HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Fence 1986-08-04.. RESIDE" " ilAL..SPIiINGFIEI.D APPLTCATION/PERITIT 225 North $th Sty,eet Sprtngfield, 2regon 9?477 Building Diuiston 726-37 53 .tob Locaticn:/3bc o Aasesso?e l,lap fl Subdiuision: Qsner: Addtess: City: /3 O Ioz Lot ll Aaaness IE Desertbe Uork: VaLue U-o/c Ne) Additicn RenoCel 7er,,rcl- CCa ,,oorrn ron, Datc of Aco Lieatian E. L[4b 1ae Date Phone: GeneraL PLwbi.ng ELectrical tleeh.ar.ic.:L Consttaetic.l Leruier !! is the. responsibility of the permit holder to see that aL! inspections ate nade at lhe pvope" tine' that ec'eh ;ddtess 'i3 v2a:a7'-; :ton the at"eet, anC tltat the pernrtt card is Located at the frant of tf,e ?to.De?tAaZuildin? Ditsi:iot acproxed pl-an shcll venain on the Builtir.ng SLtc dt aLL tines. ):!CC:r';Pi Fop iitSpZCTICil E1,'ES!:CALL726-3769(record.et) state youy City desigrnted. job runber, iob ciitess, tVTe-oj itcsoec=icn _...-:-'-^.......-l..n.^.;.....2-.no/:!]:).-:,ecrucs;ea a:ia a:zen'!ou ILLL oe "edaA ior t-tspection, Cont?ae:,"*" ,ln Oumers nane -cni;lane n;^rtbcr. P.equesls recei;;ei -ce;cte 7:93 -' :iLL be marie the sone dcy, ?eouests naie cftet, 7:00 an mLLL be naCe tite ncst:sot'kin; ia't. lcur City Desigr,a.ted Job Nunber Is Quc 53q :eo,tire,7 sl l I l l forne. u fl DE.? S L A B ? L Li.Ff !l!,_E Lt C$M4 i'9Ch.s.iliCAL: ?o be macie bejore cny ffik i" cooernd.c{fll}*}lr '.'roor.rnc , Fcu::D,1Trc!t: Tdbe nace aiti: xrenches are etcauated anl fonn;; are erected, but Priot' to pourir,g ccnetet.. U!]DXRCqOU::D PLU\NIil:. SSI,ITP, \'.ATER' DRAIIIAG|: To be nnie prior xo J't u- @-iinehes. UilDERFLOAR PLUIEING & ilEcllANICAL: . ?o be maie p|icr to insxallatlon o!' floon insulction or decking. 1 posr AilD BEAI4: To be nade priot' to -) T;stallilcn o! fLoot' insuLation or decking. 1 POI.Iil! ?LU:BIi]C. ELEC!]?IIAL'8 ITECHS I litICAL: i;o 'Do!'k is to oc cocered--) -.. - w:til these inspeetiors have been nade and. appt'oued. 1 tnwu,ct: Prtor to plceir4 faeing ) ;;;AGG arul before ironing insPee- tion. 1 FPLv:tt:c: t'tust be requested after | 6ror"t of rough plttrrbing, electn-L- - dr1 & mecinnieai.' ALL roofing bracing E ehinmcAs, ete. rrust be . completed. llo ucnk is to be eon- . cealed until thi.s inspection las" been made anC apptooed. PIIIAL PLUIBINC FII]AL I,{ECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL @icned required oqor berie?s ane 'tn Place but before ay Lath, WPswn bcarC or rnLL covering is cclied' artd before otu insulation is ,, ,::caled. e ':'- . 1^ bnvwir.r ritsPECTro: :1c be nade di""-ill@trts in plaee, but prior to cny taPing. I,\AS1\IRY: Steel Location, bond frfiilgrouting or oerticcls in accordstce ttith U.B.C. Seetion Y9928!OYE: After installation i,s ccttrpleted. Sani,totT seser cqced :t px'opertg Lite Septic totk Pr2e<i at"ti fi LLed vi.th Sroel i Pinal - trhen abcoe itens ave ccnpleted and uircn ianclt ti-ot: is conplete or s"1-n3- ture naued ac PrerLses cleanei u2' e--a rrra--^-rarl. ffi;; b"t ?o be nade after priar tc se! up of ; :: S i,, L A? I O N / V /'.PO R E.A PP I! R I !] S?! CTI C : J,aar.1r irra'r ,'? ,,11F- ?. CUPB & APPRCACIT APP'pN: After .fonnsare ereeteC but Prior to Pourlng conerete. SIDTHALN 8 DRT',THLY: Fot aLL eon-c"e;;nffinnfi; s treet risht - of-ma-, to be rnaCe aftet aLL esea- oatina conplete & forn t'tork & sub- base inctez'Lal in Plnce. lll l ?ENCE: hhen conPlete '- Houil'e @Zi or mooable eectians through P.U.E. ALL projeet conditions, such ae the installation of atreet tree_s., conoletion of tie required Latdsccpir:g,'Lt*, i"t be satisfif,d-L,of*, the BUILDIilC FIIiAL can be tequested' F,,AL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building rnspection mtst be requestec cftet the Finzl PLwbizS A: ; ;;;;;:-' ia x " " i*r.;. iil r i pi " t1o t.E' h,ot e b e en nade a*d ap pr cts c d' e licnes Blocking otd set-uP Plunbing connections -- 8.1re? ol ucter Eleetticcl Cotnection' Bloeking, set-u: - and plur.bing cotneetions zust be a?Wca*e' befirc teqiesting elec'-rLcai inspeclio:' Aeeessori Building Pintl - After pcrckes' skirting, decl<s' etc. are cornpleled. PcVe 1 of 2.ALL I,IAI]HCLES AND IIEANOI/IS ttusr BE AccESsrBLE, ADJUS?ltlit! TO BE t]lnDE /l? EO C1ST r0 cry ,r/. T 4o. *o*6z 5=Q SOLAR AC1:ESS REQ.'r--coc* lm _ Inte?io? _ Cotne? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - Setbacks Ca?aoe /,ccessP. L,House Ito"th Fnst South West Be.iroons: Sourees iedt LAee tove ::E:.t t --F Building Vtllue & Permit This penntt is gt'anted on the etp?ess eonlition tln-t the- said-eonsttwction ifuLf', i, all rbspects, conform'to the otdinance adopted by the City o.f slp"L"bfLiti, inclluding'the 2oning ct'dinanc-e' regulctirtg the ccnstrrctlcn ira ,i"n of -buildings' and. may be suspen'ded or reuokeC at cny t;'ne upon uic' Lation of any prcoisions of said ov'dir'anees' Valucx C;!1PCa TOTAL VALUE aa-a.u.o. t.o - Duilil.nq PermLt Se.'e r ?ctc1 FEE PLan Date Paid: Reeeipt # Signed Plumbing Perrnit No De?son sLaZL constntct, inslaLi, aLter or einnge any nel cr e:istir-g plunbt-ng or drainage systen in z,shole or in pott, unless sueh person is t-i:e'Legal possessor of a uaiid plunbet"s License, esceDt th'at a Delscn na7 ic plunbing uork to plope"ty uhich is or^neC' Leased or operated. by the appii- i Electricol Permit i{nere Stcte Las reauites t'tat the electrical uork be done by en Coniracxcr, tne electrical ooz.xior: of ';itis pernit si.,c.Ll no-" be ' the Label itas been siqnei oy the Eleetticai. Con.lccxcr. -\/;-+--; n-'--,.'-n ?otal CVarces '- =fu/iecho nicql Fermit :ita.tst HooC Penit issumee Mee'nanical Pernrit lD.i I -- E;]CRCACHI,IE!]T -- intenance I'Lan ittonLne?ffi I EAW CAREFULLY |XAYTNED t?te cornpleted acplication for petmit, cnd d.chereby certify that aLL itfornation hereon is true anC ectnec;, anC. f further certife- that anA ar.l aLL uotk penfortted slnLl be done ;.n aecor- ciance tritit the Ordinances of tize City of Spr.ingfield, anC. the La:s of tt:cState of Oregon pcrtaininc to the uork Cescribcd henein, cnd tilzt i:O OCC,j- Pl.Itcy t)ill ite rrade of anq stTuetut,e uithout petmission of the suild.ino D;--uision. f furthet, certif;; thet only contraeto"s a;.;d enplcyees uho atL inconpliance Dith oRS z0L.0s: ui.LL be used on this project il,>u7,J 1.tC1t: ieualk I bile Hone E-q -YL S.co TAL A,\OUI]? DIJE:'r- gc5-Signed Date Ture :at Sq. F*- i cf lct Ca:eta?e_ ! of Stortes )otal Height !opograPhY Iotc! CLanges tT-o3- I corurtruNrrY fi toortvrDuA,, wArER suPPLY: 3 WATER SYSTEM (name): _F L flapproved I uot Approved Does Not Comply (see comments) T n F 5 Ebo Inspecti Reques tr D E es with Standards 1i Construction Bacteria Arsenic ATTACHED e4 x x fJ er,or PLAN ff rusercrroN cHECKLrsr: 1. Pump: Size Type- 2. Sanitary seal present? f,vet D*" 3. Height of weII casing above ground: 4. Is there a proper vent and screen on 5. If a spring or other surface supply, sources of pollution? ! res n *o 6. Is there a well log available? [Ves - Include with report. D*o - Indicate presence of seal material and type: 7. Is the water supply treated; i.e., chlorination or filtration? flves fl *o If yes, describe and note that same must be of raw water (before treatment) : Is the water supply located in any geographic area where the presence of the items Iisted is suspected? Check those that are present, il Arsenic fl saft flsufpnur F-l ouantitv limited.U'If any of the items above are present, have tests been conducted? fl Ves E r" well? [ ves fJ *" is it properly developed and protected from 8 Date of tests Results of tests: lattNAMI]d contained in this report signifies the condition of the wa supply I ortre. I ngent [-l nry"rAPPIJCAIITTS NAME (please print) - ApFLtCent-s SrCwAtrIne- - // DATE d at the informatiorion the date of investigation on1y. I unde Acce COMMENTS: 2 nves a ture LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUNI 125 East Eighth Avenue, Eugene, Oregon anDate o 9740L EVELOPMENT f*t- fi i,,t I !(l [: :i 1 {_1 tt l: [:5''x.i.-ll i.trrnfif'lJta ,i hl 1., tr SSSfi t^,8: H r'l T R 51/45 TL REQLIEST FOR ASSTSTANCELane County Land Management Dlvlsion 125 E. gth Ave Ptease provtde tnformatton about yourself and the property PERMIT #- Please tell us what type of asslstance you need Dlrectlons to slte from Courthouse MAIL PERMIT TO: STAFF EVALUATION lnlormatlon Request OnlY El Zonlng TRS Verllled EYes No E Allowed Use Ef Yes No: Ftoodptaln AF EIDF E= RFI-I NoneE Lot & Block Lend Management Dlv. atafl can not bc held rceponslbl. tor.velualloDs or Ecomm.ndatlona based on falsc' lnrccur.t. or lncompl.t. lnlormatlon COMMENTS / FOLLOW.UP Partltlon / Subdivlslon DAr-strfl l0lata