - Blocking, set-up anl plwnbing conneetione rntst be apprctted before requesting eleclrLcal inspeeti,ott Aceessoty Building j pcrches, skirting, deela, Leted. Firal - After etc. a"e comp Page 1 of 2 It io the nespon*ibil,ity of tlc penrtt holda to aee that all inspeetiotts ate nade at the ptope" time, th.at each addtees is teq)abie ftlan tlu street, atd that the penrit catd, ie Located at the frcnt of the wopetfil.1-aii.tdi"s-ii;7;:i.; "pir;;.i ptli in"t11.^"i"-;h* Eiiii,,b'-sliiiLt-'itt'l:Li,;:'' l PRocEDUpE=FoR INSpEC?fot qgqWSrrCALL 726-3769(t,ecotdet) state yout, City desi.gnated. job ntotbet,, job a,dtess, type of i.tzspeeticn requested and uhen you wiLL be ready for inspection, Contraeto?s or A,rners nane and plnne mlnbet. Requests receited befcre 7:00 a:t'*iLL be np.de the sone dcg, requests made after ?:00 6n ttLLL be nade the neat rnrking day. SITE INSPECTION: lo be made aftere4;aoatl;;;Et prior tc set ip of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHAilICAL: To be made befoz,e any wotk is cotlered. E)OTING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be naCe 4t;i t!ffies a"e escaated and. fotms ate erected, but ptior to pout'tng ccncreta. )t, UNDERGPOUIID PLUMEING, SEWR, W.ATER,p!f,lllQt: To be maCe priot, to fil- @-f,-rench.ee. AIDERFLOOR PLUT4BING & MECIIANICAL,of floon ineu?,a,tion or deeking. POST AND BEA!4: ?o be made prLor to ffiffiatlan-of floor insulation or deckittg. ROUGE PLA4BII'IG, ELECTRICAL & MECE:- ANfCAL: No uork is to be cotseted .wttiL these inspecti,ons lnoe been made and. approoed.. EfPEPLACE: PrLor to plaeirq facingmatet"ials and before franing inepec- tion. IAUQI\C: lttust be requested. after appz,ouat of tough ptinbing, ilectr"i-cal & neclnnieal. ALt toofing bracLng & ehintnegs, ete. rrust be , eonpleted. Ito wrk is to be con- . cecled until this i.nspeeti,on haa I been mad,e anC approoed. .? \i-llo You" CitA Desigtated Job Nwrber fs: INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTTON: To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn and. required oapor borie?a @e in pLaee but before ang l.a.th, Wpsutn boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, and befone oty insul,ation is concealed. DRYTIALL fNSPECIfON: Tc be made @erdT@dTt e in p't-a.ce, but prior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Loeati.on, bondGdilg"outing or oerticals in accordove uLth A.B.C. Section 241 5. Vo)DSTO|.E: entpT;iA. After installation ie DEI.IOLTTTAII OR !,IOWD BUILDIIICS CURB & APPRCACH APPIN: ee ereeteC but priot, After fornsto pourirq FTIIAL PLUUNING FINAL MECITANICAL conctete. SfDgilALK & DR|VEIAY: Eor aLL con- cr,;te pA@ffi street fight- ef-tnA" to be made after all ecca- oating canplete & forn LWk & sltb- base rmterLal in place. YENCE: When conplete -- ProuiCe gatee or mooable aect'ions through P.U.E. ALL projeet eonditione, such as the installation of stl,eet trees' co,npletion of tie tequired Landsccpirg, etc., mtat be eatisfied before the BUfLDING FINAL can be requeeted. PINAL Bl,ELDfNc: The Fi.nal Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plumbing \J Eleetrical, and Meclnntcal rnspections h4oe been nade and approrted. FINAL ELECTRICAL ,ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?IIEN! r0 BE MADE AT N0 C1S? rc cruv Constm.et'ton Lende? tq Date: Lisc. #uontractots Ad-dtess GsnetaL - 5<<i+ tr soLAR ACCESS REQ.- *a-- JOB NO.r-coc* Setbaeks lleat House Cd?age Access.Wate? lled.te"No?th Range East lilypLaceSouthWoodstoxe West LOI tWE !v _ Inte*iot _ Cormer _ Panltandle Cul-de-eac Zone: Lot Faees - Bedroona: Sout eesLot Sq. ?tg. / cf Lot Coue?dge_ # of Stortes ?otal Height Iopogrcphy I?EM FTG x TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 d Date Paid Receipt #: This pernn t ia granted on the er?r,ees eondition ttnt the said consttactiottsltall, in all nespeets, confortn to the hdinqrce adopted tiy the City ofSpryngfield, including the Zoning Cydinanee, regulating thZ ccnstrubtibn and. .use of buildi.ngs, urd may be suspended ot, ieuokeC Zt "-y tine upon oic-Lation of attA prcuisione of baid Otdinances. * Building Volue & Permit Bui,Lding PerftLt ?otal Clarges State Signed NEM N0.CEARGE Fictutes Resid.znti.a.L (1 bath) Saner Igo do 3t@ Plumbing Permit No- person shall cqnstruct, install, alter ot chattge dnA nea cr eristing glutnb_in9 or drainage saste.!1 in ulnle or in patt, utes-s such pereon is- tlpLegal.poseessoz, of a oalid plumber,s Li,ceneb, eceept that a pZrson naA doplurnbing uork to prope"tA uhich is oaned, Leased or openated ty ttrn "ppli-cant. Plunbing Penrit State &oe lbe { l$ 5o' add-rf;;n-^f /obt o"- F&f-4,) Na,t/Ertend. Circuits Seruiee Electricol Permit where state Lan reEtiyes tlat the electrical uork be done by im Electricalcontractor, the eleetrleal portion of this permit etull not- be oalic uyttilthe Label hae been signed by the Electrical- Contyactor. 'u State NC.FEE CIIARCE Ezhanet Hood Vent Fdt Ilcodstooe PermLt fesuanez Mechanieel Perqrtt 4 Mechonicql Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sec,u,i Pezmit Czobcut Sida,talk Mobile Horne TO?AL AMOUNT DI,JE:*fJ/ @ r HAw 1AREFULLY ExAilTNED the eonpleted application for pernit, and dohereby cettif-y, that atl info,nnatibn hereoi i.e ttae ohi "Zio""t, o*a tfurtket'-cet'tify that ang ard. aLL wrk pez,fonted shall be ilone zn acco?-dance urLth the 2z'dinuob.s of the city bf 'spmngfieii, irra tan La;s of the* s_tat-e of q"gson p_ertaining to the wik cesZtibZa lrniLl.i, *ri- tt-t No occa-PANcy trill be rmd.e of anp straetule rvtthout pennieeion by tnn tuitding Di.-oisio-n-. r fw'ther eertily that only eontrac'to,s aa anptcye.s uho a?e ineanpliance uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be-ueed on thie g,ojeeit Iotal /-6d uate Signed Date 4*od. Gsl tkc - PLanEcantner3- P. L. tttt II Mai-n fimacc Camant Accessoru -&^,0 E6. Xtgtage M4intenance Pence Eleetrical La.bel