HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-05-12P,ceei tt.. RESIDT-ITIAL..SPFIINGFIELD 'izs Notth stt, si,to"ffPLrcATr0N/PERIET Springfi.eld, Oregon 97477 hildins Dir:ision 7 26-37 53 iacaticn: 'essors l4ap ll 0 J 33 ?cz Lot. ll dixiaion: cr Phone: Describe llol,k: O\U Itttq> t.' , -rJ/ E ,O*nr, 4 -t I ivr, {,*r,r", O 0 boo L 1 g f-y*,n,t ]-'r:o*.*', :!e of App Licaticn €:]'.:1 Vaf,ue l]c. P rionc tsiT rcticn Lewier ie :iE responsibi-Lity of-the pernrit holler to aee that alt insoectioas are nade at the ?ro?e? tin , that ecch.-;i,esa is vsaiqt^ia'1 -th.a at?eet, anc titat the _permit card, is l^xated at the ftcnt of tl,.e crocertu'Jldiry, Dtvi:iot: atprot:ed prbt sizcil venain i"-li Ei.jii;"ls' :'ii"-L.-'Jtz'ti;Z'":' ;:''r:.5 Po'?'-l'q-rrcI/'?5ct'ff?..CALL726-3769 (rccorder) stc.t.e lour city iesigra-ted. job nw;ben, job ai;-css, t17e of itcsoec;icntf ii'ta o:ic D:ieD i;ou uiii be ready fo-r ir.spcction, contrdcxc"s cln orn.-"- nc.e cr:i croine ru,nbc . peques=s '.eceixei be;-cte ?:gc cti b-: nade the'e&e dcy, requests-^oie afier z:00 en aLLL be nad,e cjte ncsx lotkinc can, ?ffi trox t,r:ataticn, but icnns. /.f.,.@ra:a u)ni ia coocred. i:]!r:;G I FJU:\D,|TICN: Io be np.Cec.ite:. ctencj.:es a?e ezcauated and;rrnu ate e?ectei, but ptiot to f;i)';?lfig CCnCtet€. ' Io be tn<ie aftetpriar tc set up of to iio uot k to be rcau'Jred uqor boriers @e in oiacebrt,be1'cre ory Lath, Wpsun bcayd, ortnLL couering is qoliea, attd. beforeoty ir,sulation is concealed. 0RyHALL i..JSt5cTfcJ: ?cafxer aLL cz,yuaiZ is inbut prior to cng taping. IrllSoil!?l: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or zserticcls in accardozce Dith U,B.C. Section Yor.t, C;ty Desigra.ted Job Nwrbet fc: ?o be all insu be nade pZace, ,. VCODSTO"IE: ccrtoLeted. b) -:.'-.> u_!ip!:?FLOC.R ?LU|EINC e HtCltANr cAL :ji oe nace pplc? to installation offloor insuktian or decking. fi!4!2--BiAt1: To be nade pr.tor to.,,i:stalLatlcn of floon insula,tion ot ae cklng. ooe t'..rg crenchee. t1a4e I'TIIAL PLUI1BINC fTUAL ME'IIA:IICAL ::1l;AL ETEE?SICAL After instaLl.ation ia uri . these inspeetiot:s haue been and, approued,. CUPB E A?PRCACU A?I,ON: Afte: formsse erecxeC bu= pt ior to pourtng&nc"ete. SfDfl,lALK 8 DRI|W.I!: For aLL con_c-rete paoitq uith-:n street riaht_of-tcy, to be naCe aften aLL Zzca_vdtl.na canolete & font uotk E sub_bse nctetial in pl,a.ce.{*::9PLICE: prior to plccira fcsinon:te-picls aruj bcfore -fronini ;i"poZ_ i!.!!!t!!c.- ttust be requeetei' aftercpptoval of rough pltmbing, eiectri_cal 6 neciLanical. ALI roofinghracing C- chimcAa, etc. trust- becitwletcd. !1o ucrk is to be con--.cealed unt.i.L thte inspecttaa ii'beea nad,e anC apprcved IEl,{9., I{hex. conplete -- fuooiCegates o? nouable sectians thnoughP.U.E. ALL pro.iect conditiona, such ae the i.natai-Lat-i9n of sareet trees, cololction of therequired Latdscqir9, ctc,' naat t" ,otiilloa u"fii""-ii'itdiiilc prltAL can be requested,. FII':AL ElJrLDrNc: The Pinat Buitd,ing. rnepection mu,,t be requested, clten the Fincl ptunbing\--l Elect*ical, orc Mectunicii iii,oz"iunt 't-rl i."i ia7 "ra aoprotsec. Sani'-ory sanet cqpei =t properfg Lirce Septic totk p-qed d, fnlleC vith Seaiei Flncl - Lhen cbcoe itens are emleceiari uhen ienclition is cmlete bn si:-r:-xtse naued. oi prenrises c/eanei up. le Ecnes Blocking and. Set-:tp Pltnbinn ccnneccions -- acLre? oi, uc1er Electrtccl Ccntection - BLoakir4, set_u.cr:i. o konb ing e cnnec t. ion s rn; s t bZ' ap>r c,::e ibe; or c rcoue stang elec:rical inspeZ':io'-- Aecessory Build-Jng Piral - Aftcr-pcrc-hes, skitting, d,ecl<s,etc. are eanpZe:ed. Page ! of 2 qllf. i;At..--i..- ett €rfr,,i'WTS tlttg?BE ACCaSSIBLE, ADJIISTIEiIT ro 3E t,.4Dt !.? ila c!s? Ta cI?y T ---a -o F. NO.tfo soLAR ACCESS REQ.-6g OceuDancy Gr( t-cocr Eea?ooras . vq. . e!. tf ;ti CatenaEe ,,,' ^!io:"ies c: Eeight ':,:fC?h! LCt rwv _ Intericr _ Corfiet _ Panhand,Le Cul-de-sac Lot Faees - D heaL Df House Caraoe tleces:; iloPth Eas t South tou-e llest sc..Frc "Y Valuc Building Vqlue & Permit This- _oermit ia granted on the eu?rteBs cond.ition tt.t the saii constn ctions_ltall, in_a-ll .nesge_c.ts, eonfctm to the Ordirance edopted biy the City o!spt'-irqfield' inclwiing lhe zoning cydinance, regulct'i.ng tttZ ccnstrrctiZnod .use of butldtngs,- ond n3y be" suspended. ot, r'euokeC Lt "ry tine upan vic-T.ation of anil prcttisions of said Ordinanees. ?CTAL \IALUE UCLi^a:_ , (- Euildinq Per:trit Stdte ?otal Clntqes Reee'lot #: Sigteri: L 13-'.rrl ;::.n:.ial (1 bct):) ,l :.::,.:r Seucr Plumbing Permit ilc certon chail ccnsttwct, insta!!, alter or change cnA nel cr e:isting p-Lwfi_tr"g cr drainaae systel in uhole or in part, inlesls sueh person is'the le_gal aossessot, of a uaTid plwnbcrts Zicense, eaceDt ti"at a o'elson nay do Xfr.O"n uork to p"oDett! uhicit is o.*nei, Leased o't, operatei by tf.e ippli- Electricol Permi t l{'ne?e Stcte Lan teouiyes t'ra,c tite electrical uork be done by an gieclriea! Contractct,, the elecsrtccl corcion af this oemtit si,alL rct be uali ur:tiithe Lasel ias been stg.r,ei by the Ilecxriccl lontrcctay.:r*it Setntiae St.te f\iiechsnicol Permit '','il * Pet*it Issuznce Necilanicz'! Pefidt -- t:tcRCA Planz L,xaninev 'lctal Ciicr.oca I EA\E CAREFULLy SXA!,IINED tle corryLeted apolication for permit, cnd do hereby certtfy that aLL irfc:r,ation hereon is tmte and. ccrrect, crd, I furthen certify that any ar"C aLL uork perfor-ned sla|,L be do::- i:i accoy- dance:,rith the Ondinences of tha City of Spr,ingfield, anl, thc Lar;6 of the Stdte of O"egcn pcrtaininc to the lurnk Ceseribcti herein, s:d tha! N0 1CC:)- P/.!lCy ttll be nad.e af ar,11 stl,,uctut,e uithout pemnission of the Suiltiing Di-uision. I further certif;1 that otly contracto"s and ezpicyees ul..o are in c*rplrance Dith 1RS 701.0s5 ui.LL be used on this project I r,,: e ila*e ,1:!)t!!* DUE:. I /s -'o ^75/s.7q/s,r5 /s.75 s ->r+ '.rl: ttlt il I I I I